My in laws reported to social services. How to win against social services to make sure i don't lose my kids?

This question was submitted anonymously by real people looking for real advice. Please be mindful with your responses. No bashing or derogatory comments will be tolerated.


Coming from someone who works for social services, be honest, and understand that by law, every screened in concern has to be investigated, in Kansas that is. They don’t want your kids. They want your kids to remain with you, in a safe environment.


My sons dad reported to them because he didn’t talk to my child when HE wanted to. They showed up at my son’s school, pulled him out of class, came to our home twice and because of our past history of domestic violence I let her in showed her my food cabinets, his clean room it’s a made up bed I do daily clean clothes and all. I was perfectly Scott free. I had nothing to hide so if you’re doing the right thing then there’s nothing to worry about. Note he called becaue HE wasn’t getting his way with my son when I have full custody and calling an 8 yr old at 10 pm wasn’t gonna happen at my house because he has school in the morning. I didn’t care because I knew what I was doing was the RIGHT thing so screw the rest.


Coming from a used to be foster parent now adoptive parent, listen to them, don’t be defensive, do what they ask and follow their plan. Usually, atleast where I live, caseworkers are more than happy to cooperate with parents who will cooperate. All the ones we have worked with love a happy ending and they’ve seen the worst of homes. If there’s a reason they called, work on it. If there isn’t a valid reason, just cooperate and stay calm.


cooperate with social services, remain calm and be honest. that’s it. they’re not there to remove your kids for fun, they need to ensure your kids are taken care of and in a healthy environment.


If your children have food water clothes a clean home and aren’t abused etc then they will have no reason to remove them from you. If your in laws are doing this out of spite for what ever reason they need reported. The social services are there to make sure children are safe etc and once they satisfy themselves they are that should be the case closed

I think the hash tags might sum up her concerns. But dont come to social media groups for this type of advice. Get a family court lawyer


If you aren’t doing anything wrong, you don’t need to worry about “winning” against social services. You just continue to do what you’re doing.


Why did they call them ? I would say get a lawyer but I don’t really have any advice to give you because I don’t know why your in-laws would call in on you. We need more information…


Go to parenting classes counseling and anger management if drugs or alcohol involved start going to Aa or Na this can show dcf and courts you want what’s best for your family also get a lawyer if you can’t afford one contact legal aid services in your area


You need legal advise not social media…


I think if someone really wanted advice…the question wouldn’t be so vague. What did the In Laws report exactly & why?


Record every appointment and phone call they will make things up as and when they go along don’t trust them


People get mad and report things all the time. You dont have anything to worry about if your house is clean, your kids have food, utilities and aren’t abused by you or anyone in the house. Just answer whatever they ask truthfully.

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Be honest with the caseworkers work the plan they offer you ask for parenting class. if they ask you to do assessments do them. Do not treat them like and enemy treat them as people who what to help you and your children and want the best for them. If you have addiction issues admit to them and ask for help.

Yea I don’t think anyone should be giving her advice since we don’t know the full story. They may have had EXTREMELY good reasons for reporting this woman. If so, do whatever you’ve been doing🤷🏽‍♀️ Maybe your kids will get the help they need.

If they’re being petty like some adults can actually be, they’ll possibly get in trouble for reporting, but if you aren’t doing anything wrong, don’t change anything anyways. Keep doing what you’re doing and services will see what you’re doing right🤷🏽‍♀️


If your not doing anything wrong you have no worries.

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It all depends on what they reported and if it’s true.

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Be honest and cooperate. I had a disgruntled ex friend pull this on me. The truth will come out in the end.

Make sure home is clean, running fridge, water, electric, toys for the kids (they check), no mice or bugs, food in fridge and cupboards, clean clothes.

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You take down this post because I’m sure they check social media. If you aren’t doing anything wrong why would you be concerned?

I think we should be hearing about what they filed on before giving advice

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If you aren’t doing anything that’s putting your child/ren in danger or at risk then you won’t need to win I’ve had my neighbour make numerous reports to social services and everytime they’ve come out theyve closed the case if its done as malice they’ll see that

Uh we need a bit more information…


Suit up n show up everyday. Love your kids more n more. Then the fight in you will know what to do.:heart::pray::heart:

Well why did they report you? Was it valid or just to start drama?

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Make sure your house is clean. Make sure you are mentally stable. Do everything dhs tells you and don’t get angry and document everything.

Uhhh why were you reported though?

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Get a lawyer. Not court appointed, they actually work against you. If your kids are easily adoptable the state will take them for petty reasons. You need a good lawyer.


Did she ever answer , Why her inlaws, reported her!!

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If you have done nothing wrong don’t sweat it! My ex mother in law did that to me and they showed up , looked at my house, talked to the kids and that was the end, didn’t go any further! Just tell the truth!

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Get a pro bono lawyer

Guess that would depend on what they reported you for. If you have nothing to hide then you shouldn’t be too concerned.

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Make sure your house is clean and food in the cupboards and fridge…


First why if your house is messy clean it if you need food go ask churches and.if you on drugs.get off.if ypu ask your church

Receipts. Proof on paper.

Stay away from your In’Laws

If you haven’t done anything wrong you wont lose to them. By your wording it sounds like you’re paranoid.


Do what’s best for your children. If you are crossing the line in any way accept the help in those areas whether it’s training schooling counseling. Its not about BEATING DCF its about the children being safe and provided for in the home in which they live. You seem to be a bit frantic and concerned which kind of makes it seem the reporting party may have legitimate concerns since you are scrambling. The children are the priority not your reputation in the community. You love them then do the right thing even if it’s difficult. I’m sorry dear. This too shall pass :rose:


Coming from myself who was a product of dyfs and had them in my life because of my sons injuries just be real and calm with them they will work with you

By ensuring all their allegations are false. Then, file a RO against them.

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What are they trying to do?

Win??? Dont give them a reason to make you lose.

In Florida I had them called on me twice and nothing came of it both times and I’m a chronic weed smoker. Both times the lady was awesome. Open and damn shut :100:

Start recording them what they say and do because obviously they cant stand you to do some low down shit like that . Stop letting them see them if you’re a good parent believe me that shit well backfire.

:laughing: they can report all they want