I guess the best answer I could give to this question, is a question itself. Is this something that God would condone or totally against what he created us for? I think if you’re married oh, he probably made vows to cleave only unto each other. That means just the two of you not three. Bring these two things to his attention and see what he says.
It’s a reason for him to cheat. But he can say you were involved so he didnt cheat. I think you stand your ground and tell him NO. I think all men at some point have this fantasy. Most men can’t act on it though. He is very young and playing along could cause a lot of issues in your marriage. Plus, men in general are easily influenced by their guy friends, especially young men. This friend of his has gotten in his head and made his screwed up lifestyle, with his bisexual wife, seem appealing and tempting to your husband.
Please understand that before you approach the topic. Maybe you can get him to realize that he is being persuaded by his friends life and this is not how he felt prior to listening to his friends BS!! Maybe he will stop and get back to the guy you married…
If not, then you may want to separate.
Get counseling. It doesnt sound like you are interested in it. Tell him no. End of subject. I would tell him if he wants it. That goes along with a divorce. He will be single then and can a
Screw anything he wants to. Counseling vs divorce? That’s his options!
This is what happens when you choose to marry a child.
I won’t play that game at all . Dont do it!
Dump his no good ass
It’s actually a lot of mens fantasies and a lot of men want to make it a reality. A lot of women don’t want to do it for all the reasons you listed. Personally I add I don’t want to share him. However from what I’ve heard a lot of women that have tried ended up really enjoying it. Not necessarily making it a regular thing but didnt regret it. Now saying all this I still personally wouldn’t do it. Have a heart to heart with him. Just because he wants to make it a reality does not mean that he will cheat hun. best of luck.
Time to hit the exit.
Y’all both are 22 yrs old wow he not ready to settle down with just one woman yet.
If you are not comfortable with this you have to straight.out tell.him No!! This is not appropriate it could just be a phase he going through but.id be careful be definately on the.look out if he loves.you and you alone why.the need for.this crazy.threesome it’s your.choice.if u stay.or go but tell him your.not for this or make.up.your.mind and do.what you.feel is best good luck
If you’re not comfortable with it, then say no. But don’t discourage other people by saying it’s gross. Some people like that kind of thing. Especially if you’re bi/bi-curious or are unsure of your sexuality. There are plenty of people who bring a third into the bedroom and are still completely faithful to each other. Stop kink-shaming
Don’t do it!!! My ex wanted a threesome with another guy for me. No thank you! My man is enough. I don’t want to sleep with another man and your husband shouldn’t want to sleep with another woman. Spice things up with just the two of you in the bedroom.
You are going to feel all those things you already feel now before even doing it plus a lot more. Don’t do it and if he cheats he had that intention all along.
Don’t do it. It will ruin your marriage. He needs to have WAY more respect for you!! If he cheats dump is ass.
Please don’t do it. Things will never be the same. And if he keeps on pushing for it, he’s not the one.
I think the most important thing about your situation is that you’re not comfortable with a 3some. I completely understand that you feel torn between your beliefs and/or feelings, and holding onto/keeping your husband happy.
But if you do something you’re are completely not comfortable with you could resent him for it.
Leave it as a fantasy …
It never works when it’s the man’s suggestion.
Bye👋 dude… if you arnt enough for him and he desires others obviously you are not good enough for him. Know your worth !!!
Don’t do it, it will definitely make you feel bad about yourself if you aren’t 100% into it and watching your man with another woman just doesn’t make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside or vice versa. Threesome’s should happen between 3 single people in my opinion…or I guess people that agreed to an open relationship from the very beginning.
I had a friend in same situation. She wasn’t into it but caved to please her husband. He wound up falling in love with the 3-some chick and wound up divorced and married to this girl. Yes they had 2 kids also. Be very careful when you invite someone into your marriage, you may find yourself looking in from the outside. Although given his fascination, you may be better off in the long run.
I say AGREE and that you get to pick the first partner (pick a good looking guy) and have him show up and tell him you’re ready for that 3 some…bet he don’t bring it up again!
I dislike friends that feed bad thoughts that play out in your relationship. Your husband has lost all respect for you. And if you allow this to happen. You will lose focus on your little family. Children over relationship. Your body is sacred. You gave life. Be strong hun. Do you what is right. Sending Love and Light
Beginning of the end, ive seen it so many times over the years.
If your man doesn’t see you as ALL he ever wants in this lifetime, then you didn’t wait for the right man for you.
If he’s saying it out loud he’s already cheated…
Thats his way of cheating with your permission. RUN as fast as you can. Know your worth.
My ex asked me for a 3sum when I was with him, we broke up some months after, even after we broke up and found someone else he kept asking me for a 3sum, some men just kinky and 95% of the time they will cheat on you, it has noting to do with love they just want to feed there sexual side…
Don’t settle for less Gurlllllll if he have these feelings he gonna do it with or without u. Better for u catch him get ya alimony & child support. Move on it’s better Real men out here
Wtf? I don’t think so
Unfortunately this relationship isn’t going to work out. In much older couples threesomes are the beginning of the end. That you are both so young tells me you will not have longevity as a couple. I’m sorry but I’m twice your age and just being honest. Do not compromise your values and comfort level for any man. Would you want your child marrying a future partner that they weren’t enough for? No? Then don’t stoop to that level yourself.
Nope marriage vows are sacred!!
Beginning of the end…this is never a good idea.
I don’t see how it’s a positive . You know in your gut that it bothers you . I say no
no you dont know who the other person has been with and might give a disease for life. get out now.
My bf wanted the same only with my friend😮 let’s just say things were never the same between us, but my friend is still my friend…she had nooooo idea
Say okay!! Then ask which one of his friends he’d like to join. I bet he’ll turn down that idea real quick!! Just say if he wants 2 girls you want 2 guys.
Dont do it theres no coming back from it and it will change everything
But you aren’t bisexual! You aren’t comfortable with it. You are starting to lose your self worth without it even happening! I’m afraid that it will ruin your marriage whichever way you choose-it’s already started to do that. Be strong, don’t throw away your principles & you will survive with or without him. Good luck.
If ur not comfortable with it then dont do … U can always change ur mind yes wedding vows are sacred … And everyone saying that it will ruin ur marriage they dont know that it could make it stronger or ruin it… Cuz u dont know he may not like it after may realize that sharing isnt always a good thing… So you do what you feel is right…it is your choice and if he loves you he will understand and if not then he wasnt ready for marriage… And remember whatever you choice you are a strong woman
No from experience it will not be a good idea to do that because you will break your heart
Do NOT disrespect yourself or the relationship…think about it tho cause he is willing to disrepect both!!!
That’s so sad …I think u and your kids deserve better…he sounds very immature. That’s a rotten thing
This is not on,he Wont concentrate on you cause he already know you trust me.And he will end up cheating with the girl
Your Husband is SICK Mind and seek on Porno daily, He has No Hobbies to do with his hands. Your husband is boring life. You need rid of him… If you dont then he will continue SEXUALLY active and dont need you. Your husband is biggest Loser… Leave him with his dirty disease in his penis…
No no
No, You would be opening Pandora’s box
He is a Selfish Prick thinking of himself, if he loved you he wouldn’t ask you to do that? When yous got Married in the vows did it say threesomes allowed, Dont do it. It will ruin you as a person! If your not enough on your own for him, get rid of him, plenty men out there that will treat you like your suppose to be treated! You seem like a decent smart Person!
Absolutely not. I’m not even married, just engaged and planning, and I would tell that boy BYE. I have never seen any of my friends survive polyamorous relationships. Someone always catches feelings. Once they get accustomed to being able to be with someone else, you will never stop it either so unless you plan to always share him, I would put your foot down NOW.
Time to grow the F up , life isn’t about what you or your dumb ass husband want ( why you chose such an asshole I’ll never know) LIFE IS NOW ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN
Learn to be good parents- if he leaves
Trust me you haven’t lost much
NO NO NO it will ruin your marriage! He would never have asked the question if he truly loved you. A friend of mine did and it ruined her and her ex husband, it was completely done.
Never bring someone else into your relationship
What I just read: My husband wants me to sanction his cheating.
U can be his 3 some once u feel comfortable & sexy again but another body hell 2 the nah nah
He should have done it when he was single
Dont given in and You need to suggest marriage counseling. Someone helping mediate can be very important
It’s a movie that will stay in your head forever. No, even those friends who instigate wife-swapping parties sometimes wind up with sexual jealousy that breaks up marriages. Never a good idea.
Kick his ass to the curb and move on!!
No…dont do this…thats not being a couple…
Clearly he is having other thoughts about women. I would leave him.
Because with or with out he will probably be with another woman.
Marriage vows are sacred.
Fuck him off , he’s a dickhead
I say he is disgusting. Lust not love
Sounds like just a spoiled immature brat. you deserve better!
I know a lady who had a threesome…it was her husband and male friend. Yeah, she developed feelings for the guy n her n her husband got divorced… I would say talk with him and if he feels ur not enough, bye bye…
Ahh sounds like another Saturday night
Don’t do it,that causes so many problems,been there,done that.Its a no winner for sure
Well tell him ok but with another man…maybe he’s bi if he mentioned another man would be ok…
Could you live with yourself afterwards???
I been there done it dont do it
If you do not feel comfortable with it then DO NOT DO IT! The worst thing you can do is end up doing it and feeling like complete crap afterward. I was in that situation with an ex of mine and I ended up having the threesome. I felt shattered afterward even though it never happened again while I was in that relationship. I felt like I was never good enough after. If he can’t accept how you feel and keeps bringing it up. Keep putting your foot down. If he wants to spice up your sex life (which some of the time that’s all it’s about) then sit down and have that conversation about doing things your comfy with.
If you don’t wanna do it then tell him no. If he’s really okay with it then he’ll quit asking after you say no I don’t want to.
That will screw u guys up! I wouldn’t do it. U will feel even worse about urself if he likes it. I’d stay away from it!!!
Never invite another person into your bedroom for one. He’s going to cheat ,no man wants his wife he loves with another person. Voluntarily or not.
Don’t do it. You give him permission to have sex with other people then. He’ll never respect you again and then will be free to have sex with who ever he wishes. It will destroy your marriage. Don’t
Um nope. Tell him you’d have a threesome if it were with another man. Just kidding. Personally. If my husband asked me and then continued to ask once I said no, I’d leave. That’s just me.
Well if you wanna give way to whats wrong with this world youll reap what you sow
Don’t do it!!! Is a fantasy and it should stay that way. Bringing another person into your sexlife could cause a huge problem. Just don’t do it
If you feel that way, do not do it. And talk to him. Tell him exactly how it is making you feel. Maybe he’ll stop even bringing it up. My ex used to do this. And I put a stop to it. It isn’t for me n never will be. But you need to tell him that and exactly how it’s making you feel
Bedroom is for married man and woman together only IMO. Dont do it.
My husband knows damn well if he wants another women in bed he better be divorcing me before it. It strictly goes against our marriage and talk of it doesnt happen. I wouldn’t bow down to it if you’re uncomfortable and honestly he should be ashamed for asking. That’s disrespectful.
If you’re into it go for it. But it sounds like you’re not, so I would say no way. Never do anything like that if you feel remotely uncomfortable.
It will be the beginning of the end and he has a wondering eye now.
As a single person I’ve had many. I won’t ever do it as a married person. To me it may ruin due to insecurities.
Sure settle and disrespect yourself
I would never do it. I personally find it gross if you need to bring someone else into the mix are you truly.in love
Everyone has fantasy and desires doesnt mean he will cheat on you with this type of thing you dont have to if you dont want to but if you do talk everthing out be honest and set boundaries only do it if you both want to
I knew a couple that did it, and their marriage was never the same afterwards. They basically stop respecting each other and always assumed the other person was sleeping around behind their backs. That paranoia caused them to pursue relationships outside of the threesome. They basically wound up as roommates who split the bills because it was cheaper than divorce.
I dont share what’s mine. Do NOT do this if you’re not 100 percent wanting it.
There’s no going back from a open marriage
Once you do, there’s no going back…its done…my advice… don’t do it👏
If it works for yall, do it… but if you don’t want to 100% do than absolutely don’t do it
I’ve been married for 11 years and this is completely unacceptable on his part. You had the conversation but you are uncomfortable with it so that should be the end of it right there. The fact that he is trying to manipulate you onto it is completely wrong. If he cheats that is because he is weak not you. I would give him fair warning that if he wants to be with others he shouldn’t of made that vow to you and he might not like the consequences of his actions if he goes behind you back. Stick to your guns and don’t be manipulated…stay strong! 
Listen if you are not comfortable with this DO NOT DO IT. You do not have to do anything you don’t want to. O think many men fantasize about this, it doesn’t mean he is unsatisfied at all. Continue to be open and honest with him. Doing this will have an impact on your relationship absolutely. But only the two of you can decide what impact it will have. You are no way ready for this kind of situation. So tell him that and tell him how it makes you feel when he talks about it. Than move on, and find new ways to explore in the bedroom with just the two of you. Discover new things together, and grow together. But do only what you want, never ever do something you truly don’t want to do.
Don’t do it I did it for my ex husband and he wanted more and more.
There is a difference between fantasy and real life.
My life was ruined by it and still is now.
If there is an ounce of jealousy between either of you or insecurity do not do this, it will make your relationship what you’ve known all these years completely different, it has to be done when you’re both emotionally, sexually and spiritually open and if even one of those things is closed or possessive, it will ruin everything.
I’ve personally never had a 3 some, but I’ve NEVER EVER heard a positive story from anyone who HAS had a 3 some. Don’t do it. Especially if you feel uncomfortable!
Lmao. Hard NO from me but if you think you’ll be okay with it go for it. But you sound doubtful already so I wouldn’t
Used to swing and it was fine and a lot of fun. It has to be your kink tho. If it isn’t then it won’t be fine. Definitely have to feel ok about it and have ground rules. But even with rules it can get messy.
If your not comfortable then I would not do it. Speaking from experience it can mess your head up and have a huge effect on your relationship.
If you go through with this it will doom your marriage. Follow your gut.
Soooo don’t do it. You’re having doubts and obviously not comfortable.
How gross of him to bring it up after y’all just having a baby just cuz his friends wife is okay with it?
He’s 22, no way is he guna stay faithful to you for the rest of his life. He’s trying to cheat with you before he eventually cheats on you. Lose lose situation imo.