My in laws won't stop kissing my baby on the forehead: Am I overreacting?

I think you are experiencing anxiety/ ppd possibly. Because I know how it feels. I hope yal are able to talk and work thru things

Yeah I’m definitely siding with you, there’s no reason for people (even family) to be kissing your baby :woman_shrugging:t2: especially with a global pandemic going on. My ex mil kissed my oldest daughter despite my telling her not to & now she has coldsores. Doesn’t matter where the kiss is, they shouldn’t be doing it there’s no need for it. It’s also a huge part of kids learning consent.


Yes you are overreacting for sure

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Oh wow only imagine the baby being brought up feeling loved by her grandparents :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Do your parents do it? If your parents did it would your reaction be different?


No your baby. Also RSV can occur as well. Tell em to eff off or not come round in my opinion

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Doesn’t matter if you are overreacting. No one should do anything to your child without your permission. You’ve asked them to stop and they should. Until you say otherwise no one should project onto your children like that. It’s about respect for the mother.


So a grandparent cant kiss their grandchild?. Does your family kiss the baby?. I wouldnt ask the in laws to buy diapers etc if you feel that way…


Yes, the forehead and it is grandparents. Do you freak every time the baby pits her fingers in her mouth? Have you studied how the immune system works? It needs stimulation. Have you looked up the products you are wiping her with and the effects of them on the body?


Doesn’t matter if anyone thinks you are or are not overreacting. It’s YOUR baby so they need to follow YOUR rules. Period.


Do you want her to be close to her grand parents?? I mean YES YOU ARE TAKING IT WAY TO FAR! Chill I have a niece and her mom would always say something about holding her and blah blah well needless to say she’s now 9 and we’ll she’s only close to her momma dearest n momma wonders why


I would say overreacting!


When mine were babies, I was glad for forehead kissers, preferable to anywhere lower!

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No rsv and is real and out there! My baby was 6 months and got in twice during that time. I refused to take her around anyone after that until she was older! I don’t even kiss my own babies on the face

OMG!! I think you should be happy that your baby is so loved!! You are family aren’t you?? Bet you run to them when you need something! Your husband needs to set you straight!!!


Your child, your rules. We have the same rule for our 4 month old as COVID and RSV season are still going on. Doesn’t matter if they like it or not. They need to respect your boundaries and understand where you are coming from


Yes u are overacting!! Their kissing the forehead not the mouth thats redicoulus grow up!


Forehead kisses signifies protection.

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Yes, you are over reacting! If you are worried about germs it is better than kissing them on the mouth. Let them love on your children and be happy that they even want to.


Yes…you’re overreacting. Stop being such a gemaphobe. Your baby is old enough to take dome kissing now.


Yes your overreacting :slightly_frowning_face:

I think ure overeacting love it wont do baby anyharm what so ever forehead better to kiss than mouth .i have pic many yrs ago my son 6months old used to all the time love try to suck his nanny face he adored her . Babies have to be around some germs you do t have to keep wiping baby done everytime someone touches your child

Given we’re in a pandemic kissing should be off limits for a but but they’re grandparents. Just no lips because RSV sucks.

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I think you are but it’s your kid so…

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Yes you are over reacting. if you wipe your baby everytime it is touched you are doing more harm than good

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This post is so stupid. Defiantly overreacting. Her own family I don’t understand, I could understand random people but come on.


When I was a newborn…
A family member visited & was sick
That person either DID kiss on me or attempted to & I got sick
My mother was livid

You are NOT overreacting. A baby’s immune system is not built up to fight off anything within the first couple of months or so (possibly longer if the baby has medical challenges) & a parent has a right to deny access to their child if they choose to do so


Start wiping the in-laws, when they come in the door, when they ask why, TELL them, and quit when they do.


No you were not overreacting we are in the middle of a goddamn pandemic don’t let people kiss your damn kids

Just have them shoot the baby with nerf suction darts with “i love you” printed on them. and then after each visit, sterilize the darts.


Petty party table of moms…

Wow!!! How rude can you be!! Get over it! It’s their grandchild!

Grandma’s and Grandpa’s aren’t around forever. Let them love your baby and be glad they do instead of scrubbing her down because of it and complaining about it.


Yes. I believe you are overreacting

Just remind them where babies come out of.


I am a first time mamaw. I refuse to kiss my grandbaby , especially under a year old. My daughter in law requested that no one kiss HER baby (I mean germs and all and don’t get me started on the fact that we are in a global pandemic) and I respect that. I support it 100% because there are so many illnesses that we can have that can be deadly to an infant. I still hugged her and snuggled but I didn’t kiss her. As crazy as people think some new moms are they have that right to say whatever they want about their baby! I put myself in my daughter in law’s shoes and I know I would be upset if people didn’t respect my wishes for my baby. My grandbaby is 2 now. If she wants a kiss I let her kiss me on the cheek (which is okay with her parents). Her other grandma kissed her all the time and even on the lips. Almost gave her COVID! I will say that my grandbaby and I are very close, we show each other affection and I am one of her favorite people. Moral of the story… respect parental boundaries, never kiss a baby especially under one, and even though I have never kissed my grandbaby we are very close and she knows I love her very very much. If you didn’t make the baby you don’t get to make or question the rules!


overacting. forehead is better then the mouth.

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As a grandma of 6, mom of 2 … and all that really doesn’t matter, I guess … the issue here is your wishes as a parent are not being respected. How does your husband feel about the situation? Does he support your wishes? Does he reinforce your wishes to his parents?

Yes, children need to be exposed to germs so their immune systems can build up strength. Kids need to be able to play in the mud, and just be kids. You know at a certain age, everything they touch goes straight into their mouths. But for babies under a year old, it’s reasonable to be a little over protective.

I would think during this pandemic, you can’t be too careful, and any restrictions regarding health are reasonable, if they give you peace of mind.

Sit down with your husband and inlaws, and explain your concerns, and let them know that this is an important issue for you. Tell them that you understand they may not agree with you, but that as the parent, you expect your wishes to be respected. Explain that you feel they are disrespecting you, and disregarding your child’s health, when they choose to ignore your wishes.


They’re not kissing her mouth…
But if you’ve expressed you don’t like it and you’re being ignored, by your husband too, I’d be miffed as well.

Yes you are over reacting grandparents are not going to put your child in danger.;

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I’m so thankful I never had to deal with someone like you. I know my son would of never of let anyone treat me like that


Are you serious? Thats her grandparents and its her forhead. Its not like they are kissing her on the lips or they are strangers.

Yes, you are definitely overreacting!


You are over reacting. Do you let your Mom and Dad kiss the baby or just not let the inlaws?

Yes let them love her! Does she not get down on the floor to play. A kiss does more good than harm

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Yeah I think you’re overreacting… if they were kissing her on the mouth I could understand but a forehead kiss? They won’t be around forever. Let them love her.


No you’re not. Ask them to kiss the bottom of the baby’s feet instead.

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Wow…over reacting! They are giving the baby a kiss on the forehead! Let them show love…I.have grands.and a 9 yr old at home…never have I said no kisses no hugs…I let them around my kids so be it…I go to their homes so its gonna happen…selfish

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expressed, i do not like it when people kiss my baby and wiping the child down does not equal please do not be kissing my baby at all. they could think you are meaning other people. you didn’t really say, just i expressed i don’t like this. perhaps you should sit down with grandparents, his and your both and explain what you expect. however, you may not like the end results. however, yes, the baby is your baby and people should honor your request.

I think if you are a first time mom it’s understandable to act this way. I was like this as well and now looking back on it I was being too much :joy:

You are over reacting they are their grandparents. They don’t want to get your baby sick they aren’t going to kiss on her if they are feeling any sort of sick. Do you let your parents kiss her forehead?

Over reacting… it’s her grandparents, not some stranger .

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I would object if it was her mouth, the fore head is ok. Stop being a brat.

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Yes, you are definitely overreacting. I think biologically were hardwired to want to kiss babies to make their immune system stronger.


Smoke a joint and chill out far out


Forehead isn’t a big deal…

Overreacting for sure. Aren’t they the grandparents? Get a grip cuz I’m sure you will want to kiss your grandkids some day


I would not even trip on grandparents at all. They all need to build immunities towards each other. Strangers or even just friends yeah I’d want to avoid that. But not grandparents. Or close family members.

You’re over reacting.

if they are vaccinated I would not worry about it–as long as it just on her forehead and not close to her mouth. If not vaccinated they should be wearing a mask when holding baby.

Not at all. Your boundaries need to be respected regardless of how others feel and you aren’t responsible for their reactions. If they don’t stop, they can lose access to the baby. Simple as that. Moms rules aren’t negotiable


You are way over reacting

YES you sure are and should stop it

Regardless of how crazy your boundaries may seem to them or anyone else… That is your baby, not theirs. Your baby, your rules.


The thing is, it doesn’t matter if it’s a big deal to others or not. You set boundaries for what goes on with YOUR child. If others can’t respect that then they don’t respect you.

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Yup you’re tripping hun

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YOUR BABY YOUR RULES…and they should respect that

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If mine wouldn’t let me kiss them I would open up some woop ass

Chill out. Be glad they are there


You sound like a bit of a fuck wit. They’re grandparents,
Not strangers.

Yip over reacting, a kiss to the forehead is the best kiss anyone can give/receive, it shows that that person will be there for them forever!!


let them love your your kids they grow up to fast


Hugely overreacting.

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They aren’t strangers

I wish my baby Could have his grandparents near :cry: to kiss his forehead.

For God’s sakes! They’re not strangers. They love your baby! What if they were your parents?


Better than the lips! Their just showing affection
I know some grandparents won’t even hold the baby. To me that’s cold.

You’re over reacting. Children build immunities with the germs they are exposed to. Kissing germs are the best! :grin:


If there family they should be able to kiss the baby as much as they want

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As someone who has personally watched my 6 month old struggle to breath and need a breathing treatment every hour having RSV, you’re not overreacting. It’s your child and your boundaries.


It’s YOUR baby. If you don’t want anyone kissing YOUR baby then they should respect that. I didn’t like anyone kissing mine either but I settled for letting them kiss the top of her head instead of her face.

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hahaha no. i HATE when people think it’s okay to kiss my daughter. “BuT iM nOt SiCk” idc if you just gargled lysol, don’t kiss my baby.


Yes, you’re a fucking physco

Okay. I get everyone’s reaction but calm the hell down. If you read in between the lines she has some anxiousness going on with possibly being paranoid. So yes, probably a first time mom.
I reacted the same damn way. My PPA was in overdrive and it didn’t help that I was a germafob (sp?).
Especially now in our current state, I’d be losing my shit. Even with already that they can be exposed to. But, Darlin. Express how you feel. Set ground rules. Explain for the safety of your little one and your family they need to respect your wishes. If not, then say no visiting until then.
Simply put. Wish I could give you a hug and let you know it will be okay, and soon it truly will be.

Really? How did this even get posted to here? Its her grandparents not a stranger. Geez

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Couple years ago,it was on the news,a couple had there baby& the grandparents came to see the newborn at the hospital.the grandmother kissed the baby on the forehead& the baby did catch something from her and the newborn died.there’s too many bad germs out there.don’t care bout peoples feelings. protect your child.

Okay in 2019 you are overreacting in 2021 you need to do what you think is best for your family even if it’s not the popular opinion.

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It doesn’t matter if other people think you are overreacting or not. It’s your baby so your rules. If your in-laws or anyone gets offended so be it. Where does your husband stand on the matter? These are his people and they will only stop if you and your husband present a united front. If they are getting mixed messages from him that the kissing is OK, then they will continue. In the current covid climate that we are in, kissing is just not good practice anyway.

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u would growlmmore if they didnt take notice of her

Yes, you are definitely overreacting.
They are kissing her on the forehead not the hands (which she can put on her mouth) or lips. Do you let your parents kiss the baby or just not the in-laws?
Don’t you want to kiss your grandkids one day?
I know we are in the middle of a pandemic but if they are vaccinated I wouldn’t worry about it.


You won’t let a family member kiss their FOREHEAD?? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Yes! Let them love that baby. The forehead is a pretty safe place.

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I understand because I hated when people would touch my babies without washing or sanitizing their hands . Also, with the whole covid19 crap I’m sure it had you extra cautious. I hate when people kiss my kids, even now and they are 6 and 8 years old. I feel like their germs stay on my kids and I’m always kissing my kids so it’s just eww :nauseated_face: to me. Whatever make you comfortable.

Yes I believe you are. Me personally I think you’re taking controlling to whole other level. I could see getting pissed off over the face and mouth but for goodness sake’s it’s the baby’s forehead. Take a chill pill and calm yourself. What’s unhealthy is you not allowing grandparents to show proper affection to their grand baby. I bet if your parents did this you wouldn’t give it a second thought

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I personally think that you and your SO should be on the same page & if you both agree that you don’t like anyone other than yourself kissing the baby ANYWHERE then they shouldn’t. She is your baby, you set the rules. If they don’t like it then that’s on them. Do what you think is best for you and your baby. I didn’t let people hold mine until they washed and sanitized their hands and there was ABSOLUTELY NO KISSING my baby for a very long time. You do you mamma, you know what’s best for your child.:heart: (also mention the fact that it bothers you to your SO and have him inform his parents that it’s not okay with you guys.)

This post Sucks… It’s a Hater post

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maybe if they weren’t family​:roll_eyes::joy:

I raised 3 kids, successfully to adults and they got kisses on foreheads and even on the lips. They are your childs grandparents, your significant other 's parents. It comes off as an insult when you feel like you have to sanitize your child just because they were kissed.

Its your baby. If it makes you uncomfortable with people kissing your baby then you have every right to speak up and express your feelings about it. I completely understand. It worries me too. Especially in the middle of a pandemic.

Are you serious? Yes you’re overreacting big time if they were constantly kissing your child on the lips that’s completely different I’d understand the reaction but on the forehead that’s fine

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Especially right now with covid hell nah