My MIL is mad I fed my baby chocolate: Advice?

Anyone else constantly dealing with family members trying to tell you how to raise your own child? Example… on Christmas I gave my 1 year old her first bite of chocolate and my MIL told me I shouldn’t do that and I should have researched before bringing a child into this world without knowing what they shouldn’t have… how do I get them to stop judging my every move?


“You’ve raised your children your way, I will raise mine my way. If I need advice, I will ask. Thank you!”


Just don’t let them see the baby :joy: problem solved.


Wow, then I’d be in the dog house for sure, I was letting my baby try all kinds of things as soon as my kid had teeth! Lol

The only things I waited on were peanut butter and honey :joy:


What 1 year old doesn’t get a smash cake for their birthday… she’s mad about chocolate? Tell them to step off, it’s your kid. Have the dad say something, or have her come around less. She doesn’t need to be involved.


Your 1 year old isn’t a dog. Good grief tell your mother in law to mind her own business. Shoot I was giving my kids and grandkids small tastes of foods as soon as they were old enough.

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My fave response to crappy mils, "Yeah I know you’ve had kids. I’ve got one of your kids who lives with me full time and he still needs some improvements. I’m good though thanks ! " :rofl::rofl::sob: Gurantee she minds her business next time.


I’m with you girl my family are the exact same I just ignore it now! We are the parents not them and we know what’s best for our children

Ignore her! You didn’t do anything wrong. The best thing you can do is pretend you never even heard her say it.


As a mid forties woman who has the younger generation having kids, I try incredibly hard to say things because I raised my kids with different parenting methods and the parenting methods change so much. It comes from a good place and not a bad place with “advice”

Do you live with them or just visiting? If living w them you gotta get your own place or it’ll get worse. If this was during a visit I’d just straight up say “I appreciate your concern and opinion” and keep doing whatever you are doing. If it escalates ask her to leave and not come back or you leave… Then in the future meet in public for playing at the park or lunch in a restaurant…get her out of her comfort zone and if it doesn’t stop then just don’t go to visits w her and only send your husband and child lol


Well poo guess I’m a bad parent. Both of my kids had tastes of chocolate and even stole sips of my iced coffee at a year or so. Tell her kindly to kick rocks barefoot.


Tell her to mind her own business. You have great self control that you waited until your little one was one.

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I would not be rude but your not doing any thing wrong. Things were different when she raised kids. And she is family sometime grandma over do it sorry this happened to you remember she meant well with out facts . Enjoy your baby and move on

People always trying to tell someone how to parent like they’re perfect. Wasn’t none of us perfect parents. Do as you please with your child as long as it doesn’t cause them harm. And don’t let people make you feel bad for the decisions you make for your child. Ugh that’s so irritating

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Lol my son has had bites of sweets since he was a year old or so. My daughter we waited longer because she was the first, all bets were off with the second lol you’re not a bad parent for giving your child a bite of chocolate! Tell your mother in law if you wanted her advice, you would ask!

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You are the mother. The only and best advice i have for you.

Tell your MIL to mind her business! you’ll decide how your gonna raise your baby I’m sure her “child” isn’t perfect either.

If it was just chocolate :chocolate_bar:

not peanut butter chocolate or Carmel

I think its all good and life goes on she shouldn’t be saying such mean things

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Just tell her that because she didn’t give you chocolate when you were 1 it totally ruined your life and you tear up every time you see a Hershey bar now :rofl:

Honestly mama, you probably won’t be able to. But as to the chocolate thing, I’m pretty sure that I gave my daughter some before she was 1 lol. I’m that type of mother

“Ok, thanks for the advice” as I give my kid another bite in front of her.


Express to her that you “understand her concern for her grandchild BUT you are her mother, And you aren’t doing anything to endanger your child so please save your judgements and keep them to yourself”
And in the future IF she has any concerns that there is a proper way to express them without guilt, shame and rudeness.

Don’t tell your mother-in-law that I give my child chocolate candies such as M&Ms just to get a butt change otherwise she’s not gonna do it. :joy::joy:

Tell her it’s your child. She raised hers. Nothing wrong with a child having chocolate at 1

My sons first birthday was a chocolate chocolate chip smash cake. :joy:

I was expecting to see the age be way lower. A one year old can experience chocolate. I’d have your SO speak to her about the disrespect.

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Uhhhhhh ive given my daughter chocolate all many times lmfao since she was 6 months

We just gave my 1yo niece chocolate and she loves it. Didnt harm her any.

Cut them off that’s toxic asf … I gave my 9 month old a bit of his siblings chocolate cake smh & this year he’s 1& a hlf a advent calander

Not her kid she can mind her own business. My mom gave my sister at 6 months old a pop tart and shes fine

Never realized there were instructions on parenting. Raise your child the way you see fit. Dont worry about your MIL she’ll get over it.

I’m a terrible mother than. If you live with them get out. If not ignore and move on.

Just ignore her , and next time give your child the whole chocolate :rofl:

Tell her to mind her business if you wanted her advice you would ask her for it.


I hope you would at least tell her to mind her own nicely .

Tell her to mind her own business.

Tell them to butt out! It"'s your kid!!

Your child your rules :woman_shrugging:t2:

Almost 13yrs married and some of our family still judges. Learn to tell them mind their business. We do it all the time. (Ria)

My favorite come back is, “because you did so well?” pointing at their poorly raised kids.


Oh pleaseeeee I’ve let my 10 month old have small tastes here and there. It is not going to kill them.


Your child. Your choices. Not her business.

Every time you need something for your child call her and tell her what she needs. Once she gets mad and ask why you keep calling her tell her ’ oh since you tell me what I should and shouldn’t do like you’re the mom you should take care of her financially too like you’re her mom. Bet she will stfu after that.

Tell her she should research how giving a child a little bit of chocolate at that age isn’t going to kill them and tell her to tell someone who might actually care what she has to say about your parenting :tipping_hand_woman:


It’s none of her business

Tell her to mind her business

Tell her a$$ to kick rocks

You have a couple of options here. You could simply agree to her face and do what you want when she’s not looking, or you could confront her about minding her own business and risk a family war, or you could have her son take care of his mother, or you could limit access to the child. OR, you could wait until everybody calms down and try to have a mature, calm discussion on how your parenting comes first, but you will take suggestions from her into consideration. (Then just do what you want. She doesn’t have to know. Don’t tell her, either.)

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In the words of Kristina Kuzmic … “mind your own motherhood!”

Just tell her staright up too mind her own Business

I have no patience at all for this kind of interference… id tell her to respectfully F**k off :roll_eyes::rofl::rofl:

Easy cut them off I have best thing I’ve done only in contact with 1 cousin that’s all

Ignore her, its your baby

Ignore her it’s not her business

A simple fuck off, not her kid, none of her buisness.

Actually they’re now saying the reason in increased food allergies is because of delayed feeding. They now say to start introducing high food allergies before 2 years.Early food introduction can prevent food allergies in children - Institute of Clinical Medicine

I let my 4m lick a candy cane, she’d hate me :joy: tell her she has her kids she’s mom to and this baby is yours. Who cares if she gets butthurt, people need to stop giving their 2 cents where it isn’t asked

Tell her mind her own business…where is the baby’s dad, he needs to deal with his mother or quit going over there.

It’s a child… not a dog… nothing wrong with treating your kiddo to some chocolate

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Your kid your rules. Period. Tell her to buzz off

They are 1. Not 3, 4 or 5 months old. At 1 most babies have started eating solids- and are usually following a regular meal schedule. A piece of chocolate, a cookie, etc isn’t going to harm at 1 year old. Your MIL needs to suck it.

I’d tell her thanks but it’s not your baby and given them another bit of chocolate :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

We’ll I’m sure they didn’t do any research before having babies. It’s your child. They are 1. What 1 year old don’t like chocolate. At least now u will know if he has any type of chocolate allergy


I’d tell them to mind their business. 100%

You tell her your the mother & if she has a problem theres the front door.

Lmfao !!! I would def tell her if she doesn’t like how you’re raising your child … she doesn’t have to be around. It only gets worse. Trust me. Speaking from experience. If she doesn’t know her place now … she’ll only have more and more of her nose in your business as the child grows.

Id be setting boundaries for gramma! Thats your baby, not hers. If she is going to tell you what you can feed your baby, imagine what else she will try to control!

Well she’d hate me :joy: my first born knew exactly what the dill pickle dip container was by 6.5 months :joy:

Giggle &give him more chocolate

Your child, your business. Tell her to back off.
How did I know my daughter allergic to red dye?. When I put red frosting on her face when she was one yr old. She’s 8yrs old now and alive :woozy_face::joy:. You do whatever you want with your child. Kids stuffed their face with bday cakes and they have fun doing it

Tell her “ I live with a child you’ve raised ( make direct and unwavering eye contact) so it’s clear you half assed your research too”