My husband was complaining when I was in the hospital...advice?re

I’m a stay at home mom of 6 and I was admitted into the hospital from 4pm Friday to 7pm Saturday… all my husband did was complain that I wasn’t getting answers right away and kept bugging me about when I was coming home that he was going to call the hospital to get them to hurry up so I can come home because he didn’t want to “single” parent anymore… not a single worry in his body… now that I’m home he’s falling asleep on the couch and says that he’s going to leave and be alone like I had a freaking break. I was in so much pain the entire time I was there along with other stuff, I kept getting poked and woken up throughout the night… the fact that he’s acting like this just makes me want to cry and just want to leave him… I ALWAYS have the kids by myself and never get breaks… anytime I want to do something by myself he gets mad so I never do things… the doctor found a small white matter lesion in my brain but couldn’t tell me what it was and said it could be the start of something!? But yet they still discharged me… and what does he do!? Complains… never asked me how I was feeling nothing…. Do I have the right to be upset???