My MIL is mad that I wanna spend Christmas with just my kids: Advice?

You live in the same town for crying out loud. They can see the kids basically whenever they want. For my house, Christmas is a day we spend to ourselves. We dont see family and we dont have family over. We are our own little family unit and that’s how we’ve decided to keep Christmas stress free.

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PAC hubby clothes send him to his parents tell him our children don’t want you back till the nyear so you can think about our children crying cos you choose to suk up to your dad

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If he can’t back you up then you don’t need to be in a marriage like that. I’d go ahead and stay home with my kids and let him do his thing

ITS OK TO CREATE YOUR OWN TRADITIONS WITH YOUR OWN FAMILY. honestly any family that doesn’t see that is a little controlling or narcissistic smh

My brother n law don’t like me after bending over backwards for this man never telling him no
I have no father he was murdered n 76 and my mother never held me so now I have wat thy call flathead snydrome

Have them stop by your house.

Hell yes, Best President in many,many years.

You host and invite them to your house. They can do the running around.

Have them come to your house.

Either have them come to you, (they don’t have to lug around kids do they?) or do it on Christmas Eve. We go to his parents on Christmas Eve and they let they kids open presents (then they have dinner on Christmas but we don’t go to that). Then on Christmas we have our thing at home, get ready and go to my moms for dinner. If he agreed to it then he shouldn’t be backing down from what he said. I would call him on it and say hey, we both agreed to do this and now you’re siding with your parents bc you don’t want to hurt their feelings. Well let’s try it out this year and if it doesn’t work out then we can figure something else out. But good luck with your in-laws. His dad is great but his mom is a bitch. :woman_shrugging:

How about one year you go to their house and the next to yours. If they don’t agree then screw them and stay home with your babies.