My husband will not let our son ride his dirt bike

What’s the reasoning behind not allowing him?

Y’all have room for a track in the yard ??? Or a track near by ? Maybe dad could get one and they ride together? Maybe once dad sees son is ok riding he won’t be so worried

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It doesn’t matter if the sheriff bothers the kids or not. Dirt bikes aren’t street legal so I agree with the husband. You can always try to make the bike street legal and have it fall under the lines of a motorcycle but then you’ll need to have it registered, insured, inspected and see if you need a motorcycle license to ride it. Imagine your son riding the dirt bike on the road and someone hits him, throwing him off his bike and he suffers from a traumatic brain injury. There’s no one to go after for compensation because your son was fault for being on the road with a non street legal bike. But I don’t condone any parent allowing their kid to break the law when it comes to being on the road.


Let him ride it anyways what can your husband get do get mad sooooo

This is something you and your husband should discuss. I grew up knowing that if one parent said no, that was that, it’s a no. Doesnt matter what the other parent said. Occasionally, I’d ultimately get a yes a few days later and I realize now it was probably the yes parent talking to the no parent and them coming to an agreement. That’s how it should be. You win some. You lose some. The other kids and the sheriff shouldn’t be a determining factor. It’s your home, your child.


I’d bet he has a reason, why not share that part?


Ok. So, even if the sheriff’s doesn’t care and you allow him to go anyway… are you prepared for any of the consequences? I’m not saying these won’t happen daily by just walking out of the house, but if he goes in the road and hits a car doing crazy stuff, are you willing to fix said car because most of the time it’s illegal to ride on the road so he will most likely be at fault. If your kid is in the road and a car hits him and it’s an accident and say your son dies, are you prepared to accept that because if your son was in the road illegally, most likely the driver of the car won’t be charged and you will still have to pay for any damages. Just because the sheriff’s turns a blind eye doesn’t mean it’s legal. If they’re riding on property, that’s one thing but how are they getting to said property? Are they riding in the road to get there? Life is about choices and even though they are good and bad choices, all have consequences.


Well why is he making the final decision?? He’s not your boss?


As long as he has gear let him go I live in WV that’s all that’s here

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Dirt bikes are for dirt bike trails, not roads. Does he have proper riding equipment? Helmet, goggles, boots, chest protection?

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Tell your husband to kiss your a$$. At 17 that kid should have already been riding it.

That would be the day my daughters father told her she couldn’t use something after I bought it for her, stand up for yourself and your child smh


Get rid of the fool. LoL

Im sorry but if either parent is uncomfortable with a child doing something (until they are of legal age to decide for themselves) then it shouldn’t even be a discussion. He’s not comfortable with it and says no, that’s that. How would you feel if the role was reversed and he wanted his son to do something and you said no but he kept pushing etc. He’s 17. He only has 1 year left until he can make that choice…let it go. He shouldn’t be on the roads until he is licenced either…this argument is as silly as someone complaining that their partner wont allow their under-age son to drive a car on the road without a licence…


Did you ever ask him why he feels that way? You’re not your teenagers friend. You’re supposed to be the person that’s looking out for them even when it’s the unpopular decision. In this case it’s a two person decision. Did he help you buy the bike? Or did you just go pick it up and decide that that was going to be okay? If you don’t have your partner’s approval then why are you pitting your kid against him? If my partner, the other parent of my child, said that they were uncomfortable with our son doing something that is very arguably dangerous I would take heed. So I don’t know what you’re hoping to accomplish with this post.

Hoping you are at least pushing a helmet. It would only take one careless driver going through town and then you would understand what your husband is talking about but it would be too late.

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Whats the reason he doesnt want your son to use his dirt bike??? Mmm sorry can’t help you there without a reason , this is incomplete info.

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I had a dirt bike whe I was little and loved it. That being said, as an adult I have a friend who lost her teen son to a motorcycle wreck and a few months later her nephew was killed in a bike accident. I would respect my husband’s decision. I don’t want my son on a motorcycle and would be pissed if he bought him one without is both being in agreement

I don’t blame him, they can be dangerous for adults let alone children.

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Is your son reckless? Does he refuse to wear proper gear? Did someone’s child in the area recently get injured?
Sounds like everyone needs to sit down and discuss the real issue, because I don’t think it’s just about your husband saying no.

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I don’t see the big deal. Why does he not want him riding?

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If the father is just saying no to say no, tell him to pull his head out of his ass. If he has actual concerns such as safety, communication and full riding gear is probably your best bet

I mean i can understand where hes coming from if its out of fear he will get hurt or worse. I rode dirtbikes with my brothers my whole childhood so i also get where you are coming from. Id talk to him and see if he will compromise like if your son has all of the appropriate gear (helmet, chest protector, boots, gloves) then i dont see why he couldnt compromise. We always just wore out helmets but my brothers taught me how to ride and our dad taught them. Maybe set guidelines with your son as far as “being stupid” on the bike. If it were my kid i would just tell my man to suck it up because he well old enough to know he can get hurt and have some trust in his child.

Your husband is a control freak and a fun hater!


Well what are his reasons for not letting him


The amount of women jumping to disrespecting the father, what do you think that will show the child ( 17 year old is still a damn child) and I bet if the roles were reversed the dad would be at fault or considered the disrespectful one… ladies do better!

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Is your husband your sons father? If not tell him to fuck off about it. He’s being overly controlling and ruining all the fun!

Get your husband one to ride with him

Maybe your husband knows something he’s not telling you…

My husband just broke his leg very badly on a dirt bike…. There is no way I would let my child be on something so dangerous

My kids ride dirt bikes and have most of their lives, but going on the road is a sure fire way for mom to take parts off your bike so it can’t be driven. Dirt bikes are meant for dirt not for roads. They don’t even drive the same in a road as on dirt or grass. Have you ever been on one?

It’s the kid is super irresponsible then maybe… but it’s the kid is alright then idk what the big deal is. Make sure he got a helmet and checks in often.
If the dad is worried tell him go out there and see what his son can do. If he sees for himself that his son can ride maybe it’ll help.

I know multiple people personally who have gotten badly hurt on one.

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Is there a reason why he’s saying no? If not tell him to sùck it ùp

You didn’t discuss this with him before purchasing it??

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I’m sure he’s riding his friends dirt bikes whether or not he’s allowed to ride his own. So everybody who’s saying “I would never let my child” aren’t really helping. If he wants to ride a dirt bike, he’ll find a way.
I think you and your husband need to go over risk management and dirt bike safety with him.


A lot of it could simply be that he remembers that age and how lacking their impulse control is. He knows how teenage boys act and how risk taking they can be…he wants to prevent something bad from happening to your son, or an innocent bystander. In the mountains, the risk is a great deal higher.

When I was in the trauma hospital waiting room after my father was airlifted there after a car accident, I sat across from a mother whose son was also airlifted there with a head injury and broken femur from riding a dirt bike in the woods. Your ex husband is smarter than you.


:0 let that boy ride!
Rules are made for breaking and bending - and your son is going to hurt himself if he does it without practice or knowledge. He’s a young man and more than ready

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Wont it be fun for you to watch your son turn 18 and rebel and reject the both of you because of your husbands overreach, kids who get forced unreasonableness – (religion, academic demand, overprotectiveness) usually choose to live sketchy just to get out from under zealotry

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I say let him ride he’s 17yo not 7yo. But I would even let my 5.5yo ride though! Give him the tools he needs to do it safely! Life is full of risks if we don’t teach our kids how to safely navigate through life we are setting them up for failure. My boys are allowed to try almost everything and I make sure they have safety gear and we go over the risks and why we have certain things. Parents who restrict their kids end up having kids who rebell after they leave the home and don’t have the supervision they could have if they were allowed to do it at home.


You are both his parents, it sounds like you already knew he felt strongly on this even before you bought the dirt bike. You got it anyway thinking he would cave or look like the bad guy in this. I am not taking sides as this is not my child, however you seem to think your rights as a mother overrides his as a father.


My 4 year old has a dirt bike.

It’s illegal . Does he have a valid reason , maybe drive it in the dirt it’s what it’s made for


Get him a helmet and one of those chest and back guards along with some protective gloves. these simple things saved my brothers life while being careless. So having these while being careful he’ll be just fine. As a father I see where he’s coming from maybe try researching the safety vests and equipment and show them to him hopefully it will ease his mind knowing there’s stuff that save his life


What is ur hubbys reason? Comeing from someone in fl where dirt bikes 4 wheelers and side by sides are a major thing here it’s what we do for fun I feel like this kid is missing out even if ur hubby is scared there are things he can and places to
Go n things to wear to help ease that I think hubby needs to see him on it n how responsible he is ( if he is) with ridding and how happy it makes it him, he’s 17 what’s he gonna do when ur done gets a car or starts driving if he isn’t already . Let him be a kid.

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Give the kid a chance! He is a teenager after all or else he may rebel!!! Let him have some fun for God’s sake!!!

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My son was 9 and wrecked his friend’s dirt bike through a wooden fence last year. He was fine. Some cuts and scrapes but nothing major. Only reason I was even mad was because it was like a week and a half before he had to wrestle at the state tournament. We still had to bandage some lingering wounds before he went out on the mat but he was fine. I say the younger the better. They need to learn.

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I say he is your son too and if he wants to ride it then let him go(if you’re ok with it). If your husband throws a fit then come to a compromise. He won’t ride it around his dad. Although for myself, I am mom and what I say goes. I’d tell my husband I’d rather be pissed off than pissed on.:woman_shrugging:t3: but again I am not nice lol.

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Your husband seems immature for sure lmfao. As long as your kid is wearing his gear, let him ride


Does he have a driver’s license? I mean if you are both his parents you really need to agree on such decisions and if not then the children will be confused especially if you discuss this with the child and he will hate his father bc he thinks it’s all his fault. Usually I wouldn’t make a purchase or want my spouse purchasing a dirt bike without agreeing on it first. I mean he will be 18 soon enough and he can do what he wants! Just bc all the other kids are jumping off the bridge doesn’t mean it’s safe. My boyfriend when I was 17 and he was 22 had a dirt bike accident on the track and he is paralyzed from the waist down and had ridden dirt bikes for 15 years so anything can happen. I understand you want him to be able to do things and be a kid but obviously this has been an issue and it doesn’t sound like he is chamging his mind about it.


Why don’t you and your husband look for a dirt bike safety class or something like that. Your husband probably knows how he was at that age and feels the risk is real that his son has his spirit. He’s scared he will get hurt or worse because he was probably a no fear kinda kid himself. He will feel better if his son takes precautions and knows how to handle the bike and any situation he may find himself In. Put your son through some safety training online probably has great sources if there’s nothing local, and you and your husband can see how he does. If that doesn’t help him be ok with it thn I’d say your husband needs some therapy for himself to see why he’s so dead set and scared.


My husband and father in law own a motorcycle/ATV/dirt bike shop/mechanic shop-my husband has been riding since 4 and my son has been riding since he was 3. You can buy protective gear to ease your husbands mind, but let him be a kid! You can’t live your life in fear, that’s not living. It’s not fair to your son that he’s missing out!


My partner wasn’t allowed to ride when she was a kid bc her dad was jealous that he didn’t get to do that as a kid. She still resents him for it to this day bc she was so hurt & felt left out when all her friends would go to the track without her.


My 14 yr old h a s been riding dirt bikes 4wheelers at her best friend’s house since second grade. Best friends mom is a surgical nurse tech. My daughter has had 2 accidents first one nothing major the second one she burned her leg in two(she flipped thr 4 wheeler) place but best friends mom doctored it right away and they went back on their marry way on the 4wheelers.

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Ridiculous! By the time my brothers were 17 they were on Harleys’!!

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He’s 17, as long as he knows how to ride safely there shouldn’t be an issue. My nephew is 6 and has a dirt bike. Your husband is being to protective and your kids gonna hate him for it.

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Why would y’all get it if he can’t ride it? Lol honestly I’d probably cuss dad out. He’s 16, if he knows what do and how to do it, let ‘em go.


I. Would. Be. Pissed. He. Is. 17


Make sure he has helmet. At least he is not out getting in trouble. I live in a small town. I have seen a 11 yr old boy drive around the block to his grandparents.


Maybe just do whats legal and right. Be an example.


What’s he gonna do if you say yes? He is yours too. And 18 he has no say.


Go buy him one to that way father and son can ride together see what he doesn’t like about that and maybe he’ll let him ride his

That’s ridiculous he’s 17. My 6 year old has a four wheeler and drives pretty damn good. My brother is 9 and he’s drives amazing and knows more about cars than I do. I can’t think of one good reason the dad wont let him ride. That’s insane. I feel like the dad is just mean to him or something. Let the boy ride with his friends stand up for him

Tell him to just go ride it :woman_shrugging: Why does ur husband get the final say? Have him keep it at a friend’s house if it’s such a big deal.

Sounds crazy to me, we do not live where the cops don’t harass and I still push my son to take the bikes to the trails lol…and he’s only 13 :woman_shrugging:t3:

What is the reason? Did he give one, or is just against it without a reason? If its because of safety, maybe look into some safety classes and buy good protective gear. Where we live (a small mountain town as well) the teens and adults ride thier motor bikes all over the dirt roads around here with no issue with the cops as well. I don’t really see a reason why he wouldn’t be allowed to ride…