Threaten to Take them to court if they don’t buy new ones.
Who does that to their grandbaby, get out they don’t truly care about your baby😔
Tell your daughter that while she does have a responsibility to pick up her things and she does have to be respectful of being in her grandparents home that what they did was wrong and unkind. Tell her you’re so sorry and your heart breaks for her. Tell them that what they did is toxic and while it is their home you are also her parent. They didn’t buy the toys and they are not her mother. If they have an issue they can put them in a garbage bag and remove them from her and her ability to play with them but they cannot ruin your personal possessions. Even if you live there you still have rights. It’s absolutely toxic and you’re right to feel that way
I can understand taking toys away if they can’t pick up after themselves but to just toss them out in the rain is wrong, so many other ways they could have dealt with that.
If you do not pay anything to stay there then the best you can do is calmly explain that you disagree with what they did and start saving money to move out. They did an old school way of teaching a lesson. IMO they should have only threw out solid plastic toys and made the kid sit in time out until she was ready to listen and pick up the toys.
I bet she won’t ignore them next time. Although in the rain is a bit much. My in laws will put them in a bag and take them away for a few days.
I think it’s funny if the child was older but 5 is still old enough to understand & listen. Bet the kid learned. May have been a lil extreme.
Teach your child to pick up her Toys.
This is my mother and it took alot of time to look past my anger for their unreasonable behavior. Its their house and even tho its your stuff its a habit that will never break until you move. Took 2 years for me to see that. Once i moved, my family and my attitude changed for the better. Like everyond told me before… move.
I’d Def work hard on moving out real fast
When my nephew refused to pick up his toys my mom put them in a trash bag and hid them in the closet, he didn’t get them back for a while. Nothing was ruined, just taken away. That’s how it should be. She is a CHILD, ruining her toys is crossing so many lines. I would be pissed
I’d be getting out of there and staying away and keeping my
child/ren away from them.
You explain to your daughter that that was cruel. She should’ve had them taken away yes but not destroyed. What you do now is work on getting out and maybe down the line repair the relationship but thats just fucking cruel. Kids suck sometimes but as an adult you don’t crush their world. Holy fuck. Sending love to you and your daughter. Smh
I’d be getting out of there and staying away and keeping my
child/ren away from them.
Honestly your MIL doesn’t like you, that’s why she’s taking it out on your kids.
My kids grandparents would never treat my kids this way. They might take something away from them but not destroy it. That is extremely toxic and so are these comments.
While I don’t agree with how they handled the situation, it IS their house and their rules. You either have to deal with it or find somewhere else to live. I truly hope it works out for your family.
Move out…what does your husband say
The inlaws don’t sound more of a parent than yous.thats just pure ignorance for someone to say do they have more experience w. Parenting sure they are obviously older,older traditions when it comes to parenting.i would all have a talk communication is key especially if everyone is under one of luck.
Why didn’t they just put them up until you got home to decide how long she was grounded… that is just WRONG! Make sure that you toss whatever they leave in your way out in the rain also, see how they like it! Also find your own home ASAP! This is not uncommon when residing with others, family or not.
This comments section did not pass the vibe check. Yall are some toxic MFers…just barley 5 is not old enough to consistently grasp the concept of action=consequence and it’s certainly not something that gets taught once and it’s done. There are far better ways this could have been handled in a far less traumatic and toxic way and the point would still have been made. Some of yall need parenting classes…
They definitely could have still taken the toys from her to teach her a lesson but in a different way. They didn’t have to just ruin her shit- i’d be furious.
They deffinitly took that too far in my opinion! Id be pissed and ask them to replace
I would throw their shit outside but I don’t let people do messed up stuff to me
Find someplace else to live
My in laws used to throw the shoes outside (no matter the weather) of people didn’t put them properly on the shoe rack.
Eventually people learned tp put them on the shoe rack properly. She is 5 and knows how to put the toys away. Idk? I’m conflicted on this one. Move out if you don’t like their parenting
Unfortunately their roof their rules. Try and keep the peace and try and get out of there asap. Sorry but it rarely goes well when adults (couples in laws or other) try and live together. Hugs!
I picked up all my five year olds toys and dumped them into recycling and sometimes threw them out. Nothing more annoying than a child who knows better tells you no.
In my opinion the kid should have listened, however the in laws are wrong. I do not agree with this kind of punishment. They should replace everything that is ruined. Work on finding a new place and cutting them out of your lives. That’s not right.
I’d be pissed toys r not cheap an how rude an yes toxic that’s not teaching that’s very the wrong way to go about toys honestly older generation sometimes
If you left the child in their care and she ignores them when she ask to pick them. I can see taking the things and putting them away for a period of time. To put them out in the rain is a bit much. Teach your child she needs to listen when they talk to her. At 5 she is old enough to pick up when she is done playing with them. My 5 year old grandson comes to my house and knows to pick them up before they leave.
That’s horrible that they did that to your daughter. I would be pissed off also. It’s not like she’s 10 and didn’t listen……she just turned 5 for gods sake. They should replace the electronic ones that are now broken. Explain to them that she is still young and what they did was wrong.
They destroyed property that was not theirs. You have rights and so does your child. File a police report for property damage and press charges. Period. If they will do that to toys then think hard about what they are doing to your kid. They need to replace everything and apologize. They couldve put the toys in a bin until you got home for you to act on the situation.
When my son was about 6 or 7 yrs old, he had a specific toy he loved. He would constantly leave it thrown everywhere. I would tell him over and over again to put it away and not leave it around the house. One day he left it in the living room, I asked him if he were done playing with it, he replied yes. I told him to put it away, he left it there for over 4 hours after me repeating myself. I threw it away…… he never left a toy out it’s place again… my kids are older now, 17, 16, 14, and 12, and I do the same thing. This being said these are MY kids, I don’t think I would throw away my nieces, nephews toys. I am not a grandmother yet, but what I would have done is gathered all the toys, put them in my room then speak with the parent when they get home.
I mean honestly there’s really nothing you can do except for move out. Yeah it’s your child’s toys and your child in general so how you parent should be on you but it is their house. I don’t agree with them on any level that is not right to do to a child but really the only thing you have in your power is to leave the situation. 
Leave. Living with inlaws is TOXIC usually
Move out and limit thier access. Shes 5 they should have just put them in the attic or out of her sight.
Confront them this is just wrong
I would have done the same thing. Good job grandparents! Teach them young that there are consequences to their actions!!!
Sounds the the 5 year old isn’t responsible enough to care for “expensive electronic toys” without supervision. Replace them when she is old enough.
Find somewhere else to live? Literally all you can do. It also sounds like your daughter isn’t responsible enough for expensive electronics since she’s leaving then all over the floor
In my opinion, your inlaws were being over dramatic, but hey, your daughter was told to pick her crap up
My grandson don’t pick his up I do but in a bag and they go away for few weeks then gets back when he pulls them out again he makes sure they are picked up .what they did was horrible for them to destroy her things she will remember that my son is in his 40 he still remember something that happened to him when he was 4
Yeah I’d be livid. Locking them in a closet so she understands to pick them up and has to earn them back even I can get. But to ruin them? When she’s only 5? Gross.
Thats a little harsh to do to a 5 year old. … what jerks.
I bet she picks her toys up next time. My 5 year old knows that if I have to ask twice, I’m coming back with a garbage bag. That had to happen exactly once and now she picks her stuff up. This is what my therapist calls “natural consequences” and 5 years old isn’t too young to learn.
Definitely do what you need to to move… and until then ide try to sit down with them and talk… ide be furious if someone threw my child’s belongings outside in the rain no matter what it was for no matter what the reason… however it’s already done now… unfortunately u live in their home but I would def sit down with them and explain ur on hard times and although ur trying that’s all your child’s belonging and in future if she doesn’t listen maybe stick her stuff in a box in a closet or garage she will learn to pick them up… they are old school though and old school raising was tough they didn’t coddle the children like our parents did us or as we do our own children…
Instead of throwing them out, they should have put them up and let you decide when she could have them back. To ruin them is cruel.
Ask your in-laws this simple question: if a cop pulls you over for a minor traffic violation, do they take away your car and have it compacted? Clearly you didn’t know how to take care of it or you wouldn’t have gotten the violation.
When one of my granddaughters was about the same age, her mother used to go ballistic if the child didn’t follow every barked command from the couch to the letter. The woman found nothing but fault with this child.
I, on the other hand, would sit on her bed and we’d talk while she cleaned. Done in no time - no perfect, but impressive for 4-5yr old. When we’d go to the Zoo (I started taking her when she was about a year old…mostly for the walking while she slept ), I’d remind her that Grandpa was responsible for not losing her, feeding her, and keeping her safe. She was responsible for not getting too far ahead, for waiting when I asked he to wait, and to not whine. We always had a great time - and no fussing about the gift shop! Huge smiles when she started reading the animal info signs - she was so proud of that! I don’t recall ever seeing her sad or disappointed on our ‘adventures’. And she would talk my ears off…I just had to remind her that Grandpa’s ears were old and could she please talk just a little slower.
Point is, I engaged -with- her rather than yelling -at- her. I didn’t judge, just listened. And chores…some days were better than others. But is things weren’t picked up, they were put away for a while - 1-3 wks depending on the situation.
Treat your children like the wonders that they are and you might be surprised at how well they step up!
My daughter wouldn’t tidy her toys up when she was about 4 or 5 so I bagged them up and put them in the shed she thought I had thrown them out (kept her toys tidy after that) said toys spent 3 yrs in the shed coz we forgot about them and found them when we moved house
At 5, she should understand ground rules for her own items. She should have cleaned, but if she wasn’t able to- it’s your job as parents to force her to, or do it yourselves.
Your a guest still, in a home that hasn’t been for children since your SO was a child. Them helping you guys doesn’t mean their entire life is twisted.
Salvage the toys that you. An,use it as a lesson the the child and suck up the loss. She’s young and will bounce back, as long as you parents make sure it doesn’t happen again.
I would be pissed not that put them outside but fact it
Was raining why have items destroy , bag them on and take them away from her . I would move out even if it meant we had to stay in a studio apartment.
Truthfully I do the same thing… I am a stay at home mom and my kids are 7 5 &4 with one on the way. I give them a chance to pick up there things up but if I have to pick them up 3 times or more they make there way to the trash. One time is a little much and in the rain, but it does teach them to keep there stuff put up idk. It is their house but your child you should have at least been consulted.
I would tell my daughter that she will not be getting any new toys until we move, and that she didn’t deserve to have her things ruined over being a child. She’s 5 and not every 5 year old is the same. They could have bagged them up and asked you to put most of them in storage. What they did was cruel and out of line. Sure to an adult it isn’t the worst thing in the world, but to a 5 year old most of them have never experienced anything worse than losing your possessions, so to her it probably feels like someone destroyed her house and left her homeless. That’s emotionally abusive imo. Children have a right to respect just like everyone else, including their belongings. She does need to learn to pick up her stuff and follow the rules. She does not need to learn it’s ok for someone bigger and stronger than her to take and break her things just because she didn’t do what they want.
You are valid to be pissed. Yes it’s their house but it’s not their shit. And I would have a serious conversation with them and even make them replace the electronics.
Living with family is the worst thing to do. Leave
Learning to listen by taking the toys aways if fine but to destroy what you paid for was so wrong, they could have put them all in a garbage bag and pretended to throw them out, now some need to be thrown out. I would tell them that this kind of disapline is unexeptable and there was other was to handle this without distryong my property and they need to replace them. This is just awful that they did that and I am sorry your hard earned money to purchase them was never considered
Their roof their rules doesn’t apply to them damaging personal property. I’d honestly try to find anywhere else to stay and tell them they’re lucky I didn’t file a police report. I’d also not leave her alone with them alone with them and explain toxic behavior won’t be allowed around her. Take the toys, sure, take them all away. You don’t throw toys of a kid that is not yours out in the pouring rain. You can teach consequences without damaging someone else’s property that the parents likely paid for.
That’s pretty extreme of them, especially knowing some of these toys were expensive electronics. Hoping you guys can find your own place soon because yes that’s toxic and cruel
It would be easier if it wasn’t your in-laws. Tell them they owe their granddaughter new replacement toys and then move out!
That was disrespectful of her grandparents and they could have handle it better. Like actually showing your daughter how to pick up her stuffs and putting it away. Most Kids are visual learner. However, living in someone else’s house, you should only have given your daughter 1 or 2 toys at the most, to play with. and be respectful of other people living situation. You can’t live like you’re in your own home at someone else’s house.
Have a talk with your in laws about it, so you don’t hold any grudges. And move out soon.
I am a gran myself and I would never ever do that to my grandchildren. I want to be remembered for the nice Gran I was, obviously they don’t care how ur child feels and what she will think of them. What they’re actually done is to their detriment and perhaps tell them that and ask them to apologize to their grand daughter that she would holds no I’ll feeling toward them
teach your child to pick up the toys and do as the in laws ask
That’s petty and insensitive! Stuff like this effects children just as much as the adults, she’s 5 and has feeling to! Those things are not cheap, I’d want them replaced, like damn are yall not having a hard enough time?? If the hag was going to pick them & move them outside she could have easily set them in a different room & let mom and dad step in when yall got back or whatever. You’re not wrong. I’d be LIVID! Dip her toothbrush in the toilet no seriously, don’t do that
but the things I would WANT to do, lawd help me.
There are natural consequences for everything, but this was overboard. They went from punishing her to just being cruel, as well as wasting good money. Move out as soon as possible, your family doesn’t need this kind of toxicity.
I think the in-laws want their space. If,they do what a horrible way of dealing with it. If possible move asap. Good luck going forward momma
Move out. My Son and his wife live with us with their 2 children and I would NEVER damage anything of theirs… mutual respect goes a long ways in multigenerational living.
I would take a two pronged approach. Discuss in front of daughter husband and in-laws that when you are asked to pick up toys please do it daughter, then explain to family what it is to care for and love someone would they want this done to precious things?? Ask in-laws to reimburse for wrecking the toys. If in-laws have a problem with you guys being there, to help you out financially in another dwelling
Where is your husband in all this? Aren’t they his parents? I would tell him they need to replace them bc they were gifts that other people spent their money on. I would make him explain that she is 5 and she isn’t always going to clean up after herself and that they didn’t have to ruin them with the rain. SMH
find anywhere else to live.
Where is your husband in all this? Aren’t they his parents? I would tell him they need to replace them bc they were gifts that other people spent their money on. I would make him explain that she is 5 and she isn’t always going to clean up after herself and that they didn’t have to ruin them with the rain. SMH
A shelter or somewhere else to stay be better
She wasn’t listening to them.they told her pick them up because nobody wants to trip over toys all day.i guess grandma was supposed to fall and get hurt because your child didn’t listen.its obvious you don’t like your in laws but you should respect the fact they let you live there because of the grandbaby.its not their job to provide for anyone they raised their kids already.your child is old enough to pick her toys up and respect her grandparents.judt because you don’t like them doesn’t mean your kid can disrespect their home because you don’t.
So no one is going to mention the fact that child was probably told numerous times. In my home when I say it’s time to clean up that means now. Not when they feel like it. And if they don’t listen I get out the trash bag. Also might want to teach Daughter to care for her things and not leave them lying around to get broke.
In this situation i would have put the bag in the trash bag & not let her have it back til i see improvement on her responsibilities. If she was destroyed someone’s belongings then i would have thrown outside in the rain.
The kid is 5, I bet nobody always follows direction now even as an adult. She is 5. It doesn’t matter who asked the fact that her grandparents felt it was appropriate to destroy items that did not belong to them is disgusting.
No matter what happened destroying of someone else’s property is not okay. If they wanted to teach her a lesson, putting them in bags was just as easy.
Explain to your daughter that them destroying her property is not her fault. I would also try to move out as quickly as possible.
my daughter is 4 and when she doesn’t clean up and leaves a HUGE mess and BLATANTLY ignores us. the garbage can comes out and we start sweeping … sorry not sorry. She gets moving pretty quickly.
I’ve done it to my kids
I’m not falling over toys you’ve been told to pick up
Please move out. This causes trauma to the child. My friends grandma did the same and he used to have a panic attack when they would throw his old toothbrush. This is beyond disturbing that they did when it was raining to ruin them
I understand the frustration but you live in their home. 5 is definitely old enough to know to pick up your toys when you’re done especially if they’ve been asked more then once. How many times do you think is appropriate to tell a child to pick up their own mess?!? Do you think the grandparents should’ve picked up?!? Definitely not! Kids have to learn consequences and how to take care of their things.
My ex did this exact same thing. Toys, shoes, coats, backpacks. Anything he felt was not in it’s place. It was horrible. It is very toxic!
Ur daughter is 5, shouldn’t she be responsible for picking up her toys after playing with them?
No elder in their right mind would just decide to take a child’s toy nd throw it in the rain, teach ur child to look after her things…what i know is that with kids its never their fault they always blame others even wen they are wrong…I think u r taking ur daughters side of the story which is wrong.
That’s really sad this happened.
But also, I do think that bc this did happen that next time their toys need to be picked up they will do it bc no one is messing around. My parents did a similar thing to me and I learned to respect when they asked something of me if I value my belongings I will take care of them and clean them up.
The child 5 some times u got to repeat ur self coz they learning hey 5 fair dose if they don’t lisan them take toy away for so long few days and explain to the child but to frow them put in to the rain going a bit extreme to be fare u put ur self in bad situation moving in with ur inlaws as its the house if I was in that boat I persent my self as homeless to the council they have duty of care even if u work qnd are on hard time if that was a full grown adult and they left some think out or made a mess would you frow there stuff out I have a brother that at one point lived with our gran parent as he split with his partner he covered the dinning table (no one ever used it) in his paper work for work they asked him numbers time to clean it up and he said he will but was still work they asked agen and same thing ended up with my grandad flowing all paper work in out side bin now my brother a full grown adult that and understand and copperhead much more than a 5 year old and he was deverstae and ashamed as he had to let his boss know what happend a full grown adult that van deal with his emoshions a lot easier and vocalise how he feels he moved out the next day but my point remains what are the grand parent teaching a 5 year old because they had to ask numbers of time to clean up so they have a wright to disrespect q 5 year old and ruin his /her stuff with out even trying to get the child to comprehend there emotions and show a 5 year old that’s its OK to ruin other people stuff because they don’t get listed to the first time u kind of in sticky stuashionas u live with them and its there house and they don’t care how much toys coast or apriciashion of other buying the toy for some one as a gift but if u moved out and had ur own place be easier to deal with xx
As annoying it is to remind children to pick after themselves it is a required thing to do, however them throwing out the toys for them to be ruin is bit to far. I do the garbage bag if they don’t pick up here comes the garbage bag and depending on the toy they may not have them for a while. I would talk to them that you as the parent what you want for disapline and punishment
Were y’all all gone? I make my 2yo pick up all her toys before we leave the house. And she knows she has to clean up before she gets any other toys out. I think they went over board by ruining them in the rain. But I have bagged up toys and told my daughter they were going in the trash since she couldn’t pick them up. your daughter is 5. You need to start teaching her now to pickup after herself.
That’s a bit harsh, they could have bagged them and not let her have them for a bit
Sou nds to
l asses
Sounds to me like they are downright mean, poor excuse for grandparents. They more than likely do not want you there and don’t have backbone to tell you so making you miserable. Toys are not dirt, let the children have them even if they do leave them out it’s not the end of the world.
I wouldn’t throw the toys out, however, it is their house and she was asked to pick up her toys. I would have picked them up and put them up and tell her, you can have them back in a week. After that, I would discuss it with the parents and explain…if it happens again, she will not be getting them back. If she is 5, she is old enough to pick up her toys. They shouldn’t have to live in a mess in their own house. Throwing them out in the rain was wrong and I would ask for them to replace the ones that were ruined.
I feel it’s toxic and they could have easily just put it up where she can’t get them and let her earn them back not ruin them
What is more important a place to live or your daughters toys?
It’s harsh and wasteful. They should have just taken them away to put away safely and she can’t have them for awhile until she starts picking up
That is going completely overboard. There’s other ways they could have gotten through to her about picking up toys. They sound toxic af. You need to explain to them that what they did was wrong and ask them to replace the stuff that was ruined. If they refuse I would be making plans to get out of there and cut them out completely. It was cruel and uncalled for what they did.
I mean i wouldn’t have thrown them out in the pouring rain but if i ask you to pick up your things more then 3 times i grab a garbage bag and thats where they will go
Toxic as hell to ruin them when they could have been put away safely until she learned how to do so herself. Sure hope you get out of there asap, as this kind of bullying and toxicity will only get worse.
A 5 year old is old enough to know that toys need to be picked up, and living spaces should be neat and tidy. Also, you are in somebody else’s home, and you should be doing your best to be polite and respectful. Allowing your child to mess up their space and not listen to them when they tell her to clean it up means consequences will happen. Teach your child to be neat and tidy instead of disrespectful. You can only play with one thing at a time, so put it back before you get another toy out.
Absolutely toxic, unnecessary and harsh.
Wow! That’s harsh for a 5yo!!
There’s NO WAY I could be even 1 ounce mean to my Grands!!
Ur poor baby girl!! I feel bad for y’all…
Wow I’d be moving out quick that’s writing on the wall
I kind of get their side but I feel like taking them away for a few days would of been a better reaction. I can’t justify ruining them but I can see some sort of punishment needed to be done because of not picking them up like she was told. So I understand the need for a punishment but believe the punishment was a little harsh.