My husband will not let me start my own business

Forgive me for being so blunt…but no man (or woman) should be so dictator-like in a marriage. The red flags popped up everywhere in your post. He’s isolating and controlling, 2 signs of abuse. Time to make a plan to get the heck out of there and start your life with the kids so there’s happiness in your lives. DO NOT ever stay just for the kids sake please. Do not stay because you’re scared you can’t make it as a single mom. I did both and by the grace of God, we worked it out, and will be married 31 years this summer. When our kids became adults, I overheard them talking one day and asked what they were talking about. They told me everything. They would go to the others bedroom and comfort each other when we were arguing. Even thought we were doing it in the bedroom, basement or outside, they knew something was wrong, and they asked me why we never divorced so we could all have been happy.


Oh hell no you need to get out of that controlling jerk marriage if you want to call it a marriage


This is called an abusive relationship. Leave.


Let? What are you needing his approval for? Expense?


He is trying to control you. Don’t stand for it. Tell him you are a partnership and he either works with you and supports you in life or he takes a walk.


Divorce. Why do you need his permission.
Why do women think they need a man


Yeah, throw him out.

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I would be gone already

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:thinking: :warning: We need more information because the advice can go a couple different ways… 

  1. What type of business is it?
  2. What was his reason for saying No?? 
  3. What’s wrong with your family? Druggies? Perverts? 4. How long have you been married?

If you’re waiting for somebody to tell you you have permission and you should leave him you don’t need our permission sweetie, you do what makes you strong! You are a daughter of God and he doesn’t want you to live frustrated or depressed. If you have a good business plan and you believe in your business don’t let him stop you… 


Throw the whole damn man out and start over.

Nah. That is controlling behavior, and noone deserves that. Take your kids to see their family, and start your business. He can either be on board with it, or he can hit the door!

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Better do something before it gets worse

You do you. My ex husband was the same way. I had a dream of starting my own business of creating beautiful gift baskets and candy bouquets. My ex-husband refused. My current husband of alittle over 6 months pushed me to start my dream business. He has funded me to get me started and it feels great. Find you a MAN that will push you to start your business and not a male that is scared you’ll do better than him. Don’t get discouraged if and when it doesn’t take off right away. It takes time. I’m barely making a profit but it’s worth it to be able to have your own business. My husband even had me a sticker made to help promote my business. Follow your dreams. It took me nearly 20 years to finally get mine started but it was worth it. It makes me happy.


Man, my ex was an abusive POS but as soon as I mentioned starting my own business he was creating a logo and ordering business cards for me…

Tell him goodbye and go be successful. It is the best revenge.

l get pald 0ver $ 130 per h0ur w0rklng fr0m h0me. l never th0ught l’d be able t0 d0 lt but my buddy makes 0ver $ 16109 a m0nth d0lng thls and she c0nvlnced me t0 try. The p0sslblllty wlth thls ls endless.

For Details >>>>

Do it anyway ! Let him leave, your busy with a new business and don’t have time to move

Im surprised so many are saying to go against her husband or he’s abusive for saying no. MAYBE there is more to this story…maybe they can’t afford it, maybe he knows she’s not reliable to start and follow through. What is the reason he says no? Seems like more info is needed. And by some of the responses on here…i can see why marriages are in trouble. Be a partner with your husband


Oh hell nah. Boo file for divorce

Never let someone stunt your growth. Do it anyways & if he don’t like it kick rocks.

GIRL!! Don’t EVER let a man tell you that you cannot do something!! You show him by DOING IT regardless of his feelings about it! Why are you even here posting? You should be packing your stuff and MOVING OUT TO MOVE UP!!! :rofl:

My l­a­s­t s­a­l­a­r­y w­a­s $ 16­915 for wo­r­king 22 hou­rs a we­e­k o­n­l­i­n­e. My sister’s friend now has an average of 16,000 a month and works about 20 hours a week. I couldn’t believe how easy it was when I tried.

Check This >>>>

What do you mean by “will not let you”? In terms of what? Is he unwilling to help fund it? Is he trying to sabotage your efforts? Or are you asking for his permission, and he says no? Saying he won’t allow it without giving more context most likely won’t get you the advice you actually need. Considering that you led with him not allowing you to start your own business, rather than him not allowing your children to know your family, indicates to me, that you prioritize your potential business over your kids getting to know your family. I’m sure there is more to it than what’s being said here. First of all, you are an adult. You don’t ask permission. You have a discussion to figure out how to go about it. Second, unless your family is toxic, your children should already know them.

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I’d do it anyway. I can’t imagine getting in the way of someone’s growth, it doesn’t make any sense why he wouldnt be supportive. As far as family only knowing your kids, is their a reason for this? That’s really strange unless it’s about someone who isn’t a good influence (criminal, addict ect). I’d have a serious talk with him about it all and honestly it’s your decision at the end of the day.

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:wink: Real nice and if things ever go south for you or where ever you didn’t want it to go , after your with back with your actual family just see how it’s going to go , call your mom. Dad, brothers and sisters before they all really become strangers.

Start your business. You don’t need to ask. Inform him you are starting whether he likes it or not. No one should stop you to being successful.

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Post is too vague. What business is it? Is it an MLM? If so, yeah I can imagine why he doesn’t want you to go spend $100s of dollars on a money pit like that. It’s interesting you wouldn’t specify the business… it seems more like you’re setting this post up with the answer you want vs giving us the whole story.


This is 2022 he has no right to tell you what too do he wants control

When you say he doesn’t allow you to, do you mean he won’t finance your business or he simply won’t let you?


Um yea No those are your kids too and he’s holding you back he’s not helping you or your relationship progress! :v:t3: buh bye little boy mentality :woozy_face:

Step one: get rid of anyone who doesn’t back your dreams - especially if he’s your husband

Step two: don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t do something

Step three: start your own business

My l­a­s­t s­a­l­a­r­y w­a­s $ 16­915 for wo­r­king 22 hou­rs a we­e­k o­n­l­i­n­e. My sister’s friend now has an average of 16,000 a month and works about 20 hours a week. I couldn’t believe how easy it was when I tried.

Check This >>>>

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Red flag red flag. When they try to separate you from your loved ones like that it’s not good unless you have a toxic family.

Is there a reason he doesn’t support this business? There is not enough info here

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Honey you lost me after “My husband will not let me start my own business.” :woman_shrugging:t4:


Looks like you need to get your house in order? Is there a reason behind him telling you no? Is your family f’cked up and dysfunctional? Are you ? If your looking to have others tell you to end your marriage your in the right place. Life always looks better on the other side of the fence until you put yourself there and find it’s worse.

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Awwww~ Hell NO …You tell him the world you are in is fair , If he don’t like it …Tell HIM >>> Don’t let "The doorknob…Hit you , Where the "Good Lord split you " …!!!thats pure BS :frowning:

Honestly it sounds like you need to because that’s no team effort.

Talk it out with him and see why he is refusing the idea of u starting a business maybe he has a good reason as to why he doesn’t think its a good idea. However dont let him control u because ur kids have every right to also know ur side of the family as they have 2 parents and not 1. That I think is selfish of him to say they should only know his family. Keep in touch with ur family and let the kids get to know them as well its good to have a support system and u never know when u might need their help. If u keep distance and just stay away then they will become strangers to u all. No man should keep anyone from their own family.

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Hell no…get out! Never let anyone kill your dreams.

You’re already 5 years behind…

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Sounds like a control freak. N wants to keep u caged from the world coz u get out there n make it without him thts a big threat to him because if you can make it while ur with him you can make it without him n thts not wat a control freak wants HE WANTS A PUPPET

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Get counseling together first and talk it out if nothing changes separate

About 15 years ago I had an idea and created a business plan for telemedicine, specifically therapy. And people thought I was crazy and I got defeated and let it go…. Oops

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I don’t like the he won’t let me anything. You do what you want and what feels right. And unless there’s a darn good reason your family shouldn’t be around the kids then I would tell him where he can go. This controlling behavior is bs. It will get worse if you don’t stop it now.

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Go on your own!!! He is NOT IN-LOVE w/you!!! He only cares about himself & his parents & their family!!!

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What kind of business? Do you have any experience at all running a business? What made you determine that this particular business would be successful in your area? Do you have the discretionary income to devote to a new business full time without your budget taking a hit? Do you have a place to conduct the business? Will your family life be completely disrupted if you devote the time to the business that it would take for it to be successful? Do you have a business plan projecting costs for the first 6 months to a year?

There are a lot of things that have to be considered before starting a business.

So far as his family goes, we all have days certain level of disfunction in our families. Perhaps yours is just more than he wants to expose your kids to?

He’s trying to control you and your kids. Get out now! Don’t let that happen! He will never change

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Dont let a man tell you how to live your life


Just do it anyway. You don’t need his permission


Sounds like a control freak/narcissist. He doesn’t support you why be with him?


:triangular_flag_on_post: “my husband will not let me”

WTF you are a grown ass woman

Wow. You deserve your own life as well. Also it’s good for kids to know both sides of the family. He sounds kind of controlling like my crime shows I watch lol


Get out, then, full speed ahead!


I’d it a business or a mlm? Because maybe he’s just being cautious?

Good for you go do your thing. Good luck :+1:

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Communication🤦‍♂️ have you tried talking to him about it??

Uhm no. Leave and don’t look back. He told you no in 2017 and gnat should’ve been your first clue that he is not the supportive type of husband. Secondly he doesn’t want to let the children see anyone but his family? That’s a major red flag and big no no, unless you have an issue with your family and didn’t want them involved. Thirdly it’s 2022 and yet again he’s denied you to start a business.
Run, take the kid’s and file a parenting plan and divorce immediately before he does. Good luck.


Leave. He’s toxic. Trying to cut you and your kids off from your family is a red huge flag


I would take off. File for divorce, get custody of the kids, child support, and once you have your finances together, get started on that business. Your husband is holding you back and only wanting the kids to know his family is ridiculous. Get out. Live a more balanced life. Build your relationship with your kids. Let him be controlling all by himself.


Won’t let you? Boy bye.


Sister , you do you !!
Don’t let your husband try to act like he owns you !!

He is your husband , he should support you for wanting to better yourself as a wife and mother . He should understand , if he don’t Kick him to the side and wave goodbye ……

Been there didn’t do what I wanted to do in life … instead when trying to go back to school , he was unsupportive and I did as I was told . So stupid of me , life lesson learned 25 yrs ago … wish we would of left , I would be in a better predicament then I am !!

Stand up for yourself , a man can be married to 2 different women … Lilith which wanted to be equal and dominant to her husband which was Adams first wife , no one dares talk about and Eve who was the obedient and did as her husband told her to …. Which are you ?


Plan your exit and leave

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He is your husband…not your keeper.
Go for it. You don’t need his permission. I would do it & don’t even bother telling him. Also open a separate bank account for your business & go for it.


has he pointed out why he doesnt want you to start a business, if so sit down and discuss the ins and outs off business as its not a 9 to 5 job, it does take over , you will be working 24/7 to make things work. On the other hand in regards to your kids, how do you think his mum feels not seeing her grandkids, how that hurts ALL the time for the extended family, how empty they feel because off your decision, dont use your kids as a weapon against them ,because that is what you are doing

He’s a narcissist :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


You are not his child, you are his wife and his partner, where does it say you need his permission? You want to start a business, start a business… if you want the kids to visit your family, then let them, he’s your husband and not your father.


Lol girl what are you even doing letting this man boss you around. Live your damn dreams.

Won’t let you? You don’t need his permission. If you want to do it, you should!


Stop letting him dictate what you do and who you talk to.
If you’re not safe, get out.


You should not be with a man like that. Not sure how long you’ve been together but signs of an over uncontrolling man show up pretty early in a relationship.


He is your husband, not your boss. Do what you wish. If he doesn’t support you…get rid of him. I bet you support him, so why doesn’t he support you?


It depends on the stability of your business proposal of course, however denying you outright without a basis is definitely male dominance syndrome.

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Wont let you? That’s a major red flag in and of itself. Run girl. That man is trash.

Red flag. Get out that is abuse!


Scrap him girl. Hes stopping u from being happy because hes not entirely happy with himself. Make urself shine. If he doesnt learn to handle it. Nevermind him.


Just start your own business wtf. And also just start bringing your kids to see your family. Make. Better. Choices.


Why won’t he? You didn’t really explain this very well… and again is there a reason he doesn’t want your side of the family around the children? This is missing alot of details… all these women would be totally flipped around if this was the other way around​:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


Sounds like he’s controlling


He got :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: all over him!!!


You’ll be so much happier if you toss him out.


Don’t let him control or isolate you


Follow your dreams and don’t let anyone stop you. What a selfish man leave and move on


Dump his ass now…what do u mean only his family to see kids. He’s a sick man run run run…

He is your husband not you dad… Why do you need his permission to start a business or to see your family? That’s ridiculous… If anyone comes and tells me my kids can’t interact with my side of the family I would gladly show them the door!


Why does a big woman need her husband permission to start her business… unless if the money coming from him… if not do u…


We are missing way too many details. What’s wrong with your family, and be honest. What’s your "business " ideas and proposals???


Mofo cant tell me nothing. Basically ur just giving him.a heads up. Do u mama


yep you should be free in this life to do what you want. Your children need to know your side of the family too . I was with someone similar and had to leave as I ended up starting to loose myself


Life is short, only 2 choices do what he wants or do what you want

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Stand ur ground yes ur kids should know all and deter ur business. Never let a man control u hun. Go for it


My last payc­h­eck was $ 1­6­8­1­5 wo­r­king 19 hours a week on­l­i­ne. My sisters friend has been averaging 16k for months now and she works about 2o hours a week. I can’t believe how easy it was once I tried it out.

Check This >>>>

I’m a business owner and I’ll admit, starting a business isn’t always easy and it’s definitely not meant for everybody, but if it’s something you want to do, you should definitely give it your best shot. When I decided I wanted to start my own business, my husband encouraged me. If you are thinking about leaving and doing your own thing, I think you should. He sounds controlling. And you deserve better anyway.


Why do u need his permission? Your an adult, you can do whatever you want! He can accept it or move on.


Go your own way and be Freed Up from his selfish, uncaring, control freak ways that is Not love . And it is hurting others, not only you !

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Leave you deserve better


Yeah that’s not good. RUN!

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Why do you need his permission? You are an adult. Does he ask your permission to do what he does? He’s immature and controlling. You deserve better than that.


Pray about it B4 u make yor choice remember that we have 2 choices, the right one and the wrong one and there are always consequences to our choices you may like the end result or you may not like the result u get. :pray:

Refused you? You’re not his child. Do you honey, you get one time round on this earth.


he is controling jou. do what jou want.

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