My husband thinks our son has ADHD but I think his behavior is normal: Thoughts?

Nope you have a child who does not believe you will stop him! Say what you mean, mean what you say and back it up! He knows he has you both over a barrel! Yes he is a child how many people don’t want you to visit their homes! You are the problem!

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Sounds like he’s being a 2 year old. Even if he does have it 2 is WAY too young to diagnose it. Hubby needs to take a chill pill.

I have what you call the “wild child.” My daughter is four now, and not any calmer lol, but at two she swore she was a pro wrestler at the opera or something I swear! I came from a rough housing styles house so when I had my first naturally I did the same with her. Her papa helped her out with the WWE moves such as the head lock and body slams as well. To be honest I think your little one is just a normal active kiddo. Personally I hope my second, who’s 4 months, will be my easy going kiddo lol :joy:

I wonder the same about my 3yr old. She is so wild, she hates sleep and screams and squeals all the time. The more tired she is the wilder she gets. My 2yr old follows what she does. My oldest is 16 and never acted like this. She was calm and sweet and quiet, still is.

He sounds like a normal little boy to me. You need to learn to be consistent with him, without being overly harsh of course. Try some parenting classes and/or go to a library and get some books on child development and parenting techniques. By the time he is 4 he should be calmed down a bit.

Typical two-year old boy. They are often loud, rough, messy and busy. Keep up with the timeouts and making it clear what is ok and not. Dad needs to get in with the timeouts and have a low calm serious tone when he wants to stop rough housing. Otherwise keep up the good job mama

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Why would you run to FB for input and not get him evaluated by a medical professional?


He’s a normal 2 year old and even at that age, he’s too young to be diagnosed as having adhd.


Are you in my yard right now looking through my window at MY just-turned 2yo… :face_with_raised_eyebrow::rofl:

You have literally just described my 2yo son AND 4yo daughter.


Normal behavior he is 2 not 20 he’s still a baby and yes swat his butt or hands so he can learn right from wrong and enjoy him they grow up so fast

What is normal?:joy: my 3 year old is wild, crazy, runs around roaring like a dinosaur, has apparently an unlimited supply of energy and 80% of the time does not listen. Did i mention he still doesnt sleep through the full night ever but i love him hes my kind of crazy​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Your husband is the one whos ADHD lol

Your husband has “i cant handle a 2 year old for more than 5 min syndrome”


I knew my daughter had ADHD when she was 2-3.

I’d like to see his dad post his side of the story.


My son climbed ruff houses, play fights and will tell come on dada bring it and ours is 3 he dumped his food all over his tray. Hes a typical child he gets in trouble and tells me on mama I’m done with my attitude. Maybe expecting normal from him isn’t so normal what do you want him to just sit there hes 2 he wants to do things and all the time too

I mean you could always take him to a therapist and have him evaluated just to ease your husband’s mind. I mean honestly I would be thankful if my husband actually was involved enough that he thought there was something wrong with his child. Most men refuse to ever believe there’s anything wrong with their kids and are against a lot of testing for mental disorders. If he genuinely believes there’s a concern, then instead of posting here asking for opinions I would go see a therapist and ask a professional.

Mom’s right listen dad

Just a normal rambunctious 2 year old. I have one as well. He loves wrestling with daddy and jumping and running even though he knows the rules of no running in the house or climbing on furniture just to jump off but he is only 2 and still learning his limits.

My one year old son literally does this crap hourly lmao. Sounds like a normal boy. My son is risky, louder, and always on the move. Even more than his sister who is only a year older lmao. Boys are a different beast. Let a boy be a boy!

They wouldnt even diagnose him at that age…

You will know if he has ADHD. He will become a tad bit defiant. But if dad wants him to listen to him he shouldn’t make it a game he needs to be serious. I don’t know a two year old that doesn’t toss their food in the floor. If dad doesn’t think that’s right he needs to try feeding him.

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Um he’s 2? You can’t put a leash on a 2 yr old. This is normal

Time out is perfect for his age and you are right about thinking Dad’s play is a game. Have you spoken to his doctor. It may be the terrible twos.and things will get better

Sounds like my daughter. Shes 2.5 yrs.

All normal my son just turned 3 and he still does all that, it’s a part of growing up

That is very normal behavior. I have a 7yo who still jumps off the bed, and “charges” at me and her dad. Being full of energy does not equal ADHD. My 12yo has had ADHD diagnosis since he was 5. Its SO much more than just being hyper.

my 9 year old stepson has ADHD and he was not diagnosed until around 7, there are many other factors that show up once in school that help evaluate the diagnosis… my 22mo old daughter is like your son, we talk if she inherited her borthera disorder (same dad) but ita really too early…

From the toddler books I’ve read ADHD can’t be determined until after age five because normal behavior for children up until then can be confused with the disorder. The best approach though is try to nip issues in the bud. Is he really hyper or having issues going down for a nap or going to bed at night? Try cutting down or out his nap. Try doing focus activities with him. Start with five to ten minutes then gradually try and get him to engage a little longer each week. It can be anything he likes. Coloring, play dough, blocks, etc. Do reading time with no other toys around but let him continue to play and try and engage him by telling him to turn the page etc. also make sure you follow through with discipline. Even if you stay firm for a while and it begins to work he will continue to test his boundaries so it’s important to not let things slide.
I’ve been reading Supernanny Toddler book and her techniques have really helped us with our daughter who just turned three.

I think your son is an asshole and you need to stop normalizing his behavior and raise/train him. This isn’t a bash, my daughters are both assholes, for different reasons. This isn’t growing and learning its a lack of parenting. Your husband shouldn’t laugh either btw.

Seems pretty typical to me

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Sounds like the kid has a very common issue. Beingakiditis.


The father is right but you need to wait until he is 4-5 to have him tested

Sounds like a normal two yr old


Normal boy man I thought I might be the only boy mom thinking this but this is my first boy to lol

Sounds like my son whos 1🤣

So number one HE IS A BOY also even if he does have ADHD there is no sure way to test at such a young age when he’s about 5-6 years is when the test actually is meaningful

He’s 2…Dad needs to lighten up.

Just a little boy, fearless.

If you have any concerns best thing to do is book with your GP. My son show impulsive behaviour constantly jumps all over me and the sofa etc… was referred for an assessment when he was 2 and diagnosed with autism when he was 3

What him tested for ADHD but he’s too young to be tested atm

He’s 2 normal… Oh my gosh let kids be kids. It’s hard to tell at this age.

He is too young to diagnose.

Sounds like my 2 yo twin boy !!!

It’s probably normal. I was diagnosed with mild adhd as a child around 10 coz I couldn’t concentrate for the life of me at school but it was only at school that I had trouble . Other times I was just energetic and love to run and play outside. Just make sure you give him plenty of things to do and if it does turn out to be adhd later down the track, don’t treat it as a disability and let him be himself🤙

Discipline him more harshly

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The amount of bloody labelling that goes in is shocking. There’s nothing wrong with them a bloody good hiding and proper parenting wouldn’t solve :rage:

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I recently read a medical study that claims a lot of children are put on meds for ADHD or ADD when all they really need is a change in their diets. Remove foods with artificial food colorings like yellow #5. (Yellow #5 which is found in most Mac & Cheese products has been known to cause hyper activity in children). Also cut down on the amount of sugar in the childs diet and there is a possibility that the child will calm down and not need to go on meds. I would try everything possible before putting my kid on pharmaceutical drugs for ADHD just because a Doctor said to.
I just got this info from Google. :point_down:

In 2010, artificial food dyes made news yet again when an internal U.S. Food and Drug Administration memo acknowledged that “for certain susceptible children with ADHD and other problem behaviors, the data suggest that their condition may be exacerbated by exposure to a number of substances in food, including, but not limited to, artificial food colors.” Very slightly reassuringly, the memo said these effects were “due to a unique intolerance to these substances, and not to any inherent neurotoxic properties.”

Today, tartrazine and other artificial food dyes require a special warning on food packages sold in the European Union. No such warning requirement exists in the United States, although tartrazine (or Yellow No. 5) is always identified on ingredients lists when used in packaged foods, for the sake of the estimated 1 in 10,000 people who suffer allergic reactions to the chemical.

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Sounds like a toddler! 2 of my 4 boys were like that, my soon to be 3yr old is still a lil mad man! :slightly_smiling_face:

There is absolutely no way to definitively diagnose a 2 year old. If you keep up with consistent discipline, and demand respect, even strong willed children will eventually get it. He’s 2! He couldn’t even grasp the concept of punishment until like a week ago. Give him a break! Revisit this in 3 or 4 years.

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Both my girls were just like this. I called them my feral children.
I’ve worked with hundreds and they are most like this. You have the exception with shy or more introverted kids but its rare.
You don’t need to stifel their energy or enthusiasm with harsh Diciplin eaither.
Just teach them wear that behavior is more suited. Like the park, outside, gymnastic dance, a sport! Funnel, that energy into something fun and productive.
Another big factor in behaving is absolutely diet.
Avoid overly processed food espiccaly those with dyes.

Any attention is good attention to a 2 year old. Start ignoring the bad behavior (as long as he isn’t hurting himself or others) and only reward good behavior. If you are constantly just giving time outs or yelling but not praising when he is acting right he sees it as “ok this is how I get them to pay attention to me”. If he was older I’d say more punishments but at 2 he doesn’t really understand anything but attention negative or positive doesn’t matter.

He is a boy. They rough-house.

Sounds like a normal “testing the boundaries” toddler.

Dad needs to chill,…the boy is 2. Sounds like you are doing great.

I think u should not make a game out it. When u laugh he thinks its a game take him down, make sure he know its wrong, it might take serveral times, you might have to keep telling no too.

Sounds exactly like our almost 2 yr old son. One he’s a boy and two I’m pretty sure it’s a normal 2 yr old behavior, all kids are pretty rowdy at that age and full of themselves. They like to test boundaries as well :woman_shrugging:t2: discipline him and teach him right from wrong and that there is consequences for the things he does wrong and praise good behavior. Everyone has their own opinions so if you feel the need to get him tested for adhd then do so.

My 19 month old is like this as well. I think it’s normal because they are toddlers and curious.
Way too young to be diagnosed or labeled with anything.

Gnings Jibok D’Bin Langrine LJ Myrose Joa Jibok

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I think you are right. He’s a busy 2 year old. Too many kids have been labeled with these adhd and other things. Why not just keep him safe. And watch what he eats. Some food send kids flying. Then Dr prescribed meds to bring kinds down. It’s a bad cycle. Please go with your motherly instinct. Be thankful he’s healthy enough to do these things.

As a mom of 3 boys, he is completely normal!!! Kids are exhausting sometimes and the thought of giving them something to calm them down when we are tired or just have had enough, probably crosses a lot of parents minds secretly but we have to quit this knee jerk diagnosis of ADHD and ADD!! Let him jump and play while teaching him boundaries. Play is how kids learn. He won’t be little forever and these times, albeit exhausting, believe it or not, your husband will miss.

My son is gonna be 2 in April and he’s crazy and runs around all the time … I don’t think anything is wrong with it they are having fun and burning off energy

Mamma no worries, he is a normal 2 year old testing to see how far he can push, all toddlers do it. Especially boys. He will slow down about age 12 lol

ADHD can’t even be realistically diagnosed at that early of an age. Stay consistent and repetitive with rules and behavior expected. Once he becomes at an age where that can be considered and if he is displaying concerning behavior (usually around 5 or 6) then talk to your Dr about it.

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I say go to doctor and talk about nutrition. Also be consistent when punishing as soon as he does something unfavorable make sure he knows its not ok.

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He sounds like a normal 2 year old to me. My youngest son didn’t get diagnosed with adhd until he was 6.

Girl, ain’t nothing wrong with that baby. My son started running before walking at 8 months and been running ever since. He did all of that and more, except throwing food on the floor he was coloring walls and climbing them too. I would make a game out of wiping them down. He is 7 years old now and was quarterback and running back on his football team. I’m looking to put my 4 yr old in soccer. Boys have undeniable energy and are sometimes hard to take out of play mode, just redirect it. You got this. And if by any chance he is taken to a doctor and diagnosed DONT EVER PUT HIM ON MEDS. My cousin was put on meds and it was like talking to a mannequin when she took her pills, she was just spaced out. It kills their personality and their appetite. Those meds are no joke. And personally I think, no good.

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Some people use adhd as a excuse to not discipline their child or set boundaries so they don’t have to deal with them


He’s just having fun and being a 2year old. Tell your husband to stop laughing. When he throws food on the floor ignore him and see if he will stop. My son is 8 and him and his dad wrestle like you spoke of.

This very normal for a 2yearold if it continues into first grade and he’s having problems learning he will need to be tested. I had a2 two year old like this but in first grade he was tested and he has ADHD and is medicated and he is learning very well

He’s a toddler and alot of ppl do say terrible twos sounds normal to me

He is way too young to determine whether he has ADHD or not. My son was in first grade before they diagnosed him.

All two year olds have “ADHD”. They are all hyper and they all have no attention span whatsoever. It’s normal. My middle son was diagnosed with ADD in 2nd grade, I think once they have been in school a couple of years, and STILL can’t focus or stay still, THEN have them tested. Otherwise, it’s normal for young children. Plus, ADHD pills are no joke and not something to push on a young child.


Just my opinion but allowing your son to do those things isn’t doing him any favors. 2 or 5, he needs to know the couch and chair r for asses and not running and jumping on, r we in a barn??? And throwing food yes they do that but if no one is firm with saying no or laughing then he is going to continue. Like I said my opinion but my kids did not do this, my youngest would mash his food on table but throwing it on the floor no. Then again u want a kid that does whatever he wants then have at it but good luck later and it’s not ADHD it’s just not being taught boundaries.


Completely normal behavior. ADD/ADHD should NEVER and I mean NEVER diagnosed before the age of 5! My 5 year old was the same way at 2…actually, lol, the same way now. She broke her tibia jumping off the couch at age 4. We found that getting her involved with gymnastics helped a BUNCH! It gave her an outlet for her “risky” type behavior.
Throwing food on the floor?
I’d be more worried if he did NOT throw food on the floor. Throwing food on the floor is NOT a testing of boundaries…it’s a test of gravity…the majority of 2 year olds throw food… it becomes a game or fulfills a natural curiosity.
I wouldn’t worry mommy.
FYI: red dye increases hyperactivity, avoid red dye and processed sugars. The red dye we use here is illegal in most countries b/c of its side effects in children, especially children under 5. Hang in there mommy! This is only a phase! Enjoy him​:smiley::heart:

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You can’t diagnose it until they are school aged 5 or 6.

Nope he is perfectly fine and normal little boy now as it gets older like three 3 1/2 if he cannot sit
through a 10-15 minute cartoon or show then you might start worrying a little bit

Having ADHD doesn’t mean anything is wrong with him. He sounds like a normal 2 year old. I have ADHD and wasn’t diagnosed until 2nd grade. He is to young now for them to know. But any concerns you may have discuss with his pediatrician. And yes he can’t laugh and expect to be taken seriously. Not being serious. Kids also have tons of engery and terrible 2s are a thing lol.

He’s a boy what do you expect or want. Be happy he is happy and playful. Your doing everything right. A doctor will not just put him on meds cause his dad thinks he needs it. Let him just be a kid!


He sounds normal. My son was ADHD and a couple of my grandkids are. Your sons behavior is fine

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Mother of four sons here. Three of them ended up with ADD or ADHD. coming from a wealth of experience, it’s impossible to tell when they’re two years old if they have ADHD or not. Every single one of my sons did not get diagnosed until it was late elementary school. He sounds like he is just normal for his age. Labeling, especially this early, is dangerous and I would be careful with it if I were your husband.

It is part of learning and growing but a couple swats with a cake spatula won’t kill him but let him know you mean business. Dad has to put some base in his voice when he’s serious about the diving off the furniture. The child is learning this from someone.

Throwing food just take it away when he does it…could be getting to much sugar and is a little hyper…just has alot of energy…

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Jumping on and off of furniture is a no no here. The kids know this is the living room ( or family room), NOT a gymnasium. However they love to race each other, i have to long hallways, 1 they are able to go from living room down the hall and around through kitchen back to the living room. No biggie only time It’s off limits is when I’m in the kitchen cooking. They are kids…kids=a lot of energy…let them have fun within reason. Short attention spans are NORMAL!! Summer time we take the kids to the park and literally wear themselves out!

He sounds like a 2 year old to me. My son unfortunately does have ADHD and I was in denial for a long time. But he was MUCH more “rambunctious “ and “rebellious “ at the age of 2 than your son seems. He’s too young to be diagnosed. You can’t realistically diagnose a child that young because it’s perfectly normal for them to push boundaries. They’re learning. Simple as that.


He just sounds 2 and normal

Oh my goodness, there’s no such thing as ADHD. That’s a medical lie to place children on medication for profit. I have three boys and your little one is doing what most 2 yr. olds do. Mom please go with your instincts. He’s being a kid. Tell dad to chill.

In my opinion, normal behavior for a 2 year old little boy. It’s normal for any child to push boundaries. See how far they can go before Mom snaps or Dad goes into a cussing fit. The more they get away with today, the more they will push for tomorrow. You gotta be tougher on boys…and as a mother of a boy, that breaks my heart! But, my son can act like a little twerp around his dad/my exhusband because it’s allowed and, in some occasions, encouraged. He will come home from a weekend with his dad and occasionally say something “smart” or act out…he remembers real quick that behavior isn’t tolerated in my home and why. Boundaries, structure, consistency, consequences, and one on one time…it’s what kiddos need.

You want/need that one on one time with your significant other to talk about your day, finances, leak in the roof, whatever it may be…your kiddo needs the same thing. There’s a reason why your kiddo is perfect for Grandma, but is hell on wheels when you get home. You are the one they trust and rely on. Their guard is down and they NEED you. It is your job as a parent to guide them.

My son was diagnosed at 2 and half years he took risk alright he rode his trike of our porch however a suggestion though we refused to put him on medicine, believe it or.not when he was acting up we gave him made and when he got over stimulated real bad he would just lose it so like when had to go any where there was a lot of people we gave him half of an espresso and he would colm right down that sufficed till the 3rd grade on the third day of school he broke a kids arm that’s when we had to put him on meds. Google ADHD there’s a lot of great information

They don’t call them “The TERRIBLE Two’s” for nothing…
ALL 2 year olds behave this way, girls or boys. I have both and I’ll tell you, its normal BUT he is also testing boundaries so there has to be rules about what is OK and what is not. I’m going to get alot of heat for this but time out doesn’t work. When my kids would do something bad, they would get a light tap on the hand. After 1 or 2 taps, they learn that that’s a big NO. My 2 oldest are 22 and 18 now and my baby is 4 and all of them are excellently behaved.
Keep it up, you’re doing a good job mama. And asking for advice in the parenting world is always welcome :blush:

I have adhd I’m 26 years old I have had it since I was 3 years old…n yes this is signs I have 4 kids n all 4 of my kids have it as well …

He sounds like a normal 2 yr old!! I have 3 kids and they all went through the “terrible 2 phase”
It’s all part of the joy as a parent :joy:
My advice would be if he doesn’t start to calm down around 3 1/2 4 yrs old then have a doctor check.
A little parenting tip from one mama to another with a rambunctious little boy lol
When he starts to get super crazy have a squirt bottle handy lol when he starts to act out give him a little mist in the face it calms them down!!

Good luck mama you are doing an awesome job!! :heart::heart:

Wtf? He sounds like a normal kid