Okay mommas, help me out. My mom is 60 years old with lots of health problems. Her and myself has raised my niece and nephew. Their mom has been super inconsistent. My niece is 16 years old. She told us last night she was pregnant. I’ve not lived at home in 8 years so I’ve not had much say over what she’s been doing and she’s very sneaky. Like I said my mom is super sick. So she hasn’t been able to stay right on top of them. I guess I’m just looking for words of advice. I’m scared for her. She can’t take care of herself let alone another kid. And she’s a smart butt teenager that that.
Being 16 and pregnant is going to knock some reality into her whether she likes it or not… She’s going to have to grow up a lot faster now so you should definitely be there for her and support her …I’m not against teenage mothers keeping their babies at all. I am actually a 33-year-old who’s mother was only 14 when she got pregnant with me. Sadly my mother passed away when I was 13. From type 1 diabetes. But Even though my parents were young, they did the best that they could, I never went without and luckily enough their parents were very supportive of them raising me… After the shock of course. But you could talk to her about adoption.
All you can do is be there for her and let her know she has options. No one can make a decision but her. You cannot force her to give the baby up for adoption or have an abortion, as you can’t force her to keep it. The decision will ultimately be hers. Educate her.
Mom at 16 here
It’s hard. I knew I wanted better for my son and had no idea how to create it.
First few years were shaky (I was a single Mom of three at 23.)
Today, my son is 17- he’s about to graduate High School with a 4.0 & go play College Football. He wants to study Psychology and Social Work, with the ultimate goal of having a non-profit outreach for troubled youth. He wants to make a difference for kids who grew up like me. I think everyone projects failure on teenage Moms & their babies. I just wanted to share that maybe it doesn’t have to ruin her life, my Son did just the opposite- he saved me Good luck and just love her through it, she’s gonna need support! PS - I was also a sassy, smart mouthed, know it all, have it all figured out when I was 16. I quickly grew up!
I was pregnant at 16, had my son at 17. Life has been hard but i rose to the responsibilities of being a young mom. I finished high school ON TIME with my class, and worked to pay for all of my son’s necessities including all furniture, carseat, clothes, bottles, food. paid for my own gas in my car, paid for sitters to watch my son while i went to school and worked. I busted my ass and did it myself because my parents wouldnt help and told me that from the moment i got pregnant that if i made the choice to keep my child it would be all on me. Be supportive. Be there for her and give her the benefit of the doubt to do whats best for her and her child, no matter how hard it will be.
Let her know you are here for whatever support she needs, and that she is not alone.
Try and be as supportive as you can. As a teen mother honestly it was the hardest thing I ever did and it took a long time as I kind of grew up alongside my son. She will be OK, let her know her options and be supportive of whatever she chooses.
Support makes a lot of difference in these situations. I’ve seen families drop them on their ass just to watch them (and their baby) struggle. Then I’ve seen teen moms with support grow up, get an education, and do well for their littles. The situation is not ideal but it is what it is. Support makes a difference!
Talk to her let her know you love and care very much about her and be super supportive. Talk to her about her options. Whatever she decides to do be supportive.
Resources, a counsellor and just being there to show you can try your best. She will need all the help she can get and almost emotional and mental support.
She has options but she and hopefully the father need to decide what’s best for them. I would be supportive but I would also be REAL with her. Having a child is a reality that hits hard and fast and your mom isn’t in any kind of position health wise to take on a baby.
Just be supportive. Talk to her about what her plans are and help her navigate options if she doesn’t wish to take care of the baby. She’s still a good kid no matter the circumstances. Be her guiding shoulder.
Please be supportive, tell her her options, listen to her, she could be struggling with your mum’s health more than she is letting on especially if.your.mum has raised her, she will be so scared x
Maybe suggest to see if she would move in with you . Sounds can help her and it one less burden on your mom …
She is a smart mouth teenager but a lot of times kids change you . Let her know you support her and are there. Talk to her about what she’s wanting to do or if she would like to goto a cpc . They help with information and even programs that your earn things to get stuff for your baby ( bottles , cribs , etc) . Help her get signed up for Medicaid , school options , find a doctor, etc.
Speak to her regarding her options and about the individualshe had consensual relations with and what they plan. Reality will kick in both of them. Sadly your niece knew what she was doing even though grandmother is sick. Show a bit tough love or you all will get stuck again raising another child.
I think you need to get her resources whatever she decides to do. But she needs to be held accountable as well. Make it clear that you will be there as support but she is raising a child so it’s time to grow up. What are her plans? Who is the father? I god hope she knows how dangerous it is to have unprotected sex. Not just the risk of pregnancy. How old is the father? I hope she doesn’t expect to have a child and someone else does the work of raising it. Teach her to be responsible 100% be there for her but at the end of the day if she chooses to keep it she needs to a mother.
Sit down with her and talk to her about her options and go from there. Support her no matter what option she chooses and help her get in contact with resources that will help with whatever decision she makes. She needs so much support right now!
Love her and be there for her. Help her find assistance for herself and her child.
Talk to her about her options.
Let her decide what to do, and just be there no matter what
Well she should put kid up for adoption,get an abortion, or get the father involved for support money