My in laws are demanding I allow them in the delivery room: Advice?

Tell them you aren’t comfortable with that and they have to respect your wishes. They cannot force themselves in the room and you aren’t obligated to allow anyone else in the room with you. When you get to labor and delivery, you can let the nurses know that nobody else is allowed in.

Your body your rules :heart:


Stand your ground. Having an enjoyable birth experience is super important. And I’d tell your husband that unless he wants a prostate exam in front of your mom and sibling then he can shove it :woman_shrugging:t3::grimacing:


Ha - no
Your choice who is in the room
End of story

So it’s okay for your mom to be in there but not the other grandma? That’s fucked up. But I wouldn’t even let my momma in.

Let your doctor know how you feel and let him take care of peering eyes.

Absolutely say no! And if they can’t respect this very PERSONAL decision then they are the problem. Tell the Nurse as soon as you get there that they are absolutely not allowed back and they will handle the rest. Prayers for you

Labor was the most personal, vulnerable thing I have ever gone through. I couldn’t imagine having anyone in the room besides my sister and child’s father. (And even then I felt like I was on display and just wanted to be alone🤣). They need to respect your wishes and boundaries. I would just explain you are nervous for the whole process and prefer them to see the baby directly after being that it is such a sensitive, vulnerable state. Explain to your husband it would be too stressful and distracting having that many people in there as well as you are not comfortable with it. Point period blank. Good luck mama🤍

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Hospitals here are only allowing one person

Have a chat with your doctor and I’m sure you won’t have to worry about it let the doctor tell them it’s your life anyhow "Boot them out "!

Tell them no with no explanation.

You have a right to privacy and a birthing plan. They’ll your gyn you want to do it privately. It will be the doctors call. I did not let my mother come. Had to wait until recovery time see me. Put your foot down. Give an inch take a mile

You are not being selfish. This is a very intimate time for you and your husband. I would see having my mother or maybe my godmother in the room unfortunately my mother had already passed when I had my child and I had to have a cesarean on an emergency basis. You are not being selfish you just have boundaries and they need to respect them.

Is this Australia you’d be lucky to get your husband soon

You don’t tell them when you go into labour, and of they find out they’ll the midwife you don’t want them there, and they won’t allow them int

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No! No! No! You are giving birth not him! Or his mother or his sister!!! Your birthing journey is completely yours and yours alone!
It’s was brought up in conversation when I was due my second and it was a straight up not happening! They don’t have to agree with it but ultimately it is YOUR decision who is in the room when you birth your baby.


With covid like it is you will probably be limited to visitors

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You call the shots here. Tell them no. It’s all about you, your husband and baby.

It’s your baby, your delivery room.

No he is being selfish that is redicoulus if anyone’s mother should be there its urs and to make it fair I would say just u and ur husband there’s no way I would give in to that

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Don’t stress. This is about you and what YOU are comfortable with. My ex wanted everyone in there. No. Those were moments for just him and myself. If they insist and try to come in, tell the nurses you do not want them in there. You make the rules as far as who is in there.

Maybe tell the nurses? They will most likely escort them out when it’s time to push. But I can relate to this because my mother in law wanted to be in the room and my mom literally pushed her out and closed the door on her :sweat_smile:

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Sorry Covid only allows 1 person to be in the room

Ask him how he’d feel if he was laying down spread eagle in a room full of drs and nurses pushing a watermelon out of him and your mom and sister were watching him do it. It’s up to you who is in the room. The nurses will make a note of who is allowed and who isn’t and they will not let them in if it comes down to that

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Agree to this only and ONLY if they both let you come in the restroom with them while they are pooping and they must let you see it crowning. Fair is fair


Tell everyone - hubby included - that if they are going to continue to be little bitches about staring into YOUR vagina - you want to see each and every one of them up in stirrups - shitting. You want to watch and take pictures.


If you don’t want them there say it. I didn’t speak up and it was a whole fiasco. And I regret it 9 years later. I wish I was assertive back then as I am now.

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Listen to me… YOU get go choose who is in that room. All you have to do is tell the nurses. Most likely they will ask you. This is your moment. I’ve had 3 kids and never did I let my MIL or SIL in the room. Your husband needs to respect your choice. Do not give in to them.

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Yea that’s a hard no for me!!! You are at your most valuable time. I had my first child right after high school and I had her dads mom in there with me and if i could do it again she wouldn’t be there. I had my mom in with me, and due to covid i couldn’t have her with me when i had my son and i hated it but i managed. It’s what you are comfortable with and when it comes time if they are trying to push the issue then tell hospital staff and they will have them leave.

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Tell him to spread eagle on the couch for your parents. If he doesn’t wanna? He doesn’t get a choice :joy::woman_shrugging: You could always invite them and then tell the nurses you don’t want anyone but xyz in the room and they’ll make up and excuse to have them leave if you’re not a outspoken person.


I tell them no. It’s personal between you and your husband. No one should be looking at your private other than your husband. It’s your moment to share with him and if they don’t understand it then it’s to bad.

I only had my then husband in the room, no one else, not even my own mom. It was something super personal and special I wanted just my husband and I to experience together with zero stress. Do not let them pressure you, I would make it fair and not have any extend family, either way what YOU say goes and they will make them leave if YOU do not want them there.

Just say no. It’s about you, your baby.

So my advice is this is you and your husbands day so to not have any fights on y’all’s special time just tell them it’s only going to be you and your husband. There is always anger when it comes to this when really it should just be about y’all two

Due to covid 19, only one person is allowed, I’m guessing, as I am not a medical professional.

Tell the nurse that no one except your husband is allowed in the room. They won’t let them in. Your husband may still be mad at you but he can’t force you to let them in.

If its anytime soon probly not gonna have to worry about others being in there…Crazy Covid is running wild again and all hospitals are getting overwhelmed again…

Just say ,You & Your husband what to do this alone. That’s It.

Laugh as you roll away :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: tell the docs to lock the door

What about just his mom since your mom will be there?

I would say no with all that is going on anyway they may only allow so many people away just stand your ground

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Tell him ur gonna invite ur folks that then he can b stark naked spread eagle taking a giant poop and not to forget the camera then tell him to stfu its not a spectator sport its ur life health and comfort that needs to b worried about

O M G This is you and husband time. You may need a little help from your mom :woman::wink::blush:

Covid. They prob wont let them. So tell them okay them let the nurses tell em no! Lol

You have who YOU want. Yes the baby is their family but im sorry my mom husband or my best friend are only ones i would even think of allowing sorry not sorry I am the one in pain and pushing (I have c-sections) you dont want um then they can wait

I went through this with my first child and decided to keep it simple: Me and my son’s father were gonna be in there and that’s it. Everyone else had to wait and meet him together that way no one had hurt feelings (or they all did), but it was not about any of them.

Your man should have your back. Also due to covid like others are saying its more than likely going to be only one person in there with you. If the mother n law and sister n law cant respect you saying you dont want them in the delivery room then they dont respect you at all. If your man cant respect that either then maybe he shouldnt be in there either. Dont be pressured into something you dont want. Tell the nurses station who you want allowed to be there and no one else is to ve there. Let them be but hurt his mom done pushed her kids out and had who she wanted there. Its not about anyone but you your the one giving birth not them.

Just say no. :partying_face:. I only had my mom and ex-husband in with my first. His mom snuck in on the second and I was so uncomfortable and aggravated. I couldn’t even enjoy the moment. Tell your husband that you won’t be comfortable and relaxed if they’re in there. If he keeps it up, he can sit in the waiting room too.

I do not play when it comes to moments like that. You’ll be on full display and do not need any discomfort or stress.

It is your choice, why would you want anybody else except husband & your Mother?

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Have the nurses tell them only the husband is allowed in with you.

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My daughter delivered and they only allowed her and her husband…

Tell him to lay on the kitchen table knees up and take a poop while they watch. Then see if he thinks your being selfish. YOU are delivering this baby YOU get to decide who is in the room with you. If you allow things that make you uncomfortable your body will not relax to dilate putting you and your baby at risk for an unnecessary emergency. Your the mama you get to decide. Just FYI nurses are your advocate if anyone is pushing you around just privately ask the nurse for help to get them out.


My daughter in law felt the same way. She allowed me only if I was up by her head. Then my son and her mom was there. I was behind her the whole time. It worked out

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Doubt they would 3ven allow that is the hospital since they are still under covid restrictions. Also most OBGYN only allow one person in the to you attending physician and ask what are the protocols

I don’t think the hospitals are letting anyone but the Dad in now. We are expecting a grand baby and only the Fad can go in so I don’t think they will let them anyway. Good luck

Tell them all to get lost hubby too if he doesn’t value your dignity n choices :pleading_face:


Tell the nurse to tell them they can’t be in there🤍


NO Don’t give in. My MIL pushed her way thru and ran the show
And I have so much resentment
Don’t allow her to do anything you don’t want !
Tell ur nurse and she’ll be the bad guy for u


Ask your husband if your mom and sister can be all up in his parts. Ask him how he’d like that. If he doesn’t support you dont even let him in the delivery room.


At the birth of your child should only be you n your husband. Everyone else can wait! til baby is actually born to see him/her…

Wow, yea I would also tell them no. But I would do it as nice as I can because your husband is right that its their family too. It’s not being selfish, it’s being comfortable. The less stress the better. I wouldn’t let anyone be there un-till after your skin to skin time. Tell your husband if he loves and respects you he will let you have that bonding moment all to yourself since you have waited so patiently for 9 months for it. Not including labor, in which case you should get whatever the heck you want after going through that.( By yourself might I add. Not like anyone else is going to birth your baby for you. lol) There will be plenty of time for your MIL to see the baby.

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Your vagina your choice. They can wait. Blame it on corona only you plus one

Tell them you’re only allowed 1 with covid. First hospital I was in was allowing 2, with one leaving as soon as delivery happened. Second hospital was one, but because I had covid they actually weren’t going to even allow one. They ended up allowing it because of the situation and because he’d already had covid.

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I’m sorry… demanding!!! That’s ridiculous! I’m sorry they are giving you such a hard time! That’s not fair to you!

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Tell them they are not entitled to “demand” anything of the sort.

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No way!!
Your the one who is going to be in pain you and your husband created this baby and you decide who gets to be there.
It’s your body you’ve already had so many different drs and nurses and specialists looking at your body you don’t need to have the inlaws in the room too. I’d be saying well I’m coming to your next pap smear inlaws and your husbands prostate check and your parents will be going to (your baby daddy’s prostate check)

No tell him if he wants to be an asshole he won’t be in the delivery room either it’s the birth mothers right.

Tell him to.climb up on the dining room table with his balls hanging out in front of his mom and sister, as well as your mom and ask him if he’s comfortable.

Absolutely not. This is a personal experience that you call the shots on. Tell them they can see photos of the birth, approved by you, and visit with the baby when it’s safe to do so. It’s not like they can hold the baby until many hours after birth anyway.


Believe in who you are and what you want and say NO. You don’t have to explain yourself. That’s your body, your family, and your choice. They’ll get over it or get under it.

Your delivery your choice. However i see both sides. And I think you should consider doing some compromises. You could do just you and your husband then it takes away the issue of you including one mother and not the other. I would stand your ground about the sister. You don’t want too many people in the delivery room. If you’re uncomfortable about them seeing down there you can request both his mother and your mother stay at your head. I had my mother, my mother in law and my husband all in the room with my daughter and they all was helpful and it was a wonderful experience. I was also nervous about feeling uncomfortable Nd weird but its not. Ultimately its your choice but I think if your going to allow your mom then you should compromise and allow his mom at least

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I didn’t even tell my in laws I was going in to labour. All family and friends were told after my daughter was born

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Tell them no and he needs to shut the fuck up. Your the one Pushing the Baby Out! Not Him! Once he Delivers a Baby than it’s His Choice, but In the Meantime It’s Your Voice Your Choice. He is such an inconsiderate husband, trying to guilt trip you. Just for that kick his ass out of the delivery room too. I Hate people Who Pressure & Push those who are uncomfortable with a situation.

Our hospital is still restricting visitors bc of covid

Sorry…i would be uncomfortable with others on the delivery room other than my husband

Your the one on the table. You make that decision PERIOD. Tell your husband if he had an issue then he don’t need to be in there either.

Tell your GYNOB you do not want “guests” in the delivery room


Let him be mad. That’s so invasive and they should really respect your boundaries. Shows what it’s gonna be like with them when you have your child. Absolute nonsense and they need to get over it.

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Put your foot down and say no!!! This isn’t even just about a safe delivery for the baby, its also about you. You have full say. My ex allowed his grandmother in the room after I continuously said no and needless to say my anxiety was so high that my blood pressure sky rocketed and I ended up with pre-eclampsia and a baby who was born under high stress and had to be sent to the NICU. Fuck what him and his family want.

It is your special time…and nope no way…it is a time for mom & dad to bond good luck…No way should they demand…and hubby needs to understand this


Boundary: having anyone extra that is not needed in the delivery room. Covid is still a thing and most hospitals are still limiting the amount of people allowed in the room. You want people who are there to support you and comfort you. The answer is No. Stick to it. You can also speak to your nursing staff to make sure they understand the Boundary as well.


If it becomes an issue…tell the nurse when you get there (or ahead of ti3ne) that you DO NOT want anyone except your husband in the delivery room. They will handle it for you! You are not being selfish at all…your body is going through a lot and the last thing you need is to not feel comfortable with additional guests with you.


Tell them it ain’t happening and if they try to come in or come in they will be asked to leave and security will be called. Your the one giving birth it’s ur decision on who can and can’t be in the room

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They only allowed 2 my husband’s family was mad trying to push there way in I told the nurse only my mom n hubby. She kicked them out. With my second they said 3 ppl and my sister left and the nurse had said three b4 my sister left and it was time to push lol. But I told my sister to hurry she got back in 2 mins and his grandma had to leave lol

Tell that selfish husband of yours that when HE has a baby he can have whoever he wants in the delivery room. Have your mom and him ( if he straightens up) in there if that what you want. Don’t let them bully you !


Simple it’s your body it’s your choice period.

Say no And if they can’t respect that. Then they have no respect for the child you were carrying.

You have every right to say no ! It is your body and baby do what is best for you xx

Tell your nurses once you get there who specifically you want in the room and they will have security escort everyone else out

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i mean u can have them in the room but once u start pushing u have a option for them too leave !!!

No! Tell the nurses that you don’t want them in there and they can make an excuse for them to “not be allowed in”

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Mom gets to decide. Maybe the midwife or maternity Ward nurse can explain it to them.

Say NO if your not comfortable. They will be able to visit the baby after. They all need to respect you

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I would say no and just have my husband in there. If he doesn’t want to be then I’d have my mom but just say no, tell the doctor about it beforehand. Most hospitals aren’t even allowing that many people in there anyways since COVID.

This is such a cultural thing. In Ireland we have one birthing partner. Generally the other parent. I cannot think of anything worse than delivering a baby with people I’m not close too. Ask him would he let them in while he takes a shit or created said baby?? Tell him it’s like that times 1000000. Complete invasion of personal space and boundaries.

They can’t demand shit. Let them be mad. Not their moment it’s yours. They’re being selfish in not trying to understand why you wouldnt want everyone looking at your vagina lmfao

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My daughter didn’t want me in delivery room. I took No offense to that. I respected her wish. She just wanted her and the Dad. No regrets. That was 35 years ago


Tell her to kiss your ass and the decision isn’t hers to make. :woman_shrugging:

And make sure you tell the nurses who can and cannot be in the delivery room. They’ll help you out.

Your vagina your choice

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Honestly, it is something that very personal. It’s also something that should be between you and your husband. Everyone else will meet the baby after you deliver and everyone is safe. Honestly, you really won’t care about the amount of people who will see your vag that day…but you will want as much privacy as possible and the only one that really needs to be there is your husband. This will be the most exciting thing that you both will share during your marriage, keep it simple and private between the 2 of you

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Hospitals are still restricting visitors in L&D only one allowed, so unless it’s a home delivery you are in the clear.

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In fact your husband since he doesn’t support your decision since you are the one in labor can wait in the waiting room with everybody else.

frankly you get to be selfish your are the one in labor. Your the one going through 9 plus months of body changes.