My MIL said bringing a gift to Thanksgiving dinner was MANDATORY...HELP!

Idk what to do…my husband side of the family is having A christmas party at Thanksgiving since my husband is deploying and will not be here for Christmas…we have 4 kids and are taking the time to drive 16 hours from home for Thanksgiving so he can see his family before he leaves…his mother said its MANDATORY we bring Christmas gifts and if we do not and cannot afford it he can “leave me and our kids at the hotel so he can spend time with his family…” like wtf? Is this normal? Should I let him go be with his family and let it slide? It’s so crazy they make a white elephant gift exchange MANDATORY…

This is abuse from his side of the family. You need to tell your husband to talk to his mother about the blanet disrespect. He should not let her tell you what to do or treat you that way. I don’t know exactly what to say. My ex’s mom was like this which in turn made her aon the same towards me. I hope this helped. Good luck. Happy Thanksgiving!!!:turkey::turkey::turkey:

I think I’d tell her that her son will be spending time with his family no matter what–his wife and 4 children.