My kids grandpa was inappropriate with me

Yesterday was my daughters 1st bday at my bfs Fathers & wifes house the wife decorated the whole party it was amazing good night. . . long story short my bfs dad my daughters grandpa had a lil too much to drink and started rubbing on me inappropriate ways staring at my chest and literally touching me every chance he gets I have told anyone what should i do ???

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My kids grandpa was inappropriate with me - Mamas Uncut

You need to tell your bf and also you need to say some to the dad/grandfather drinking or not his actions are unacceptable.


Tell your boy friend


Tell him of does it again you will grab his nuts and twist them till it’s so bad he will never do again


Tell your BF and tell this grandpa off. He was being inappropriate I would have slapped him and walked away. Not ok… I’m very out spoken.


Tell your BF and stay away from drunk grandpa.


Punch him in the face. Hard.


Tell your boyfriend and refuse to go back over there.


Are you dumb? Fucking swing!!! Not a mf soul will get that close to me and not get decked. Be better.

I would have decked him the first time he did it, not let it happen over and over throughout the evening


Speak up! And don’t be afraid to defend yourself especially when you have a daughter that you’ll someday be teaching to be strong and to protect herself. If it was me he would’ve gotten kicked in the balls and would’ve been staring into the barrel of a gun!

Put him in his place when he is sober


Need to tell him it made you uncomfortable. If he does it again you make him uncomfortable in whatever way you see fit. You need to learn to be strong. When you allow it to happen they feel it is an open invitation. He was wrong and you should have put him in his place the minute it started. Take some self defense classes, gain some confidence and never let anyone make you feel that way again.


Um first offf you need to tell your boyfriend. He deserves to know, especially since it’s his father. Second make sure this man knows he’s a pig and should be ashamed. Stay safe girl.


For real what they said^
We as women need to stop with this don’t say anything, tell the bf, don’t make a scene crap. If someone is disrespecting you SAY SOMETHING! make a scene, take up space, most importantly stand up for your self!

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Let him know you don’t appreciate this and next time there will be consequences

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I’d be telling everyone , bf, his mom… after the first time he should have been knocked out. Ladies stop being silent about things like this. Cause a scene and speak up for yourself and don’t let your daughter around him


He would have got a knee in the balls and everyone would have known. Dont ever let anyone touch you like that if you are not ok with it. He is a creep and he will just think because you said nothing he can do it again. Tell your husband. Hope your ok :pensive:

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Tell everyone! Shame his arse!!

Tell the bf take charges keep kids away from him…


Give him a good smack in the face then warn him he dare do that again!

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I would tell say to the person to never do that again because he was probably testing you and had to much to drink to see your reaction.Then if he does try it again then let your bf know as people always dont believe some one would do that.lts so awkward to know what to do but do what you think is best for yourself.

Number 1 you need to never let your kids go back over there!

Number 2 you should have shut that shit down right when it was happening

Number 3 tells your husband!

Need to tell bf asap

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Yes please tell your boyfriend and everybody else you have a daughter to protect what are you going to do when she’s a teenager and he’s a pig to her and I’ve been in the situation where you lived with my husband’s mom and his stepdad and one day when I was home alone carrying a basket of laundry he grabbed my breast I called my boyfriend my husband right away and we moved out that same day


Tell your boyfriend
If someone is disrespectful to you stand up for yourself. Nobody has the right to touch you without your consent. Period.

Do something about it next time in the moment. Smack his hand away tell him that’s inappropriate and not wanted. If he continues after the warning punch him in the face. Then leave and go home. If the family sides w him they are all pervs for allowing that. If they side w u maybe they will teach grandpa to keep his hands to his damn self.

You need to tell your man let him talk to his mother and how to handle his dad.


Did you tell him to stop!!!


Umm… I wouldn’t have to tell anyone as unwanted touching me gets you a lot of unwanted immediate attention… JS


Ummmm I would have definitely smacked him and put him on the spot in front of everyone :woman_shrugging:t2:


Keep him away from your baby!!! And tell your bf


It is your mans place to correct the situation.

Tell your boyfriend, and tell gramps if he touches you again you’ll knock his dentures out of his mouth.




Should’ve smacked the shit outta him right then & there in front of everyone!! Yes you should tell, but now it’s done & over & is your word against his…

I would talk to your boyfriend and ask him to address it. Don’t allow anyone here to guilt you for freezing in the moment. That’s :100: a natural response for some. You did NOTHING wrong, HE DID, and drinking doesn’t excuse it.


Don’t tell anyone and avoid him at all cost.


You should’ve :facepunch:t4::facepunch:t4::facepunch:t4: his a**. :woman_shrugging:t4:


I’d bring it up to your husband lightly and see how that goes first if he doesn’t take any concern I’d just keep it in mind and start rethinking if u want your daughter over there with him if he can’t handle himself


I would tell my husband. And then grandpas wife. That is not ok!! Keep that kiddo safe

Should’ve spoke up on that moment… making it clear you were uncomfortable and what he was doing is inappropriate.


Uh call it when you see or experience it🤷🏻‍♀️ especially if you are asking if you SHOULD.

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This happened to me over my ex bfs cousin and I immediately told him. And when the cousin wouldn’t back off I told my ex’s sister to watch while it was happening so she could team up with me as he attempted again. I never got the support from my ex over it but luckily I got support from his sister who immediately watched while I handed myself telling him to back off while having a witness. Never stay silent. Chances are they already know he’s a creep or unstable drinking already. And I’d be slamming my foot down from now on, no drinking whatsoever during child functions! Put boundaries to avoid future issues. If he cannot respect that boundary that absolutely has to be made immediately then there’s no reason for further invitation while u are around and ur child.


If you don’t think you’re able to confront him directly (which is OKAY) then discuss it with your boyfriend and y’all need to come to an agreement together of how best to handle it now and moving forward. You have a little girl watching every move you make and everything you tolerate. She deserves an example.


Tell everyone who needs to know, and tell them in front of him so he gets the message loud and clear.

Keep your distance and your daughter safe and NEVER leave her alone with him


Me personally, I would’ve probably punched him in the face. I also would not feel comfortable with my daughter being in his presence without mine. No telling what type of person he is if he’d do that to another woman when he’s married. I would also make it known right then and there to his wife and my husband. No hiding shit like that.

Tell someone. I had the same issue with an older cousin on my dad’s side, touching me and trying to take me home from my other cousins house. Told my mom and they got on him about it, and my dad was pisst

Punch them in the fuckin balls and tell them dont put their hands on you again or you’ll be fine with pressing charges.
Me nor my kids would be coming back.

It’s not your mans place. Stand up for yourself. Who gives a shit if it embarrasses them or makes them mad? That’s sexual harassment. Set a good example for your kids so they are never afraid to speak up if someone touches them inappropriately.

Take him aside privately and tell him that if he ever thought to do it again soon you would make a public scene!!! That usually stops it.

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I would have called him out on the spot. I’d definitely tell your husband and NEVER leave your kids with him


I think you need to talk to your bf first


Slap his old ass, look him straight in the eye, and tell him if he wants to live another day he’ll keep his hand to himself! Be firm because they thrive off of shocking and scaring girls. Then NEVER let your daughter be near him, PERIOD!!!

Come out and tell him he was drinking too much and that his behavior made you incredibly uncomfortable and this will be the only free pass he will be getting because you refuse to feel awkward every time he is around in the future so he needs to watch himself or next time you won’t hide it and will say something outloud at the family function.


You didn’t tell your hubby ? That’s the first thing that should havr been done


Tell your BF and tell him you don’t want his dad around you and your kids this is terrible I wouldn’t trust him again he assaulted you

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Mention to him INFRONT of everyone!! Hey, no more drinking at the kids parties!! Someone couldn’t handle his liquor, and tried to handle me instead!! Thankfully nothing went above PG!


Definitely tell your bf!! Don’t let that baby be around him! I would have made a big deal out of it if he touched me. Would have shamed him in front of everyone. He got away with it and will do it again.

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You should have slapped his face when it happened!


Do women forget we are astonishingly good at screaming at people? I guess I am just loud lol


Shoulda punched him🤷 I can get banned over it and Idgaf. As a survivor of sexual abuse and rape. Family or not punch a mfer and stand your ground.

Did you bitch slap him? Asked what he was staring at? Did you tell his wife to keep her man in check? Lol

Drinking is no excuse for such behavior. Tell your bf and stand your ground. I would let my kids around him ever if I was you.

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your bf needs to know. that way if something ever happens where you arent there or no longer in the picture, he will know to protect your kids from this person

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Tell . . . Tell now … it will happen again … and could possibly be even more inappropriate the next time… do not stay quiet …

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First of all the first time he touched me I would knocked the mess out of him and the whole party would have known just saying…I would have made it known not days later…

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You don’t have to say anything. But….Never leave your daughter at their house without you. Ever.


I would’ve called him out right then! Never wait, it complicates things even more.


I wouldn’t let my child around him and I’d tell your bf


Set an example by slapping him ! Let girls know it’s inappropriate to be touched unwanted !


I would’ve slapped the fuck out of him. Frfr

Honestly…id have dealt with it there and then. Drunk or not its unacceptable behaviour that would have got him slapped as hard as I could manage and totally embarrassed in front of everyone in the house
Id have been there the next day and dealt with him again when he was sober
We dont accept inappropriate behaviour from anyone ladies
Tell your bf …though he’ll probably put it down to drink and say nothing…call him out in front of his wife.
Do not ever leave your children unsupervised in his care. Tell him if it ever happens again youll go straight to the police


You better SOUND the BELL. Drunk is an excuse to speak and act out sober thoughts.


Tell him to stop. Stick up for yourself! Embarrass the crap out of him! You’re an adult. Don’t be passive.


Please join this group! It’s for men and women in DV situations or that have been in a DV situation before. It’s used to find support, advice and resources from those who have been through the same trauma during a relationship. I hope it can help at least someone.

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Why would you not tell right away …sounds like you did not mind that much tbh🤷🏻‍♂️


I wud have decked that motherfucker right in his face. I am the type that I wud have made a HUGE scene about it. U wana touch Me? Guess what? It’s front page news now buddy… I have no tolerance 4 this kind of thing. Shout it from the damn rooftops. He doesn’t deserve 2 feel safe or in the clear by keeping this on the down low. Drinking or not, this is unacceptable.

Tell. This was how it started with my father’s dad. Nobody said anything. At 14 he tried with me and I won’t go into details but it terrified me. When I told everyone in the family admitted it happened to them at a young age.


Talk to your boyfriend and set boundaries.

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First, this was not your fault. Like, in anyway. Tell your bf. Where was everyone else when it happened? The Father probably won’t even remember doing it. Who drinks at a child’s 1st birthday party? Anyway, don’t ever get in a situation that are alone with him. Keep your distance and if they ever host anything again, only agree if there is no alcohol. Creeps are everywhere. My husband’s friend pulled my shirt up from behind and started talking about what a great ass I have when nobody was around. I felt horrible. When I objected, he said “what come on, you know you have a great ass!”
When I told my husband, he said “that’s just how he is.”
Well, needless to say, I don’t spend much time out with them unless his wife is there. That was many years ago. Set your boundaries and stick to them. If your boyfriend’s father has a drinking problem, keep your kids away as much as possible.

Well first off he would have had a rude awakening with my fist or knees.
And now he won’t be allowed around my children. I don’t trust drunks who get sexually aggressive, my opinion is it is part of a deeper issue.

I would of hit him square in the face


Tell his WIFE ASAP!:rage::rage:

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First I would have verbally confronted him on the spot!! Being drunk is no excuse and why would he be at a 1 year olds BD party!!! Then it’s just my nature but a good hard slap across the face would have happened…no one is ‘allowed’ to touch you…you can defend yourself / your space/body!!!


Talk to your boyfriend and I wouldn’t leave my child with him ever.


You should have said something in front of him and everybody else. Don’t ever bit your toung about things like this. Because no one might not believe you later and keep your child away. If he did it to you he’ll do it to anyone. My question is why do people not say anything when this type of shit happens,girl I tell you I would have went smooth off on him. He be so scared of me, it will make him think twice before he tried it with the next person.

Next time, say loudly, with a cold expression, “Please get your hands off me.” Repeat loudly as often as necessary. I’m guessing his wife will have a few words for him when y’all leave. May not be a future issue if she cuts his balls off. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Also you or BF keep your daughter in your sight at all times & warn her to keep her distance from him as soon as she’s old enough to understand. Don’t let him touch her except for a brief hug & kiss if that. She can love him from 3 feet away. Don’t let her sit next to him at the table, either, or ever babysit her alone.
Hopefully this is a one-off that won’t happen again.

Give him a slap when he does it again.

Because you let it go several times ,you gave him an open invitation to do it again. You should have said quietly the first time he groped you " if you touch me again I’m gonna make a scene and let everyone know and leave". Going home I would have told the bf and said " I told him he better keep his hands to himself and I understand he was drinking but that’s no excuse. If at any other get together he repeats what he did I will Not go around him again and neither will our daughter. I feel bad for your mother. "


Use your voice and speak up in that moment!

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Sick bastard…shove him away, address loudly! As for the shoving, off a cliff or bridge would be great

Report it and let his wife and son know

Tell his wife and son. And tell him if he touches u like that again you’ll twist off his balls

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It’s hard to do but you have to call people like that out on their shit…for one it leaves the power in your hands not theirs, it helps prevent it from happening to others, and it helps others to come out about it if it has already happened to them. Also, do not let this make YOU feel ashamed or embarrassed HE should be the one feeling those things. The only things you should feel are violated and angry.

Why do people get drunk and act a fool at a child’s birthday party!? That’s the real problem here. Do better for your kids🙄


Anytime you dont publicly call someone out for sexual harassment, you enable them. It doesn’t matter who they are or of they are drunk, half asleep, on drugs, old, young etc… changes are he’s just a creep and would do this sober!


Sure your not the first…just sit with your bf…tell him you felt grandpa had to much wasn’t aware but you were uncomfortable and if you attend things again where alcohol is involved to not leave you alone…if your bf can’t be there to protect or ensure your safe( from his own ppl) then screw him…my own grandpa was this way drunk or sober…I had nothing to do with him and even when he died his wife at the time wanted to know why I wasn’t there at his funeral and I told her she knows why…what he did to me…my 2 sister…my mom…my aunt…and any other female left in his presence…he didn’t deserve me at his funeral…and I still don’t talk to her…she stood by that man regardless the hundreds of stories from several women family and non family and acted blind…make it known…and if people aren’t willing to see help and aid you in the future then screw them all and get away from them all…but next time put that behavior on blast immediately…not saying something makes it seem acceptable or ok…and sometimes drunks aren’t even a aware…so make him aware when the action is being done