My husband plays drums and loud music, and he insists on putting headphones on my five months three-week-old baby’s ears while he plays them so that baby can listen to it. I am worried, and I told him my concerns, but he says I am simply acting over-worried & rude and not letting him do what he wants. So I had to allow him once. Should I allow him again?
Best to actually chat with his pediatrician because your husband probably want listen to the face book doctors
No, this is super dangerous to the baby’s hearing. Loud noises can cause permanent damage to anyone’s hearing, but it’s even worse for a baby. If anything, he should be putting headphones on him to muffle out the sound.
Um, he’s going to destroy his hearing. Get an opinion from your son’s doctor though, just to have the official medical opinion.
Generally you put headphones on to block the noise
He’s trying to protect his hearing. His intentions are obviously good.
Are you sure it’s not a set of muffling headphones? Like most drummers wear to protect their hearing? Did you ask or are you just assuming the function of the headphones?
My partner and I are both muso’s we have a six month old son, when ever we practice with anything on the louder side we always put earmuffs on our little man, hearing is important and it is not good for a baby to be around loud noises! He needs to have some common sense
Thought u ment so baby couldn’t hear. Defo not x
Nah. Why does he want your child to get hearing loss?
Your husband is an idiot. And as a mother, I wouldn’t care who’s feelings I hurt if something is dangerous to my child it’s not happening. Quit tip toeing around your husband and put a stop to it, like now.
Go to the doc and get him to talk to him personally,
I’m assuming it’s to block the noise not to make him listen to it through the headphones. So he will probably need noise cancelling headphones… But best to check its ok to use. I’d say it would be better than the loud noise of the drums
Not enough information.
Are the headphones to listen to music on? If so are they actual headphones? Or ear buds? What is the volume? Is it soft? Or are the noise quieting headphones to tone down loud noises and protect hearing…so baby can listen safely?
Theres a lot that goes into determining whether this is actually dangerous or safe…
If it’s safe and you just dont agree with it…then maybe it’s time to realize when it comes to kids it cant always be your way or no way.
If it’s not safe then discuss this with your childs doctor.
Loud noise causes hearing loss. Why would a father want to ruin a toddlers hearing. He will be hard of hearing the rest of his life.
Put them on your self and try them out for your self if it’s loud then no if it’s blocking the noise then yes
No w hurt his ears .no no no…crazy idea.
The guys a head case absolutely not
Where is he playing? Your baby can’t hear him play from where he is in the house? Why use headphones? Why not use a speaker? Are the headphones loud? I don’t know all the info here but there should be other ways he can’t listen to the music.
Headphones to listen to music?? Not ok… . Headphones to muffle the noise from your husband playing the drums then that I would say ok too.
Kid will be deaf by 3 if not before
At a babysitters when I was young they played loud music and my hearing was permanently damaged. If anything they should have headphones to lower the noise like the ones you use to shoot guns with. Totally unacceptable.
My ex did this with my oldest despite me telling him not to several times. Now my oldest has a hard time hearing. Don’t allow him to do this.
So clearly there is more information needed, before anyone jumps to conclusions. Are they noise canceling headphones, to protect the baby’s ears, or are they headphones that play music?
I thought you was going to say earphones on baby so he/she can’t here it get some ear defenders on the baby ears so he/she can’t here the music x
Wow no!!! How stupid. Yes I’m being mean but this made me mad
Some of these questions, make me realize that some people should NOT have kids. Idc I said what I said.
Why doesn’t he just play out loud in that case it would cause less damage. Baby’s ears are prone to infection. Head phones are a great way for an ear infection to start. Not to mention the damage to the ear drum when having a vibration of that Mass thrown at them. Highly recommend getting a doctor to tell him that’s the dumbest thing he can do. Your baby will be def before they can talk if this continues. You know the risks, put your foot down.
No! It could permanently damage the baby’s hearing!
We do the noise blocking ones that are over the ear since about 6 months old when my 18th month old plays drums with my husband. When she self starts and pulls the sheet off herself I just let her be. we just let my husband and whoever else comes over and let them jam without all the extra amps and the kids play across the room. When she is at grandmas for the weekend game on tho
Please tell me it’s to block the loud noise and not play the music directly in his ear.
Like one asked are they noise canceling if so talk to doc and see even with them on if it’s safe
Throw some facts at him about baby’s and their eardrums:+1:t5:
They always listen to someone else
Always listen to your mommy instincts!
No not okay. But explain why. Not get mad. So he learns. If he chooses to be ignorant after I’d be a bitch about it
Bad idea completely that would be extremely irresponsible.
Absolutely not! You should never listen to loud music around a baby because their ears are way too sensitive
I would call your pediatrician, put it on speaker, and have him ask them if it’s okay and let them explain to him why it’s not okay.
Your five months three week old baby…lord Jesus. I had to stop there
Really? He should take a day or two with noise canceling headphones, not allowed to take them off to see what’s it’s like being deaf and hoh.
you should not. seriously. the kid shouldn’t be in a space where certain decibels are present and headphones to make it "louder’ should never be allowed. This is how most of MY generation became hard of hearing at the age of 50. Seriously. I’d tell him to piss off, but…that’s me. And he could get mad and move out but, at least my kid would have good hearing at the age of 30.
No to the no to the NOOOOO
I took my son to a concert when he was little and put head phones over his ears he was fine still has perfect hearing
You don’t actually have to allow him once. It’s dangerous.
If he doesn’t believe you that its not good for the baby, bring him to the child’s next dr appt and have the dr tell him.
And youre not being over protective. I would have broken the drums.
Are these head phones or ear muffs to drown out the music so it isn’t as loud. If it is ear muffs then I don’t see much of an issue if you can tell that they are on the proper way. Outside of that, I wouldn’t let the baby near anything that loud.
Y’all Done Already Fucked Up Those Poor Babies Ears!!! I SAID WHAT I SAID! PERIOD!!
Thats extremely dangerous for babys ears.
Simple. NO honestly how stupid could you possibly be STAND YOUR GROUND!!
This post confuses me… like is he playing loud music on the headphones for baby to listen or is he using the headphones as a bit of a barrier so that baby can still listen and not damage his ears??
Just listening to a blow dryer for 30 minutes can damage your hearing. Your ears can only handle a certain amount of decimals before damage occurs. There is also no study done to verify the effects wireless(if their wireless) headphones have on small children. Seeing as the have magnetic waves and such just like cell phones may be linked to brain tumors. I would absolutely not let my LO were headphones at that age but you are their mom.
Talk to doctor about hearing protection.
Only if you don’t care if your baby becomes deaf!
Noise canceling headphones are needed. Not the opposite. They are pretty cheap
If they’re headphones, absolutely not he shouldn’t do it again. If they’re earmuffs? That shouldn’t be an issue. I’m assuming headphones since that’s what was said but, could be a mistaken word.
If he wants the baby to listen and is putting them on the baby to lower the sound… Ok that i can understand if hes putting it on so the baby can hear it playing from like a cd … Thats just ignorant…
Oh hell no not unless you wanna make them go deaf??? Some people shouldn’t reproduce
If your husband is playing his drums and your baby is present, the baby should absolutely have EARMUFFS on to protect his little ears. If you are saying that he plays music loudly through headphone then absolutely not that is not okay at all.
He could damage baby’s hearing. A hell no for me
I say we can say who’s controlling in this post …
No. She will loose her hearing.
Wait, like just over the ears so it’s not loud so baby can still listen? Or are they plugged in and baby’s listening?
Is he playing it loud or checking to see that its safe for very sensitive baby ear drums
Why can’t he just play it out loud
He needs to go to baby’s 6 mo appt with you & hear the drs answer to this question.
Well you know what they say! You can’t fix srupid!
No. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I’ve been a guitarist in bands for over 30 years, and I would never allow my children to be subjected to such high levels of noise. Would you allow your husband to take your child into a working timber mill? Building site? Mine site? There’s your answer.