My Husband Told Me He Rents an Apartment But Doesn’t Want a Divorce: Advice?

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My Husband Had an Affair and I Can't Stop Thinking About It: How Do I Get Over It?


"What should I do? I dont even know what to think…my husband of 15 years told me today that he rented an apartment and is moving out. we have 3 kids together who are still pretty young and i dont want to confuse them…he said he does not want a divorce…just needs some space and i dont know how to feel…deep down i feel like this is a foot out the door and he no longer wants to be with me…"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"He doesn’t want to pay child or spousal support so he’s keeping you in his grasp so you don’t file."

"Let him go. Move on bc kids are not a reason to force an unwanted relationship."

"If he needs that much space I’d say a divorce is coming. Most people needing space just goes for a drive or a weekend away not move completely out the home."

"Sounds like maybe he’s trying to dodge child support. Definitely lawyer up!! If hes not legally divorced he doesn’t have to legally pay child support."

"He’s pushing you to see how much he can get by with. Protect yourself financially NOW!!! Consult an attorney!"

"Sounds like he could be cheating and wants to keep you on hold at the same time, get a good lawyer incase."

"That’s how it started with my parents but they got divorced. He also wants to be single so technically in his head if y’all separated he can do what he wants when he wants. I would definitely look into getting a lawyer."

"Definitely lawyer up that is unacceptable if he needed space he could go away for a weekend or something and if he’s unhappy he should communicate with you not just up and move out !! Something smells “fishy” probably the other woman just saying …… good luck to you."

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