Twice my husband has refused me to start my own business one one 2017 and now in in 2022. He also only wants our kids to know his side of the family. I’m frustrated and depressed at his unsupportive, selfish ways and I’m thinking of separating from him to do my own things without his input.
You just stated exactly what you need to do. Separate. You will feel so much better. If he isn’t even discussing it with you, just flat out telling you what you can and cannot do, thats major control issues and red flags. And unless your family are a bunch of horrible people who shouldn’t be around the kids, that’s not okay either.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband will not let me start my own business
Why is he only wanting your kids to know his side? Why is he not wanting you to start a business? There’s a lot of missing info
That’s messed up and u shouldn’t put up with that at all
Walk away and flourish!
Are you talking about MLM, or…?
Do you need him to start your own business?
Is he motivated by the idea of losing money or is he heared to the idea of never seeing you get better I life?
I’d leave, fk that, holding u back …
Theres got to be more to this story
Is it a money problem? When we got our taxes and had the money to do so my husband wanted me to start my own business so we would have more money. There has to be a reason he don’t want you to
Control with a narcissist is important for them
I don’t know the whole story but it seems like he just wants to close you off from all outsiders. He wants you all to himself. That situation can get dangerous very quickly. I would take your kids and run
Narcissistic behavior. He is isolating you. I would definitely separate yourself from him and figure out what YOU want and need in YOUR life. Ehat is his reason for not wanting you to start a business? What about, why doesnt he want the kids around your fsmily? That’s not fair to you, your kids or your family. Unless there is toxic behavior from your family, there should be no reason why they couldn’t see your family.
Is he your husband or your owner? You’re an adult get your shit together and do it anyways!
Tell him to kick rocks!
If your family isn’t toxic, there is no reason to exclude them from your lives.
If you have a solid business plan, there’s no reason to not start a business.
Sounds, to me, like he’s trying to keep control over you. If you start a business, you gain financial independence, and if you family is involved in your life, you have your own support system.
Sounds like he is definitely a controlling person and u need to get outa their
I started my own business 9 months ago. My money, time, and effort goes into it alone. Don’t let him stop you from succeeding!
You are forgetting one thing… he can’t stop you. “Let” isn’t an option. You can tell him things will be different in your partnership going forward or you are leaving. If he doesn’t adjust, follow through and leave. Start your business and raise your kids alone. I am so it is very doable.
Make money and your family should know y’all kids if he doesn’t like it tell him to move on it over
If its the mlm businesses that’s probably a waste of money
Won’t LET?? He is your husband, not your owner.
Probably depends what type of business and why can’t his family be apart of your life? Always funny how people love to say ‘nope, get out’!
Whats the rest of the details?!?!?!
What type of business? Whats the financial responsibilities involved? Why should the children NOT meet your side?
You have left out a LOT of information.
That is crazy. This is the definition of isolation. It will only get worse. Do not allow this!
I mean, there’s far too much missing information. Why doesn’t he feel comfortable with your side of the family? What type of business?
Not enough info to have an opinion one way or the other. What are his reasons?
Yes exactly! You shouldn’t be held back… your husband is supposed to support you… girl go do you! And take care of you and your babies! He doesn’t own you. And a happier mommy is a healthier mommy
Girl my ex husband was this way! Run!
He sounds selfish love. Let him go:relieved:
Walk away and wipe the shit off your shoes on the way out and take kids
I don’t understand this concept of won’t “let” . Honey, how old are you?
Leave his unsupportive ass
You left out a whole lot pf info
You are his wife not his child. You don’t need permission.
Control!! Don’t allow it…. Do what is best for you & your kids! You need to be happy… believe me .
You do not need his permission to start a business.
However his support would be nice.
You do not need his permission for you and your children to have a relationship with your family. In fact if there is no good reason or illegal setting it may be considered abusive if he is not permitting it.
Place yourself in a good position. Build your credit or become certified, whatever you’d like so that you do not need his help. But keep in mind it might create a rift.
Consider the big picture because you should also understand that taking leave may turn into a lifestyle that you do not want and another woman may be just as satisfied to be his with your children involved in that as well. Lots to think and pray about.
Start the business. He wants to control you!! Be strong:muscle:
Sounds like he wants absolute control over you and wants you to be dependent on him. Drop that asswipe like a ton of bricks.
Throw the whole husband away.
How are yall calling him a narcissist, there’s hardly any info talking about either party’s behavior
Selfish ass just leave and do you
Well if this is just something new that he’s decided he’s going to be the boss yeah I would break ties and do your own thing I would ask was he this way when you married him and if he was did you really just not know it but I would never let some man tell me what I could and couldn’t do
You don’t need permission. Just leave.
First off read what you started your post with…He WON’T let you. Hell no! He is NOT your boss. He’s your husband. He’s supposed to encourage you, by supportive of you and be happy for you. And wanting your children to only know his side of the family? He’s controlling you mama. It’s time to kick him to the curb and do you and live for you and your kids. He’s a narcissist
That’s abuse, he’s isolating you from your family and trying to keep you dependent on him. If someone is keeping you from growing it might be time to look at other options.
Do it, your entitled to your own life dreams too!
Leave. The not letting you start your own business is a form of financial abuse. The only wanting the kids to know his family is a way of cutting you off from your own support system which is also common with abusive partners. Leave and see great your life is without some man controlling you.
Why would u need his permision
Let??!? Uhhh do you not know you have freedoms to do whatever the fuck you want, whenever you want to do it??
I don’t have to ask anyone’s permission ffs this isn’t 1935- dump him
… is your family toxic ? Alcoholics ? Junkies ? Etc. If not, they should be seeing all of their family. Depends on the business. If its a mlm type, I wouldn’t want you doing that either. But if it’s an actual business with a store or whatever, then by all means, tell him to kick it.
I would do it anyway. A spouse is supposed to support your plans. Even if they don’t agree with them. But telling you that you can’t do it is a control issue and I don’t tolerate controlling men.
I would have been gone the 1sr time ge didn’t LET ME do something
A relationship is a partnership not a dictatorship.
Yeeeesh, he sounds controlling. You know that leaving is the right thing to do
I’m not sure about the whole business thing. I feel there isn’t enough information there. But not wanting your children to know your side of the family sounds like isolation and that isn’t healthy and quite concerning.
Let you? Honey, you’re NOT his property.
With just this little info, id say take the kids and separate from him. Spend time with your family and start your business. Revisit your relationship when you are more stable and supported.
Why are you still living in the same house with him?? Get out of there and do what pleases you!!!
Run. Separate. Get as far away from him as you can. My husband and I own a business together. He’s always supported me. He had to quit his job because he was making more money working for me than as an account manager for a chemical company.
the day my husband tells me I can’t do something is the day I say f you and do it anyway. You don’t need his permission or support.
For the business the ONLY reason telling you no is valid is if you’re expecting him to pay for the startup. If not then that’s on you, you are grown and can do as you please! Break it one habit at a time, you’ve spent too long being a push over and it’s time to push back.
F*ck him. Do you girl don’t let any man steal your shine, success & happiness.
What kind of Business??? I need more info. What kind of family do you have? Do they have serious issues in Prision, Alcoholics, other addictions?? Is he supportive in every other way?
Leave and Don’t Look Back!
That won’t end will .from holding kids from his folks.i know . Believe. Me please
There’s too much missing from just a tiny bit of information you decided to give us. You took to the internet to get opinions, we the people cannot form an opinion without all the information. Like what type of business can yall financially afford to do this and have money set aside to do this? If the kids are under school age, do you have things lined up on sitters or daycares? What’s wrong with the kids spending time with his side of the family? There’s too much information that you have left out of this. Please update so we can form an opinion that you’re asking.
You need his permission? Come on now… you grown!
Drop the dead weight husband.
What is hindering you from starting your own business and securing your relationship with your family? You can start with you. Start where you are and tell him he is welcome to hop on this ride but you need to do something for you! Let it play out first before you move to divorce.
You cant always live miserably trying to please someone else… live for yourself!
Its really really really not up to him he’s ur husband not u he doesn’t get a say
Run fast because that’s all control issues.
Seems fishy. Husband and I have a small business TOGETHER.
Refused? Like how can he stop you? Don’t give your power away. Go start your business. You don’t need his “permission”
Run with your children as fast as you can!! He shouldn’t be keeping you and your children from your family!! I dated someone who told me if I married him I wouldn’t be allowed my family! I said goodbye to him forever Don’t let a man tell you your kids can only visit his family
He can’t stop you if you don’t let him do your thing and don’t let him dictate you it one thing if you risking your home or something while
Trying to start you company up or taking a big financial risk especially right now with the economy but if you have a good financial plan and your thinking like an LLC that won’t effect your home card ect I see no issue with it
Leave and focus on you and kids
i thin k he needs to become your ex husband quickly.
Nope. Red flags all over this post. Leave. Especially when he wants y’all isolated to just his side of the family. That’s crap. Kids deserve to know both sides as long as they aren’t toxic to the kids.
You’re husband sounds like a real a$$hole
If your “business” was MLM then he did the right thing!
If you had a legitimate business idea then shame on him.
Is he saying no because it’s a financial risk y’all can’t afford to make, or because he’s an asshole? It took me 7 years to get in the position I needed to be in to be able to start my business.
Can’t tell you what to do,so my opinion only I would leave. I feel he is holding you back plus your children have the right to know your family as well…You have serious decisions to make. God Bless
Yes even the one closes to you will not support you but GIRL DO IT !!
If this business is an MLM, he’s right.
Go for it!! Don’t let anyone hold you back
Thats not a husband that is a controlling jerk
It’s control … do it anyway… why do u need his approval…
My mom left my dad who was unsupportive of her to go back to school after having 3 kids. (Because he refused to "babysit")
She left and it was tough but she finished her bachelor’s degree, got into law school and kicked ass as a lawyer. She went to post secondary art the same time as us kids:-)
I’m so proud of her. because she showed me that she would not be slowed down by his dead weight. She felt bad for “breaking up the family” but she actually led by such a good example of how to stand up for yourself, live your worth and work towards your dreams.
He can stop you only if allow him to do it .
Some men don’t like their spouses to be independent and successful, so they can control them.
If he is holding you back , just go where you can flourish.
Sounds like a self centered man. Sounds like he doesn’t want you to be successful.
I’ve been beside my husband building his business, and have left my full time job to support his office.
Maybe he’s threatened by you.
Honestly there isn’t enough context here. Mlms are crap and everyone is already selling cups and t-shirts so if it’s something like that, then I kinda take your husband’s side.
I’ve also seen some people’s families be toxic as heck and I could understand wanting to cut them out.
Controlling and isolating you
Do it! That’s narcissistic behavior!
He’s isolating you…your children-they should know your family…I couldn’t imagine not seeing my family. You need to take care of your children and yourself! Business is tricky. Get a job and do it on your own
Ewe. Narcissistic… RUUUUN!!!
Go for it! It’s time