My Husband Will Not Let Me Homeschool

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"My husband refuses to let me homeschool our children and I am gutted…it wouldn't be him doing any of the work with them, just me as he would be at work…but he absolutely refuses and I do not know how to convince him or why he hates the idea so much… I am scared to let my kids go to school in this world"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"You can’t live your life in fear there is just as much chance of someone shooting up a walmart or gas station. Maybe he wants your son to have the much needed social interaction that school provides. It creates a sense of normalcy and trying to hide from the world does nobody any favors it really just opens yourself up to more issues in the long run. He has 50% say in this as his father so I would ask my husband to go to counseling and go over pros and cons to come to an agreement."

"Gather your points and have a one on one about all the reasons. Ask for a trial (one school year) to try and see how well it goes."

"Why would you want to punish your children because of a fear you have?? That’s sad. Good for him for saying no way."

"Sounds like you both need to work on communication together… Why do feel they need to be? Why does he feel they don’t? Benefits of both, Negatives of both? You might be the stay at home parent but he’s also the parent. A team, so communicate as a team…"

"I think he should get a say there his kids also. Should he make the final say I don’t know. It would be why he feels they should be in person. I wouldn’t pull my kids just out of fear. Not ever mom can home school. ask him his reasons why he says no. Ask him why he is so strong on a no And explain to him your concerns. but not one parent should trump the other one."

"Do research into different online school choices. Really research it. Then shoe all info to him. I’m talking graduation rates, programs, teacher vs you as teacher, testing scores ect"

"You can’t shield your kids from everything. Should you not let them go swimming because they might drown? Not eat because they might choke? Not get in a car because a drunk driver might hit your car and kill them?"

"I think we need to prepare our kids for the world and not shelter them. I think knowledge and experience are power."

"I think both parents need to be on board. Íf you are choosing this due to the recent events, your husband might be worried about increasing the child’s anxiety. Why not make an appointment with the school and ask to see their safety protocol. You might feel more comfortable. Or he might start to feel concerned about the lack of safety. Homeschooling takes commitment from both parents."

"Homeschool can be amazing but it is also extremely isolating. I was forced to homeschool as a child. My kids and I talk openly and I also observe their needs regarding school every year. Please don’t homeschool just out of fear- this does take a lot- can your kids handle the isolation?"

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