My mom and ex just told me they are in love

How a mother could ever do this to her child and grandchildren is beyond me. They are both sick in the head.


Wowww sounds like your mom is a garbage human… wtf. I’m so so sorry this happened. Get out when you can, where you can. Don’t look once your free. I pray for your small family

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Leave. Find a shelter, a friend, different family member to help…anything, leave and never speak to them again. Especially your mom. Go get county help, food stamps, cash assistance, daycare assistance and find a remote job where you just need to be at your computer. No physical work.


First step is put your mom out the door. .Then tell him to head that way as well…You dont deserve that especially from your on mother…

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That’s some real low down ish.

I am sorry you are going through this…but you need to get away and stay away from your mother and your ex…I hope you are well during the pregnancy…but these people are toxic

Your mother should be ashamed of herself! Mother’s don’t do that to their daughters! I could never hurt my child like that! Absolutely disgusting :face_vomiting:


This is a Jerry springer episode waiting to happen. Yeesh. Just leave girl, this is so disturbing


Omg my heart breaks for you! The confusing for those children too. Your child’s grandmother could become his step mom down the road?? That’s nuts. How does someone’s mother do this to them. And you are also pregnant with his child? I’m sooo incredibly sorry. I don’t have advice on what to do next. But you already know you need to get out of that toxic environment.

I am so sorry!! This is heartbreaking. Apply for emergency housing, assistance, etc. This is emotionally harmful for you and your children. Get out of there ASAP.


This is so wrong on so many levels. Your mom sounds like a winner girl! My advice would be get back to work as soon as you can once the baby comes. Save up for awhile and get the bell out of there! As a mother I just don’t understand these things. I am so sorry this is happening to you. Is there other family you can stay with possibilities? The whole thing is just toxic and not good for you and the kids!!!

I think you dodged a bullet. He is maybe after her assets and not actually in love with your mom. Tell her to beware and watch her bank accounts… Do you have NO friends or family you could stay with? It’s hard with kids. Maybe someone in this forum.

I would move so far away and cut all contact. She’s no real mother if she is okay sleeping and dating your childrens father, absolutely disgusting, both of them

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Get out of that house

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Oh boy. Your mom and your ex been sneaking around everyone back for awhile for them to be in love trust me.


Look into what crisis accomodation is available in your area. Good luck


Give them the kids and take your 1st born…let them raise 3 kids and the party’s over for them and adult ingredients begins…Karma’s Hell sometimes…


I’m so sorry. This is truly sickening. Normally I would say you can’t blame the other woman because they have no loyalty to you but in this case, both your boyfriend and mom are disgusting for doing this to you. Millions of other ppl in the world and they have to be with each other? Wtf.


This is so sad, I’m so sorry your own mother let you down. I would look into housing assistance, get on food stamps, look into everything that you can get assistance with like daycare, Medicaid for your child’s therapies if he’s in any. Try and get out now. This is so toxic and harmful to your health. I would immediately go to court and file for full custody and child support. Smfh they are going to end up with aunt/uncle siblings and they have a grandpa dad, I’m sure courts would rule in your favor. Disgusts me what some people will do to their own kids.


Get out asap! This isn’t healthy for you or your unborn child with the added stress. Your mom should be ashamed of herself! You are likely stronger than you think and you can do it on your own with the many resources available! Get your ducks in a row. Apply for assistance and search on Indeed for work you can do from home.

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Apply for housing and state assistance and get the hell out of there as quick as you can. Good luck and sorry this is happening to you. I’d be so disgusted with both of them

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Absolute first steps is to go file for food stamps, cash assistance, pregnancy healthcare and child support, immediately.
Also ask for any immediate housing assistance information they have available.

Look for a 1 bedroom or efficiency that you can afford & explain the situation that it’s just you & kids so no need for sperate rooms at this point.

Contact churches, salvation army, st Vincent du Paul & ask for emergency housing help.

Whatever you do, do NOT give those people any more money. & Start packing. Keep important needed things only. If you have things you can sell off do so, it’s very easy to replace things after you get somewhere stable.

Look online for a pregnancy care center which can help with diapers, wipes, clothes, playpen, car seat, a ton of resources!

As hard as it is, you have to put your hurt & anger side & do what’s best for you & your kids right now. Then process it all after you are safely out of the situation.


Your mom is trash. Sorry to be so blunt but that’s a horrible human being much less mother/grandmother to pull that. Contact family services to if you qualify as an injured spouse & get yourself & children out of there. Make them fight you in court b/c this cannot be a healthy entity for your children to be in.

Can you go to a womans sheltor? Are you in Ontario? My mom did this to me only i didnt have kids with my ex. Im sorry you are going through this! A womans sheltor can help you find a place and get all the right supports in place for you and your babies. Good luck! I hope everything works out for you and your family


OMG talking about cutting a persons throat your momma and your ex just did that to you sweetie I am so sorry. You need to get out of that enviroment

File for foodstamps, WIC and housing assistance, also childcare assistance so you can have childcare while you work. Ditch your mom and your stupid ass ex boyfriend for good. They are both disgusting.

Ma’am. Go in the kitchen. Get the broom. Snap it over your thigh while making eye contact and you start swinging. I would not be on FB asking for advice. I’d be asking for bail money. If your mama can do you like this… she ain’t no mom. That’s enemy level business. Smh… the mama!?!?!?:astonished::face_exhaling:


Ask your moms ex bf if he can help and if you can move in with him.
Cut all ties with your ex and mother.


Whenever you find out what you’re doing cut them off girl and never look back

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I’d apply for any help out there and leave

You have to be kidding
So sorry

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Oof. I wanna say I would punch them both in the throat but another part of me says so your best and move or kick their asses out. That’s some serious shade and I would be moving on to some sunny days.

OMG…this is devastating….so heartbreaking! Pray for guidance! Meanwhile, I’ll say a prayer for you! :broken_heart::broken_heart:


So sorry horrible story maybe you can get job working from home so you can get these worthless people out of your life good luck

Get the help you need to get out of their and if I were you, I’d block your mom and make sure to cut her out of your life. She sounds awful.

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WHAT?! I could never do that to my child let alone my own mother would never do that to me. You must have a messed up person for a mother.

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How in the world ! As a mother to adult children I would NEVER IN LIFE do something like this to my child !
This is absolutely ridiculous and out of line.

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If you are pregnant he was apparently sleeping with you and your mom at the same time. They are both disgusting!


Who’s house is it ? I wouldn’t even call that woman my mom.I would walk away from them and never look back.


Find a way out and apply for as much financial assistance as you can. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through. You gotta get out of that house.


That is one of the lowest thing’s a mom can do, but what I don’t understand is why in God name do you girls keep getting pregnant, protect your self, ??
Your mom and boyfriend are trash get away from them and don’t look back

That’s messed up! I’m sorry.:sleepy:

Susan Jayne Lawrence this could so be my story if only youd hurry up n elope with boyfriend!!!

You gotta get rid of all the toxic around you, including your mother. How freaking gross? I know you don’t want to hear that but she isn’t a mother. Who’s house is it? Your mom should be ashamed and I would not do anything to get yourself in trouble but don’t give them any $ for nothing and take your stuff and the kids and GO! You deserve better and you are worthy! This is wrong on so many levels.

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They been sleeping together longer than 3 wks in my eyes both are sorry peices of shit I wld be beating someone ass.

That’s just plain nasty try to get out of there asap and don’t have too much to do with either of them

Apply for assistance, food and cash, save any money you can. Try to see if you can find a at home job so when you have this baby you can leave.


Get on public housing until you have this baby then get a job and stay away from them. Please learn to provide for yourself


Go to your local social services office and try to get as much help as you can. I would do whatever you can to get away from that situation.


Shelter heal n move on… never look back

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Apply for local assistance

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Omg I’m so sorry I couldn’t imagine

Yikes!!! That is not a mother. I’m very sorry this happen to you. Start looking for a place of your own. Get him for Childsupport. No need to stay in that toxic house. They will answer for what they have done trust me. Look around see what price range so you can know how much to come up with once Childsupport is situated. Hugs to you

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Oh my god.

I don’t condone violence but she would get a slap so hard her face would never be the same.

Leave that house.

Never talk to that vile person again.



Oh love…First of all I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Are you in the UK? If I were you I’d apply to Womens aid or a shelter wherever uou are in the world. While it’s despicable behaviour from the one person you could trust its time to move on and either chuck them out or get out xx…I’m thinking of you zxx

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I just wanna say I’m so sorry. They’re so messed up. I hope u get the help you need to get out of that mess. You got this momma and I’ll be sending prayers and good vibes.

I’d disown my mother if she ever did that shit to me.

Get away from the toxic situation as soon as you are able.

Girl wtf??? Let them go be together, take care of yourself n your children. U deserve better. But now u know what type of ppl they both are.

Make sure you get child support don’t let them get away with that. I would never call her mother again. One day she will need you


Make a plan…apply for public housing very first thing…then apply for food stamps…get on wic…and first and foremost go apply for temporary custody of the baby because if he does it before you do it’s possible you could lose him…also have all the paperwork ready to go.for him to pay child support…get all your ducks in a row…leave that household for sure…things will fall for you…it just takes a little time…good luck dear…


Leave that house, cut both of them out and don’t put his name on baby’s birth certificate


You are not stuck I would take my children to a shelter if I have to


I’ve seen this happen before and it doesn’t end well.

Definitely look for help as others have stated.

I really wanna see what these people look like and I ain’t even sorry :woozy_face::woozy_face:


Housing. Get on it and get out.

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Lawyer up and get child support and spousal support and kick them both out of your house

What in the Jerry Springer crap did I just read!?!


you never said if this pregnancy is from this guy or someone else. Then I would say, after you have this baby, get your tubes tied, move out of this house, get on some sort of welfare & take care of yourself & kids. I am sorry this happen to you, but people cannot help whom they fall in love with, even your mom & this guy. Forget about them & again move on, with your kids

Sounds like you need to woman up and get a dang job! They make songs about independent woman!!! :roll_eyes:


Tell your mom how gross she is first. Because that’s just so fking raunchy and disgusting :unamused:


Wow, clearly your mother has never learnt about boundaries n shit you just don’t cross…
You poor thing. I have no words, but move out and let her have your leftovers. You deserve much more

I’m so sorry! You need to get with friends or something and get out!

Look into state programs where you live that can help with HUD housing…have the baby get a job! F them both!


I see that you can’t leave the house because $. I also see that your ex, had a cushy place to live and probably pretty cheap or rent free . The relationship didn’t work he wants out. Well that hurts but it also happens, that alone doesn’t make anyone a pos. Banging your Mom because he wants to keep his cushy low or non rent paying position in probably a nicer home than he could afford on his own is what makes home a pos. So don’t worry girl- your Mom got payback comin. Bet any $ your ex is usin her.
Next- Mom is still your mother and should be the person you can depend on for help. She showed that she is selfish and what she did is shitty af. She knows it and I’m sure her ass feels guilty about it! Use her shame to your advantage and stay right where you are until you can get on your feet. Apply for every bit of free money and assistance you can. Including some sort of short term
School or certificate program
That will get you a good job. Make them
Babysit while you get your life together. Use that home, low to free rent or monthly expenses, to get your life together. And then skip your awesome self on out of there to a life of your own making and the happiness you deserve. Fuck all that mess w the ex and your Mom- you don’t owe them an ounce of consideration. Nothing. Let those two losers have at it. But make ‘em pay by using their shame to your advantage rn. When you ready to leave don’t say a thing. Plan to do it when they will be gone. And then go asap and file temporary custody. Dont put his name on the babes birth certificate and make him take a dna test to get any damn rights. Also if you go to your local courthouse, family law dept.,they will tell you what form you need, help you fill them out if you ask nice, and waive the filing fees if you qualify. That gives you time to get your ducks in a row.

Wow…Sick.sick sick…and screw your mom…WTF…


Fucking wow! First off , I’m sorry. I’m not even in the situation and my blood pressure is goooooone.
Stand up mamma. Get a job, bust your ASS , take your babies and go! Never ever ever look back.

That’s weird. My grandma is my stepmom? Yuck.

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Your moms a pig and he’s a pos.


Your moms a pig and he’s a pos.

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You can call 211 and they can help you find housing options in your area.

I would immediately start filing for HUD also filling out applications for section 8 housing if you have some where to go to help you I highly recommend it


I would never talk to my mother again. And only to the ex for child support. Your kids don’t have a grandma she died when she made the decision to be a house wrecking thot imo jfc I am so sorry


I would not talk to her anymore once I was able to move . Disgusting

Wow you mom is skanky trash an him too .i would of beat her ass

Leave and get some help.


So ur mom likes ur sloppy seconds :face_vomiting::face_vomiting: eww how trashy are they.


Thats dog behavior…your mother shouldn’t even let that thought of putting herself with a man that used to fuck her daughter cross her mind…

What kind of monster is your mother? I can’t even…I would take my children and never return. If you can’t work, you should be able to get on disability or find literally anyone else to live with. I would never allow my children to be part of that mess. Your ex and her probably were together long before you knew about it. I don’t care about any excuse she may have, the trauma she is giving you and just thinking you’ll accept it. I would not be nice in the situation, nor would I ever forgive something like this


If it’s only been 3 weeks, I’m sure they had something going on while y’all were still together, which may have lead to the “loss of feelings” that your ex had towards you. I’m sorry this is happening to you :pensive:


They’d both be absolutely dead to me


That’s really messed up!!!

Go to a shelter if you have to. That’s a sick environment. This happened to my friend a few years back but thankfully they had no kids

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What’s the address???I just want to see something… it’ll be quick.


Apply for public housing and benefits asap. Go to a shelter if u have to


Don’t know where you live but I’m sure they have shelters and places to help people in your situation you just have to find them bc they are there you just didn’t know bc you never needed them. Find one pack up your kids and your check for the one child and get out as quickly as possible bc you are going to be used now for the money and nothing else bc it looks like they showed everyone they are kind of sick and have feelings for no one but themselves - get out and as far away as possible with your kids. Good luck and God Bless you and your babies.

I’d do what I can to take my kids and move out the heck wh both them nasties, so sorry this happened to u I also have a autistic child makes it so much harder but u can do it

Your mom is an absolutely disgusting human being :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


I’m so sorry happened to you. I just can’t imagine how you are feeling. I would also seek shelter with either family or friends or women’s shelter. Anything has got to be better than there. Now if that’s your place I would make them leave and change the locks. With that being said you can also apply for housing using your son’s check as income. And go after him for child support. Which will help get you into housing. But I would NEVER talk to my mother had she ever did that. Nor allow my kids around that screwed up mess🙄.


They should move out and he should pay up your Bill’s so you can at least not stress during your pregnancy, then you need to get a job and a new life without them in it . As for him visiting his kids that would have to be without your mother around.

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Go on help get into an apartment through the state and take them for everything you can get