My Husband Tried Kissing His Friend's Wife: Advice?

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"Back in October my husband, kids, and I all went to the fair. He invited his friend and his wife. They started to drink which was no biggie. I’m okay with drinking a few. We ended up leaving the fair and going to their house because they wanted to drink some more. The kids were the first ones to fall asleep. All of us adults stayed awake drinking, dancing and chatting. My husband started to dance with his wife to try and teach me. So he says! I was the first adult to fall asleep & later the rest. The next morning my husband woke me our kids and I up to leave as if everything was fine and normal. A few months go by and I go to eat with my kids where he and that friend of his work. The friend asked if he could speak to me & I of course went to see what he had to say. Never did I imagine what I was about to hear come out of his mouth. While everyone was sleeping that night at their house my husband walked up stairs into his friends wife’s room and tries kissing her & said that they didn’t have to tell anyone. He was rejected by her. Mind you I didn’t find out until months later. My husband never once acted like anything had happened that night & even went to their house not long after to apologize to her. He now doesn’t want our kids and I eating at his job because it makes him feel uncomfortable. We’re pretty much paying for his mistake. My kids always ask to go eat and I always have to come up with some off the wall excuse. I’m just at a loss for words. A word of encouragement would be appreciated!"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Don’t make your kids lose something they enjoy because your husband is a jerk!"

"That is not okay. It doesn’t sound like a “mistake” he repents of, it sounds like a choice he made and he’s likely to make again. Why is he uncomfortable with you at work? That makes no sense to me unless he’s afraid someone else will tell you more things he’s been casually hiding… I’m so sorry."

"Take the kids to eat where they want to go. He screwed up. And you may find out more about other flings with customers or coworkers."

"Wow. You and your husband need to have a serious talk and maybe seek a marriage counselor. You can’t let this be and just ignore it"

"Show up at his work at lunchtime with the kids to force him to get over it and get back to normal or he’s up to something"

"He apologized to her but never even told you what happened and apologize to you? Hmmm, that’s odd."

"I would wonder what else may come out that you don’t know about. I think I would catch him alone and ask him. Watch his reaction closely. You’ll be able to tell if he lies to you. It may be time to get rid of this guy."

"It’s probably not the first time .and I’m sure not the last"

"Oh I’d take them there every chance I got just to spite him."

"Question is will you ever trust this man again knowing what he was trying to do? I say tell him to hit the road!"

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