My kid keeps on getting sick at daycare, help!

I have always been a stay at home mom to my 5 kids n then I got pregnant n I got a job working at a daycare when he was 1.5 years old… I’m struggling as a mom now….. as a working mom my son since he started has been sick nonstop I mean he got COVID 2 weeks after he started then different stuff each week for a month it’s been him or his brother… i hate having him in daycare I hate leaving him a lot has went on at daycare like he was gone with COVID went back n that day they turned me into DHS for “child abuse” one coworker has been mistreating my son taking his food away before he’s done my son hates going!!! Now my fiancé is mad at me cuz I haven’t been working a lot cuz our son is so sick!! This is affecting my mental state bad… we recently moved im trying to get settled n dealing with sick child all the time n working and I went to my boss n told her how much I’m struggling n she offered me to take a lil break from working to get better mentally… she said my job is secure I won’t be fired I feel horrible for even telling her how much I’m struggling with everything right now!!! She is really understanding about it all n that my kids and myself come first!!! So how or what helps everyone with anxiety n worrying?

Also I’m going to the dr!! Just needed to mainly vent or get somethings to help me or ideas to help my son be more healthy


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My kid keeps on getting sick at daycare, help!

I no its hard but think of your son especially if you feel he is being some what mistreated. I would give work up and stay home to look after him till he is of school age I’m not sure what that is in america over here in England it’s 3 years old. At least until he can talk express himself more. Little things like taking his food away and stuff can cause some what anxiety when they are older. Trust me I have 2 children done it on my own I know its hard and I completely understand your better of working. But trust me when I say I’m studying my masters degree in counselling in uni and the term we always use is you dont want you kids growing up as adults having to recover from certain childhood tramas. It’s easier to build strong children then what it is to build and repair a broken adult. Also what you might think won’t affect him may affect him we all react differently. My inbox is always open if you want a chat xx

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Getting sick at daycare is all part of building immunities and preparing for school. It’s expected for them to get sick a lot at first if they’ve always been at home with you. It’s better they are sick and missing daycare than it would be for them to get sick at school and miss important days there. Of course they will still get sick at school but a lot less if you let their immune system get strong now. If you feel they are mistreating you’re child, I don’t think you picked the right daycare for your child. I don’t believe you should pull your child out and stop working, I think you should maybe look around and find a better daycare you can trust to look after your child. That’s just my opinion as a daycare provider myself! Also, we’ve managed to completely avoid Covid here and I haven’t closed a single day since the pandemic… maybe find a daycare that screens the children and/or workers better so there can be less sicknesses.


Give him vitamins and vitamin c shots on a daily to keep hes immune system strong give him alot of orange juice natural one ofcourse…thats what I do with my kids and Thank God they havnt been sick in years (knock on wood)… also my kids eat alot of fruits as well …I also send them with hand sanitizers fun ones they enjoy…

Find your states daycare ratings and see if you can find your sons a better affordable daycare.

Boost his immune system wash hands , clean the daycare better

Elderberries they make a mix for kids at Walmart starting giving that to the kids and they will never get sick I swear it works we make it home made just because the berries are easy access for use to the store product works just as well :smiling_face:

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My son is 3, he got sick a little bit the first month or two of preschool. But they’re also very clean, they disinfect everything, including the toys. If your son is being mistreated in any way, you need to find a new daycare. That’s unacceptable. As for your anxiety, you should talk to your Dr about taking something mild to help you cope. Goodluck

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My kid keeps on getting sick at daycare, help!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My kid keeps on getting sick at daycare, help!

I would try him on a daily kids multivitamin…know it doesn’t sound like much but it is! My kids started school year before last and we’re always sick with something, either cough runny nose, always something…their doctor suggested it and it was like a complete 180! They’ve hardly been sick at all the last 2 years…not a cough runny nose nothing…I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it first hand. They take a little gummy children’s vitamin in morning and before bed and it completely changed everything!


Kids getting sick at daycare/school settings is normal because parents are always sending in their sick kids. It’s definitely not right but… its the norm. Letting your kid get mistreated is not normal and also why did they call DHS on you? How can you still want to work there after that?

Report the daycare worker and switch daycares. As far as getting sick, that’s to be expected the first year of daycare as they build up their immune system.


Agree with the comments. Switch daycares. You’ll find one that’s much better for him there’s heaps out there. Expected to be sick for the first year. Can always try help with immune boosters, vicks air vaporiser and also probiotics. Would also be handy to get him checked out by the dr-make sure he doesn’t have immunodeficiency or missing a genetic marker that makes him have a lower immune system in general.

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there has to be another daycare where your child won’t be mistreated. while kids do get sick in daycare, some places are much better than other with handwashing for everyone and wiping down toys consistently. good luck. it is a struggle.


He’s either sick now in daycare…or, he’s sick like this when he starts kindergarten. It really sucks to see your kiddo sick all the time, but they’re better for it in the end.

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If your child is being mistreated at this daycare YOU PULL THEM OUT PERIOD.

Them being sick is a whole different issue, and I’m sorry they’ve been sick but you need to handle the above first & foremost :point_up_2:t2:


Ok I’m assuming that you work at the same daycare that he is staying at? If that is so why would you want to work at a daycare center that mistreat your child and calls DHS on you??? Your boss apparently isn’t that great. As far as getting sick when put into day care or school that’s what happens. There immunity has to build.

Do you work at the same daycare?

Daycare is SO hard on their bodies for the first year they go no matter the age.

However, sounds like to need to turn in the daycare for mistreating your child. They will randomly show up with no warning for an inspection.

Please check his immunity to the pneumococcal vaccine series he had as an infant. My son kept getting sick and sicker when attending daycare and eventually landed in the hospital. We found out it was because he had no immunity to the pneumococcal vaccine series and he got a booster and has been doing so well ever since!


Boost ur kids immune system … plenty of fresh vitamin C and D rich foods can use a liquid if you want but your absorb it better when you get it naturally from the source … 100% grape juice is good around flu season … after 2 you can start making elderberry syrup that is a good thing to take year around we add raw honey to make it taste better … if he’s been on alot of antibiotics your dr should of recommended a good probiotic or recommended you start giving him a Greek yogurt to help reset his gut health from all of those antibiotics … both my kids go to daycare and are hardly sick an ear infection here or there but not anything major

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Check into essential oils. Try Revive oils. They have an Immunity boost line of oils and cleaners.

I ran a daycare for over 12 years and the first thing I would tell parents is EXPECT you child to be sick for the first 6 months especially if they were home a lot. They now have to build up immunities and unfortunately they are gonna catch everything! My kids grew up with me doing daycare from being babies and they rarely ever get sick because they were always around it. Just keep pushing through you’ll eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel :blush:


Don’t ever let anyone minimize what it’s like having a sick child. I have a medically complex baby and he has a 100 different Doctors and therapists. Even if I could find a sitter, I’d still miss half a months work for appointments. Luckily my partner understands and makes it so I can stay home with our so, I work 2 days a week. If he ever snapped at me for not working to care for our son, we would have a huge problem, and he would have a really bad day.

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Start watching kids in your own house your kids can stay home and you can make money to

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Can you afford to quit your job and just watch a few children to maintain until your child is older?

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Kids always have and always will get sick at daycare because it’s basically a germ farm. My son had asthma so anytime someone so much as passed gas he got sick. Some kids get sick alot and some don’t but just look at it as your kid building their immunity. Now my son is perfectly healthy ,out grew his asthma by time he was about 6 and rarely gets sick now.

A lot of people send their kids to daycare knowing they are sick. I think you did all you possibly could and it’s really great your boss is so understanding. I hope things get better for you mama.


Kids getting sick at daycare is fairly normal.

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Umm its daycare. Its full of germy kids.

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I’m sorry but there’s no avoiding it. But good thing is they’ll build up their immunity from it

There’s a immunity building drink produced by ensure, especially for kids with low immunity. Check it out,

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My kid keeps on getting sick at daycare, help!

I had 4 kids always sick, started them on a drinkable yogurt for immune system. One a day and the sick went away😃

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Its good for the body to get exposed young. Children are nasty and spread viruses/ bugs like wild fire. Our body has an organ the thymus which will help learn all of the lovely bugs your kid is exposed to now, so when they grow they won’t get so sick so often!

Kids always catch stuff at daycare. I have 4 In daycare and one of them has been sick just about every week for a while. I feel your pain. But… why are you still working there if they turned you in for child abuse? Why aren’t you telling your boss about the mistreatment of your son and all that’s going on at the daycare? You need to remove your child and yourself from the daycare right away. Find a new job and a new daycare and try it again.

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Day cares are petri dishes of sickness, I’m so sorry your son is constantly sick, that must be miserable for both of you. It also tells me that the day care isnt cleaning and sanitizing as well as they should or taking precautions to minimize the kids passing germs to eachother which i know is like shoveling snow in a blizzard. Its a tough situation, maybe try a different day care?

Vitamin c gummies or gummies to help boost the immune system


It sounds like your Day care isn’t that clean. It’s pretty usual for kids to get every bug going at that age and it does mean they’re less likely to get sick once they hit school. If you can change his Daycare do. The trust is gone if they’ve reported you and your son hates it. You don’t want him developing school phobia before he’s even gone! Use the break to find somewhere else maybe?

Start your munchkins on vitamin C every day and so sovereign silver or colloidal silver.

For us it always went in waves… The kids would get everything going around one year, then not the next, then get hit the next then not the next… Then they went years w/o anything and both currently have colds. (Both tested negative. Whew!)

I work in childcare too. It’s rough when they’re younger, but they end up with killer immune systems once they start school. For now, push lots of fruits and veggies if your baby will eat them, vitamins, and probiotics.