My mom and ex just told me they are in love

Take your kids and leave. There should be plenty of government programs to help you.


I feel so sorry for you :disappointed_relieved: I can’t imagine what you’re going through… stay strong :heart: you got this.

I could never betray my daughter like that :broken_heart: she is NOT a mother, she is a lying cheating RAT. Take your ex through the courts for every penny you can get!


Your mother is a cow. What an absolutely horrible thing to do to you :frowning:


I apologize for having no advice, because what I would do in this situation would likely put me in jail…
But I just wanted to say I’m so sorry, I wish you the best of luck, and if and when possible you should cut your mother right out of your life because what the fuck is wrong with that woman.
I’m all for “you can’t help who you love” but this is NOT okay…

Tell her thank you .your better off .hold your head up don’t ever let them see you sad .shine on super woman shake that shit off .move forward there’s a reason that happened .find you a hero you already got rid of the zero

I’m so sorry that a “mother” would do that to her child . I hope you can find a place with your kids and get away from those toxic people


Are you in the states? Can you apply for income based Apts? In my state, if you have no income your rent is 0 and they pay you $50/mo towards your electric bill, which is all you pay. Unless you want cable wifi etc. But water is paid for. There is also section 8/hudd. It’s often a long wait, but no time like the present to start the process! I am so sorry this happened to you :pensive: your mom ain’t sh!t

Your next step is to find a way to get a place of your own. Maybe ask a close friend for some help?? If your son gets a disability check, maybe use that to find a place??

Girl!!! I’m so sorry!!! First take care of you your health and the kids. Monday morning go to the child support office and request support and they will start you on programs for you and baby. Look for section 8 housing with the government and maintain your mental health. Your kids should not have to watch there grandma and dad be RATS. If you need someone to talk to or just cry DM me I’m a great ear.


WTH Seriously wrong with your mother… see what programs your state has. Why are people just have no morals and boundaries. I’d definitely try moving out, and forward. Get him to pay alimony and child support. Ugh .


My mother would be dead to me. This is a billion levels of bogus. Get out. That’s just sick


There’s lots of online jobs to apply for, start searching and save up for you and your children to leave or stay with some friends or family in the mean time

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I’m sorry you have to go through that but that is betrayal don’t worry life will do them justice. If I were you I would separate myself from the hostility of the situation. You deserve better you can apply for housing and get stamps meanwhile till you have the baby.

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Wat the fresh living hell is wrong with BOTH of them? :nauseated_face::face_vomiting: ask them do you wanna be grandma step mom and daddy grandpa? Bc thats what theyre on right now.


Find a shelter for women and children they will help you with the rest of your steps! Make sure you go file for temporary custody


I am so very sorry that you are dealing with such horrible people. Especially your own mother…how horrible! No one deserves this. Get out in whatever way possible. Sending prayers that the new year is better for you in so many ways.

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Their cheating is why they have both broken up their relationships. Who’s name is the place under? I’d be making them both leave if under yours. Aghhh such an horrible aweful predicament your in. I’m so sorry your mother has done this to you. Don’t pay any money to anything for a few weeks till you have some money behind you and as said above maybe see if you can get assistance through a women’s refuge or something. Big hugs. This is not your fault :heart:


I would be pissed beyond belief. Go to a church and let them get you to the assistance you need if you want out. Police can send you in the right direction. You don’t have to stay there. Your Mom I’m sorry to say is no Mom. Pure sickness.


WTF!!! How messed up is this situation? :pensive:
Your ex should have been out of bounds for your mum, every mother knows you don’t date your child’s ex🤦🏼‍♀️

Mom would be dead to me.


This broke my heart for you on a million different levels and also shocked me to my absolute core. What in the hell. I’m so sorry you have to go through this :heart:


There are shelters that specialize in helping woman in abusive situations and you definitely are in a mentally abusive situation. Look into it. They will help you get a place and resources to become independent.


Woww ur mom’s a mess

I’d be more suspicious of why it happened is he satisfying her so she helps him take the kids. Some men will do anything to win.


This is Gerry speinger shit :astonished::raised_hands:t5:

I’d leave and never talk to either of them again this all was obviously premeditated


You’re mom needs to be deleted from your life. PERIOD!


Find remote work or gig work like DoorDash etc. Move you and your kids out for your mental and spirit. They are weird and unhealthy minded/spirited. It isn’t you it’s them


I’m sorry what? Thats nasty, thats the father of one of her grand babies. Ew, I’m sorry my heart breaks for you. Do you have a turning point in your area?


Your mom is not a mother! Wow! I can’t believe some people have to have these messed up relationships. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. You should never have to go through this with a mother.


Take what you have… Find a women’s shelter, they will help get you rental assistance and state assistance. Go for custody and child support.


You call her mom?? Disgusted…


Leave them both to it… you and your kids will be better off without them… just remember kids see when your hurt and upset… itll turn toxic being there and around them 24/7 them rubbing it in your face and infront of your son…
A happy mummy will have happy children… xx


Run away with your kids. Y’all deserve better. Know your worth! They obviously don’t.

That is so messed up on so many levels! For real? Like does your bio whatever she is not realize what this whole relationship thing with your ex is gonna do to the kids especially the one you have with your ex? This child is not gonna know to call his daddy daddy or granddaddy I am saying this bc My sons were quite confused about who I was to them bc they are my adopted children but before they were their bio egg donor told them that I was her mother making me their grandma……well long story short my one son asked my husband which was their dad if he was gonna be their grandpa or their dad when we got married.


Leave them both go for full custody and don’t love your mom see them either

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Stop. Kearstin Loiselle

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Take ur kids n run from that dysfunctional mess


Ummm well F the mother. Leave and go to a shelter. They will help you and your child get a real home. Idk. I’m just wow at the fact of your mother being such a monster. I thought mine was bad by telling me I should have treated my ex better and maybe he wouldn’t have physically and mentally abused me. Shit.

So fking horrible. I would leave even if it was to a shelter woth my kids over staying there with them.

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Go to family. You got this

girl your mom and ex are sick as shit in the head…… i wouldn’t even be referring to her as that after a situation remotely CLOSE to this :joy::joy::joy::joy: if you don’t take your poor kiddos and RUN FOR THE MF HILLS

Bitch Mom :facepunch: Fck both of 'em :muscle:

What the hell!?!?!? That’s heavy, how do you even begin to explain that to the kids later in life. I don’t have advice, I’m still in shock. But get far away from both of them as soon as you can!


I’m heart broken for you. :broken_heart:. It’s difficult to think you’re going to be ok, but you are. I promise. Try not to dwell on it - you have a baby inside feeling everything you feel.
Move out and move on. Don’t look back and don’t forget how miserable they have made you feel- so when he comes running back to you, you are strong enough to send ‘em right back where he came from. Pray. God listens. :pray:t4:


That’s no mother!! That’s just a heartless woman actually I wouldn’t even call her a woman !


How in the hell can she do this I have a grandbaby and could not ever even think about my son in law this way I guess she is sick why would you hurt your grands like this let alone your child I’m so sorry you have a right to be very angry I would take them both to the cleaners on child support and no unsupervised visitation once you explain to the judge why I’m sure he will aide with you


I can’t even imagine. I have no words. Nothing anybody says is gonna make this shit situation any easier. However. Live your life, full and with joy and love in your heart and only good things can come from it. Hang in there. Everything has a time and place. Your time is coming.

Go on the list for housing. Find a work from home job and save money.

If I were you I’d be applying for any type of assistance I can (section 8, HUD, Snap etc) and get him for child support and move out of that toxic environment.


Drop n get away from both those idiots

Get out anyway you can sweets

I am so sorry you have to go through that my girl. Anything else is worse than finding out or knowing your own blood and brethren screws you over some d**k. So unnecessary and uncalled for. For sure they don’t have any respect or morals for themselves. I pray you and your beautiful babies can get outta there asap and whenever youre stable yourself. Being a single mom is difficult but is never impossible.

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He had the young calf now he wants the bull


Donna Lennox what advice would you give?

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I’m sorry but no mother should ever do that to their child I would cut my ties with both of them and leave…OOOORRRR Is your ex’s dad single? You could marry his dad and then you would be in your ex’s stepmom lol oh how the tables can turn lol…I mean seriously, when the kids are old enough what are you going to tell them “it’s time for you to go see your daddy grandpa” since he’s with your mom now. Sorry but they both sick af…hope your mom can’t get pregnant or that would be sooooo confusing…"let’s go visit daddy grandpa and you aunt sister or uncle brother…that’d be some back hills west Virginia squeal like a pig shit

Jacki Jaye i just can’t

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I would go for FULL custody and I would go hard for the max amount of child support you can get. Your mom is sick in the head.


That’s not a mother
get as far away from that trash as possible.let her have. him.

Apply for housing and child support

What kind of mom does that? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


They are both trash. Move away from them, find a program that can help you or maybe another family member if you have any? I have high risk pregnancies also so I know how stuck you must feel. They are both trash, I know this hurts but please don’t let them destroy who you are.

Hmm look for a way out just b/c of ur life.

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Do you have any other family members or friends to live with ? If not then look into shelter for women and get govt assistance
Apply for college and work on your degree while getting fin aid for living expenses.
Get custody and apply for child support and after you have baby you will a job and all that will be enough income at least for low income housing. There are services that can help you with deposit and if you live in shelter you can get section 8 easily given to you. I’ve had 2 friends go this route when they were going through a difficult time.

Seek public assistance and gtfo of that toxic place. To me it is gross to consider my ex was secretly drooling over my mother and she should be completely disgusted with herself snd since she isn’t it’s too toxic

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Leave them both. Take the kids and move on.


If this were my life, I would stop having relationships, get out, and start healing so I can take back control of my life. Purge and renew toxic relationships, a new environment, etc. otherwise you will remain in this cycle. :pray:t4:


There is housing for single mothers start their maybe and at home job don’t give up you and your kids deserve better

People must make up these crazy posts!


I never understand mothers like this. So sad you ended up with one of them. Find a job. You need to get away from both of them. This is the ultimate betrayal.

First things first, your mom is toxic and doesn’t understand boundaries. Get away from that immediately. Civily co-parent with the kids’ dad because you don’t have a choice in that matter.

I would leave with the kids.In my opinion that is low down for them to do this to you . I am so sorry :cry: your going through this .

How disfunctional families like that usually like drama and cross boundaries all the time they are addicted to drama and don’t feel right if things are peaceful. You have to work babysit or clean houses so you can get out of there you have to make sure you don’t feed into the drama because you grew up like that

I would stop having kids with different fathers

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Sounds like you have a crap mom. She should’ve never given herself the opportunity to fall in love with someone that could crush her daughter’s feelings and trust like that. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Prayers and love sent up for you.

Call The Jerry Springer show