So I started a new job I’ve been their 3 months now and my manager made me miss my lunch then went on to say it would do me good! (I am not big at all im a size 8 UK) I said to him I actually didn’t think I was that fat tbh and he went on to say well it will keep you trim ! Like I actually have issue with my weight and I was just starting to feel like I felt ok in my own body and then that happened I feel so insecure all over again I want to take this higher but if I do I know he will make my life in work hell how do I approach this without ruining my job!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My manger made a comment about my weight: advice?
Go to his boss. Climb the latter. That’s disgusting.
Speak to HR or his manager
As a manger in a restaurant (in USA) that’s highly unprofessional of a manger.
Go to your hr and make a complaint this is a form of work place bullying
That is absolutely unacceptable. I’d report it to someone higher up.
Straight to HR tell them your concern about how he will react. They can do a lot to keep it from happening.
Definitely report to HR or the equivalent over there. That’s disgusting behavior and you shouldn’t have to tolerate it.
Sounds like he was making a pass at you.
No way. That is not right at all.
Um say fuck you im hungry
Go to the HR. Then keep a notebook with every single thing he does to u after this times and dated with each report occurrence. This is the only way to protect yourself as a worker and to keep your rights. If you get fired because of backlash you will have a lawsuit
Knock that dude out!
That’s harassment. Report it immediately.
Sounds like you worked thru lunch to which is not acceptable either. Def take it ti hr.
He could lose his job for that
HRs job is to address and diffuse situations like that. Retaliation is illegal.
if you dont do anything about it now it will only get worse there is always other jobs know your worth girl
hR is the obvious but I would throw some sarcasm at your boss
Go higher up, he can not retaliate against you.
He shouldn’t be putting his workers down in any way let alone making fun of someones weight
What US size is an 8? And what are the HR laws where you live? But definitely report him and if he gives you a hard time, report him again.
I don’t know about the laws in the UK, but unless you’re a model, actress, or similar, that’s completely illegal in the US. And skipping lunch isn’t healthy, anyway. It impairs concentration among other things. This guy should go, but at the very least must shut up.
I hope you have HR. Do not allow that. Next time say something sarcastic back. I’m ruthless, I would of cussed his ass out.
Comments such as that are no longer acceptable in the work place. You also have to be allowed to break for lunch. I would document everything and report it to the HR Department. Best of luck to you
100% unacceptable for any coworker to comment on your body like that .
Report him and sit back and watch him lose his job.Hes a jerk
He will probably lose his job over it. That’s awful! I would call HR regardless and if he does make your life he’ll go back to HR.
Go to HR, tell them what happened, tell them it made you feel very uncomfortable & that you don’t feel his comments were appropriate, and tell them you are concerned that reporting him will cause future problems at work. If they can’t resolve it for you, it’s not a company you want to work for anyway.
As a manager, he should know better … he either needs additional sensitivity training, or he doesn’t need to be a manager.
Not right. Tell him his extra weight looks good on him. Kill him with kindness.
So f*cking rude to say to a woman. Take it to HR, totally inappropriate. This is why us women have so many body issues cause of comments like that
Don’t let what you think might happen stop you from doing what should be done. He’s a bully and needs to be shown the door. If you don’t do or say anything your basically allowing him to keep doing it, to you and others…
Your manager is breaking the law. Go to the Labor Board. But take it to management first. Do this in writing. It will stay in his files.
Go above him and report it
If it makes u that uncomfortable, report it. If u weren’t talking about ur weight n he just brought it up out of the blue, dude has no business commenting on ur body. Do what feels right to you.
So you didn’t have a break? Why thou? How many hours did you work? Besides his comment your required to have a break… You need to speak up for yourself.
That is nowhere near ok! You need to file some kind of complaint against him! Hell, I want to do it for you! He ought to be ashamed to treat someone like that! And I bet he’s fat himself!
He said it wouldn’t hurt for you to miss a meal because he wanted you to work through lunch & not complain, I believe, vs. making a crack about your weight. I think he’s trying to work you to death, not comment about your looks.
The less you care what people think, the easier your life will be. Remember, 99% of what people say has to do with them & their own insecurities and has almost nothing to do with you. Let it roll off your back.
If you feel this was a crack at your weight/looks, so check out your company’s policies against harassment. H.R. generally woks for the status quo, but do contact them if you feel it’s need.
Straight to hr…… they keep that up they won’t have a job
Better than me cuz I would have h1t him in the mouth and quit
I’d report it. At the VERY least he gets a talking to about proper manners.
Report to HR for both the missing break and the weight comment. He’s breaking the law
Jeeez…he was just making a joke, a bad joke, about missing lunch. Good God…
Wow!! That is so not right.
Contact a lawyer, that fool just made you a wealthy woman, by law, he has to give you a lunch break, he CANNOT MAKE YOU MISS IT!!! THAT WAS ILLEGAL!!! MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT ABOUT YOUR BODY IS SEXUAL HARRASSMENT!!! YOU GET MONEY, HE LOSES HIS JOB!! CONTACT A CIVIL ATTORNEY, THEY LOVE THESE CASES, TRY AND RECORD HIM! Do not go to h.r.
Speak up not only for you but also for other women who are dealing with this
No one has the right to body shame anyone
Definitely go to the higher ups. Your boss is in the wrong completely. A size 8 uk is a size 6 us
… your body is fine trust me.
For tell your manager he’s breaking the law , you need to have a lunch… And size 8 is not fat. He’s just down right rude
Report his Ass to HR!
People are so extremely sensitive and take everything as an offense, his comments sounds more like a joke, a bad joke , if you got that offended you definitely have issues , do not allow any one comments about your weight or look to hurt you.
To be honest I will let this go but if he makes another comment just tell him to stop
Speak to him let him know you don’t want him speaking to you like that if nothing changes Definitely make a report about it to HR .
And write everything down at home . Dates he said it , what he said , date you reported it and the outcome of what was done …
He is wrong. I really want to say wrong and stupid, but… I would report him if you are able. I would also tell him that people’s weights are OFF LIMITS for a conversation. Tell him you are offended. ( P S. Start now thinking of a comeback like … I can lose weight, but you’ll still be ugly)
You were still suppose to get yourunch and manager was suppose to cover it, and the comment I would say keep that to your self.
What an ass… Completely unprofessional whether he meant it jokingly or not. Even if you were overweight he has no right making a comment like that. Your entitled to a lunch if you work so many hours. If it were me I’d report him to HR for the comment and if you were supposed to get a lunch that as well.
If you let it go it will continue no doubt
I actually don’t think he made the joke personally about you but a joke he’d make to and with anyone he was with at the time. I’ve made jokes like this to my mom and hubby and never was is directed at them but just sarcasm in general.
3 violations
Lunch time revoked
Sexual harassment
Contact an attorney
After u retained him/her then your attorney contacts HR
Be brave! This is an easy win case and he just lost his job!
Keep records and try and record him .
It was the manager’s fault that you missed your lunch so he probably was deflecting blame. He wanted to make it seem like a good thing since it was his fault. I don’t think he meant anything negative about your weight, he was pushing the fact that you can stay fit by not taking lunch, which applies to thin, average and overweight all alike. I wouldn’t take it personal at all. However, what would bother me is missing lunch. Everyone deserves their breaks and lunches and he’s missing the mark as a manager. I would give it a pass this time, but if it ever happened again I’d report it and let them know about the time before.
Send him a penis pump
This is not okay. If you do not stop it now, it will probably get worse. Report it.
If you take it higher and he does then sue the company as that is illegal. Your supposed to be able to have no fear of retaliation. Comments about your body are inappropriate.
I would record it and send it to he, or if nothing done - take it to court! That’s definitely not ok. Doesn’t matter how, but skipping lunch is not healthy and he is playing with you. And that is bullying in the way he is trying to control you.
If you can’t take it higher right now make others aware in case you have to or report him anonymously
He’s a jerk. Tell on him.
Go higher if they support him they don’t need you you can do better than dealing with disrespect in your work environment
Say I’ll put your opinion in the f*ck off box and someone will reply when it matters.
Anyone’s job is replaceable and enough of that crap you will have his job!
Key his F’n car! Asshat!!!
Oooo, law suit. Go to HR. When he’s fired, tell him to kiss your FINE ass. Muah! Your hot
feel sorry for the rude, ignorant prick cos nobody cares for him, he,s just nasty…
What has that to do with your job, ITS A MALE EGO, so the only thing he could come up with was the lunch instant, HES JUST A PIECE OF WORK , HIS PROBLEM dont ever let any male take away your Self Worth .Love who you are … Good Luck …
I’d eat a massive slice of chocolate cake in front of him next time. He’s an idiot, don’t let him get under your skin but do definitely report it if it occurs again. As an isolated incident I wouldn’t, my colleagues and I used to joke around and say stuff like this to each other not maliciously so he may just have that sense of humour. I would maybe explain to him that it upset you and ask him to refrain from comments regarding weight in the future.
l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18985 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
You need to visit HR right away, very inappropriate.
Whats a manger? Eat whatever you want, your employer doesn’t control your diet.
Fgs. People say silly things, get over it, I doubt they really set out to hurt your feelings. You’re gonna be insulted much worse than that at some point in your life
l get paid over $ 165 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17596 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Wow talk about body shaming. I’m a size 20 and weigh 241 pounds. 5’ 9”. I’m not fat due to over eating mine is due to hypothyroidism and weight gain to different medications I have been on. I was a skinny thing weighing 150 until these things happened. I’ve tried every diet there is and excercise but can’t lose weight. I’ve learned to live with this is me.
WOW, I don’t know what the laws are in UK are, but here, that is a nice law suit, Plus everyone is ,a t least here entitled to a lunch/dinner breaks & that is a law & if they don’t it, they have to get paid for it. If you can, find another job & find out if you can go after your boss in in legal matter
Go to your HR department and file a complaint.
Must be a 20 yr old lol can’t take when someone comment on ur weight. Wait till they comment about ur work or something u mess up on
Tell him…well I can lose weight, but you are stuck being ugly as hell!
I’d tell him you were going to go on a walk and he ruined it.
I’m so sorry this happened to you and had nothing to do with you or your weight but the disgusting character of this boss. Please make a report. God knows what else he gets away with saying to people until someone stands up to him you will not be the last!
He was wrong…. Don’t give someone the power to make you insecure in your own skin. We are all flawed! Find his flaws and if he continues flip that around 2 wrongs don’t make a right but sometimes you have to remind people to go look in a mirror. Be confident in yourself a size 8 is not fat, chances are he was trying to take away from the fact that as your boss he failed by not giving you your break and you called him out on it. Unfortunately people can be a$$’s just remember his failure of not doing his job has nothing to do with your weight. Keep on shining girl💕
report him - its bullying!
No one expect a doctor concerned for health should comment or mention on one’s weight.
Tell him you do not need his comments
Amazing what can ruin some someone’s day these days
You don’t have to take it higher. Handle it yourself. Tell him.
I’d be reporting that to labor board in your area
What the fuck is wrong with people. I’d like to say leave that toxic environment and find a job with people who treat each other with decency. But I understand that could be an unreasonable approach… Sorry this happened to you. Don’t take anything this person has to say to heart, they speak out of their ass and it smells.
And report him making u miss lunch break too!
not his call you deserve a break
Legally he can not take your lunch from you. Second you need to report to hr about what he is saying it is unethical for him to say anything about your body image
Ignore him that’s what you do. Fuck him his wife is probably fat
So rude. Sounds like a bully for sure.
Please go to HR about it. I don’t know the laws where you’re from but regardless, that’s despicable and gross. If you feel up to it, please fight back. You’re worth it, and you don’t deserve to feel shitty at your job. And if he does it to you, he’ll do it to others.
I’m sure you will get lots of good advice but I think you should go to HR and file a complaint.
He is wrong in so many ways. Eat in front of him.
Do you want to work under those conditions??
Call corporate on him. report him labor laws.