My kid is sick and I'm about to have a baby, what should I do?

I'm about to have a baby any day now. And my 5 year old is getting sick today.. Stuffy nose, a cough, and stomach pains. I could have a baby at anytime and now I have a sick kid. I don't want to bring a newborn home to a sick kid. And I definitely don't want to get sick and go into labor that sounds horrible. I'm more just venting because there's really nothing I can do.. I'm just so fed up and annoyed with everything why did this have to happen now.

Take a deep breath and relax momma. Chances are you won’t get sick and if your kiddo is still sick when you go into labor, just make sure you keep the baby away from the older one until sick :mask: goes away. Make sure you keep things sanitized as you can. Not sure how much help you have but if there’s a way for the older one to go by grandmas or aunties house etc for a few days when u go into labor, that way you have time to get things all situated for you when you bring baby home.

Oh well. Hes sick. Stop complaining.
The newborn shouldn’t be always first. The 5 year old should be important also.
Worry about the 5 year old now
Newborn after he or she is born
Don’t be surprised you will live
Relax and stop making to only about the newborn coming

Read what you just wrote and think, I had 6 children and never once thought like that. Your 5 yr old isn’t at fault for getting sick and your newborn will be fine when it arrives because it is born with lots of immunity from you. What you wrote makes you sound single minded and a horrible person, love the child you have and know that all will be okay.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My kid is sick and I'm about to have a baby, what should I do?

How dare your child get sick so close to your due date… the audacity.


Have you got any family support who mite take care of him until he feels well enough maybe stay at there home ur mum or dad or sister etc
Poor kid :cry: hope its not that covid or ya u wil be pissed off big time lady plz god not

you have to be kidding me!?!? welcome to motherhood!! this is a daily struggle! don’t wanna deal with it, don’t get pregnant!!

Ok??? What’s the question lol. A moms gotta do what a moms gotta do. We were built for this….


Hey mom. Honestly this just sounds like you’re just near the end of pregnancy and frustrated.
Your 5 year old didn’t mean to get sick. Take care of them and when you come home have your oldest keep their distance or wear a mask. Wash often. That’s it. You’ll be fine.

Grandparents maybe can watch

All u can do is take care of ur sick baby… :woman_shrugging:t4:


Black elderberry it’s all natural and helps defend against respiratory illnesses too

Welcome to having kids, one gets it…they both usually get it…


Get some help and pray

Welcome to life, and being a mother. You suck it up, and just do it.


The day my youngest was born, my oldest was diagnosed with the flu. He puked all over the hospital room - good times. He went to stay with my parents for a couple of days (as per the pediatricians orders) until he felt a little better.

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Welcome to being a mother of 2


As a mother of 3…the real fun gets there when all of them are sick and then i get sick. :upside_down_face: you’re gnna need some help.


Welcome to having more than one kid…


You will do okay with the family. Drink lots of tea and just relax.

Welcome to motherhood :unamused:

How dare she get sick. Ugh, doesnt she know when a new baby comes, shes out the door? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

why have another child if youre gonna stop having any type of motherly care for your first child. If you cant split the love, care, and time, then dont have more than one. I understand its scary bringing a new baby into a home with a sick child, but thats not the childs fault. You suck it up, and do what you gotta do. Thats how it is and always will be.

You have to care of your sick baby. That’s the beauty of motherhood!! It’s messy but awesome!

I mean the smart thing to do would be to take the sick kid to the doctor and see what’s wrong with him. It could be something where antibiotics are needed and at that point after 48 hours he won’t be contagious anymore so there would really be nothing to worry about.


I’m sorry this might come off rude but fed up with what? Your child getting a runny nose? There’s thousands of parents out there dealing with their children dying and having cancer or some other horrific diseases and your fed up with a child getting sick. Your fed up with being pregnant? Well there’s precautions to take that would of prevented pregnancy. There’s thousands of woman out there who would love to become pregnant and would have love to carry their baby to term. And your complaining. I recently lost twins this week. Be blessed and grateful your child only has a cold… be blessed and grateful you have a child… be blessed and grateful your carrying your baby to term. You need to cry it out… grab a tub of ice cream
And cry it out in the bathroom but it’s parenting… could be a lot worse.

Ummmm if you get sick welcome to motherhood. But if you breastfeed your baby most likely won’t catch it.


Well if not 1 can have ya son .then sorry u got no choice :woman_shrugging:

Join the club… three kids at home and could have baby any day… both girls have conjunctivitis, my sons got a cough and all three are snotty. Not much can be done just make sure you keep on top of cleaning and don’t let him near new babies face :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Instead of saying “that’s life” or “that’s motherhood” (because that’s just not helpful) I would say start by being super grateful that a sick kid is all you have, there’s many mothers who have much more intense emergencies in the days leading up to or during labor (family tragedies, cancer diagnosis, financial crisis) once you put it into perspective, it won’t be so daunting. After that, research at home or store bought remedies to help your 5 yr old heal fastest or at least to lessen his symptoms, and most importantly try not to OVER stress (I get it’s a stressful situation but don’t dramatize it in your mind or “poor me” yourself, it only makes things more difficult and dangerous since you’re pregnant).

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Went into labour while I had the flu, somehow you just manage. Unfortunately when you have more than one child you just cross your fingers and hope it doesn’t go through the whole family

I know it sounds crazy but put a raw potato slice in their sock while they sleep. Also let them drink orange juice and apple juice if it’s a cold.


I was covid positive the last week of my pregnancy just got out of the contagious part of it the day I had my baby only for my husband to test positive the day after we came home. And my son was sick. My suggestion is get your kid in to the dr, disinfect your house as best as you can. Taking care of a newborn when you’re sick isn’t fun but its doable. Plus if you plan on breastfeeding your milk will help keep the baby healthy.

Welcome to being the parent tomorrow than one kid??? When one gets it, they all get it. It’s part of being a family.

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Throw away the sick child? Jk you can handle it moms are bad bitches and can handle anything and everything thrown at us if you get sick before you go into labor it will sick but labor will distract you from being sick. You got this momma! Women have the ability to endure labor for the simple fact that we can handle every damn thing better than men can and either way you’ll still have a little one sick and a newborn to take care of so just go with the flow.


Currently 34 weeks pregnant with a 5 year old who has a fever, cough, runny nose and upset belly. Went and got him tested yesterday. Trust me, I’m worried about myself getting sick but it is not stopping me from loving on and comforting my 5 year old :heart:

That’s the meaning of being a mother! Not everything is a fairytale


Mmm I have this remedy that I tried as an adult that a customer gave me when I
The Covid started which I don’t know if it was because it was in January of 2020 . give her oregano tea and she will get better in no time try adding cinnamon honey and lemon so she won’t taste a lot of condiments ohh and avoid giving her cold stuff afterwards cuz she can’t get way sicker. Also try adding vic and cover her so she can sweat all of it. She will get better. No outside time for her while she’s on Vapor rub

Vitamin c. Lots and lots of vitamin c

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Welcome to motherhood? It’s worrisome but the baby isn’t here yet and now is your window to make sure your oldest child gets well.


Sounds like you should have thought about your ability to care for one before you had a second. You make it sound like your first child is a complete burden to you. Things happen, instead of worrying that you MIGHT go into labor, worry about taking care of your child.

You’re overreacting, that’s your kid weather he/she is sick. That’s part if motherhood.


You got this mama . Ask husband to help out with sick kid or relative keep up your immune system as well. Get rest you are gonna need your strength. Reach out to family and friends to help out . It takes a village. Your doing great.

Well welcome to mother this being a mom


Welcome to having more than 1 kid. You manage. That’s parenting. Just keep out of each other’s face & keep the medicine rotating.

Just do what you would normally do and make sure you keep they’re faces clean. If when you have the baby and your older kiddo is still sick, just make sure no kisses on the babies face :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I brought my littlest home to 2 sick kiddos and a hubby who was just getting over being sick. You’ve got this momma and good luck

Just throw the kid outside :woman_shrugging:


My bf brought home covid from work and gave it to our 2 year old who in turn gave it to me at 33 weeks pregnant. Somehow we just manage taking this quarantine one step at a time.

1st, welcome to motherhood. 2nd be glad your not sick taking care of a sick 9 month old, 4 almost 5 year old and 13 year old that acts 2 when she is sick. Uts something going around me and 3 of my kids all had what you just said and my baby ended up in the hospital dehydrated because she couldn’t nurse or take a bottle because she was congested

The day after I brought my son home from the hospital my daughter she was 3 at the time puked every where. We were all fine.

“there’s nothing I can do” well you sound like a great mom. :roll_eyes:

Well for one thing… Don’t act like your child is a burden or make that child feel shitty because of them being sick. Take care of your sick child, that’s what being a mother is. Stop moaning and whining and be there for both. Its not that hard, I have 5 and work, so there’s no excuse. :person_facepalming::person_shrugging:

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#singleparent she ment to say

This is motherhood, as alot of other women have said. BUT you’re allowed to be frustrated, and allowed to vent. Being a parent is HARD. Some days are harder than others, but we always manage to push through. I’m sorry you’re little one is sick, and you’re so stressed. Just breathe, it will be okay. Hugs to you!


Take the advise given by the kind people and ignore all the pieces of shit in here that just wanted to be twat waffles instead of giving helpful advice. You got this and just stay strong!!! Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help from a loved one!


Just don’t let them touch the new baby. Make sure you are constantly washing your hands/and or using hand sanitizer. My second son got RSV at two weeks old because of having a sick toddler at home.


Wow, never seen such rude comments, I’m pretty sure she knows what Motherhood is about, since she has one already! Show some compassion people! I’m sure she is frustrated, think how you felt getting ready to birth a baby. Maybe see if a relative or friend would be willing to come over and help out so you don’t have to get to close, wash hands often and sanitize EVERYTHING!! Lol

K a lot of these comments saying welcome to motherhood like you haven’t been a mother already And aren’t pregnant with your emotions running wild :roll_eyes:. Just take it one step at a time. Get your oldest as well as possible (kids elderberry, vitamin c, bland foods, humidifier etc) whatever you need to get him better. Then delivering your baby when he/she decides to arrive. One thing at a time you got this mama!

I had a c section with a two pound baby and my 8 year old was sick. Just suck it up buttercup…welcome to motherhood. Call the pediatrician and have him give some medicine.


Will you go have your baby already what do people in the 3rd world country do for for god sake

Your baby will be born with antibodies that you give him and he will not get sick especially if you’re breastfeeding

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Aww poor baby…. My kids have that right now also started on Sunday. There’s nothing that can be done really accept nurse your daughter back to health an hope baby doesn’t come yet an if baby does come everything will get figured out then. :heart:

The exact same thing happened to me when I gave birth back in June. My 5 year old was so sick, my husband was overreacting just like you. I was annoyed but my newborn didn’t get sick, not once. And mind you, my 5 year old was around coughing and sneezing around the baby. your newborn will be fine (:

Not much u can do lysal.Babies usally hve a good immune system

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I think you’re just at that end of pregnancy frustration. Breathe girl! It’s gonna be ok lol


Your infant will have a strong immunity to it. Just breastfeeding will take care of that. Wash your hands.

First of all do you realize that you are calling your first baby a kid not my child is sick, not my baby is sick, my kid is getting sick!! Are you serious? And yes I’m going to be one of those who I have something evil to say! I have a woman who has not been able to have children but if I was blessed enough to have children I would not refer to my oldest one is a kid I would refer to him or her as a blessing life sucks children get sick sorry but are you seriously realizing what you’re saying? G what should you do? I don’t know maybe take care of your first child and get them through the sickness that they are having, I mean it’s almost like you’re asking should you get rid of your first child?

Well their is concern because RSV and covid alot to worry about maybe a healthy relative or friend could step in for couple days and care for child at their home. Call grandma. My kids sure would.


People in this group can be such assholes.


Uhhh treat the sick kid at home for the symptoms and pray for the best would be the first step


oh hunny! WELCOME to parenthood of multiple babies! This is how it’ll work out forever … you’ll have something important to do… one kid will fall sick… they’ll be almost better then you’ll start over again with the next kid sick AND then you’ll get sick! It’s a horrible process.

I know your struggle this happened to me when I had my last two babies! Just breath it’ll all be ok!

This is basically parenting in a nutshell.
Nothing will ever go as planned because sickness can creep up out of anywhere at anytime,
Just treat your child the way you would any other time; you don’t want them feeling any type of way their still just a child too.

I have 9 children ( someone is always sick or just plain annoying ) take it day by day ; hour by hour.
Best of luck to you <3

You are allowed to be frustrated and vent. Your child is coming down with something and you’re pregnant…worried you’ll get sick and/or bring a newborn into a germy house. Treat the symptoms and hope for the best. Disinfectant spray always was and still is my best friend to keep germs down. My oldest was sick with a upper respiratory bug and at 9 months pregnant I caught it. Delivered my 2nd with my Mom helping me blow my nose so I could breathe while pushing…I felt like I was 3 again. Its life and motherhood…you will be fine and so will your children.

When I had my 2nd my 2 year old was also very sick with gastroenteritis my hubby even brought him into the same hospital … u learn to handle sickness and new borns … part of being a mummy bear u will b great

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Happened to me with my last I wanna say. My son was at home sick when I went into labor with my daughter. I just kept him away from her the best I could and prayed both be fine

Welcome to motherhood :heart:


Get your nails done and relax. It’ll all work out …. I mean this is a nail art page right?!

Please have him tested for covid momma, my friends child had same symptoms, they even though possible appendicitis but it was covid, wash your hands a lot, drink lots of fluids and rest when ever possible! Good luck!

This comment section is disgusting. Are we as women not allowed to be overwhelmed anymore? Are we not allowed to be humans? Do f****ing better people.

Give him vitamin c, zinc, elderberry…. Your best friends for when your sick. Oh and chicken soup doesn’t hurt.


yall are forgetting she is a mother already and probably just needed some support . you don’t know her situation . and just bc you did it doesn’t mean crap maybe she doesn’t have people in her life to vent to . your not her . be kind … wow shes probably hot and miserable too …


Sometimes even moms get frustrated. Sometimes moms don’t have all the answers and our situations seem impossible. We have to just take it all one day at a time and hope for the best

You’re gonna deal with it and go through it together. Flipping DUH. Wait until they’re both bringing home everything from public school.


There is going to be lots of times when one or both kids are going to be sick. That’s just life. Just wash your hands and tell your oldest to keep his distance for a bit. Don’t go clean crazy either because people need to be exposed to the bad germs to be able to build the imunity to it. I’m not saying have your son cough in the babies face. You have nothing to worry about. Babies are tougher then you think. Most likely the baby won’t get sick at all. Take care of your son now and don’t worry.


You can’t help your child becoming ill. I would suggest just keep washing your hands and surfaces and just comfort your poorly child. Don’t be worried about bringing the baby home to a sick child you aren’t the first one and definitely won’t be the last. It’s not a nice feeling or thought but they are both your children and Illness cannot be helped. If you really are anxious and it is causing you stress I would suggest calling your midwife and explain the situation, explain your concerns and ask her for some advise. Good luck xx

Anybody want to tell her or should i?


Sorry it’s happening to you. It’s tough but you’ll get through it. Just try and get the sick kid well and hopefully you’ll be ok and have the baby without the worry of your other child.

Can you take emergen-C while pregnant? You might want to ask your Dr, and if you get the ok, do that. Plus, just wash your hands and do what you can to keep yourself from getting sick. As for bringing a baby home to a sick kid, there’s really no option for that. Make sure the sick kid stays away until he feels better, but they’re gonna be sharing germs the rest if their lives. So it’s just your new normal.

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I’m sorry. That is worrisome. Lots of vitamin c and fluids and hopefully it passes quickly without you getting sick too. It’ll all work out.

I would have your child checked to make sure it is not covid first. Then ask if a family member or friend could help by assisting with your little one and up the vitamin C in your diet to help fight off a cold or flu before you get it. This happens and is all a part of being a mother . Unfortunately kids get sick… maybe give your little one a boost of vitamin C too which can help reduce the time they are sick. Good Luck wishing you well with your little one and new bub when he/she arrives…

If you’re with the dad, maybe the dad and the kid can stay in a hotel until he feels better and you and newborn can stay at home if you’re that worried

:neutral_face: that’s being a mom lol. Just wait till they are both sick at the same time and extremely cranky. Then when they get better you get sick. Lol. It always happens that way.


Also breastfeed for at least the first few weeks if you can . The colostrum has the ability to help stop bub getting sick. My daughter had a newborn when i found out i had shingles and my daughter ended up with chicken pox as a result of my shingles her newborn that she was breastfeeding never got chicken pox at all. Her doctor told her continue breastfeeding its bubs best defence and he was right . As i said if you are able not pushing breastfeeding on anyone , i was unable to breastfeed my own kids so would never judge anyone that doesn’t.

God forbid your child gets sick when it’s inconvenient for you​:skull_and_crossbones: just kick him out of the house till he feels better :woman_shrugging:t5::woman_facepalming:t5:

Also I thought this was a Nail page wtf?


Take care of you 5 year old and don’t worry about anything else!!! They are your responsibility!!! God game then to YOU! TAKE CARE OF THEM!!!


Take your kid to the dr … so he/she can get better before you go into labor… make sure everything is cleaned before bringing baby home… keep your other kid away from the newborn until they get better…

Ugh lady thats rough… I was so sick after my first baby i think strep was in my house…thats the worst when you are new baby tired

Maybe don’t have kids :sweat_smile:


The antibodies in your breast milk are going to keep your newborn from getting sick. That’s why breastfeeding is so important. This is just the fact of life. Just try to keep your other little one from touching the newborns face as much as possible. and keep his hands washed. God bless you’re going to be much more lenient with baby number two. Like my daughter is. baby number one she was 100% by the book by baby number two totally different story but still strict