My Husband Thinks I Don't Want Him Sexually, But I Do: Advice?


"So my husband doesn’t think I’m interested in him anymore because we haven’t done anything in like two weeks. But I am.

I’ve just been busy working two jobs and helping him with our three kids. He says there’s nothing I can do to change his mind, and he’ll just deal with it. What should I do?"

RELATED QUESTION: I feel like my husband and I are growing apart: Advice?


“Sounds like shifting blame, and gaslighting comes next!”

“That last statement sounds like he has some toxic behavior. That’s gross.”

“He seems a bit melodramatic, but let’s not forget men have insecurities too. He may really feel as if you’re no longer interested if you’re not being affectionate with him as well. I would definitely sit down and have a talk with him. Explain to him that you’re very tired and ask him for more help around the house so that you can have more energy to have sex. Try putting yourself in his position, how would you feel if you were wanting to love on him only to be brushed off? It is discouraging and would make someone feel as if their SO wasn’t interested in them. I see a lot of women on here saying it’s gaslighting. It kind of makes me think they don’t know what gaslighting is. Gaslighting is intentionally doing something and then lying to the victim to make them question their sanity. This is not gaslighting at all. Please don’t pay mind to those stating it’s gaslighting. Men get in their feelings too.”

“It seems like his act of love is physical touch. He’s doing it kind of wrong but he’s communicating he’s not getting feelings of love from you. I mean when you’re relaxing with him but not in the mood do you cuddle? Hold hands? Take a bath together if it’s an option? What’s your act of love? Does he do that stuff? I think y’all need to sit down and learn a bit about each other.”

“Plan a date and surprise him with a night of just you guys (if possible for you) or put the kids down for bed early one night and do a date night at home. Show some extra affection. Random kisses make his favorite food. Pamper him a little bit. Sounds like he’s getting depressed and isolating himself a little. Show him you still love him and care about him.”

“Tell him you two need to set aside time for your relationship, dinner, movie on the couch. But just time for you two, maybe on Wednesdays the kids go to bed early and you two eat a special meal alone. Or get a babysitter and go out.”

“If you’re working two jobs while being a mother and doing your responsibities as a wife and partner, why would he even think that way? It’s not easy to be working two jobs & also being there for the kids & him so maybe you should discuss this with him. If he’s the one who refuses to get into a heart to heart conversation, that would mean he is being selfish.”

“You are both adults, so act like it and sit down and have an adult conversation about it.”

“I agree with most of the other comments. He seems to be shifting the blame. What has he done to help you? Anything at all? Has he even tried to get intimate? Has he even tried to just sit with you for 5 minutes and just hug? Why is it your job to initiate everything? Is the “helping” with his kids? And by helping, I mean taking care of them as he should. Are you both doing equal amounts of work at home or are you doing it all? Men don’t realize that it takes a toll to work a full-time job or two jobs, and then come home and take care of EVERYTHING. If I were you I would talk to him. Don’t give in and just give him sex because he’s whining like a baby. Show him you care, yes, but let him show you he cares as well.”

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Tell him you two need to set aside time for your relationship, dinner, movie on the couch. But just time for you two, maybe on Wednesdays the kids go to bed early and you two eat a special meal alone. Or get a babysitter and go out

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Do at home dates, explain to him your schedule and then plan dates around it. When you say you haven’t done anything do you mean intercourse? If so tell him there is more to relationships than that.

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That last statement sounds like he has some toxic behavior. That’s gross.


How long have you been married?

This came across as a red flag for gaslighting and building a foundation for blaming you for when he cheats. Honestly let him go. If a man loves you 2 weeks without sex should not make him want to leave but discuss reconnecting with each other to improve the relationship not jump to conclusions you don’t want him. Take care of you. You’re worth more than being told 2 weeks without intercourse means you don’t love me.


Sounds like he is considering cheating, yet not understanding why y’all haven’t done it. Start getting in frequent quickies

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You two need to sit down and talk about it. Tell him to hear you, to really hear you, tell him to put himself in your shoes and then he can tell you about how he feels, put yourself in his shoes. Then try to fix it. Make a schedule for the kids to give you two some time alone in the bedroom, or even at night try to make sure they go to bed early so you and your husband can spend some quality time together. Text him loving things and how much you appreciate him. Etc. Saving your relationship is not impossible, it just takes change.

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If he’s saying there’s nothing you can do to change his mind then there’s not 🤷🏻 to me it honestly sounds as if he is the one who has lost interest and that’s why there’s no hope in a shift of thought but he’s putting the blame on you.

Still try a dinner/movie night or just something you both like to do. If nothing changes then try counseling if you can find a time to fit it in your schedule and can afford it


It seems like his act of love is physical touch. He’s doing it kind of wrong but he’s communicating he’s not getting feelings of love from you. I mean when you’re relaxing with him but not in the mood do you cuddle? Hold hands? Take a bath together if it’s an option? What’s your act of love? Does he do that stuff? I think y’all need to sit down and learn a bit about each other


I agree with most of the other comments. He seems to be shifting the blame. What has he done to help you? Anything at all? Has he even tried to get intimate? Has he even tried to just sit with you for 5 minutes and just hug? Why is it your job to initiate everything? Is he “helping” with is kids? And by helping, I mean taking care of them like he should. Are you both doing equal amounts of work at home or are you doing it all? Men don’t realize that it takes a toll to work a full time job, or two jobs, and then come home and take care of EVERYTHING. If I were you I would talk to him. Don’t give in and just give him sex because he’s whining like a baby. Show him you care, yes, but let him show you he cares as well.


WTH? When did all of you become psychologists?!

My libido is definitely higher than DHs, and DH has experienced what you’re experiencing. I’ve expressed feeling like my DH doesn’t want me anymore, to my DH. And I’ve NEVER ONCE considered cheating on my husband. Y’all aren’t helping at all, and are probably making this poor lady feel even more uncomfortable with the whole situation.

Life is hard. Kids are stressful. Sometimes 2 people fall out of sync. Sit down with him, talk, plan date nights. Hell… plan your “encounters” if necessary. It’s important for both of you to feel comfortable with the intimacy in your relationship. Make your relationship your priority. It’s the foundation of your home. :heart:

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Ask him what’s REALLY going on with him & start marriage counseling.

Hes a human and has needs that need to be met :woman_shrugging: imo … him talking about what hes not receiving isnt a stepping stone to cheating tho
He probably could have worded it better but what man is fluent in their wording 100% of the time
I say make the time to make him feel wanted/special plan ahead surprise him something so he knows he was heard

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Sounds like he could help out with everything more and not be so selfish … Time to grow up


He seems a bit mellow dramatic, but let’s not forget men have insecurities too. He may really feel as if youre no longer interested if youre not being affectionate with him as well. I would definitely sit down and have a talk with him. Explain to him that youre very tired and ask him for more help around the house so that you can have more energy to have sex. Try putting yourself in his position, how would you feel if you were wanting to love on him only to be brushed off? It is discouraging and would make someone feel as if their SO wasn’t interested in them. I see a lot of women on here saying it’s gaslighting…it kind of makes me think they don’t know what gaslighting is. Gaslighting is intentionally doing something and then lying to the victim to make them question their sanity. This is not gaslighting at all. Please dont pay mind to those stating it’s gaslighting. Men get in their feelings too

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Try having days nights and scheduled sex nights too. Its easy to get wrapped up in life with kids and work and taking care of the house but make time for eachother even if you have to schedule it

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Even if u don’t feel like being physically intimate with him do it anyways…you may b tired or stressed but do it anyways…that might b how he feels loved is being physical…people have different love languages

Don’t just have sex. Set aside a special night and make it romantic. Forget all your stress and remind yourself why you married him. Never stop dating the man you marry. Be intimate in more ways than one

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You are both adults, so act like it and sit down and have an adult conversation about it.


So fuck him good already and shut up! :rofl:

He’s just trying to shame you into sex which is trash. Been through it before and it’s either lazy sex where I’m on bottom half asleep or no sex until it happens naturally


Has he made any effort to make time for the two of you? Otherwise I feel it’s unfair for the blame to be entirely shifted on to you.

Guilt tripping boot his ass! Thats not on! Been through this, extremely stressful! He could have approached this very differently with a bit of understanding and compassion! Does he even attempt to help you so your not so rushed? Sit down with and explain whats going on does he work? If so he should understand.

I’m sorry but me and my husband have been married for 15 years and have 3 kids and we own a physically demanding business which we both work long hours everyday unless its raining and if I’m being honest he is being selfish! Its only been 2 weeks! Maybe he can take control if you are too tired. Me and my husband do that alot. If one is too tired to perform romantically then the other one will pick up the slack but 2 weeks is nothing! What if you just gave birth and had to wait 6 weeks? What would he do then? I’m sorry but this just seems to me that he is being selfish and not taking your feelings into consideration!


Men like to be baby’d they just don’t like to admit it & and that is there way of saying they want attention and affection. :heart:


You know, some of you women, Lord help you… He’s communicating his feelings which is a major plus, because most men don’t express themselves (Any wonder with some of these women?nope) I’ve felt like this with my husband… I expressed how it felt, and now we’re all good… Yes life is hard, and stressful and tiring, but it’s in especially those times we need our other half… It’s when we stop turning to each other for comfort, etc, that the problems begin… And I know it’s hard, it can sometimes feel you’re living “passed” each other, going in different directions… I’ve been so so tired most days, but when the kids are asleep, my husband and I make a point of spending that alone time together, cuddling, watching a movie, talking, etc… We believe in staying connected… We’ve been together for almost 18 years, married almost 13 years, and people say it’s like we are fresh in love, still on honeymoon, lol… Because we work to keep that love alive…

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Sex is not the answer to a relationship, tell him to grow up your working hard raising kids keeping a house we get tired glad my hubby ain’t like that can go without and knows I love him and have not lost interest just shit gets in the way xx

Sounds like you are tired and for all you know your hormones could be off causing you to have a low libido. Just make it a point to talk about how you’re both feeling. You could start sending him some sexy texts during the day and then try to make time for intimacy. I wouldn’t suggest just having sex because he wants it, you need to want it to. He can chill out and accept the fact that you are exhausted.

Keep your eyes and open your senses sharp I was married 35 years when my husband started doing that it was because he was messing around 35 year marriage ended

I have 4 kids 2 are autistic work full time while doing remote learning… My fiancee and I have sex pretty much every night/morning. But that’s us!!! Facebook is not going to give you the answer you need. Sit down and fully openly talk… That’s really the only way to fix what’s troubling you… Not stranger’s.

Have a date night like every other Friday or Saturday. Have the kids spend the night with grandma, auntie or good friends. Next, enjoy. Dinner, movie and loving or cozy fire, door dash etc. Or go rent a hotel room and go down to their lounge/club. That way you don’t have to drive, just go up the elevator to your room.

Pay him more attention, a little kiss when he comes back from anywhere. Tell him you love him. Them surprise him with special things, his favorite dinner, dancing after babys asleep, showers together, what ever shows him you care

It’s fine to be melodramatic and insecure. When it turns into gaslighting (intentional or not) is when he said there’s no convincing him otherwise. Like Jesus! Life happens!

Of course him being the man we have to assume he does nothing around the house and is only looking for sex. Wanting sex in a relationship seems to be selfish and unaccpetable behavour according to the comments posted so far. It’s mindboggling how people are reacting to this question. Also who is this moderator choosing the top answers. Based on this response do yourself a favour and look elsewhere for relationship advice. This is like putting coughing and fever into WebMD and it diagnosing you with cancer…

People do tend to get too comfortable in relationships where they feel they don’t have to be as affectionate anymore. Personally if I had to mention it then it’s now gonna be done out of pity and I don’t want it like that but hopefully it works out and BOTH parties should be considerate and mindful of the others feelings without having to say something.

Make time for him. We all work and have children. You should be able to make time for him, no wonder why he feels like that. Just because you have lids, doesnt mean you can’t have sex with husband. I get it, I am tired too and so is he I am sure. Being too tired is an excuse, dig deeper. I have 4 kids ranging from 2-16 and work 2 jobs and take care of my kids and still make some time for my husband and we have been tigethet 20 years. Sex life is as good as ever. You have you make time to make it work. Again, this is an excuse, your poor husband.

Well said!! You are “Spot On” It is a total excuse. So many women complain that they are too tired .
That is complete B.S. If you have time to surf the web , brush your teeth , take a shower , or stay up all night to go Black Friday Shopping , you can make time to have Sex with your Spouse ! Even if you have sex 4 times a week for 20 minutes each time that is less a little over 1 hour out of 168 hours in a week! So your spouse is not worth 1% of your time in a whole week . So sad and people wonder why their are so many divorces amd broken families. Definitely need to dig deeper because the time issue “doesn’t pass the smell test”