sorry for a long post but, last week my mother-in-law left my 2 children age 6 and 1 in a car in a car park while she went into a supermarket (the car was locked) its always busy in the supermarket so its not the case of “nipping in” a man found my children in the car and stayed with them asking where the mam and dad was and my oldest said his nanny is in the shop getting nappies, the man asked if the children are okay and stayed until my mother inlaw came back. he had taken a photo of my kids and informed the police. social services have also been out but dropped any case against me as it wernt my doing. i feel so angry at my mother in law and so does my partner i dont understand how she can be so careless to leave them in a car by themselves anything could of happened to my children. at the moment ive stated the kids dont go there, i trust a very select few to look after my kids and the 1 person i should trust more than anyone breaks my trust. my partner agrees that they should stay with us aswell but now because we wont just brush it under the carpet me and my partner are getting shit from his family because we are angry and not really speaking to his mam at the moment. its like me and my partner aint allowed to be angry at her and its like now fault is being put on us for what happened but im sorry shes the one that was careless and left them in a car in a public place. !! can anyone share any light on this as the whole thing is dragging me down
Just imagine how many times she has actually left those babies in the car alone & the only reason you found out is bc she finally got caught this time. I would never leave my kids with her again, All it would’ve took was that one crazy person to bust the window and those babies would have been gone… She is absolutely insane if she doesn’t see anything wrong with her actions!!
I’m sorry this happened. I feel like you have the right to be very upset, regardless of the rest of the family. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive her, as everyone makes mistakes. I wouldn’t keep the kids from her, Im sure they love each other. But she definitely shouldn’t be allowed to babysit anymore…
1st things 1st what she did is completely irresponsible to do with children in her care. 2nd anyone who doesn’t see what she did wrong should be cut off as well because they will always side with her even when it’s wrongful. Your children’s safety should never be compromised in any shape or form in a public setting even by family members. I actually had to call someone in for doing something similar because one of the kiddos crying for their mom. You are in the right for being angry with the situation your mother in law put your kids through.
you have every right to be upset and angry. it’s pure neglect. thankfully this man was there keepin an eye on these children. i would NEVER allow her around my child again
Sounds like something my awful mother in law would do! Just another reason I don’t allow them to go anywhere nowadays! You have every right to be angry! Anything could’ve happen! I would probably start cutting ties at this point! Just do what’s best for you and your kiddos!
Never leave them alone with her again!
That guy that found your kids could’ve busted the car windows and taken the kids it only takes seconds. I’m glad nothing bad happened but you have every right to feel the way you do . Never ever leave your kids in the car .
- That enraged me and I don’t know you. 2. You are 10000000000% in the right to be angry. I would’ve been outraged. Your MIL was completely
Irresponsible and careless and ANYTHING could have happened to your children including death or kidnapping. - You do not have to speak to your MIL if you don’t wNt too. I don’t think I’d ever speak to her again because of it. If they want to be mad at you for the careless decision made by your mother in law then let them be mad and don’t let it get to you. Your children’s safety come first and all she did was put them directly in harms way. She should have known better.
All I read was the title… immediately no. No excuses at all. ANYthing could have happened to them even if it was for 5mins
Y’all are doing the correct thing. Your kids could have been kidnapped, or taken away by cps or anything.
the family that’s dragging you is dead wrong and it shows they can’t be trusted either. The 6 yr old could have gotten out of the car and hit by a car.
if this happened to my children then my husband and i wouldn’t allow the adult who was in charge of them to see the children unsupervised again.
She would get supervised visits from only.
Im w/ ya on this one! What us she NUTS leaving them esp at their ages?! She is so damn lucky nothing happened to them bcuz then what would she say??!! Still deny responsibility of her very WRONG actions?! She may think its no biggie n tell herself ill only be few MINS but damn thats ALL it takes for something to happen!! How her & rest if the clan dint get that is BEYOND ME! Id keep them away too if I were you! If the rest have kids & still think what she did is on I pity their kids & their safety!
Oh my God , she is so wrong. Yes you have every reason to be mad. I wouldn’t trust her anymore. I wouldn’t do that no even to my dog.
You both have every right to be angry. If it were me, she’d be lucky if she was allowed to be around the kids even supervised. As for the rest of the family that doesn’t agree, cut them off. Buh bye.
Nope she put your children at risk so she’s done being trusted. Thankfully the man who found them was a decent person!
The police left in alone maybe try forgiveness your kids miss there granny
You’re a better person than me. I’d flip the absolute fuck out. That is not okay and yall have every right and reason to be pissed and not allow her alone with them ever again!!!
First of all that is unacceptable. Period.
Second, let me tell you from personal experience mother in laws do not always have the grandchildren of their daughter in laws best interests at heart. I don’t know why that is, but that’s just the way some women work.
Anything could have happened to your children, it only takes a split second. This was bad enough that CPS was involved.
You don’t have to speak to your MIL, you don’t have to take your children around her and your husband doesn’t have to speak to her.
This was a careless and neglectful. Never feel bad or second guess your decision to stand up for your children. If you don’t stand up for them no one else will!
like my kid is 9 shes scared to be home alone and when i was her age i was able to stay home alone and was more mature but if my kid isnt ready i wouldnt do that to her just like when she decides to babysit i wont make her watch her younger siblings bc if she aint ready for all that why would i stress her out with it. you have rights to how you feel if they dont like it they can piss off
I would b livid she shouldn’t b doing it and how long had she been doing it for before someone finally noticed
She should be charged and go to jail just like everyone else who does that stuff
what a very silly lady !! omg
15 years ago maybe but not today
Yep you have every right to feel the way you do. That’s just complete laziness on her part. I’m a mother of 5 n have never left them in a vehicle.
I could see this happening in my family. My mom & her sisters thought car seats, helmets & breastfeeding were crazy concepts.
My kids wouldn’t be going anywhere near her without supervision by you or your partner. Obviously she is naive to the dangers she could’ve put your children in. Thank God for that man who stayed with them & called the police. Why weren’t charges pressed against MIL?
Older people used to think it was safe to lock the doors but this is a scarey world now. Count ur blessings that man was a good person , u could be telling a whole horribly different story about that day. Sorry but the lady would never watch em again unsupervised
Oh my goodness, you have a right to be angry, and I’m sorry, she should be charged. Don’t worry about the family though I know it’s difficult, you are doing the right thing
I feel guilty leaving my 18 month old in my drive way (legit 5 steps ) while I get out my 8 wk old qucikly and in the house if it’s crappy out)
Rhaelene Goodwin could you imagine having social services turn up and mortifying
Let them be pissed, STAY AWAY! You don’t know how many times she has done this!! This is the first time she got caught!!!
Nope you and your husband have every right to be angry. You and your husband have every right not to allow your children over there. You and your husband has every right not to trust anyone. These are you and your husband’s children. Let the family be mad over what you have a right to be mad about. They will get over it.
Let them be angry. Never feel bad for protecting your children.
Do not let kids go with her ever again.
Stick to your guns, screw your family, as long as you and your partner agree nobody else matters…6 and 1…OH HELL NO!!! That guy should of called the cops so he is a little suspicious…call the cops cover your behind…she would probably do it again and next time might not have a good outcome!
do not let them get to you. you have every right to be upset i was pissed when my kids dad joked about leaving my kid home alone and shes not ready for that yet
Who cares if ppl are mad at you. Let’s pretend for a minute the man who found them was a pedophile or crazy murderer. Let’s imagine what would happen if someone crashed their car into them while she was in the store and no one knew they were in there. Let’s imagine their grandma suffers a heart attack and no one knows the kids are in the car. There’s a long list of what could go wrong.
Some older ppl cannot take responsibility for their mistakes and it turns into this where they get mad at you instead and you have to get over it because they aren’t mature enough to take the blame.
Keep that mother fu*ker far far away from your kids.
You have a right to b angry,But depending on her age,If she’s in her 60’s in our day you could leave ur kids in the car for a short time,we were able to trust other people not to harm or even step up and help,These days you can’t do that,Sit her down and explain why ur angery ,Work it out from there,Be forgiving,Every body is always angry there’s days,Doesn’t help the kids any,And it will also show kids that if u do wrong there is forgiveness,Fighting does not help,Let us know how it works out,
When she was a young mom they didnt realize how bad it is to leave little kids in a car alone…educate her nicely! U have every right to be angry but angry doesnt really help anything.
You have very right to be angry, the right person stop to check in on your kids this time. Yes they reported it. And they should have. The person who messed up was the mother in law. Stick to your plan. Don’t trust her right now.
Age is not excuse to leave kids in to car.
Sorry at being late to the discussion, but just saw this.
Two things come to mind for me. 1) How old is your MIL, and 2) you should have brought nappies. There’s NO defense for MIL having exposed those babies to the dangers in our current world by leaving them unattended in the car; can’t find a valid excuse for that, sorry.
Consider, however, that MIL is trying to be helpful or feel needed, but she may also be feeling overwhelmed. If your kids overwhelm you when you are young, try to imagine how an older person feels trying to shop and babysit at the same time; some of us can do it and others can’t. It’s a matter of owning up to our personal limitations.
Perhaps it would be more helpful for the three of you to sit down and talk about what you should bring with you to keep her from having to go shopping while the kids are in her care. And ask her to be honest about how she’s feeling the day she’s agreed to watch them. The older we get the faster our energy drains, so the promise made last week to watch them today, may not jibe with how we feel when we got up this morning.
Just have an honest conversation with each other. That’s the best advice anyone can give you. Give MIL some love, forgive this situation, and work together to rebuild your trust. Good luck.