I am at my wits end with my Monster in laws…I told them last year that I was going to host Thanksgiving and they could have Christmas since they host every single year…but they threw a fit and made plans at their house regardless and now expect me to cancel the get together at our house so we can attend theirs…my mother in law contacted my husband and demanded that he go to their get together and he better not skip out because his family will be there that he has not seen in a few years…but I really want things to be done at our new house this year and my MIL is NOT budging…and neither am I…anyone else dealing with this?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My MIL is demanding Thanksgiving be held at her house: Advice? - Mamas Uncut
If she always does it why would you just decide that you’re going to do it now. With him having family coming in that he hasn’t seen in years you should really be going to his moms house
Every other year my house. My kids go to in laws between them. But, one has inlaws out of country. I make Thanksgiving. On of My sons always does bothand he brings the Turkey.
Looks like your having two get togethers. Lol. And that’s ok
If it’s her usual thing and all the family goes, then why not just let her host it?
IMO not worth the hard feelings, if you want a lasting marriage. I would let her host it, and find another date that works for a dinner.
I think if this is something she does every year then let her do it. Host Christmas.
Let her host and you have a family dinner on Fri or Sat.
Pick your battles if this is something that’s always been done leave it be plus bonus no clean up the time will sadly come when you will have no choice but to do your own as she will no longer be here to do so make the most the of it
Me and husband used to go to.my mothers early lunch, and then head of for supper at his sister’s place. Later on it was my brother and inlaws.
Can’t you pick a different time? Her do lunch? You do supper? Compromise?
If your close with your family I would host for your family then! And then later attend theirs or your husband can go over an visit with family that he hasn’t seen in awhile. You can have yours and she can have hers and she can suck it up then. Btw I had a monster in law before so I know your pain. We get along better now since she’s no longer my mother in law.
You will not have in-laws forever suck it up and go see them what is more important to you your pride or family happiness. I know what I would choose
Pretty sure you’re husband is an adult who can make his own decisions as for the monster in law she made plans already knowing you and your husband made plans and then just expected you to cancel and then demanded her son who again is an adult to be at her house
ever since my man and I got together and had our son we’ve always share the holidays (besides Halloween) my mom will ask which day works for my father in law which usually doesn’t matter to him and then will pick a day we go to her house for what ever holiday and then we celebrate at home with my man’s side of the family
Maybe the part where “you told them they aren’t hosting” doesn’t sit right. If it’s something they actually do every year with extended family etc then there’s no reason for them to be forced to stop. If they agreed to it and then surprised you after you had it all planned then it’s a different story.
Don’t mess with tradition!
Instead of hosting urs the day she does hers then just have urs the day before…if family is coming and they show up so be it…say I’m having a dinner on this day ur welcome to come over…if u don’t want to then we will see u at ur place for ur dinner…stick to having ur family dinner…it is important if u have kids to do ur own traditions…just try n do it around ur mil
You don’t have to go! Have Thanksgiving at your house with the family you made!
Sorry but I think you should’ve made yours on a different day