My mom claimed my kids without my permission: Advice?

My mom claimed my children without my permission, my husband also filed and claimed my kids. Has anyone else gone thru this? How do I make sure my husband and I get our tax return


They should catch it & she will get fined

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Uhm why? They’re not her kids i mean if she has custody of them but if not




REPORT HER FOR FRAUD :no_good_woman:t2:
What a selfish psycho smh


Ooooooohhh she going to jail. Unless she has custody. Then y’all will


You just have to call the 1-800 number for IRS,and they would dispute it


It depends on who has been supporting the kids


Why does your mom have your kids SS#?


So you’ll be do your taxes and when the time comes they will audit and that’s when you end up keeping your money and she has to pay back

Did your mom provide shelter for you and your husband?


You will need proof they lived with you…school records… Dr’s note etc…it’s a long process


Both of ur returns will be delayed. U will have to provide proof they live with u and u support them. She will be fined


Who the fuk does this shit?? Wat an idiot :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

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She had a reason and your not telling the whole story. She wouldn’t have done it without having something substantial to back it up knowing she could owe it back and be flagged. She filed first I’m guessing. If you really are owed the money and not her you’ll see them around August after all the red tape

Both returns will be pulled for audit. Your tax returns are now going to take quite some time. If she had them in her home for more than 6 months she can claim them though. Your best bet is to go see a tax professional!!


Your mom can’t unless they lived with her and she paid most all expenses.
They usually take first to file. Then you battle. My daughter has court order so boys father can’t use them for taxes.

Your mom has to amend her taxes…talk to your tax professional. Since she didnt support the child 51% of the time she will have to amend her taxes! She will get flagged in the system for the future. I went through this before it was annoying.


It will probably get flagged & investigated but it’s going to hold up your refund in the mean time

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You bring it to there attention and she will have to pay it all back and fees and late charges she will have to prove that she has the right to claim them.


Report her for fraud and show the IRS they are yours full time - if they are ! Why would
Her parent claim them ? Does she have them more than 50% of the time ?


Lol unless she has them 51% of the time she’s going to get audited

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You have to paper file. You can’t efile. You will both get the money but along with a form for each of you to fill out as to why you should keep your money. She will either go to prison or have to pay it all back.
Note…I had to deal with this last year. I still didn’t get my return back yet.

How did you filed cause if mom claimed them there SS number will come back as already claimed and someone has to paper file with birth certificate and school records. Grandma can’t claim unless she has full custody with a court order to prove


What??? How…Why WTF?:flushed:

Unless she is supporting them, she has no right, but anybody can claim anything unless they are challenged. Are you challenging?

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WHO has legal custody? WHO provided 50% of their support? THAT’S who gets to claim them on taxes


Did your have custody of them for at least six months?


You’re both going to be audited… watch out


Unless she gives 50% of their care or has legal custody she has broken the law! You can report her to the IRS!

If the children live in her home, and she is providing support she can claim them. If all of you live her home rent free then she can claim them. If you both claim them, you will both be required to provide proof and documentation which will delay the returns.

I wish the hell my mom would try some shit like that!

I had something similar happen to me. My daughter and her husband actually lived with me, where I was supporting them. They separated, and my daughter, who had legal custody of my grandson, told me to claim him. When her husband found out, he reported me as filling a fraudulent return. I only needed for my daughter to tell them the truth, and I would have been fine. My intentions were to split it between then anyways. Unfortunately, he manipulated her into not doing it with other matters. I was not given the refund, but fined $1,000.

Whoever has the child the most, and pays for the majority of the child’s care, is who is allowed to file… They are now divorced. He won’t keep a job, and his new wife supports him. My daughter and I still keep my grandson the majority of the time…I just let them deal with it, and stay out of it.

My son had his daughter for 3 years. Her mother took her back in January. She claimed her under her taxes. When my son filed his taxes and claimed her they took all his return for claiming her.

The IRS will need some sort of documentation. My husband’s ex tried this last year and we are still dealing with it. One of the returns will get rejected due to multiple dependant claims. If you get it taken care of before the tax deadline you will be in much better shape. We filed by mail because of the rejection online when she claimed both kids instead of just one and it finally processed in July. We got hit with a failure to file fee based on our tax amount which ended up being around 4,500.

IRS will catch it and deny both, each will have to prove who actually had said child. I went through this with my bd. He lost :rofl:

I would call and report them bc kids can not be claimed twice anyways.

Get legal help as soon as possible. You’ll need proof they live with you. The IRS will launch an investigation. Some one will be fined.

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Depends are you living with your mother? Is she paying for the roof over your/ their heads? If so she should be claiming your kids do you get food stamps? If so is it actually paying for all food and things your children need? If not …she has every right.


If they lived in her home and she pays for food and whatnot she can claim them


Contact the IRS and family lawyer stat

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How can she claim them? Did you give her permission to do so before? She must have their social security number.


Who ever files 1st and if both did second will have to pay irs penalty and will b audited back 10 yrs. Atleast when it happen to me

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Well, I know this will raise red flags with the IRS and they will investigate.

But if she pays 51% of your kids, she will more than likely get to claim them.


If your mother does not have custody of the kids, you simply have to mail your tax return.

Get a pin # for your kids SS# so she wont do it again


Friend had something like this happen. Her ex claimed them and she did. He had to pay back and she got it all…

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First they are going to see who filed them first then they will check to see who has custody and where these children were living…and also who has been filing these children the last couple of years. IRS is going to be all over this and put a hold on both taxes.thats why i always tell people as i say dont flip flop with kids dont lie about whole file your kids it raises red flags big time

When you file your taxes there is a question section on the dependents asking if you give anyone else permission… So I would assume you would be able to call the IRS and give them your information and letting them know you didn’t not give permission a e they will either audit her or stop her filing and make her refile unless you are requesting to files charges. I have had to call them before when my sons father told me he was going to claim my son when I have primary custody and did not give him permission

If you live with her she can claim them! But how did she get there social security numbers??? It’s more than six months out of the year! It’s legal


My ex Did that to me and the irs audited me showed them proof that i had legal custody and they were with me. My money was given to me and him and his wife got in trouble with the irs

Why does she have their social security numbers?
Did she support them for more than 6 months last year?
Need more of the back story here. But if she didn’t support them in anyway then report her and get a lawyer.

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Ive been thru this. What your Mom did is called Tax Fraud. And you’re gonna have to get on the phone with the IRS to report it and then they’ll investigate it. Just a heads up tho…this will be a lengthy process all the way around. But if you dont get a hold of the IRS about it, youll be at risk of your mom claiming your kids again next year.


Somebody’s going to be in trouble,


Same thing happened to someone I know. Both filed and both claimed. That’s why the laws changed a few years ago you cannot claim children unless you are their legal guardian. The mother got the money. The grandmother had to pay the couple thousand dollars back to the irs in future tax returns since she had already spent the money

I’m sure there’s more to this story than what’s here. The mother felt she could legally claim them. What parts of the story are being left out?


Mom is a greedy crook, sue her assss…

My guess is she claimed the EIC and head of household. If she was living in her mother’s home that’s fine but I’ve learned with my kids dad and us filing separately, the one who makes the most in the household claims the kids. It doesn’t matter who has them 51% of the time. Taxes are meant to screw over one parent. Even if you live in your own separate homes, the parent who makes more claims the Head of Household too. It’s such BS but it’s how the government works :woman_shrugging:t2:

Moms is out of pocket!! She shouldn’t of done that with out you knowing ( period)!!!

Well if your mother has the kids, and provided more then 50% of their support, which is rent , utilities, and food, then she has the right to claim them. But if you supported them all year just mail in your tax return with proof that the kids lived with you all year. Examples of proof are school records , which have your address, medical records with your address, daycare records with your address. If you send that in with your return it should not take longer then 6-8 weeks. Then contact the irs at 1-800-829-1040 and request an ippin for the kids. Then you won’t have to go through this next year. And are you sure it’s your mom, and not someone who stole their identity???

Somebody going to jail , choose who …:blush:

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Sounds like the daughter does not work . Probably Mom has been providing a home etc for her daughter and kids. Now daughter has a boyfriend and they want to claim the kids for a cash bonus!

If she provided for most of their care then she’s entitled. Imo. If not then contact the IRS.


This is tax fraud if she doesn’t support them 51% of the time and if they don’t live with her 6+ months out of the year. Call the IRS ASAP and report her. Then put a pin on your kid’s SSN #'s. Then tell her shes not welcome around you or them. On the flip side if she is supporting you or them then she can and does deserve the return. Not enough info here.

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How does she have their SSN?
Who did they live with for 7 months of last year? That person has the right to claim them.
The first filer will get the credits, but you can contact IRS and fight it. If she never claimed them before it may hold her return regardless if shes trying to get EIC.
When my husbands ex filed on the wrong year, we only had to pay back what the child credit was for her.

Tell the whole story


You’re going to have to contact the IRS and you will be asked to submit proof that they resides with you and you’re the guardian…I went through this with my kids father, he claimed them and it held my taxes up for like 2-3 months

Who has custody of children??
Do you live with your mom?
Do you pay rent?
Lots of questions with this post
If you answer yes to all 3 then you get tax credit

My ex did that…i called IRS and told them they incestigated and told him he had to file ammended form or face 10 thousand dollar fine and up to 10 years in jail…and they accepted mine forms without his ammended form being done yet.

Did your mom have custody for 51% of the year? Did you live with her and she provided housing, electric, heat, and food? Because then she can claim them. Either way using their SS# on multiple claims is going to flag them and I suspect both your mother and husband will be getting calls


I am sure your mother was taking care of them and you for the most part of the year. Some parents of nowadays need more parenting than their kids! Girl say the whole story and stop coming out as the saint here! Also grow up!


It doesn’t make a difference who cares for the Children… That mother is COMPLETELY out of pocket for filing for her grandchildren without the Parents permission PERIOD!! Only exceptions if the Grandmother knew the money was not going to be spent on the kids or that it would be spent on something illegal… More info needed on this one…

Where do you find these people?


I’m kind of in the same boat :tired_face:
Ex claimed BOTH kids this year… we are legally each supposed to claim one. SO angry and NOT looking forward to calling IRS :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I had to provide a document showing I had my child with me the whole year and no one else had a right to claim her. Daycare records, school record, doctor’s records etc. Will work usually they only need one.

Tell your mom, you are claiming them and she needs to make adjustments to her tax returns. Sounds to me like she tried pulling a fast one on you filing so fast…

One of these two is legally wrong. If there is any inkling of impropriety of error on the irs form , somebody may go to jail for filing a false IRS form. I suggest you contact a tax lawyer and get this matter straightened out. If the IRS do an audit because of the duplicate claim if the children on two different IRS forms. Get a tax lawyer. Start with a tax professional. Document your actions because some one, ie, your mom may go to jail for IRS Fraud. Ty


I have had this happen. Without the signed paper needed for someone else to claim them, she will be audited and made to repay the money. Happened with my son’s dad and i had given him permission but no form

Y’all are assuming that she lives with her mom or that her kids do. Tbh, her mom claiming them is a shitty thing to do and a perfect example of entitlement. I would turn her ass in, call the irs and explain the situation. Your entitled mother may or may not get into legal trouble. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Not enough information is given. Has your mother been raising your children for more than half the year and have they been residing with her more than half the year? That is very important.

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There should had been a dicussing about it no matter what so there wouldn’t be a misunderstanding. how she get there information?

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Talk to the tax department

Ain’t nobody getting taxes just audits

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Ooh sounds like my mom. But mine filed in my own name!

Who took care of them???

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Are you the primary care giver? If she has full custody of your kids I understand why she may have claimed them

So…this happened with my niece. Whoever claimed first will get their refund no problem unless a report is made! The other person’s taxes will not go through with the same kids.

Contact the IRS and let them know

I have went thru this. Get with ur tax professional for advice on what to do

First check into what gives YOU the right to claim them, some fathers claim children and no support of any kind?

U can still claim them. Audit ur mom. She’ll pay it all back

:arrow_up_small::arrow_up_small::arrow_up_small::arrow_up_small::arrow_up_small:that’s what u do​:arrow_up_small::arrow_up_small::arrow_up_small::arrow_up_small:

Who has been raising the child. Who does he live with. That person needs to claim the child.


First to claim gets funds however…
You can amend your taxes in a few weeks to add your children. The IRS will then investigate. Your mother needs to show and provide proof she supported the children all year or that she atleast contributed 51% or more to the kids. You will get your refund accordingly after the amendment and your mother will have to pay it all back.

It is whoever provides the most support for the child.

I have 3 kids and the oldest is 27.Every single year i had to prove my kids lived with me.Even though they have never lived anywhere else but with me.They definitely will get caught claiming the same children.

My ex wife tried this shit. IRS will send you a letter. Just gotta prove somehow they ur kids and your the one supporting them.

Why would your mom claim them🤔


Why does your mother have their social?!

That’s fraud and she could be in a lot of trouble if they don’t live with her


You need to call them and tell them what’s going on. Your mother is going to get in alot of trouble.