My mom constantly oversteps my parenting

move out ASAP she wont stop

I do this to my daughter I know I do, if you take another view of where it comes from, mom’s have been through a lot of things that you have no idea they went through. Mom’s keep a lot from everyone that no one has any idea they went through, if you’re blessed to still have your mom in your life. Don’t take it as being bossy or she’s invaded your space. It really is a mom that loves you more than herself and is only trying to spare you the pain she has went through. She loves you more than her life. Now if you have a narcissist as a mother then you tell her you got this and her input is not needed. Now for your post, you know what is best for your own child and only you can tell her that how you raise your child is up to you and not her. If you ask for her opinion then she can give it and not until :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Move out or say something.

You know what, there is no such thing as spoiling a baby. So give her as much hugs as you damn well want because she isn’t going to be small gorever and one day she won’t want your hugs. My Boy is 4 months old and I cuddle him to sleep everytime, and enjoy it.

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M0re Info. ===>

Rock your baby, hold your baby. Do what you want to with your baby. It is your baby, not hers! Also, how did you end up in the house with her in the first place? I think if I were you , I would concentrate on getting my own place as quickly as possible. Do you even have a car, or do you have to depend on her to get you to and from? Is she your baby sitter and if so, do you pay her? You please start saving to get out of there as soon as possible. Sounds to me like you are really in a bad predicament.


Allow her to view her opinion & advice. But if you want peace be a grown up and move out or deal with you not liking your mother’s opinions no happy medium while living with mom who supporting you both with a roof over your heads

You need to move because as long as you live with Momma you are not showing yourself as grown.


Your mother is right about rocking the baby to sleep… the baby needs to learn to self settle…

My friend is still rocking her baby to sleep & she is 18 months old… she wonders why she an exhausted mother.


My daughter and family live with my husband and I, in fact we bought a home together, I don’t always agree with the way things are done & I know I piss them off once in a awhile, but we respect each other. I raised our kids and have No desire to do it again, not in my 70’s. If asked I’ll tell her. It’s time to sit down and hash out the Do’s & Do Nots. Good luck

Tell her thanks for the advice .obviously she needs to be an important part of you and your baby. I know it’s hard but she raised you well I’m sure.then move out when you get on your feet .but always bring her words of advice with you .

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Babies don’t spoil. Tell her we know about human development than she did as a mother and her outdated opinions aren’t welcome. You can live with someone and follow their rules. But those go out the window when it comes to how you care for your children. When in doubt, always follow your instincts, Mama! You know what’s best for YOUR child

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Keep rocking that baby,hold,cuddle and :two_hearts: the infant.


What ever suites YOUR baby keep doing it. As many cuddles and kisses do not spoil a child. It teaches them connection and love. Your mum needs to back off and maybe give a few more cuddles and rocks herself.

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After she is done ranting just say “huh?” :joy:Like you didn’t hear her - she’s obviously not going to listen to your reasonings or care what you say as it seems things need to be done her way. If she’s going to argue let her, let HER continue to tire herself out, hence why I’d say keep saying “huh?” After she’s done nitpicking or arguing :joy:


Move faster on moving out

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Until you can leave her home, find a private space and stay there. Unless you’re going right to the door, in and out or using the bathroom/showering. Eat in your private space, read, sleep, etc. You can’t MAKE her stop. The only thing you can do is make yourself inaccessible to her.

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tell her shut up rock your baby all you want

You need to not live w her then.

From expirence you need to move out asap. Don’t wait until the time & finances are right. She will always figure out a way to keep you there so she can control you. Move into a shelter. It won’t be easy but they will help you get housing assistance. They may even pay for your deposit, first month & furniture. Those months of it being rough are so worth it in the end when you’re able to raise your baby without interference.

Hold your baby when you can’,only little for a short time. Tell mom to go to another room where she can’t see you rocking your baby


Tell her it’s your baby and you will do as you please with your child.
Tell her if you want advice you will talk to her. But I think you really need to move out of mommy’s house if you want her to stop.

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From your post, I take it the father is no longer with you? I am assuming that you cannot move out of your Mom’s house. I would think your Mom would be proud of you for paying so much attention to your baby. Perhaps take your baby to your room when you hold her if it bothers your mother too much. I am surprised she is not complimenting you for taking so much care with your baby. It would help if you could move out and get your own place.


My mom rocked her 3 kids so do it

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Stand up for you and your baby now because the damage that it will do if you don’t it’s almost irreversible trust me been there I let my family dictate and my people pleasing take away from my kids, stay strong Mama stand your ground love yourself and your baby you got this!!!

Rock your baby! Those are precious moments you can never get back

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Move. Until then, she is mothering you both.

You need to join the group daughters of narcissistic mothers

She’s right in that way, they will always need rocking, but just have a calm word, when you both calm, a lot of nasty hurtful words can be said in anger, which can’t be undone. She’s just being a mum, and trying to give you her wisdom, , just say to her, I love you so much mum, but pleaseee allow me to parent my child, I know we don’t agree on parenting. But I’m a mum now too. I need to make my own decisions about what I think is being a mum is all about. Cuddles and kisses makes a child feel loved, but buying them stuff too much makes them spoilt.

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Get out asap and rock that baby its yours not hers so it’s none of her business what you do to soothe your baby