My MIL is mad that I do not want to go to her house Christmas morning: Advice?

My fiancé and I don’t go anywhere Christmas Eve or day. Those days are just for our little family. We see our parents/siblings in the week prior to Christmas or the week after Christmas. That way neither family can throw a fit about it

Go to your own mom’s and give her the best gift ever - her children under one roof :heart:
If your MIL cannot understand this then it’s on her.
Especially if you’ve been compliant for years and this is a one off … they’re ALL selfish.
Go and have NO regrets, it’s YOUR family! And if the fiancé doesn’t want to come then so be it; and I’d rethink a few things in regards to what their battles are.


I’d keep it easy and simple, either he can come with you to your family’s or you’re taking the kids and car and going without him. My husbands family has always been crappy about holidays bc we spend them mostly with mine (mine lives about 2 hours away his family is like 20 minutes). It’s going to piss them off but stand your ground and tell him those are his two options.

There isn’t anything you need to do. She will just have to suck it up! Enjoy your Christmas with your family!

Go to your mom’s your MIL is acting like a toddler with those tantrums she needs to grow up

Think I’d be inclined to say we’ve seen mil for past 8 years, isn’t Christmas about sharing ? Wheres mil’s Christmas Spirit? Sorry you have to go through this.

My dad’s side of the family is this way an it pisses me off. Honestly just do what you want.

When a toddler throws a fit and is screaming, do you try to reason with the toddler or do you ignore the toddler until she calms down enough to be talked to?

Go to your family’s house and enjoy your day. Merry Christmas

Celebrate with your family, no matter what. She’ll eventually get over it. (I hope!)

I would tell her that you will see her NEXT year but you will be celebrating with your family and seeing your sister. That’s it. I wouldn’t engage any more. Most families alternate years with each side of their families and she’s going to have to get over it. She is an adult and she has to get over it.

Spend your time with your family and enjoy
The Mil will get over it and if she doesn’t oh well
She is being selfish x

Do nothing! She will just have to build a bridge and get over it. She’s being selfish and inconsiderate of you and your family. Enjoy the time with your family. Life is too short to deal with petty BS like this.

Simple…go see your family. You tried to nicely explain why you can’t make it this time. She chose not to accept it. Her problem not yours. Enjoy🎄

Celebrate with your family. You MIL will eventually get over it. She’s throwing a temper tantrum and acting like a spoiled child. I don’t know about you, but I don’t give in to tantrums, ultimatums or any of the like. This may set the precedent going forward. If you give in to her now, she will just expect you to in the future. Hold your ground. Just be sure to maintain your composure while dealing with her

I’d go to ur family xmas its ur mom wish and to see ur sis also mil will either get over it or oh well u deserve ur family xmas

YOUR family matters too not just hers. Tell her no and be done with it. Unless she can be adult about it. Stand your ground.

Stop being the bigger person. Spend time with your family and go to hers after. You’ve gone there for 8years it’s your family’s turn now.

She should be happy that you get to spend Christmas with your family for once! I’m sorry but her kids are grown and it’s not about her anymore. You need to spend it with your family, your kids deserve that! If she doesn’t understand that, oh well. Please enjoy this time with your family :green_heart::christmas_tree::heart:


Let her pout. Offer to do it another day and if that’s not good enough oh well. She’s being selfish. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Go to your mommas she will be ok don’t leave your family for his ya should alternate years with each family anyways

Do what you want and your husband can either put his foot down with you or you can do what you need to do! :evergreen_tree:

Go to your mother and see your sister forget the mother-in-law

u day eff them and their tantrums ans go be with your family. if u don’t stop it, it’ll never end.

Sending time with your family :heart:

Apparently she not an adult? Smdh ppl now days just can’t seem o be adult enough and mature enough. Selfish ppl especially females. Grrrrr

Let her scream…carry on w ur family plans…

Just go do ur family functions. And make new memories!!

MKE A NEW RULE NOW AND STICK WITH IT. If not you will for ever be under her thumb.

I would go to whoever house I damn well please and ignore the ones who are pissed off.

Last year was my daughters first Christmas as a wife and a mother and in her own place. So I told her to spend Christmas Day at her home.

Tradition is something everyone involved wants to do. It stops being tradition and becomes a burden when it’s insisted on!

Go to your family’s house, she will get over it. What does your husband say? It’s his mother.

Sounds like mil doesn’t know the reason for the season, how dreadful … I would definitely not go there this year or any year after…

End the conversation and just don’t go. Simple. They will get over it.

I think your mil is being selfish

I’d tell her off then ignore her. If she wants to be rude, unreasonable, and not understand the ONE year you want to celebrate elsewhere then she doesn’t deserve any conversation.

It’s ridiculous for her to behave that way, especiallt after you offered alternatives. Pathetic.

Just go and enjoy your holidays with your family. She’ll get over it.

Send her a christmas card, go be with your family, and move on. She will get over it or she won’t and she will be petty, either way you would have done what you felt was the right thing this year.

She’ll either get over it or she won’t…do what you want. Start your own traditions for your family.

She can’t except one freaking year not at her house and have one year with your family .I’m mostly with my family and try to find out what’s going with his weather to go there even if Christmas eve and there an a hr hr and a half away. My mom even asks we weather here or there sofar I’m like here.

Go to your family!! She will get it over it .

Go to my moms and ignore her spoiled Ass! Happy Holidays!!!

Go to your family.whanau first.

Ur mil needs to grow up and stop acting like child.

She should try to compromise by doing it a different day if it’s that important to her

Say you’re not going …end of conversation

Tell the mother in law you are sorry but for her to get over it and grow up.Tantrums are for children not adults.

Go to your family and probably never go back

Info her that since she wants to be ugly and selfish and not share this one day with your side for the first time in 8 years that you will not longer be doing Christmas Day at her house in the future since she is very unkind.

I would let her through her adult tantrum and ignore her. Go be with your family. She is being absolutely unreasonable.

I’d block her calls and text and see your family if she can’t respect that don’t see her at all

Let her be mad. She’s lucky you entertained her bs this long

Go spend the next 8 Christmases with your family & stop catering to her childish behavior