My husband wants to spend most of Mother's Day with his mom...advice?

You should all go spend the day with his mother.

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And what is the problem you are their mother not his and he spending it with his mom

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and on Father’s Day, you spend the entire day with your dad, and your husband can keep the kids. It’s FATHER’S DAY after all :clap:

My sister and her fiancé go see his mom on Saturday and our mom on Sunday, or alternate. Maybe suggest that and communicate like an adult instead of running to Facebook.

Seems to me he should do both ! We moms don’t care what day our kids spend with us - just spend any amount of time with us . Make the wife the priority on the actual day if that’s what you want to do . Just spend time with the mom at some point . All we want is TIME . No gifts needed

I’d be like “okay cool” then take off for two days the following weekend :joy: Happy belated mothers day to meeee


He should be celebrating both of you equally.
The idea is to celebrate all mothers…. Especially those close to you.

Celebrate together. We hung out my mil in afternoon and my mom in the evening. We went fishing during the day and grilled in the evening.

I agree she’s his mother not you .

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You are not his mother.His kids are not his mother.Let him spend it with his mother.You spend it with your mother if you have her or you spend it with your kids.Or you spend it doing what you want.

It’s his mom dude let him… Go to the park or something with your kids :heavy_heart_exclamation::woman_shrugging:t4: that’s his momma

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Someone else said it too, why can’t you come too? Lol shoot, WE ARE ALL going to his mommas house :joy: picking up some food too cause we mommas ain’t cooking either!

So let him go and spend the day with his own mom.

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Sorry but mom had 18+ years to celebrate it. Now it’s your turn with your man and kids.

I think mom’s understand more things than people give them credit for!

Why not everyone, you and the kids included, spend the day together with him and his mother? As a family ? I’m confused.

I’m torn bc yes, as a mother I want my babies with me but I also want them with their kids d pampering their wife. We usually leave kids with dads and all woman go do lunch and nails etc! But this year my husbands mom came over for a bit while me and my daughter napped :sweat_smile: I’m happy with whatever!! But your feelings are valid and different and that’s okay!!!

Id be sending the kids with him

Wrong answer hubby. Bring mom and food over to your house and give your wife a break from cooking.

Yeah he can go to his mums but his got to take the kids with him
Or make sure on Father’s Day you go out for the day and leave him with the kids “ it is fathers after all”

Why can’t you all go as a family

yeah your not his mum do something with ur kids

Send him and the kids to her house. After all, it’s mother’s Day.

Now when it’s father’s day leave him home with kids and go visit your dad all day

Bring the whole family then.

Uh yeah that’s his mom but he needs to be there for the woman he MADE a mother.

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He should take the kids to visit gramma for the day.

The family should go to grandmother house

Tell him don’t forget his kids

Can u and the kids go with him to see his mom ??? I’m sure she’d like to see her grandkids. If he says no, then what other “mama” is he going to see ….

We always included my mother and her mother state also our daughters in law if they were alive now its just me and one daughter in law in another !

It’s mother day not wife day :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.

But , seriously why you and the kids can’t go too as make a day out of it

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Return the favor on father’s day.

That’s messed up. I’ll arrange something for Father’s Day and leave him alone with the kids

The amount of women on this feed that dont have a clue…did she crawl on herself and make those children. No. Is he the mother of his CHILDREN? Sorry wife takes priority over his mommy. His kids and her experience is more important then visiting his Mommy.

If I was his mother I’d send his ass right back home. What an idiot. If he wants to celebrate his mother that’s awesome he can do that on a different day like maybe the day before but on Mother’s Day his ass needs to be making you feel like a fairy fucking princess.

In all honesty it doesn’t take much to make us feel seen, valued or loved. Some of these men are so fucking stupid and lazy it pathetic

Fine go see her for an hour, take her to breakfast with you ! But ITS MORE YOUR DAY NOW TOO with his children
He is selfish very selfish
He needs the umbilical cord cut ! Glad he loves his mom but once he got married and had children that changes EVERYTHING !

Of course he wanted to see his mom on mother’s day! Do you not want to see your mom on mother’s day!? I’d be more concerned if my husband didn’t want to see his mom. As long as OG parents are alive, we celebrate them. You, your mom and his mom can all be celebrated. My husband does something for me on mother’s day but he also goes to see his mom. We did our thing and then split up this year, me to see mine and he to see his. We wouldn’t be here if not for our parents. I got gifts of appreciation for both our moms. When your kids grown and married, do you want them to forget about you on mother’s day ? I really can’t wrap my head around this post. I’ve seen so many similar ones. Just seems selfish to me.

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He should do both. Spilt the time as best he can.

Im the odd duck here cuz my hubby’s parents are not in the picture.
But Our mother’s day was spent as celebrating having a BBQ at my parents house as a way for both of my mom and I to be celebrated together.
It was my mom’s idea and I haven’t thought of a plan myself in time time. But I was originally planning to spend the time with my husband and son on an outing to celebrate myself as a new mom and acknowledge my mom with a mother’s day gift. As I see it, my mom’s job is done and has been for over 10 years. I just started my job as a mom and I want to give myself some credit on the hard work I’ve put into it.

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Nothing wrong with spending mother’s day with your mother :smiling_face:. That’s nice :slightly_smiling_face:

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Its mother’s day… he has the right to go see his mother. Go do something with the kids. It’s not the end of the world. I don’t get when ppl make a big deal about stuff like this and birthdays etc… honestly it’s just a day like any other.


Why not all of you go to his mom’s? After all, GrandMOTHER might like to see the children too…or you go visit your mom with the kids? Do y’all just fight over everything? Smh.

Why don’t you all go, make a nice family day, when I went to see my Mama on Mother’s day we all went, or we all went out to eat.

Celebrate with all moms, take both out to dinner etc… your wife is busting her butt with young kids and some day your mom won’t be here it happens quicker than you think…

Well. Mothers day and mom go together well.

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It’s interesting to me that so many people seem to vote to go see the mom only because she’s older, quite literally saying that she will die soon. Y’all know young people die too, right? What a weird take.
Split the day.


Well it is after all his Mother.
You are his Wife not his Mother. Is she getting old and infirm. Perhaps he wants to spend what time he has left with her. Can ye not all go to her together. Is your own Mother alive. If yes can you go to her and him to his.

You’re a mother. She’s a mother. Celebrate together.

The amount of women who didn’t want to spend the day with their kids is insane. Lots of complaining over spending time with your own damn kids is weird. Your husband isn’t your child and if he has a mom why wouldn’t he spend time with her?

Go see your mom! Then for Father’s Day, leave the kids with him and go see your dad!

Alot of you have just adjusted to being treated like a breeding pos and it shows…:grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:. I’m sorry, I truly feel for you. And hopefully arguing for this makes you feel better about that, or whatever. There is zero reason why this guy can’t do something with BOTH the mother of his children and his own mom. The whole “you’re not my mother” thing is so gross.

Your still a mother you have kids spend the morning with his mom and then rest of the days with your husband and your kids tell him your a mother to its his job to do things for the kids til they old enough for your mother’s day men are selfish these days… I had this with my last marriage kept telling me I wasn’t his mother so in end did things with kids on my own now I won’t stand for it am a mother to

Get over it. You sound like a control freak . It’s his mother after all.

Can you not go with the kids?

My husband & I normally go to dinner with his mom for Mother’s Day. We didn’t this year, but only because she moved 2 1/2 hours away.

Do y’all have kids? If not, then what’s the problem?

Remember this on father’s day. Leave the kids with him & go see your father. If you don’t have a living father go to another male role model.

I hardly doubt this is the first time he’s shown his true colors

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Yeah yall are nuts. I’m the mother of your children, I’m the one actively doing the work in parenting currently, and you want me to spend the day doing all the work since I’ll be solo parenting while you go have fun with your mommy? Nope lmao. So so so glad I married a man who understands the priority is the family you created not the family you came from. No mommy’s boys here and we ain’t raising no mommy’s boys either. If my son comes to me and wants to leave his wife behind to solo parent on Mother’s Day then I would have failed as a mother. Calling/seeing her yes definitely for sure, the whole damn day? Not a chance. Treat him the same way on Father’s Day :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Red flag red flag i sense uncut apron strings

Well that’s his mom. Ur not his mom.