My mom constantly oversteps my parenting

My mom oversteps boundaries SO MUCH sorry if I post about this often I just feel this is the only safe place for me to vent idk how to stand up for myself or tell her to stop without an argument starting or her saying I’m being disrespectful I do live in her house I’m working on leaving but in the mean time I really wish she’d leave me alone when it comes to how I parent my child as long as I’m not doing something to harm her I believe she should stop giving her input she gets mad when I rock my baby to sleep for example my baby is fully in one of her chairs that rocks and vibrates anyway but the batteries are dead so I’m rocking it by hand and she says why are u rocking her u need to stop that that’s not good she’s always going to expect that I don’t rock babies don’t rock them that’s how they get spoiled like what the heck that’s literally what the chair is for !!! But I can name a list of things she nit picks with me about and it’s everyday I’m so tired of it but she ALWAYS has something to say about me rocking or holding my OWN baby


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My mom constantly oversteps my parenting

You live in her house saying something risk the roof over your head . If you upset her she can make you leave

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I’d start using the good old fashioned ignoring tactic. Whenever she talks to you, just look away or stare out a window.


Totally get this I’m in the same boat - I just say mom I’m doing it my way


It’s actually up to you to make her stop telling you what to do and just don’t listen to her and you keep doing you and your baby . Tell her look it up on google does it say it’s bad to rock you baby to sleep ? Be a smart a&$&ss about it . To prove to her wrong .

You’re just gonna have to tell her that her parenting days are over. It’s your turn


I have a mom who does this as well, i just shut her down immediately or ignore altogether. Makes it easier

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Definitely start making a plan to get out. This sounds like a super stressful situation and all you can do is try to keep the peace :v:


I fell for that “you’ll spoil the baby” and did not rock my babies that much. I regret that bonding and loving time that I missed because someone else felt the need to mislead me! Get out of this house as soon as possible!


Since you live with her it’s kinda hard to start arguments but don’t even acknowledge she’s talking. It’s your baby do whatever you want. Ignore the remarks she makes. I mean what is she going to do if you don’t take her advice. Most likely nothing.


She raised her own children she just trying to help she not trying to be mean,
just tell her thankyou for her input (u don’t have go take or listen to it) but it acknowledged you heard what she said n she might shut up quicker She might soon take the hint.

I get not wanting to rock the boat and be confrontational especially since you live together. So just say “ok” and then do what you want anyway :woman_shrugging: you’re a grown up…You can just say okay and then do whatever you want anyway. OR you can just ignore whatever your mom says. Don’t let it get to you… let it roll off your shoulders. My mom lives with us so I get it. I usually just say “ok” and then do whatever I feel is right OR I straight up ignore her. IF she presses hard on something then I tell her kindly that she needs to back off


I’ve rocked or cuddle by babies to sleep each night since day one. Nothing wrong with it.

how soon can you get out of her house , the sooner the better

Stay calm and say ’ yes mum’ Life is too short .
The more you just say yes mum she may even naturally back off !
And have in your mind a time when you will be in your own home and enjoying the p and q

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Dats y… because u live n her house…

Ignore her and do your own thing. They’re only babies before so long. They’ll be too big to rock to sleep before you know it.

“Thats great, mom, but this is my baby, and I will raise my baby as I see fit.” Nothing else needs to be said. If you need to keep saying it, to, but broken record style. Say your bit, and then do not engage in her outbursts except to calmly repeat what you’ve already said.

I rock my grandson every day. he loves it

Her motherly instinct has kicked in, I get it’s frustrating. I mean living in her home there’s really no avoiding it. Maybe have an adult conversation with her about the things that bother you and thank her for her input and concerns.

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“Thats great, mom, but this is my baby, and I will raise my baby as I see fit.” Nothing else needs to be said. If you need to keep saying it, do, but broken record style. Say your bit, and then do not engage in her outbursts except to calmly repeat what you’ve already said.


Her house thou… got to respect mom maybe she is only trying to help you from having issues down the road I’m sure there’s more to it hopefully she just isn’t a evil person inside. I know as a gma to a 15 year old mom I tend to try to help with my gson 5 months and my daughter thinks all I do is wrong but when she needs me she always comes to me for advice just take the good with the bad and dust it off as she is trying to help.


YOU CANT SPOUL A BABY THEY AREN’T MILK!!! Use the phrase “I’ll consider your input thanks” (basically saying f@ck off) lol


I’ve rocked every one of my babies that’s just ridiculous :roll_eyes: yea you live in her house but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s YOUR kid. I would tell her I respect your wishes when it comes to house rules so you need to respect mine when it comes to raising MY child


Get a place of your own she is just trying to help


Make plans to get out. But in the mean time, continue to parent your child.


You can’t spoil a baby with too much love. That’s ridiculous. & why would you want to rock & cuddle your baby? Big yikes on her part.

“Why are you rocking her” - tell her because you want to, because she likes it, because you’re her mom, because it’s what’s best for her. & tell her you can spoil a baby with too much love.

I would be moving as soon as possible.

Could she be jealous?

I dealt with my mom over stepping boundaries.
I simply removed my child from seeing her until she changed her views.

They say attention deficit disorder is not hereditary but then they also said if both parents have it the child is more likely :thinking:
Considering I’m extremely A.D.D. I was worried for my child and wanted to eliminate things they said could cause it like high sugar intake and staying on a schedule.
My mom would purposely load my kid down with sugars and junk.
And then just show up to pick her up whenever she wanted without asking and then tell my daughter to go get in the car cause it didn’t matter what I said.


I struggled with this for a very long time and sometimes still do 12 years later… “appreciate your concern but my child not yours” your mom needs to realize you raising your child is not the same as when they raised you. Its a struggle and they will continue to judge your every move. My daughter will be 12 next month, and it took 10 years of me biting my tongue and not causing arguments. And i lost it one day. After years and years of judgement… continue doing whats best for you and your kiddo.


First step, move out. Second step, raise your child the way you want.


You really do need to get out. I hope it’s soon for you. That’s your baby girl. You raise her as you wish. Like you said,… You’re not harming her. Mothers always have something to say. Since they’ve raised their kids. They always know what’s right. NOT! You love your baby. The way you wish to love her. You’re suppose to do what makes her happy. If rocking makes her happy. Then rock her. I wish you much luck!

Move out as soon as you can! Sallie Harrington

Remind her that times have changed.
Parentinf ideas have changed. What worked 30 yrs ago has new info on now.

But also. If you dont want people to have opinions or give you advice baseed on their parenting experience move out and be 100% independent

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Both of my parents do this and my dad will do it in public and when I say something I’m the one being crazy. Then it’s my fault she spit on him. Sure okay. She’s running her mouth to me and screaming, I tell her she stops or we leave with nothing and he tells her “it’s not you baby”.

she is right about the rocking, Whether you listen or not, that si up to you. Just think like a teenager & just say ‘Yes’ to her or "OK’ to keep the peace until you move out


They are just Babies once,Rock them all you can

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You must set boundaries let her know you appreciate her advice however you want to do things differently with your baby…my granddaughter and infant stayed 2 different times with me…so she told me and others how she wanted things done with her baby…so that was respected…and it s/b…and yes get a plan and live somewhere else so you are in control of your baby…keep rocking that baby…they love it and I feel it’s nurturing…good luck…have the talk till you can leave…she may not like it and actually she’s the disrespectful one not you…so stand up for yourself :+1:

Say okay mom and just rock your baby anyways.


Get your own place! End of story. There’s alot of programs for single parents for housing and such. Remember, she was brought in a different era, and she is your mother. Harsh words cannot be unsaid.

Have you checked low rent housing

Just because she has a title to your child doesn’t mean she’s entitled to your child!


Mom” You raised yours how you wanted, now its my turn”


You rock that baby until baby no longer fits in your lap. You need to do whatever you can to get out of there…she will undermined you with your child when she can. Don’t ever let her make you feel bad for showing affection to your child. My guess is she withheld affection from you as a control method.


Mom” You raised yours how you wanted, now its my turn right? ” not mean or disrespectful


I have this issue with my mil I finally snapped and said you had ur chance to raise ur kids so back off and let me raise mine she hates that I hold my boys but idgaf they are only little for so long she hates that I let my son decide what he wants for snacks and lunch or how I let him release his emotions. I get fed up with the older generation telling me how to parent when they f@cked us up so bad. The only person I take parenting advise from is my grandmother who is still being a mother to foster kids and knows her stuff


She probably is just trying to help you,through things she learned.I don’t think her intentions are bad. Since you live in her home just agree with her,and go on do what you were going to mommas gone on to heaven,oh how I miss her. How I wish I could hear her voice again telling me ,my babies wouldn’t learn how to cry because I held them all the time! Lol! I miss holding a baby all the time,and I miss my momma.

If you don’t want to be over ran by your mother you need to get out on your own and prove to her you can parent your own child.


Work harder at getting your own household to manage.

I held and rocked my daughter constantly! I picked her up with every cry she ever made. It actually made my daughter full of trust and secure feeling. She’s a very independent toddler now who has always went to her bed at night when she’s tired. Never needs rocked or held to fall asleep. They’re only little ONCE. Raise YOUR baby how YOU feel is BEST


There’s not much you can do as long as you live together.

Her house her thoughts she won’t tone it down for anyone. You need to move out if you want it to stop


Your teen age years must have been hard on your Mother.


Different times now. Rock baby in bedroom on your own without the rocker. She’s Mom and will always have some “Mom” advice wether you live there or not. Respect your parents and be glad you still have them around because the day they pass you will wish they didn’t. Just know you will be out soon enough and won’t hear it anymore.

Try not to let her get to you and you could buy a doll baby – they look so real put that in the rocker and rock it so hard that the baby doll flies out ! When she realises she was tricked she may back of or may stop talking to you which would be a break for you :smile:

I would try to explain that you appreciate her wanting to be helpful, but that you have things under control and if you decide you want advice you will ask her for it.
I know thats easier said than done and grandparents like this don’t tend to listen easily either. The only other thing you can do is keep working towards leaving as soon as you’re able

I was young when I had my daughter, 18 preg, 19 had her, and everyone would ALWAYS tell me how to parent. On One hand I was thankful for the advice. And I’d let them know that too, like thank you for ur tip or ur advice! BUT ultimately it was MY child and MY decision on how I would raise her.
ONE time my grandfather I believe it was, over stepped and instead of telling me what I should do, he corrected HER directly. She was prob only 3 or 4 at the time and i was not happy. I’ve never once yelled at my grandparents until that day. I just simply let them know she is my child, MY child and while I apprieate the help and advice and tips, ultimately it was my decision what to do and not to. They apologized and never overstepped again. They were always there to help, up until they both passed away (believe my daughter was ab 15 by then) and they would always start the sentence by saying “I’m not telling you how to raise your child, thats your choice but if I were you I would…”
I kno how it feels. Tbh I would simply ignore ur mom when she oversteps like this. Or simply say Thank u for the advice. But if she keeps it up, just have a talk. Don’t be mean or rude u don’t want kicked out the house. But tell her, momma this is my child and while I am so thankful for you helping us and you always giving me your advice and tips on raising her/ him, ultimately she/is my baby and I’m going to do what I feel is best for my child. Sometimes I will take ur advice and sometimes I wont. And that is okay! Alot has changed in terms of parenting over the last 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years. What used to work in 1980 doesn’t work now. What used to be thought was the correct way of doing something in 1970 or even in 1990 is no longer valid.

I’m sure your mom isn’t TRYING to be overstepping. She’s just a momma a grandma and she thinks she is helping. So don’t be too hard on her.

Tell her thanks for the suggestion or advise. I enjoy this and I can handle any problems in the long run should they crop up. He or she is mine to spoil. Sometimes it’s ok to emotionally spoil them. Just don’t materialisticly spoil them. There’s a difference. A child will feel more secure when rocked. I rocked both of mine. They never has security issues of any kind. No blanky or special stuffed animal. I think that is more important.

There is housing for low income families or single Moms. Call 211 for help. Also your community may have low income housing and you can call Housing Authority there in your area. God bless.

Honestly it’s not gonna change unless you and your child move out and I recommend doing it before it’s too late and things don’t change. Prayers

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I would avoid her at all costs and gtfo . My mom was like this too and I had to cut her off from seeing MY son for awhile before she figured out I am the mother now. She respects me a a lot more and I’ve trained my mother now to refer everything back to me with my son. So she directs the respect to me. I make the decisions she does not and if she wants a relationship with my son she will have to respect me at the same time. Once you give them the power by living under their roof it boosts the narcissists control. I don’t care what you have to do but get out of there. 


It’s just a grandma thing trust me I probably was one of those grandmas but my daughter understood so that helped a lot but she knew I did it out of love

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We spoiled our grandbabies a lot

Until you live in your own place I mean it’s just sounding like everything is Annoying you. It sounds petty to me.


i rocked my babies too and they grow out of it in time

Sadly you’re in her home and it’s hard. Best to save every dime and move.



She’s going to get on your nerves and you’re going to be irritable.

It’s part of leaving the nest so to speak, even though your situation is out of the usual order.

It’s your baby, raise it as you see fit. That said you are under her roof so you must tolerate her.

Just ‘yes’ her for now and use all this energy you’re feeling as irritation as a drive source to get yourself out on your own.


Unfortunately it’s not your home so it’s one of those grin and bear it until you get your own place if it’s that bad.

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Just because you live there does not give her the right to interfere in your parenting unless you’re doing something dangerous to baby.
Many grandparents think the old ways were best…myself included sometimes lol…but you offer advice you dont bully and you dont interfere when younger parents dont agree.
Just stay calm. Say thank you for the advice but this is how I’m happy doing it for now.
Hopefully you get your own place soon


I been in ur position and it sucks. I lived with my mom for a couple of years to get back on my feet after separating from my son’s father and it sucked. I couldn’t parents my kid but I stayed because moneywise was good but it got to the point that I had to leave her place because it was taking a toll on my mental health, my kid didn’t listen to me, I was constantly feeling like the worse mother ever. When I left her place, it felt so good.


I rocked my babies because my mother died.

just scream fuck off one day REALLY loud and turn around and walk away.
you HAVE to use your voice bc unfortunately a BABY needs to be rocked, held, loved and SPOILED.
youre going to regret big time not standing up for yourself bc your going to miss rocking your baby, holding him/her, and carrying them around all the time.
thats the point of being a baby hello!
tell her to fuck off and leave you alone, and if she has a problem tell her dont say anything at all.
just bc shes your mom doesnt mean ahe gets to control yoi now as an adult or a parent
grow a pair

Until you stand up for you, nothing will change.

Get your own place and you won’t have to hear her.

i deal w this same thing from my grandma. i love her a bunch but still /: each time i’ve said something it also just turns into an argument, i constantly feel like i’m doing something wrong. so i completely get this ): i’m sorry you’re dealing with it!!

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Do it as much as you can! They don’t stay that little forever!

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i’d be telling her that you cannot spoil a baby with love and care. why would she want you to love and care for your baby less? that’s weird.

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You have to MOVE !!! My mom and I are best friends, we have always had a great relationship,I still live in the same apartment with her when I have my baby girl, and yes , we fight a lot for the same stuff “ how I parenting my daughter “ my daughter was disabled she had a cerebral infarction in my belly , my mom doesn’t even let her cry, she wanted me to do everything for her and get pissed when I just stare at my daughter and see her struggling with out helping her , I told her more than once that I wanted her to be as independent as she can and that she had to learn how to do stuff with what she has, that we can’t help her all the time because she has to be ready for the world etc.
Any way, I moved to my own apartment ( same complex) and that was the best decision I have ever make.

Step 1: Say “thank you for your input.” Then keep doing what you’re doing. If she gets mad that’s on her. Don’t argue with her. Just do what you do.

Step 2: If she doesn’t stop, upgrade to “I know what I’m doing. Thank you.”

Step 3: This is my child. I need you to trust that I’m doing things the way I think is best. Please stop giving unsolicited advice and criticism. There may be times I ask for your advice, but when I’m not, I need you to stop telling me how to parent. I have my own ideas and I want to try them."

Step 4: “Stop. We’ve been over this already.”

Refuse to engage in an argument or justify yourself. Regardless of living in her house, she doesn’t get to tell you how to parent. Be ready for her to be angry. That’s her decision and not your burden to carry. She’ll have to cope with it.


She had her time to raise her kid(s) and now it’s your turn. Babies grow up so fast, so I say just do what you want as long as it’s not harmful to baby. They are only babies once so enjoy it while you can❤️


Have it out with her. :woman_shrugging:
“You don’t have to like my parenting choices but you will respect them.” If you have to, avoid being in the same room with her & YOUR baby. Stay in your room.
Until you leave, it’ll be a fight. So, look into getting help from social services if you have to but get out; soon.

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You can’t spoil a baby. I hate when people say that. They are only little once so soak it up and do whatever you want. They grow up so fast. My first born turned 18 today


I’d politely state her confidence in your mothering her grandchildren seems to be a reflection of herself, is she concerned she didn’t do enough? Or possibly seeking to push you away as her continued interference is making you feel unhappy and you feel it’s inferring with ng with your relationship.
This should be a beautiful time together not a stressful situation.
Praying for peace for you.
She may not know she’s being this way.
Ask her to have a conversation.
I’d prefer my daughter do this if it were me.
Thankfully I have a very blunt child who isn’t afraid to voice her opinion. I’m thankful as we have an amazing relationship because of it!!!:heart:Hopefully you can get there

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Give her the tons of research that literally tells her she’s wrong. Ridiculous. I’d have snapped by now.


Honestly ignore it just breathe in and out when it happens and continue to do it because I did and my kids are perfectly fine. I see nothing wrong with rocking or babying your child that’s what mothers do. It comes naturally I’m sure your doing the best you can.

Move out …problem solved


Try to get your own place, however, in the meantime tell her she needs to be be GRANDMA, and let you be MOM to your child. And use you respectful big girl voice!


Check into local resources in your area for single moms. There are agencies that will not only help you find a place, but help with security deposit and first months rent. Agencies will help with food, medical, child care, and utility assistance.

The only way you’re going to be able to stop her interfering and over stepping boundaries is to be out from under her roof.


The faster you move out the better things WILL be !


You can’t spoil a baby with love…


You can not spoil a baby by rocking her. And you can hold her as much as you want to. Either put your foot down or quit complaining. Get help from local resources to help you get out on your own.


Always rock your baby. In your arms, as long as you can :heartpulse:


we had 5 kids, and friends had many as well. no baby was ever rocked too much, When ready they would climb down to run.


Ignore it. Tell he you’re the mother and you’ll parent how you see fit. Also tell her that when your child is older she won’t expect you to rock her, for her entire life. That’s just ridiculous.


Your mom is ready for you to be on your own.


I would tell her straight out that it’s your baby to butt out

Should’ve thought about that before having a baby you don’t have a house for.


Your child feels secure. I loved to rock my son to sleep but she has a point after about ,2. And believe it or not if your child can sit up they can sit on the potty. I turned my son around backwards and put toys on the back of the toilet so he’d get used to the pot. Worked

Find somewhere to go bc she won’t stop trust me I know. My mother still butts into how I raise my kids and it’s not ok. This last time I went off on her big time and she backed off but she still puts in little digs or remarks about how I should be raising them. I moved out an even had a time that I almost had to go back an I refused to do so. I did everything I could to not go back and it’s been 4yrs now and I have my own home with my husband an kids and I even went as far as to live in another state. She still calls an tells me what to do with them and tells my kids that it’s ok if they don’t listen to me when they’re not liking me telling them no. An sure I’m ok if they want to vent to their grandma but she has no right to tell them not to listen to me or to not worry about it bc I’m not serious or that I’ll do it once she has words with me. Guess what never do and the kids have learned that it doesn’t matter what she says bc she doesn’t live here. So buckle up and get yourself prepared to jump ship bc once you do it does get easier to put boundaries in place. Also there’s no such thing as spoiling a baby. So rock her hug her hold her and love all up on that baby and when your mom says don’t you just say I will always love my baby an fulfill her needs. Leave it at that no matter what your mom says after.


You just need to move out. It’ll only harm your relationship.

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