My Kids Grandpa Was Inappropriate With Me

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"Yesterday was my daughters 1st bday at my bfs Fathers & wifes house the wife decorated the whole party it was amazing good night. . . long story short my bfs dad my daughters grandpa had a lil too much to drink and started rubbing on me inappropriate ways staring at my chest and literally touching me every chance he gets I have told anyone what should i do ???"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"You need to tell your bf and also you need to say some to the dad/grandfather drinking or not his actions are unacceptable."

"Tell your BF and tell this grandpa off. He was being inappropriate I would have slapped him and walked away. Not ok… I’m very out spoken."

"Tell your boyfriend and refuse to go back over there."

"Speak up! And don’t be afraid to defend yourself especially when you have a daughter that you’ll someday be teaching to be strong and to protect herself. If it was me he would’ve gotten kicked in the balls and would’ve been staring into the barrel of a gun!"

"Um first offf you need to tell your boyfriend. He deserves to know, especially since it’s his father. Second make sure this man knows he’s a pig and should be ashamed. Stay safe girl."

"I’d be telling everyone , bf, his mom… after the first time he should have been knocked out. Ladies stop being silent about things like this. Cause a scene and speak up for yourself and don’t let your daughter around him"

"Need to tell bf asap"

"Yes please tell your boyfriend and everybody else you have a daughter to protect what are you going to do when she’s a teenager and he’s a pig to her and I’ve been in the situation where you lived with my husband’s mom and his stepdad and one day when I was home alone carrying a basket of laundry he grabbed my breast I called my boyfriend my husband right away and we moved out that same day"

"Tell your boyfriend. If someone is disrespectful to you stand up for yourself. Nobody has the right to touch you without your consent. Period."

"I would tell my husband. And then grandpas wife. That is not ok!! Keep that kiddo safe"

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