My kid is sick and I'm about to have a baby, what should I do?

Do you have any family.

How bout we all just admit that this is because the media has been scaring the shit out of everyone with covid in the disguise of political bullshit!! I dont believe any of the crap out there right now, my husband has rona ā€œaka influenzaā€ right now and Iā€™m telling you it creeps in your head that you need to go overboard protecting everyone in your house when in reality 2 years ago you wouldnā€™t have done much different than keep his ass in bed and keep your distance.

This has to be joke right!!

Welcome to motherhood of two!

Welcome to mother hood

Your kid has a cold or the flu. He will live. A doctor canā€™t cure either of those. You are not likely to get sick from your child in your condition. Your baby is also not likely to get sick from his sibling. Babies are born with pretty good immune systems; until they are 6 months. You are concerned over nothing. Put your kid to bed where he is more likely to get rest. Make sure he drinks a lot. Concord grape juice; give it to him all the time.

Praying :pray::pray::eagle::shamrock::rose::eagle::eagle::shamrock::cherry_blossom::heart: for you

Dont. You. Have. Famley

And motrin works good too

Pray and put your trust in GOD.

Itā€™s called motherhood

Newborns rarely get sick.

Take him to the ER or urgent careā€¦ Its your child one way or another you gunna get the germsā€¦ Sucks thatā€™ your pregnantā€¦ where is the father can he take your kid to urgent careā€¦ I hope you have a healthy birth and hope u donā€™t get sickā€¦ It sucks when we have to go thru this. My daughter has a cold I just made an appt gunna go get her tested

Welcome to motherhood

Welcome to parenthood

What state are you in

Welcome to motherhood.

Thatā€™s your childā€¦he/she didnt do this on purposeā€¦before you have your baby please go buy some compassionā€¦

Welcome to LIFE. time to grow up

Your very selfish. Kids get sick. Get over it.

Girl you must be overwhelmed.ask someone to help you so you can rest a spell

Do you not have a husband, family or friend that can come an help out a couple hours so you can pull
Yourself together. If you child is running a fever please take to the doctor to help the child and give you answers. If you really feel you canā€™t handle the situation call 911 ask for help

What??? In the heck. Are you serious right now.

This is literally the stupidest thing I have ever seenā€¦be a mother and take care of your child :woman_facepalming:t2:

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This is part of life.

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What the fuck? Are you serious? It sounds like you dont like to have your sick kid around you? Itā€™s your child. Make everything to make him feel better before ur next kid arrive??? Get some medicine!!!


Get him tested for Covid and discuss your situation with your Pediatrician and OB-GYN. Good luck, praying for you all :pray:ā€¦


May God give you strength.

Oh for goodness sakeā€˜s mothers have been dealing with sick kids a new babies for centuries calm down


Push lots of vitamin C

Take some vitamin C!

Praying for you and with you
Get some help if you can

I know this is very nerve racking . Does he have a temp ? If not it might be a reg virus and needs to run itā€™s course . A antibiotic wonā€™t work for it . Also if your baby is born and you breast feed your colostrum should protect baby . It is very possible your child might have a ear infection or something that wonā€™t last long . Can your husband take him to the pediatrician?

Well. If you sneeze or cough, your child could help catch his or her sibling since you caught his or her cold. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Hold this baby, big brother. I hope all works out. Congratulations!!!

My daughter had some sort of virus the week my son was due ā€¦he was a week late which made me super uncomfortable and restless bc I was hugeā€¦but I mean she was 3 and I honestly didnā€™t even think about me getting sick bc when your child is sick who do they want for cpmfort? Their mama right? My mind didnā€™t even think about myselfā€¦ and there I was with her who vomited down my neck lol gave her a nice bath and let her sleep on me.

You people are so judgmental itā€™s not even funny!


Any grandparents or family members that would take a potentially sick kiddo for a couple days? Hope you gets it figured out and your newborn comes home safe and healthy :grin:

Should probs not have kids in general LMFAO
ā€¦they are always sick and all get it at once

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My god all you people are so rude!! I completely understand! Maybe see if a grandma or aunt can take your older child for a few days just to make sure.


Ummm welcome to motherhood?!?!

I guess itā€™s time to get rid of the sicky one itā€™s defectedā€¦good thing you got another coming soon.

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I think sheā€™s concerned of how tired she will be after going thru labor & her or the newborn possibly getting sick then coming home with a newborn & sick toddler. Sheā€™s gonna be tired & she may have wanted some ideas of how to deal with it from fellow mothersā€¦


My oldest has RSV when I had my baby, I was concerned my newborn getting sick but I talked to my dr and he said that since I had already been exposed I would pass the antibodies to the baby and he would be fine, and he was


Iā€™m really amazed at some of these responses. She literally said she just needed to vent. She is overwhelmed & has crazy hormones running through her. I respect the hell out of people who are mindful of germs around babies. Not enough people are grown enough to make that common sense decision of keeping sick kids or even themselves away from a newborn.

The amount of people who have lost their empathy and understanding of what others are going through is beyond disappointing. Keep pushing that negative energy out there. Lord knows we havenā€™t had enough of that over the past year and a half :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:

My 2yr old got sick with the flu/stomach bug I ended up catching it and I was so dehydrated from puking and pooping I went into labor, and had my 2nd son an entire month earlier. My husband the baby and myself ended up sick in the hospital and came home to my 2yr old still sick with an ear infection. Shit happens wether you want it to or not. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s probably just your hormones driving you nuts right now,but honestly, get over it. :rofl::rofl::sweat_smile:

Maybe if your other child is still sick, maybe you could have the grandparents watch after him. Heā€™s not going to be able to come in the hospital, unless heā€™s being seen by a doctor anyhow. So you have to have preparation for that, while your in labor. It may also just be a 24hr bug

suck it up buttercup!

Unfortunately one day you will all be sick at the same time and you will just have to man up and deal with it!


Im :disappointed: sorry my little guy is in daycare has been getting sick back to back 3-5 days in between sessions. And in had a terrible cough during my pregnancy i was on Ventolin . Talk to your doctor about vitamin c supplementation for you and your son and vitamin d. I really hope it helps. Im also hoping you dont get sick too. Being sick and pregnant can be very taxing for people to be so rude.

Welcome to having children :woman_shrugging:t2:


Easy look after Ur child thatā€™s here like a good parent would and get ova urself thatā€™s wat happens wen u have children !


Take care of your sick child.


That happens in life when you have children anything can happen that you have no control of . Best of luck thinks usually work themselves.


Iā€™m sure your hormones are working overtime sweetheart. You will be okay. Someone is going to be there with your 5yr old while you are giving birth cause he canā€™t go with you. Get some cold medicine and inform them he may need it. Relax and take some deep breaths :rofl:

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You should care for your first child first. This child needs you NOWā€¦ When your first child is older and hears this story, your child will feel horrible. I get it, youā€™re scared but you canā€™t push this one to the side.


How inconsiderate for your 5 year old to get ill when youā€™re due a babyšŸ„“


Yes,your emotions and your hormones are kicking in happens to the best of us. If you need to vent ,vent on messenger to me. You must be overwhelmed,doctorā€™s will take good care of you,babies have strong immune systems. This will all be over and behind you with a story to tell !! I am mom to 4,grandma of 12 ,I get it you are gonna be alright !

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Thatā€™s life. Look on the sunny side of life. All three of you could stay in bed together, gettā€™erdone.

If you are having the baby at home it will be tough have you no parents to help out you will cope when you have to and its not winter yet so it should be easier keep a dettol spray handy and some medication from the doc .

No worries he is your kid too be positive all will be wellā€¦

These are the Days of Our Life.

How dare your ā€˜kidā€™ become poorly!!! Does your ā€˜kidā€™ have a gender e.g. son/ daughter! I bet your child needs a lot of tlc, cuddles, reassurance and LOVE at the moment. Think of the child you have here now, Iā€™m sure he/she will be feeling pushed out enough when your newborn arrives!

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Je z kids get sick all the time, wtf so go to a hotel then, by the time u get home he will be better, u act like he a more of a pain and us not important, take care of him , like any parent would, common sense,


Normally I can empathise, however you need to get a grip. Both your babies need you. Your newborn will come into a world thatā€™s full of germs and your older child will get through his bug as a little time passes. Somethings you cant change so you have to endure them. Try and stem the negativity and think about the birth. I wish you a happy healthy baby.


You got this Mama!! :heart:

I was sick when I delivered. Bronchitis cough with a c-section sucks so badly. But you get through it. Congrats on new baby!

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If I ever entertained the thought of posting a question or problem here, this comment section has surely dissuaded me. Itā€™s like a pack of hyenas with a fresh piece of meat in here with some of you. Gross.


Yeah, it sucks ! I got sick a few days after having my first baby and it was so hard because I was nursing her and didnā€™t want to make her sick so I had to wear a mask :mask: around her for a few weeks and be very careful (this was like 13 years ago by the way so it was way before COVID ) but I managed not to get the baby sickā€¦ It was not easy at allā€¦

Donā€™t stress yourself huni new baby will be fine, your milk will know what baby needs to fight the germs.
When we brought our youngest home we had 4 kids & 1 adult with gastro & 1 adult with a cold in the household (I had the gastro 2 nights before my c-sec, luckily I woke up the morning of feeling amazing)
Once home - new baby, hubby & myself didnā€™t get sick at all & it got to the point we couldnā€™t keep the kids away from her so she was definitely exposed to the germs/bugs, I was freaking out but I was assured sheā€™d be fine & she was :two_hearts:

My 2 1/2 year old threw up the entire night I was having my second childā€¦we lived through it, Get your kid well soon and maybe you wonā€™t deliver just yet. I came down with a deadly case of Asia flu when my second was 3 weeks old! Then he ended up in hospital with it at 4 weeksā€¦A real tough time but this too shall pass!

Donā€™t you had family or someone to 5akecare 0f him sence you are soon anyday??

Take the kid to any of your close family or friend

its life u n baby will b ok. dayquill/nightquill helps

Vitamin c! When my little one got sick recently I increased his vitamin c intake. Only vitamin c. Nothing with elderberry and no ibuprofen or Motrinā€¦ just airing on the side of caution. But I gave him 500mgs of vitamin c daily. I bought the liquid form and just mixed in some juice.

Iā€™m sad for the elder kid for some reasonā€¦ I donā€™t know.


My one year old was sick when I brought his new baby brother home and the baby didnā€™t get sickā€¦ I just sanitized the toddlerā€™s hands all day and asked him not to kiss babyā€™s face yet.

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You poor princess thatā€™s absolutely normal mum life what tf you whinging about something so minor for you obviously have never had it tough. Hell I drove myself to the hospital with my 4th in full blown labour bleeding and my kids were at school and their dad was 1400 km away so I had to also pull something out my ass. Kids get sick and well we know why youā€™re pregnant :joy:

I dont know how allergies work where you live, but its really bad where Iā€™m at. My kids have been miserable. Not sick though, no fever, just allergies. Could be that!

Elderberry and Vitamin C
You will be fine.

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Ok so get this- my daughter was really sick when I went into labor with my sonā€” cough, runny nose, sore throat, feverā€¦ the works. She got me sick of course. I swear when I started going into labor ALL my symptoms magically went away. It was crazy! We had no choice but to bring her around my son when he came home and because he was breastfed (my pediatricians hypothesis) and had my antibodiesā€¦ he never got sick either. It was the weirdest thing. With that saidā€¦ yes getting sick sucks, caring for sick kids, especially with a newborn really sucks, and caring for kids while youā€™re sick is the worst! BUTā€¦ just think of all the cuddles and comfort food while watching movies togetherā€¦ try to look at the good parts and remember youā€™re strong and amazing and youā€™ve got this. Good luck momma!

Take care of your child. Take care of yourself and hope for the best. Youā€™ll be fine.

Young one - this to shall pass - you were blessed with a lilā€™ guy 5 years ago and now you are blessed with a new life growing inside - slow down sweetie - just breathe - youā€™ve already realized there is little you can do. Breathe young one - your a good Momma- you got this kiddo.

Boost everyoneā€™s immune systems! It will be okay! :heart:

There is something you can do. You can Take the child to the doctor for starters :face_with_monocle: stomachache, cough and nasal congestion are symptoms of strep throat. Might need an antibiotic.

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Breaking you in to being a parent of 2 right off the bat. Usually babies immune systems at birth are pretty good. Your little canā€™t help getting sick anymore than you could. Love that baby up this too shall pass.

Take kid to dr to get meds to get better fast. Viola.Solved.

How dare your child get sick at such an inconvenient time?!

Agree w/all, say a prayer and take kiddo to dr. He can advise about baby health precautions. Is there anyone who can help overnites at home? Were you planning on support when baby came anyway?! Try and figure it out calmly. Youā€™ll do fine.


No matter whatā€¦ YOU GOT THIS! I know it doesnā€™t feel like it, but you will figure it out and most importantly, youā€™ll be the best damn momma you can be! There is no manual for these things. Take 3 deep breaths and come up with a plan. You can do it and everything will be ok!

Keep a mask on yourself and teach your child to cough into his elbow . Itā€™s scary I know but it will be fine maybe grandma& grandpa can help out a little .

Welcome to motherhood. The infant will be fine their immune to alot of stuff that young. The kid you already have needs you

Take a breathe. The last days of pregnancy are always overwhelming. Your feeling perfectly are normal. Donā€™t listen to any of those means spirited people. Remember your newborn has lots of adding immunities from you to protect them. My elderly great aunt came to the hospital to see my newborn with a cold. See even had the nerve to kiss him. I could have killed her and actually ask for to leave. But guess what- my son was fine. Your baby will be fine too. Comfort your sick child and give them the med they. Sit them in front of the tv all bundled up and play their favorite movies or shows so they sit quietly and rest. Sit down next to them and both of you go to the sleep. Order Chinese and have rice and soup delivered for dinner for his tummy if possible. Hang in there better days are coming. My kids are 34 & 35. It goes by quick. Enjoy the rollercoaster.

Itā€™s a difficult place to b in wid all thatā€™s happening in ur life n around u. 1st pray a motherā€™s prayer n get sum1 to help u take care of the siek child but also b there for the child. Comfort love is important n God at ur side I believe u will conquer

There is always someone who has to make something negative out of everything all parents get overwhelmed whether they have 1 kid or 5 q I ick making it sound like she doesnā€™t care I believe she was looking for advice not a bunch of ignorant comments have a heart people this is a crazy enough time we ste going through font make it worse for others BE KIND

Welcome to motherhood! Whoever your backup for childcare is, call that person now. Get your son to a doctor today and hope that you wonā€™t go into labor any time soon .

Parenting/ get used to it.
We went through mumps, measles, chicken pox. Etc. Etc. Suck it up and go on. I ha pneumonia when one of mine was. Ron. Mask up long before pandemic.

Take to the Doctor take sure she doesnā€™t have Covid if she just has the Flu ask your Mom to watch her for a few dayā€™s till she is fine then bring her back home

Your child will get better soon and you just feel misrable because the baby is due but before you know you feel better

Get somebody to help you. You clearly anxious. And you have every right to be! Unfortunately life isnā€™t scripted like in the movies. Remember kids can bounce back quickly from anything. A visit to the docter might calm your fears. Best wishes!

Suck it up, buttercupā€¦thatā€™s being a momā€¦and you have a child not a ā€œkidā€