I need to know if I am over reacting or if my mother in law crossed al ine by doing this…I got my babies Christmas pictures done while she was in the NICU…I gave my mother in law access to the photos to view before I posted them to facebook so she could see them…she ended up posting them to facebook before I had a chance to do it and I was waiting until it was closer to Christmas to share the photos…I asked her to delete them and she ignored my text and has been ignoring my calls too…
My one sentence to her would be “take them down or you will never receive another picture from me again” and hold firm to that. Then set clear boundaries!
Your lucky to have an MIL that dotes over your child. Appreciate what you have. Some day this convo won’t matter because she will be gone.
i’d report the photos since she won’t take them down and she would lose her privileges to getting photos before they get posted.
My mother in law announced on facebook my pregnancy before i did and i was upset and hurt because i didn’t get to post them first. I sent them to her and my mom so they could see first before i posted them then my mother in law decided to announce it and everyone was congratulating her which also kind of pissed me off cause she didn’t even tag me or her son(my husband)
You child your choice , you need to be clear abt you boundaries hopefully she will get some respect.
I am a very private person myself and it’s just of personal preference that i would like to be in charge of who sees what pictures of my children and its only respectful to check in with the parent to make sure it’s okay to share.
Explain it for the future. I did this one time not even thinking and felt horrible that it was seen as hurtful. I truly was so excited to share my first grand. I’ve never done it again and ask about everything before I share. I admit it may have hit me wrong if I were in her shoes.
Talk to her tell her if you have photos done you’d like to post them first before she does. I wouldnt be completely angry its something little to be angry about and start a fight. Or next time why not wait and post them then let her have access
Have the photos removed. FB will remove them. I don’t have the link that they used to have for it anymore but if you search you’ll find their process for it. Many other sites have similar policies for children under a certain age.
And she gets no access to stuff like this in the future.
Set ALL boundaries on the table and firmly in place. This was a boundary and she crossed it. Let her know from here on out she will NOT get another photo and then I’d report those photos. If she continues or worsens with boundaries later on bigger things, cut her off for being toxic.
Idk report the photos or something lol that’s hella rude to ignore you go to her front door girl lol
What does dad have to say about it? Did he give her permission?
Dont sweat the small stuff. Advice from a mom of 4 teens.
Omg , young mothers are such whine asses these days over stupid shit, did you tell her you wanted to wait until closer to Christmas to post on Facebook, probably not. She’s just a proud grand parent , I’m sure she meant no harm, to delete them is stupid, people have already seen them. Next time keep yourself until your ready to share. People cause drama over the dumbest things. Grow up
Did you specifically ask her not to post or share them in any way? If not then it sounds like miscommunication.
Mother in laws be jealous and mostly don’t really like you so be careful of what you share
Report her azz to Facebook and they’ll delete em. So disrespectful. Don’t ever give her access to anything ever again. She’s lucky I’m not your mom
I don’t think you should let something as petty as Facebook ruin a relationship but also this should be a lesson. Not everyone cares about stepping on your toes.
For those saying that not to worry about it’s something small or simple or be glad her MIL loves her kids. Y’all are terrible. Your telling her to disregard a boundary she has placed? Why can’t her MIL just respect such a “small simple” boundary. If it’s no big deal then it should be no big deal for her to take them down. Boundaries should always be respected no matter how big or small and no matter by who. Mom MIL sister etc
My sister doesnt want pics of my nephews or nieces on any social media. So I dont post photos of her children. Even if they are in a group photo! If its one I really want to share, I will ask her directly. If she still says No the answer is NO!
Get your partner to call her . Now you know not to show her in the future .
Don’t make that mistake again!
Report the photos on fb. You can do it many times
If they’re posted on fb you can report the pics to fb and they’ll take them down with proof you’re the parent
Very absent consideration on her part, but she was likely joyful to share her grandbaby’s progress through these photos with her circle. If the main issue is timing and you wanted to share the pics first, let it be a lesson learned in timing of affording access to others. Since you already made the request to remove with no reply, limit her photo access, if giving any at all, moving forward.
I’d be so fucking pissed!!
Report the photos but I’d just text her & inform her she will no longer be receiving photos since she can’t be respectful. I had to do the same thing. I also blocked a family member from seeing certain photos b/c of the same thing.
You can report them on FB (both MIL and the photos). She needs to learn early on that she can’t just post photos without your consent, and once your daughter can speak, her consent too. Be wary of posting baby pics on FB anyway.
Well now you know she does not respect your boundaries and there will be no next time as a result. Now you will now not share early with her she and will have to wait like everyone else. Privilege lost by way of disrespect.
Idk why people laugh… This is totally disrespectful for someone to share photos of YOUR baby before you get a chance to, especially if they don’t ask permission first, it’s wrong of her
Tell her she’s crossed lines and she has set amount of time to remove them or she won’t be getting any of the new ones. Hell tell her she can’t even see the kids until removed if you want. You have rights that’s on you to stay firm.
She should of asked I always ask my dils or my daughter