How would you feel if your daughter wanted to be batman for Halloween? My mother in law is throwing a fit after finding out what our daughter chose to be for Halloween…she was supposed to come trick or treating with us and now Idk how I feel about it because I do not want her saying something to our daughter…she thinks its going to make her want to change her gender and that we should get her into therapy before its “too late”…I think she just loves batman -_-
Let her be Batman!
After all Halloween is about children enjoying themselves. (why take that away from her?)
It is NOT about judgement over who wears what costume!
Welcome to 2022 MIL!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My MIL has an issue with my daughter being Batman for Halloween: Advice?
I think your mother in law is the one that needs therapy. Good lord. U are the mom. If your mil can’t handle it then she just doesn’t need to join.
Bless her heart. It sounds like someone needs some instruction on gender identity. Ask her when she “decided” to be a female. Letting a child dress as their favorite super hero, regardless of gender, will not change who that child is.
Your mother sounds very unsupportive and I would have a chat with her and let her know it’s freaking Halloween and your daughter can dress up as who ever she would like to and it doesn’t mean anything other than her liking the character. Support her no matter her choices, not let anyone bring her spirit down.
My daughter has been a ninja, spider man, samara, construction worker and this year i believe she wants to be a rapper. And her two younger sisters are harley quinn cause they like her style.
Your MIL can shove it and not come if she’s not ok with it.
My daughter was Batman one year and I have to say she was THE cutest Batman there ever was. She also was a TMNT one year as well. She was obsessed with these characters for YEARS. She’s now 12 and is as girly as ever wanting to wear makeup and have her nails done etc. If any of my family members, or husbands family members at the time had anything to say about this, I would’ve given them a piece of my mind. One thing I will not tolerate, is someone making my child feel like there’s something “wrong” with whatever it is they like, or what they want to be. And that goes for Halloween costumes as well! That MIL can stick it where the sun don’t shine:fu:t3:
On Halloween you can be whatever you want too! My brother n law and his friend were ballerinas one year and they didn’t change there gender after!Tell you mother n law to chill out!
I’d tell the mil to get bent
To be perfectly blunt… screw her opinion. Without even entertaining her skewed thinking that dressing like Batman is going to make her want to change her gender , it’s Halloween, your daughter is a kid wanting to dress up and have a good time! If you don’t think she can keep her nastiness to herself, don’t bring her along. It’s supposed to be fun for the child, not some awkward tense outing because she is being ridiculous.
If your kid likes Batman, let her be Batman. If people can’t “handle” it, go do your thing without them. No need for negative people- there’s already too much of that around! I’d leave MIL behind in the dust but that’s just me HAHA Halloween is about dressing up however you’d like? She’s a kid, leave her alone! Some people
My 4 yr old daughter was Spiderman for Halloween. She’s 14 now and extremely girly lol . Let’s kids just be kids. It’s a costume and she’s enjoying herself. Tell your mil to let her be
I think your MIL is the one that needs therapy. My daughter would absolutely be Batman, and if she had anything to say about it she’d be asked to leave
Just threw my 5 year old daughter a Batman bday part bc she loves Batman.
My daughter has been Spiderman, captain america, and this year she is going as iron man. Tell your MIL if she can’t be supportive of her grand daughter then she can stay home.
My daughter told her girls they can be whoever they wanted to be for Halloween. It’s one day a year where they can be whoever whatever they want! One is going to be a ninja and one is captain America. It’s OK to let kids be kids. Tell mil back off
My daughter did the same thing she wanted to be Spiderman ninja turtle as well as batman now she is 12 and is very girly…she will be fine let her express herself anyway she chooses! Your mil will always have an opinion ignore her!
My 4 year old daughter chose to be Spider-Man and I love it! It’s not about us ( or grandparents) it’s what makes the child happy.
I think I’d tell your mother in law she needs therapy if she thinks a simple costume is a problem. It’s not like there isn’t bat girl. Go trick or treating without her.
Wtaf? Maybe your mum meant for herself to get therapy before it’s too late.
Let kids be kids… just saw a pic of kids dressed as a fart, a pair of pants, covid etc… I think batman is just fine
Really simple answer here.
It’s not her business.
Also if she can’t keep her mouth shut and opinion to herself then she doesn’t need to tag along for trick or treat.
Omg…its just a Halloween costume.
Tell MIL that your daughter can wear what ever costume she wants to. If Mil does not want to participate, her loss.
Have fun be safe.
What a fruitloop
Tell your MIL to stay home and have an amazing time with your daughter! You go Batman!
In fact, I think I’d find a Robin costume to go with her!
Batgirl pretended to be Batman until she got her own costume, if you read the comics. You should retort by saying as long as she is happy with herself doesn’t matter if she gets the sex change to you, most of the time it’s just a faze so you should just wait and see.
I LOVED Batman as a little girl and dressed as him. I NEVER wanted to be Batgirl, JUST Batman and I was! It did not negatively affect me at all. I had a great time trick or treating. (I am STILL a huge Batman fan, my 20 month old son is even named Bruce Wayne Banner (Batman/Hulk)!!
Your MIL has an issue not you let her keep her issue and go on about your day. Who cares what she thinks. If your daughter wants to be batman let her be batman.
I’ve seen men dressed as Madonna! I’d pull up pics and show her anyone can be anything they want! It’s a Halloween costume for crying out loud…I’d also let her know up front if anything is said to ur child about her choice in her costume then u will leave her standing wherever she makes her remarks and go on your merry way and enjoy the night with ur kiddo
I say buy your mil a roll of tape, buy yourself some ear plugs and buy your daughter a batman costume and enjoy your quiet Halloween with your happy child and make some wonderful menories…
I was Batman for Halloween as a kid. Nobody cared. I was fine.
I think Nana needs to stay at her own house and you take your little batman out to enjoy her evening. It’s only once a year don’t let anyone ruin it.
OMG…You’ve Got To Be Kidding! That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in Ages! Wow… That women needs serious therapy😳
Thank you for giving your child the freedom to be what she wants for Halloween. Ignore people that are judgemental. Go without her. She’d be uninvited if it was my kid.
Mother in law needs to mind her own business and let the child be whatever she chooses Halloween is for the kiddos…
My daughter and grandchildren dress the way they wanted to, it was always there choice the more freedom they got the more creative and artistic they got and they enjoy being a kid.
My tomboy daughter wear dresses and boots while playing in the mud, but chose to be Spiderman for Halloween bc she loves Spiderman. Her grandma said something very similar. Support your daughter, she is young and doesn’t know the difference yet.
i wouldn’t care what my child girl or boy wants to go as for halloween as long as it’s age appropriate and if my mother in law did say something out of hand. She’d be reduced down to low contact and only get to see my child when i’m
around. i’d also tell her to go get some therapy. Hell i may even unicode her to go trick or treating since she wants to act that way towards a child.
It’s really not her business not her child,they are only little once let them be what they want
You let your daughter be what she wants. Tell your MIL that your daughter chose what she wanted to be and it isn’t a big deal. If she comes to just let her have fun. If she chooses not to come than that is on her. My daughter was Batman at 3. She still identifies as a girl. So there’s that
My daughter was Chucky one year and Super Mario last year but still loves girly crap. Your mil sounds like a controlling witch
Let her be whatever she wants. Screw granny let her stay home if she has a problem with it
My daughter was Spider-Man last year She is being a pretty witch this year and has never stopped being her girly self, she just loves spider man that’s silly.
Halloween is to dress up. I guess a kid that dresses up as let’s say a lion is going to change their identity and start roaring now so they can identity as a lion according to your MIL or maybe Tinker Bell and Peter Pan are now Tinker Pan and Peter Bell I agree with therapy ASAP….for your MIL!
My daughter wants to be a you hear me a !!!
Please tell her get over herself and let that baby shine as Batman!!!
Maybe your MIL should try therapy for her way of thinking.
Good thing the mother in-laws opinion mean nothing. You let that child be batman and call it a day. The mil needs take a seat.
Tell grandma to dress as The Joker and battle it out.
I mean…I was buzz light year one year and I’m just fine
Tell her to mind her own business. She has no say in your child’s costume.
Sounds like grandma has a problem not the little girl.
Tell your MIL that’s not really how it works
Your MIL has issues
OMG really? That’s ridiculous
It’s your child, let her be what she wants to be, anyone else can just get over it. My daughter has dressed up as Batman before, she actually prefers more gruesome costumes over princess/cute costumes.
I would get her some Batman bedding and pajamas and use them just when your MIL goes over
This is so ridiculous!!! Tell your mil to catch a boat.
Oh my goodness… She sounds ridiculous and paranoid, they’re is nothing wrong with a girl dressing as batman, it’s not a big deal
Ugh, I hate people like that. Just let them be. If she wants to be Batman let her be friggin Batman! Make that her memory of this holiday, not her grandmother causing a ruckus and ruining the holiday for her.
Tell mil it’s none of her business , if she doesn’t like it to stay home
Tell her to keep that silly ish too herself and stay home… I feel you should prob just throw the whole MIL away cause if this is her mind set to a child dressing as batman I can only imagine how the rest of her brain works if it does at all… Holy fck!
I think your MIL needs therapy. You let your baby enjoy her Halloween in whatever her little heart desires!
Sounds like MIL has some insecurities. Let that baby go as Batman - hell I wanna go as Batman now I Love Batman too
I let my daughter be batman one year, it’s a costume. LET YOUR DAUGHTER BE WHAT SHE WANTS
You should go as cat woman or Robin lol. Be that supportive mother
Tell your MIL to go have a drink somewhere!!
Omfg tell her to calm down. Jeez
Your MIL is ridiculous. Ignore her.
I would explain that to her then. Hell she could even be a batwomen if that makes you feel better about it.
Throw the whole mil away.
She’s a kid and it’s Halloween. It’s no big deal.
Omg calm down mil. That’s not how transgenderism works!! Your baby don’t need therapy but mil does!!
Hope your daughter has an absolute blast being batman fir Halloween !! Let these babies alone and be themselves! It all works out!!
I’d tell my MIL to kick rocks and that my child can go as whatever she wants. It’s Halloween for crying out loud. Your MIL sounds like a not so great influence. She may in fact be the one who needs therapy. Also, suggest your MIL dress as a clown since she’s acting like one.
My daughter was the incredible hulk in preschool. tell her if she doesn’t like it, stay her butt at home. This is about what makes you daughter happy, not to appease a judgmental person.
I wouldn’t allow her to trick or treat with my child unless I was sure she’d keep her mouth shut.
Last I checked a penis isn’t required to like, idolize and/or “be” a super hero
Don’t let her trick or treat with you this year, she’s just gonna make your kid feel bad for picking Batman
She’s a CHILD. Let that babies imagination run wild. It’s Halloween. It’s also not your MILS daughter to raise so she can kiss it IMO the older generation is pure ignorant to the changing times- boys can play with Barbie’s and girls can dress up as Batman. It’s a beautiful thing to give your child freedom of expression
Eww cut the mother in law out of your life’s for a little while. She clearly has no idea how identity works.
Lol. It is Halloween. It has nothing to do with gender
Girl let your daughter be Batman. Then you and your husband dress up as joker and Harley Quinn just to piss her off even more on purpose
Your MIL is nuts. My daughter was Chewbacca 1 year. My son has been Elsa. Tell your mom liking a character has nothing to with sexuality. She’s probably too young to understand sexuality anyway. Liking a character, colors, style has nothing to do with what their sexuality is.
Call her bat girl and tell the MIL to get over it
Just tell her don’t trip and not to come if she is… BatMan is a superhero anyone can like Batman… Call her Batgirl to shut her up
Sorry for my language but for f*ck sakes. Let her be what she wants to be and uninvite MIL trick or treating. End of
Dun na na na na na na BATBOW!
Lol my 5yo girl chose spider man with blue tutu because even Spider Man wa ts to feel pretty some times
My daughter was “batgirl” for Halloween last year! Your MIL sounds like SHE needs therapy
Let her be, the child that is
I’m a grown ass adult with a husband and two children my favorite since a small child was Spider-Man and he’s still my favorite tell your mother-in-law to shove it
This is what urks me about some elder people. They think if your son plays with dolls they’ll turn out gay and vise versa with it comes to girls playing with hot wheels. Now this? Let these kids play with toys and let them dress up for Halloween. This silly craps gotta stop. Smh
Sorry but she sounds like a fruit loop. Let your daughter pick her own costume and take plenty of pictures.
Regardless your MIL should mind her business.
I’m so happy my MIL knows how to mind her business. I could never with some of these mother in laws
No offense but your mother in law sounds like a fucking nut and if I were in your shoes, I would keep her as far away from my children as possible. They don’t need that kind of negative influence in their lives.
Cut her out until she learns how to love your daughter properly. She’s going to need therapy being around backwards thinking ignorance
Yeah don’t let her anywhere near your babe so she can’t ruin the child’s innocence with her ignorant comments.
Let her be what she wants
Let her be herself,shame on g-ma.
She can mind her own business