My in laws got a dog that shouldn't be around kids: Advice?

Then don’t go over there, and don’t let them bring their dog(s) to your place, its that simple. :slight_smile:

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Why is the dog not supposed to be around kids


I guess it depends on why your saying it’s a dog that shouldn’t be around children. But if your concerned or there is a legit reason then no you aren’t wrong for saying they can’t go over if the dog is there or in the house.


My uncle has a dog that dislikes children. He knows this and he informed us, so we keep that in mind. When my family comes to visit him (I have 2 children.) He will put the dog in another room. The dog will bark because she knows we are there. But she usually calms down after awhile and will just relax in the other room. You can still visit, simply ask to have the dog put in another room so it won’t get out. If they refuse, then end the visit and request that they come visit your home instead, but to leave their dog at home.


Wouldn’t they put the dog in a different room when you take the children there?


We need more info. Is it simply that the place they got it said no kids; but it hasn’t been exposed to them? Are you basing the decision on breed alone?

My parents adopted a puppy from a local shelter that had “no young children” on her tag. She has never, not once, shown any aggression towards my children. They had labeled her that way because, as a young dog, she had never been properly exposed to young children.

If the dog has shown PROVEN aggression towards children, then you’re 100% in the right to say you will not go over to their home.


Not at all. Do what is best for your babies safety.

Maybe that’s the point of the dog so you don’t go and visit😆

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What type of dog? I don’t see a reason to stop going there just because they have a dog is it one that you don’t like or the breed you don’t like? More info is needed. When I have people over I lock up my dog since he’s not people friendly.

#SunflowersAttractSquirrels #ToughAdvise #HarshReality

Well in the end it would be your fault if you did send your kids over there and one of them got hurt by that dog …
so just think of it that way, if you know there’s potential danger is sending your kids there a good idea? 

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Smart grandparents! No free babysitting for you. From the lack of information I’m saying it’s petty asking a bunch of strangers advice on something you didn’t even bother giving sufficient information on. I mean it is your child so why the dramatics?


I mean if you don’t live with them, what’s the problem? :thinking: I’m sure they wouldn’t let anything happen to their grand kids. When you’re visiting they can put the dog in another area away from the kids. IF they refuse to put the dog in a separate area then don’t visit :woman_shrugging:t4:

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So wheres the rest of this post ?? Why isnt the dog allowed around kids?? So much missing info


Any dog can be a danger, dont hate a breed because you heard it was bad. If its a mean dog its different but holding your child from their family cause they got a dog and you don’t like em isn’t cool. Ive had pits be the best dog and a lab attack. You should get to know the dog before making that decision

Chihuahuas are a pretty aggressive dog and they shouldn’t be around children and they’re loud and all I do is bark… see don’t know what kind of dog breed it is if it’s a pitbull Pitbulls are nanny dogs no if it’s a dog breed that needs a lot of exercise or if it’s an older dog

Need more info. Also No dog should be unattended around your kids at that age


Nope that would be abusive mentally and physically honestly. Think about the fear they would have at such a young age. They would grow to fear dogs and animals.

Tell them they know where you live if they want to see them and NO dogs allowed in your home. If they bring them anyway don’t let the in laws in.

I can’t imagine why they would choose to do that. What were they thinking when they chose them. WOW.


Well it depends entirely on why you say it isn’t supposed to be around kids🙃 my in laws have a dog that gets really aggressive with kids so he gets kenneled in the back yard while we are over…

Depends. Is it because it is known to bite etc ? If so rhen tell them they have to lock the dog up when the kids are over if it is the type of dog then your in the wrong

What exactly is the reason this dog can’t be around kids? If you are going off of prior actions of this particular dog- i understand. But if you are going down the road of saying a certain breed can’t be around children, you should just stop there. And if a dog would stop you from bringing your children to spend time with their grandparents- that sounds petty. You automatically jump to not letting your kids go there, instead of maybe thinking about having a convo with your in laws about possibly just keeping the dog in the other room while you visit.

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NOT at all!!! They are the ones who created the problem, live with it!!!

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What kind of dogs and who says they cant be around children

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No we are in this exact scenario. I train dogs, but they refuse to take my advice so my husband informed them the kids will not be coming over.


More children die at the hands of humans than dogs

I am are you gonna tell us what kind of dog it is because that’s your perception what kind of dog is not supposed to be around children ? I mean you have it could be considering any dog over 30 pounds shouldn’t be around children… My dog weighs As much as a person… Ma’am don’t be one of those moms if you have a reason I get that but just to be barking about it is petty I mean unless you’re gonna use this as an excuse to not have to interact with your in-laws I mean who knows lol

No, not petty, safety first


I mean, their house, their choices. Your kids, your choices. People shouldn’t have to live to please everyone else.


Nope u are your childrens advocate and that includes protecting them from people that dont have common sense or ignorance to danger


My children would not be going over there. If the dog is in fact not good with kids, my children 100% would not be going over there. What kind of grandparents buy a dog that isn’t good with kids when they have little grandkids??? My parents did this shit and the dog snapped at my dad and we never took our kids back over there. It’s like they’re screaming that they don’t want your kids over there. This is wild to me.

No it’s you deciding that on your own.


Sucks to suck. Good thing they’re grown ups and can do whatever they want.

NO WAY!!! It seems they don’t want you or your spouse coming (and bringing the babies) to their house. Don’t invite them to your house either. Guess they don’t care about their family.


There are laws saying certain dogs can’t be around kids, or is it a opinion based? Have you seen said dog? You can’t tell them what animals they can and can’t have. You have a issue, ask if they will put the dog up when you come over. Maybe tell them you guys can meet somewhere else. You have no right, or room to tell them what kind of dogs they can and can’t have.


No it’s not. It’d a danger to the children. My exs aunt lived with his grandma and we enjoyed going over there except for her aggressive ass dog. And she would bitch how she shouldn’t have to lock up her dog and basically said without saying how we should basically keep our daughter outside. Like lady she has 15+great grandchildren. Why don’t don’t and your shitty ass dog leave lbvs. Go be grown.

Yes it is petty. Your in laws can put the dogs outside or kennel them when your kids are over. Geez some women think because they have kids the world revolves around them only


Why should other people change their whole lives and make decisions based on you? Y’all can still visit each other. As long as the dogs are secured when you’re over, wth is the problem?


It’s their choice to get a dog, and your choice to not have your kids there. Not petty, but keeping your kids safe. Are you saying dog shouldn’t be around children because of breed? Or is it adopted and known to be aggressive?

Been there
My husband had a pit ( I love pots and most of have no issues with my kids around)
When we first got together I tooky daughter to his house to meet him I did not like the look in the dogs eyes
I stayed maybe 5 minutes and would not put her down
He told me I was crazy and we almost broke up
A few weeks later the dog bit his friends child in the face
His mom took the dog and I’d never let my kids go there

That being said I feel the dog was put before my children and their own grandchildren
Something I will never understand
Yes a dog is family but no family will be iny presents if they are a danger to my child

Do you really want to risk your kids lives ? If the dog came with not good around kids warning than absolutely cut them off. Some dogs are not good around small children.


Keeping your children safe isn’t petty :woman_shrugging:t3:


Maybe you could compromise. The dog could stay in his crate or a separate room when the children are there.


Is it just a breed that you don’t trust or is a dog that has been aggressive to kids in the past? Your children’s safety comes first not matter who it is

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Grow up. There’s obviously ways to work around it. Kennel, shut in another room, etc when said kids are around. You’re creating drama.


Nope. My inlaws have a yippy little thing that growls and nips and we refused to have our son around it. They refused to kennel it or put it in a different room. Now it doesnt matter cause we’ve been no contact for 2 years.

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Close the dog in the laundry room. Easy peasy


Just have them over ur house to visit the kiddos ,they leave their dog home problem solved …


If the dog is a pup there is no reason the kids cannot be around it. The kids and pup can grow up together. Also, if youre referring to a Pitt or German Shepherd they are how they are raised.


Not at all. Maybe they can put the dog in a safe place while the children visit and if not then just have the grandparents visit at your house without the dog!


The dogs can always be put outside when you visit. There are ways around it. I feel like you just don’t want to visit your in laws.:sweat_smile::rofl:


That’s the choice they made. They chose an animal over their grandchildren. Consequences for your actions!


Happened to my baby
Mother in law pitbull bit him in the face she still has him too smh yea my kids won’t be going over no more

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your job is to keep your children safe, if they can’t understand why you don’t bring your children to their house then that’s their problem.


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Ask them to put it away when you’re there

We have not been to my mother in laws in over a year for this exact reason. Safety isn’t petty.


If you feel as if your children aren’t safe around any thing that can bite, you have every right to say where they can and can’t, will or won’t be going. Period.


If there is no compromise between you all about what safety measures they put in place for the kids to visit safely then nope, it’s not petty. At the end of the day it’s your children’s safety and guess what you’re their mother not anyone else.
Any animal is unpredictable no matter how wonderful they are trained and loved. I’ve seen to many attacks on children from such loved pets. It’s sad but true. Although that risk is present when in company of most animals.
I’m a cat person, my cat has been around years and 3 kids youngest is 1. I’ve always had hawk eyes on her too, she’s gorgeous and so cuddly but at any point if my kids are too rough I know she could hurt them, so I ensure I teach them how to pat her and her signs of “enough” and supervise.
to be honest our cats very old now so when she sees or hears the 2 younger kids coming she’s off to find higher ground :laughing::laughing:


How do you know the dog isn’t good around your children? Sounds like you’ve never even gave the dog a chance to meet your kids. So your parents “Got a dog that’s not supposed to be around kids?” according to you.


If this is a breed that is literally known to not do well with kids (cane corso, Great Dane, etc) then you have every right to not go over.

But if this is a pit Bull or any “bully breed” and you are going based off of a stereotype then you definitely are doing too much :roll_eyes:.


Takes a split second for a dog to kill a baby so no it isn’t petty

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Firstly, their decision to get a dog does not mean they do not care about you or their grandchildren. You could put it to them gently that the idea of visiting with your children around the dog makes you uncomfortable. Maybe they will be kind enough to put the dog in a secure yard while you visit.
However as a dog owner, people know I have a Pitbull and if they do not wish to be near her, they can catch up with me somewhere else, this is as much my dogs home as it is mine.
Your children, your choice and they need to respect your decisions. They can always come to your place and spend time with the kids.
However, unless the dog is a rescue that is specifically stated as bad with kids, maybe you should give it a chance and slowly introduce it to the children. You never really know how a dog will be with kids, until you try. My Pitbull has been raised with my children and is incredible with them, but not every situation is the same.


Not petty at all!! I love animals and so does my son but my kid comes first.

Nope. Safety is more important. Some people dont train or pay for their dogs to be trained. That whole “theyre good dogs you just need to let them sniff you” thing is bs when their struggling to keep their dogs from jumpin on you while theyre droolin, barkin, n shakin all wild like youre some kinda threat lol some people are just d*mb.

petty how?
Protect your children. They made their choice, you make the best one for you.

Just have them lock up the dog or put them outside for visits

Was it rescued and was not supposed to be around kids or is it a puppy and the “breed” isn’t good with people? We need more information.


Sooo they can easily put the dog in another room while children are visiting smh :woman_facepalming:

Nope. My ex in laws (mother, uncles, aunts, etc) were like this. My child was an infant and the dogs would snip at him when he was asleep in his carseat upon arrival, jump up at him while people were holding him, tried to bite me and him while I was changing him on the floor in a room with the door closed (in laws got mad that I wouldn’t let the dogs have full range of the house 100% of the time) so they opened it while I was finishing up with him.

I love animals but I dislike most animal owners. They are animals, not your babies. Not everyone likes or trusts your cat, dog, rabbit, fish etc…

In my opinion, protect your kids. They’ll be around a lot longer than a dog and that dog can cause lasting damage to your kids. Ask them to kennel the dog while you visit until the kids are older or they visit you without the dog if they want to see your family.

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I mean is there an option where the dog stays in the yard for most of the visit or stays in a crate for an hour or 2 while you are there and just have short visits? Maybe if you want to spend the whole day there they could put their dog in a doggy daycare for the day? I just feel like there are a lot if options to try to meet in the middle

My mother-in-law has a dog like this. He is just an ill tempered dog over all. My husband told her that the dog wasn’t allowed around the kids, so he now lives outside and stays in a large fenced area.

No not petty at all. Keep children away from those dogs! Grandparents made a choice.


I don’t think it’s petty. My daughter is scared of dogs and I make sure people know that before we go around anyone’s house

Is the dog actually dangerous or are you just too paranoid that it will be? I have 4 dAnGeRoUs dogs. two pits and two cane corsos. We also had a lab and a chihuahua. The lab has attacked my child before and one of my pits protected my kid from him when it happened. The chihuahua went after other dogs and thankfully she didnt weigh more than 6 pounds. Still, they were too big of risks to have in my household so we couldn’t keep them. If the kids are going there for a visit, ask if the dogs can be put up. My dogs live here and will not be exiled…HOWEVER, all four together are way too rowdy so when we do have kids over for playdates, the dogs are put up. no harm, no foul.

Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do other than not take your child around that animal - it’s their place, they can have whatever kind of pet they like

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If the dog attacked other kids it shouldn’t be around people. I have dogs but a dog that attacked anyone needs behavioral training or put down. I’ve seen a few kids faces after attacks. Sometimes you can’t get that out of a dog. I wouldn’t take my kids there. If it tried to attack it would be smacked across the room or shot.

You sound like the DIL from hell. They can’t put the dog in another room when the grandkids visit? Who are you to tell them what kind of dog they can have. I mean, seriously?