Don’t agree with this either. These are teaching moments. Did her down. Talk and explain the rules. What is expected of her. And these will be the consequences if it isn’t done
Deanna Sentman if you read the post properly she stated she was working and they were watching her child
That would be the last time my in laws (or my own parents) ever saw or spoke with my children. That is toxic and horrible. Yes a 5 year old has the ability to clean up and listen, NO they are not going to do it everytime or without assistance sometimes, especially in a newer setting. And a grandparent has ZERO right to discipline a grandchild in any capacity without the parents knowledge first.
well I think learning about consequences is a good thing. Next time she’s asked to pick up her things I bet she’ll listen. Your in someone else’s home and although you see this as harsh, their home their rules.
l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18830 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
Move out of their house.
Definitely borderline abuse and I would move
Well I mean they’re not listening to what they did wrong or even apologizing for their inappropriate behavior so I’d punish them in the same way. Put some of their favorite expensive toys out in the rain. But I’m petty.
You probably should of had a better handle on her toys laying all over the place. If you are living with other people you need to be respectful. Find your own place…then you can leave the toys all over the place and not teach your child to pick up their toys.
Throw something of theirs out in the rain. then be prepared to move out. Sometimes old people get very cruel.
Move and don’t let them see her anymore.
This is their home !
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Nah fuck that move and cut them off.
Uh move out… go anywhere but there.
Use the money you save on childcare and replace the toys, also teach you child how to listen and put her toys away
Why no mention of how your husband feels about it?
Um sorry my grandkids know pick up your toys are they going in the trash after 3 rd time of me telling them . They are 4,3,2,1 so I’m thinking maybe teach your child to clean up after herself .
Bet she listens next time. This is how I grew up and it worked !
Living with them isn’t working out. Hope you can find a place for your family.
Go grab their TV or radio or any electrical appliances and throw them in the rain. Then when they complain it isn’t working and they have to pay hundreds to replace it just point to the broken toys and say same.
Don’t really. But man it would feel rewarding.
It’s not like they moved in with friends or a house share. These people are her grandparents, her grandparents for Christ sake it’s a few little toys what happened to doting grandparents, what happened to getting away with stuff at your grandparents. She is just a bubba I get she should put her toys away but this is no way to teach her anything except how to be mean and vindictive.
I can actually see both sides . Your daughter should have been doing as she was told and clean them up but there was no need to throw them outside. They could of packed them up and told her she couldn’t use them for a little while. Throwing them out was just nasty.
Deff look into getting your own place, and they should be replacing any ruined or damaged items. They have no right to destroy your property. Its one thing to be upset that the child is not listening, and discipline should have taken place but they had no right to destroy property that is not theirs.
Who does that? You could have put them in a trash bag and put them in the garage etc and not give them back for a certain amount of time. What they did was nasty.
I throw my grandkids toys away when I ask them to put them away and they don’t listen
It won’t get any better,I went through the same thing! Get out as soon as you can!
She is 5 not 10 or15, 5 people you need to talk to your husband and tell them those are electronics and cannot be replaced she is little and they need to be aware that she is 5 and then tell your husband it’s you and kids or them .and leave.
They couldn’t have stuck them in a closet for a day or something like that?? Why so drastic?
That is wrong and it won’t get any better
I’d say you and your better half need to be hunting for a better job so you will have your own place
Move now does hubby agree with you or them?
O my this is awful I would go anywhere but there they are going to ruin that baby toys are way to expensive to do this if they wanted to take them off of her ok but put them away for a little while not ruin them especially when you just said your having a hard time how cruel
If you think that a 5- year - old “needs” electronic games while living with in laws, you need to teach your child to mind or obey them or just move out!!! electronic games for a 5- year- old???
God I hate people like that. Have they bothered to teach and demonstrate what to do? Kids need constant reminders how to do things, and sometimes they need help
It’s incredibly toxic and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. Literally ask any licensed child therapist
What? I understand 5 year olds not listening. It happens. You take the time to teach her to listen and follow directions. And repeat … and repeat … for a long time. But throwing her toys out in the rain? No. Poor girl. That’s completely immature and toxic behavior. I’d be moving out ASAP!
Throw anything they have left lying around
Out into the rain
Why isn’t your partner speaking up about it
Send them a bill for those items
Your partner needs to say something to them
Move out quick, find a new babysitter and small claims court.
They would definitely be returning me my money they could have easily put the electric toys aways up so she couldn’t get them at that point they was being petty she is 5 smh it’s called punishment not ruining things you DID NOT buy
Move out. Their house their rules.
Teach your kids to listen to grandpa and grandma.
That’s how it used to be when kids didn’t listen. But there were no electronics then either. They should have put those away or hid them.
I think if they are not listening they should have their toys taken away, however they could have been put in a bag and taken away or something, they didn’t need to throw them out to get ruined
Me ve out of their house immediately.
All of you are guests in their home. Its their way or the highway. You want to be in the street? Go ahead. You would be selling the toys for food. Grow up and get your own place.
Some of you guys have never struggled and had to move BACK in with parents and it shows. Be a little sympathetic. She stated they have fallen on hard times. At least they are still providing for their child. The grandparents could have gone about the situation in a different way
YOU. ARE. A. GUEST. Move out or suck it up and clean up after her if you don’t want to discipline her yourself.
Some of you guys are straight up ick
Sounds like they have anger issues … I’d watch that
Some of you have a disgusting way of thinking and you wonder why your kids need therapy
To me this is should be considered as mental abuse, my nieces POS husband does the same thing to her son and she let’s him do it and even laughs about it. Yes kids should pick up but when they are young you have to remind them every few minutes…
LEAVE (If possible) and only allow them to see her on your terms. She’s only 5 years old. I’m old school but your ‘in-laws are out-laws’. They need nana and papa group help.
My mom used to do this. There’s definitely a line to be drawn. Time out is a great option.
I understand they were frustrated she wasn’t listening, but she’s 5, just take the toys away, and put them in their room or somewhere she can’t get them, don’t throw them outside
I never understood how destroying a child’s items could do any good it’s abuse. the little girl will remember this for the rest of her life
Teach your children young how to put there toys away after playing with them.And you’ll find life is better for all concerned.
Make them pay for the ruined toys! Time to move out ASAP
I think the grandparents need to learn some control. They are the adults in this situation. Not good for the child’s mental health. It’s an over reaction and cruel. So many calmer ways of dealing with this. What a bad atmosphere for children.
Sad that it even had to come to this. Apparently the kids were asked numerous times to pick up and did not. When you are living in someone else’s home you need to abide by their rules. It seems that is rarely done today. And, so many kids never do what is asked of them. It’s the old “you are not the boss of me” attitude. Time for an attitude adjustment maybe??
Tough love. Them grandparents don’t give out participation trophies. They are old school an know what discipline actually is.
Research your community programs and programs in the communities around you and get out of there. It sucks but at least your kid won’t continue to be mistreated.
That’s awful! I’d be really upset!
Maybe not throw them outside in the rain but I would of bagged them up and tell her I’m throwing them away if she can not pick up.
completely ridiculous. Grwndma needs to get er t he old days. days cares, the kids never pick up their toys,accident looking for a place to happen.
Take pictures look up their price brand new ask them for them for the money to reimburse you if they decline sue and sue for emotional distress for you 5 year old
That is aweful rotten of them. They could have bagged them up and put them in a closet til for a while til she learns to pick them up not throw them out of the house in the rain to be ruined. If you can I would move. But if you can’t. It’s going to be hard. They was wrong to do that.
It definitely sucks. I’m sorry her toys are ruined and she’s upset. This can be a lesson for her to clean up her toys or they will be ruined by her grandparents. You are fortunate to have family to live with during these times, families living in shelters don’t have enough space to keep their kids toys.
Unfortunately since it isn’t your home there probably isn’t much you can do. Consider getting a storage to keep the extra toys until you can get into your own place.
I don’t understand why your in laws would throw the toys in the rain !Very rude.I had my son and his 3 daughters living with us during a divorce !It can get hard at times and us older ppl sometimes forget how kids can be but NO EXCUSE for what they did at all! What I did when I was watching the the children and they didn’t pick up or listen ,was I had a box and I put all the toys in that box and they were taken away for a day !I would never ever do what your in laws did!!
I think I would have taken her by the hand, Sat her down and explained about picking up toys, danger etc! Everyone work together in the chore! Throwing them out taught the wrong lesson: destructive behavior! Sometimes a little bit of patience goes a long way especially in a 5 yo! She was already out of her element and I am sure that was hard on her!
Give that sweet baby a hug for me!
What you should do is take your child and leave that place! Before they damage you and your child? In a serious unforgettable way! This is seriously toxic behavior and a threat to you and your child? Because they could have put the toys in a bag? Then put the bag away. They disrespected you and your husband by doing that! What does he say about this?
They SHOULD HAVE went to YOU before getting rid of them!! She’s only 5! What do you expect!!
I don’t think there’s anything about ridiculous in this my dad did the same things if we didn’t pick up our toys consequences is what it’s called children need to learn consequences or else they will become horrible adults she was told she didn’t listen she got the consequences bet she doesn’t do it again and if that’s simple thing made her listen it was worth it
Tell them your throwing them in a nursing home real soon
Get your husband to speak to them about replacing them and respecting boundaries. They way you raise your child and the people you let into your child’s life is so so important. You get one chance to make sure the human you have been blessed with, ends up stable and happy. Pray for them too, God is in control and they did that out of anger as they are old and can’t handle a 5 year old. Speak to your child and explain that you are sorry that happened and you can’t control others behaviour but you love them and maybe put chores into place to get that money to replace the toys.