My mom corrects my parenting in front of my kid: Advice?

Limit visits. If grandma can’t respect you and your parenting she doesn’t need to hang around

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She had hers. You have yours. It’s always a battle. If I gotta choose between parenting my kids or a grandparent my kids will win every time. I’ll always do what’s in their best interest.

When I was pregnant with both of my kids my mom told me she wanted nothing to do with them because I got pregnant and wasn’t married. She tries to tell me how to discipline my kids and what I should spend money for on them and stuff and every single time I remind her that she didn’t want anything to do with my “bastard kids” before so her “advice” is not needed. She knows to back off when she has struck a nerve. But we still remain respectful to each other (well I do at least)

Noooope. Grandma raised her own kids, there’s no need to raise/parent yours. I’d put a hard stop to that ASAP. If she can’t respect you asking her to stop, then she doesn’t need to be around them until she learns to abide by HEALTHY boundaries. That’s confusing for the kids to hear one thing from you and another from her and that’s not fair to the kids or you as a mother.

Ooooo then tell her to take them for the day since she knows everything and borrow her credit card and go take you a mommy day out. I did that once my mom soon stopped that shit real quick.

Tell her bluntly that if she doesn’t stop she can’t be around them. But honestly how much are your kids eating if she thinks they’re not getting enough food? That’s concerning.

Sounds as though you need to distance yourself from your mom for a bit and let her know until she stops trying to correct your parenting with your children then she will not be around them you have to let her know you are the parent yes you value her opinion but she shouldn’t be telling you what to do with your own kids and saying stuff in front of them that is a no go right there and you need to put a stop to it ASAP

Next time she says something like that in front of the kids, say “I understand that you care about my children, and have your own opinions, but these are my children, I am their mother, and I am doing what I think is best for them. You can either support me and my parenting decisions, or tell me your opinions in private. I will not have you disrespecting my parenting choices in front of my children.”

I loved my grandparents, and I love my parents, but it was extremely damaging to me mentally, watching them “argue” about my upbringing.

Correct her back on the spot. Then tell her if she can’t see that she’s negatively influencing your kids behaviors then you limit the visits. I have no issue telling a grandparent to keep it to themselves or kick rocks because they’ve had their chance and this is MINE.

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Until grandma starts paying all the bills and cares for the children grandmas opinion doesn’t mean anything :woman_shrugging:

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Do you live with her? Have a talk with her, if she doesn’t change, stay away.


Point out the issues you have with her in front of the kids. Remind her she isn’t perfect either. Turn the tables. Be petty about it.

I’d tell her to keep her nose out not her children not her business

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Tell your little one that grandma obviously wanted to buy new glasses for him and when she finds out she’s been committed that she knows she’s on speaker phone in front of the kids. Turn about fair play.

I don’t really have this type of issue but my mom does try to give me suggestions & such at times & i jokingly but seriously tell her she had her chance as the mom & now im the mom.

I would have a conversation with gma without any children around, even if it is on the phone…let mom know that her critique is not allowable in front of the children or for them to ever hear, that you’re the parent and you appreciate helpful advice, but in the end you’re the parent and make the decisions for them. Also let her know if she cannot respect you and your choices then her access will be limited to your narrative.

I would avoid contact with grandma for a bit … have a private conversation with her in person or text or phone call or email and let her know that what she is doing is undermining your confidence and the children now will act out because grandma has degraded you infront of the children. This is not something she needs to do nor is necessary and if she has issues with your parenting to keep it private and send it in a text ect and never ever say negative things infront of the kids. This is also what some single parents or even together parents do infront of the kids and the kids pick up on the parent being degraded and will no longer listen to them and act up more with them. The kids are the ones suffering through all of this and it’s wrong on many levels.

My mom would no longer be seeing my kids until she could learn to respect the fact that I am the mother and she is not.

Correct her back in front of the child. Thank you mom for you input but he/she is my child and will follow my rules. My mother did the same.

Just use it as a teaching moment for your kid🤷🏼‍♀️ Everyone has differences of opinions, even adult parent/kids. She them how you can have an open discussion and be respectful of each other.

What’s wrong about her pointing out his glasses don’t fit? Just make an appt and have them check it out. Maybe she’s right.

I lived with my grandmother for almost a decade who would do this and so much worse. It cost my mental health a lot

Under your roof your mother will follow your rules or she can leave. Period.


Remind her she raised an intellegent strong woman now mother, that doubting you is doubting her capability that raised you and if that’s true you shouldn’t listen to her anyway

Tell your mom that when she can respect your wishes, she’ll be welcome back around. Until then… Buh bye

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When my mom starts doing crap like this its usually time for a break. Some space, and time to re establish the order of things. Its usually helps us.

Do you live with her? If not if she starts saying something ask her to leave. If you feel she’s crossing a boundary you have set don’t allow her to keep doing it.

Tell your mother to either respect you as a parent or you will be limiting her time with your child.

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When around and confronting you in front of your kids, respectfully talk about it like adults in front of your kids so they can learn a lesson. It’s OK to disagree, ask questions, share opinions. Especially if she is the one bringing it up infront of your kids as long as each party is civil about it.

Nicely you can tell her to mind her own business or if she feels the need to tell you …wait till the kids leave

Mine did something similar and I had to put my foot down and say, when I want your parenting advice, I will ask for it.

Nah if she can’t respect you as a parent she is unwelcome. She “doesn’t fit” in your home or around the children.

grandma needs a time out every time she says something unpleasant (my niece gave her mother a 5yr time out) at least i think that is wa

A lot of these comments seems like they’re coming from moms and not from Grandma’s I’m a grandma and I would have to agree to you at some point that you are responsible for your child’s development and parenting but you also have to respect your mom as well or I would say is just take her aside and let her know that it is ruining your relationship with her as well as undermining you in front of your kids is not good

If she isn’t respecting your boundaries she doesn’t need to be around your kids. She’s doesn’t make the rules. Until she can respect your wishes I wouldn’t let her see them :woman_shrugging:t2:

Grandma wouldn’t be coming around til she got some act right

I think it’s wrong, same as one parent correcting the other in front of the children.

Let her know that your her kid, and these kids are yours. That you raise them how you want just like she did with you

Grandma is causing issues with the kids by pointing every little thing out

If she keeps it up maybe she needs some time away from y’all to think about what she is doing

You need to PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN and tell your mom to back off. Or stay away from her.

If she doesn’t want to listen then tell her she’s not welcome at your house unless she’s going to abide by your request because it’s your home and your children and she needs to respect boundaries

This may come off harsh, but it’s what I’ve had to do with my mother/stepfather and my exs mother when they were around my kids… Straight up tell her if she can’t respect your parenting and talk to you about it without the kiddos present and any other issues you might have, then she doesn’t need to be around the grandchildren. You are the mother, not her. The fact that it’s already causing issues for you with parenting your children is not good at all, time to nip it before it gets worse. (And from my own personal experience, it can. Hence certain people no longer allowed around my children.)

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Have a talk with her and if she gets defensive, cut her off until she learns to respect you as a mother.

Yell at her. Maybe then she will listen :person_shrugging: I don’t understand why people act like that or correct people.

Stop being so nice to mom and lay down the law in your home with her or tell her she can leave next time she does it.

She shouldn’t be commenting on your parenting or even correcting it. She’s not the parent. If she keeps going i would tell her that she has the option to stop or to not see the kids anymore. As the will grow up to not listen to you and listen to her instead and it’s teaching them to disrespect you.

Then I wouldn’t be seeing grandma until she respects my boundaries.

This is how I handled it. My rules my roof. Your rules your roof. If an issues arises under another roof limit that exposure and explain why.
It took a few months for this to set in but works amazingly if you stand your ground.
Also I’ve noticed that when my kiddos says well grandma lets me do it I explain that it is special moments for grandma and you at her house. These are our moments home. That way they experience different opinions and still be humble.

If your mom won’t respect you as a parent, maybe some space is necessary?

Maybe mama needs to be around less! She seems to have issues!

Put grandma in time-out, in front of the kids, if you have to. Tell her why.

Tell your mom to respect your parenting or cut her out completely. If you don’t set boundaries now your kids will never respect you.

Wow!! Some of these comments are Awful… Kick rocks…get her out…no contact…ECT… Sad…sad…sad. You can explain your rules and all but Dayum… She is your mom!!! Kids Grandma!! With covid like it is how are you going to feel.if you tell her get the flock out of my house and she ends up in the hospital… Do you want to keep any kind of relationship with your mother?? If so…tread lightly ( and carry a big stick. Lol ) but there are other ways than being rude and mean to your mother… All these saying fuk the grandma… I hope like hell you never Need your momma and she is no where around.


Grandma needs to respect your request or butt out period!

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Tell her she took care of her kids now it’s ur time to take care of yours say it kindly

Correct her in front of the kids and let her know that her advice or opinions aren’t needed unless asked for.
For me I had to tell my grandma and my child that her allowing him to do something after I told him no, only warranted him getting in trouble because of her. Because he would be in trouble for disobeying me. :woman_shrugging:t4:


See I’m all about shock value. Yes some of our parents have great advice, but that’s just it, advice. However, ask if she popped them out of her vagina. She’ll get flustered. Unless she popped them out or pays for everything if you’re that bad of a parent, then no she has no say. Also remind your kids who the parent is.


Tell her you got your parenting skills from the way she raised you, so if she doesn’t like it then she should reprimand her damn self. Lol


Tell your mom, she blew it raising you, so keep her opinions to herself,or leave.

Set boundaries and stick to them. For example, “I really want you to have a relationship with your grandchildren, but if you question my parenting again, we will have no contact for (set amount of time, like a week or a month), then when we resume we will extend the time if you do it again. My children get confused when you contradict me and it makes it difficult for them to follow our rules”


Grandma don’t like it she doesn’t have to be a part of your life

Tell grandma to get with the program or butt out! :v:

My mother does that same mess

Until grandma could respect my boundaries she wouldn’t be allowed to see my children. It’s harsh but they are your children. Then it will get to the point well grandma said I don’t have to do xwz. Set boundaries and stick to it!

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Sorry to say it but you need to put her in her place right infront of your kids. Make sure they know exactly who is boss, and that includes making sure she knows it too. She might get huffy at first, but stick to your boundaries and eventually she will accept it and follow your wishes. But you HAVE to put your foot down before your own children start to think it is ok to disregard you and disrespect your rules too. Kids learn by copying the behavior of their authority figures.

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I’ve had this issue w mom and mom in law and The only thing that was effective was cutting them off from me and my kids until they respected me and my parenting.

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Deny grandma any access to the kiddos until she can BEHAVE (stop purposely UNDERMINING your authority)…


Even in private she shouldn’t tell her to stop throwing a monkey wrench into your family your kids your rules you are raising them

If she has such an issue with the way YOU are raising YOUR kids then ask her if she feels inadequate on how she raised you.

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As a parent myself , that would make me a tad bit uncomfortable :persevere: for my parent to be telling me what to do with my kids, and I understand you don’t wanna feel humiliated in front of your kids , should she speak to you in private about the matter absolutely :bangbang: so you just need to straight up tell her that if she wants to keep with you concerning the kids she can call , text , or set up a meeting to speak :speaking_head: the kids , when me and my kids nana speak to each other regarding my kids , I walk away to give myself and her room to speak about their well being :bangbang: set standards and if she refuse to meet them then to hell with her

Tell her she either needs to respect you in front of your kids, or she will have limited visits. Your grown now. Sometimes parents need to be reminded. (Grandparents that is)

Your mom sounds like a bully tbh

My mom wouldn’t be around then🤷‍♀️

Ask her kindly to respect your wishes and if she cannot do that and the kids can’t come over anymore, I don’t care she’s your babysitter best friend whatever that is not her place tell her she needs to learn to keep your opinions to herself or you’re just simply not going there no more

Tell her to straight up stop co parenting in front of the children. If she disagrees with something to discuss it when the kids are not there. Talk to her like shes 5. Get you point across. Tell her if she cant refrain from discussing these things in front of the kids they wont be visiting as much because its causing emotional insecurities in the children.
Yes shes your mom and certain respect is due, but if shes bringing toxicity to your kids then you have every right to put your foot down regardless of who she is. People cut toxic family out of their lives all the time. You dont have to be grateful about her lack of respect and straight inconsideration of your request and children emotional well being. It put you down as a parent. Tell her they are YOUR kids. What you says goes. Sure it might cause some issues. She will get over it or not be involved depending on her maturity level. Im sick of people thinking that you have to honor a toxic parent. No. No you dont.

If you’re Asian like I am than this is totally normal :joy:

Shes trying to help u have more respect for ur mother

Be Mom and voice your authority. After all, what is she going to do? Spank you? Lol girl tell her to kiss ya ass

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You are right , it creats problems when she corrects things she dont agree with ,

Pull her aside, demand she stops it. Any issues need to be dealt with privately. Be firm! IF they can’t agree, they can’t visit.

Hmmmmmm yeah no lol
Stand up
Plain and simple :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I feel like my mom has done the same thing but in my case
It all is in a loving, good manner
And she always says she’s proud of me but
Sometimes nerves are hit
Depends on the situation really …. Grandparents
Always play the “soft” roll lol that’s their luxury
Sometimes it doesnt mean any harm but I’m well aware of circumstances where it becomes a problem
And you just have to put your foot down :raised_hands:

Undermining is disrespectful. Set boundaries with your mom

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:smirk: tell GM you are their mom and that she is urs. She can keep in her lane. Period

My Mom did this constantly for years and years.

She either listens or not allowed to come around

I cut my mother off completely because this was an every visit thing for mine as well. Plus she is a nasty manipulator. I know people always say you only have one mom. Lol well then maybe that one mom should be just that. Your mom not your boss. Obviously we have more issued than her under-minding me in front of my kids so my actions are very justifiable however letting her know she wont see your kids if she keeps it up might help you

Start point out the things she does that you don’t like… get petty about it. I bet she stops

Make it short and simple. Of she wants to see them then she shuts her mouth. They aren’t her kids, she has no right to an opinion. So it’s either she does as she is told and sees them, or she doesn’t and she gets cut off.

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That’s when I stop letting grandma around my kids! Teach her a lesson … if she can’t respect you, then she doesn’t need to be around your kids. Simple.

I’d be having an immediate discussion with my mom and setting boundaries now. She needs to address those things with YOU and let you be the parent vs putting stuff in your kids heads.

If she cannot obey your rules, cut off visiting for a while and make it hurt :woman_shrugging:t2:

I remember when I had to live with my parents for a while…on Halloween my dad would lecture me that I need to put a coat on my son. Yeah, I wasn’t putting on a coat over his costume. Lol. He was wearing layers underneath, and he was fine. Love my dad, but I was so glad to move out of his house.

Your mom is out of line. Period. When your mom disregards your request and admonishes you in front of your kids, make that a teaching moment, in front of your kids, and let the kids hear you say that… grandma doesn’t play by the rules of our home and she needs a time out, just like when you littles break the rules. Then gather your kids and leave the room for grandma’s time out, telling the kids we’ll go set the timer for grandma so she knows when her time is done. End Of. Story. BOOM.

Stop bringing them around her if you can, or just say something back in the moment

Is going off on her an option?

Cut her off until she learns.

Your mom is wrong for that

Tell her to f off and if she doesn’t stop then don’t let her around

Ang Margaret the correct answer is slap a h@e right

Next time call her out on her parenting :woman_shrugging:t2: no parent is perfect and if she thinks dishing out constant criticism is ok in front of the kids, see how she likes it. Or do what I’d do, which is tell her to shut the fuck up and mind her business :smiling_face: