My mom keeps pressuring me into having kids: How can I make her understand I don't want any?

All mom’s do that. It’s a mom thing. It’s not cool. But they do that.


Sit her down and explain to her the pressure that she is putting on you. Ask her if she prefer you to be a single mother struggling or a happy single woman who can build and prepare for a better life.


Ask her to be the surrogate


If you feel that you are not ready to have a child, then she is just going to have to understand. Don’t cave to the pressure because if you do you will resent your mom and your child. When your time is right you’ll meet the right man and have a child(ren).


Enjoy this time of your life. In this day and age some women don’t have their first until they are in their 30`s. I wish I had waited. Motherhood does not end when your kids reach 18, it lasts till you die. Tell your mom straight out you a are not ready and, you are capable of finding your own men. Maybe she needs a hobby or a puppy?


Tell her to stfu my mom talked about me having kids since I was like 16. She wanted to be a grandma. I had my first kid at 29. I couldn’t imagine having one at 20 thats when I was still having all my fun :smiley:


Enjoy your life honey! You will have a child when YOU are ready! Do not let anyone pressure you into doing so!

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tell her to back off, that you don’t want any kids and to just focus on school. She needs to stop, it’s your body not hers. so what if they started young, that’s them, not you apparently you know what they didnt, to keep your legs closed. Just focus on school and try seeking gov help on getting into your own home.

Good luck lady


Im 20 with no kids also, but i have 3 step children. It’s a different experience to have your own of course, from what Ive heard. But dont have any till your ready!


I am 34 and just had my first baby 8/15/19. I felt pressured and now I am struggling wanting to be a mom. I love my son, but it’s so tough especially when I was happy the way my life was before. Don’t feel pressured and live your life for yourself.


Don’t have a kid to please someone else! Have them when you are ready.

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Some people just don’t understand personal boundaries. You don’t have to live your life based off of others timelines. We had our first when I was 19 and he was 21 and of course we love our daughter endlessly, we both agree that we could have waited a bit longer. Stand your ground. No one can tell you when you are ready for kids or that you have too. Live your life to your rules! :grin:

You are still so young … you have plenty of time to start a family. Focus on you and what you want for your life right now.

Be honest with your self when u r ready by all means

Set boundaries. Tell her no and you’ll want kids when you’re ready and you’re not ready. If she keeps bringing this up, it will make you angrier until you snap. Tell her to back off now before it gets worse. My mom used to pressure me to go to the gym all the time before I lost weight and I only skipped when I was too tired, not because I was too lazy. I eventually snapped and yelled at her. It wasn’t pretty. Since then I told my mom if I say stop asking, she stops because she knows what will happen if she keeps asking again.

So young are you and your family rumni? I had my first I thought young at 22 in 2012 I’m now having my 2nd baby due in Jan 2020… wait till your ready have a life that you enjoy if that doesn’t include babies thats ok. Your mom needs to respect your boundaries.

She/they are fucking delusional!!! :woman_facepalming:t3: You have ALONG TIME to have kids… women are still having kids at 40.

Wait! And enjoy your life single… fall in love… take your time… make sure he’s the one… THEN YALL decide when it’s time… this process can take many years

Tell her to back off. Having children changes your whole life. You are so young. When the time is right you’ll know it. I was 32 when my husband and I had our son. We decided together to wait 9 years into our marriage before having children then decided we only wanted one child. It works for us. Please don’t let anyone pressure you into having children. Let that be a decision you want in life. You know in your heart what is best for you. :revolving_hearts:

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My mom told me to wait… I had my first biological child at 26 and sadly she wasn’t here to see it. Enjoy your life, start a career and have a child with the man you choose… hopefully you won’t end up with a deadbeat like other young moms

Wow, your mom should be happy that you want to wait. My son is 29 and has no kids and doesn’t want any until he finds the right woman to share his life with that can deal with his job that he has to travel for but is home every weekend. Take your time hun and be happy and healthy until you are ready. I have number six grandchild on the way and I am happy with that!

My uncle gave me the best advice when I was your age. He said travel learn who you are and how to love you then you can find a man who will truly respect you and have children and share the rest of your life. I can tell you at 60 no regrets


Well kids aren’t for everyone🤷 basically do what you want. If you’ve explained why you don’t have kids already then just ignore her about it. I have two kids and I’m 27 and honestly, while I love them more than anything in this world, I wish I would have waited a few more years. I always wanted kids but I was nowhere near ready when it came down to it. If you don’t want kids then don’t have any. It’s your life and you have to do what’s best for you. Mom’s are weird. We do weird things. We do the wrong things with the best intentions too. If you eventually decide you do want children, don’t wait til you’re financially ready. As soon as you’ve decided with a partner or bank to have a child, focus on your body and help to prepare for it but if you wait til you’re financially ready, it may never happen. But you do you! It’s your life and if you’re not ready to be a parent then don’t be one. Just because your family had children young, doesn’t mean you have to. Do what is the best for you and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise

Don’t let anyone including mom tell you when you are ready for a child. If u have one just from being pressured it won’t be good for you or the baby. I have 2

Girl, dont rush yourself. All my cousins and everyone had babies and I was the only one who didn’t and I really didn’t want a baby for awhile or maybe even at all but I wasnt taking the right precautions and now am 37 weeks pregnant with my daughter. Don’t get me wrong I love her more than anything, but I wish I wouldnt have let myself get so pressured by everyone elses opinions. I turn 20 in January and my daughter will be here by the end of this month. Everyone is already asking me when I plan on having another and they just roll their eyes or say ill change my mind when I say I dont want another. Its always something with most people. Live your life for you!!!


Hey mom I dont want kids stop talking about it

Is this post for real? What kind of mother pushes her kid to have a kid at ages 15-19? Those are the ages where a mom normally wouldn’t want their kid to be a parent yet. Unless it’s a cultural thing, this is strange to me and morally wrong.


Man that’s crazy. Tell her if she’s asks again you’re gonna join the other team. Maybe that will shut her up lol.

Im in an opposite situation im 20 with two kids and everyone was pissed i had them i simply ignored it and did what I wanted to do your body your choice have kids when you want to not when others want you too

When you’re old you will wish you had kids.Once you age-old an fear nursing homes.I wish I had many kids. I have one and pretty sure I will be in one.

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Oh good lord!! Don’t have kids til you’re good and ready. Focus on yourself. Travel. Go to college. Get a good paying job. Have fun, have a life first…it’s the only time you can be selfish… . I wish someone would have told me to…


Your 20 like let u live your life first!!! Sounds crazy to push a baby on you. I was 19 when I had mine but I do wish I would of waited

She can have one of mine

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Put her off till your 21st. Then say oh well guess it didn’t work out lol.

Girl im sure you’ve already told her ”I don’t want a baby” im sure you told her to back off, you’re probably not gonna make her stop especially cus you live at home. So the only thing I can say is ignore her (them) and stay focus on your school! You don’t have to have a child just because everyone else has one or your fam wants you to have one. If you’re happy not having a baby and going to school then do just that! You don’t have to please anyone else, PERIOD!

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Tell her to carry them for 9 months and raised them tell your ready to adopt them!!

But no promises on when you will be ready

I had my son at 19, and my husband and I both love our son very much (he’s 27 now), and I wish I could have had the exact same child 5-10 years later. Although I was anxious for grandchildren, I could never imagine pushing him to rush into parenthood, nor did I want his wife to have children early in their marriage. They had two girls a year apart, and are really struggling to provide for them. Please do not allow your mother make you feel less than enough because you choose to wait or even if you never want to have children. Your worth is not determined by what your uterus carries. She will probably never give up, I know my mom rode me for 18 years to have a second child, even though I had fertility issues and couldn’t conceive. Just know your inner worth and that her truth doesn’t have to be your reality.

I feel for you… Just stand your ground… In the end only yourself can get yourself pregnant… Do everything to have safe sex to prevent it from happening.

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As someone who became a mom at 19 and am currently pregnant again at 21 I will say don’t have kids yet. I love my babies don’t get me wrong. But you’re young and there is nothing wrong with waiting. Focus on yourself. Travel a lot. Get a job you genuinely enjoy and stay there long enough so when you are ready to have kids (if ever) you will always have a good job to come back to.

No explanation needed let the time pass and you do you.

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“Im only 20 mom, I’d like to travel and get to know myself before i start popping out income suckers.”


Wtf most parents don’t want you to have kids young…I would simply tell my mom to back off… that I don’t want kids right now that I may change my mind later but at the moment I’m content with myself and I’m young and wanna enjoy life and start a career before starting a family so I know I won’t have to struggle…but that’s just me :woman_shrugging: I had my oldest at 18 and my youngest at 2q…not planned. If I asked my parents before hand. They would’ve told me to wait lol I became a single mom at just 22 with a dead beat baby daddy and struggled. If not for the help if my parents, I’m not sure how i would’ve made it

Your mother has issues! What a ridiculous and selfish thing to expect. Blows my mind!


I guess I’m not a woman, I’m almost 39 and can’t have kids

Shame on your momma! I support my children taking their own paths!!


Hunny you are only 20, you are young, and if your mom isn’t proud of you for waiting until you are ready, I’m sorry… you know when you are ready, and just tell her that, tell her “mom I’m only 20, I want to live a little and get my life to where when the time comes, I am completely ready for a child, this is not your choice, it’s my life, and you pressuring me isn’t going to make it happen any faster…” and just cuz you don’t have a child yet, does not make you any less of a woman and who ever said that to you should be ashamed for telling you that… you do you and only will know when you are ready to have children, don’t let your mom shame you into having a child…

I will let her borrow my oldest and she won’t give you crap anymore… lol

Ask them why anyone would want to bring a child into today’s world?

My daughter never wanted children I respected that. But I got two beautiful granddaughters from her boyfriend.

I started at 18. I have 5 and im 28. I wish i would have waited because taking classes and having small children at the same time is really hard.

Tell her straight up. I do not need a boyfriend. I do not need a baby. I would love it if you understood that. So please quit trying to force me into something I do not want. This is my life and I can do what I please with it. I am perfectly fine with where i am at with my life. I’m sorry if I am disappointing you with not having a baby when you want.

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Move to DC. We don’t have kids until we’re in our 40s & have to go to fertility clinics! :grin:

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I have a 50 year old daughter. I have NEVER said anything to her about having a child or giving me a grandchild.
Her job does not give her the opportunity to take care of a child. She travels a LOT and she would have had to put a child in daycare to be raised by everyone else but her.
Everyone is not destined to have children and shouldn’t.
I am satisfied with her choice and respect her for it.
I feel bad for your mother that she cannot respect your choice and your body. Further it is none of her business. She will NOT be the one raising the child, YOU will.
Shame on her.
Tell her to butt out of your personal life!!


I had my son at 18, and I love him to death but I wish I would have waited till now. I’m currently 26 this was the original idea of when I would have liked to become pregnant. But sometimes life has a different road for us. As for your mom be stern and tell her its not in your near future no matter how much she asks. Tell her when you’re good and ready you will decide to have a kid. There is nothing wrong with waiting at all my sister is almost 30 and still has no kids. She’s happy doing her and doing her dream job. Tell your mom you have a goal in mind and how you would like your life to be. If she still doesn’t understand ignore her everytime she asks and change the subject.

Mutilate some plastic dolls and leave them laying around.

BTW, my mom got married at 41, had me @ 45. I got married at 26, had my kids @ 32 & 35. Get some kids’ organization to call & beg her to volunteer with kids, work at a day care, be a Big Sister, help with a Scout troop, teach Sunday school/tend nursery so she has an outlet for her baby fever. You are WAY too young. Are there struggling single moms who could use her help? Redirect & she may back off hounding you. I get my “baby fix” doing Sunday School, and I’ve “adopted” 3 of my friend’s granddaughters. Single mom gets a break & some help, I get instant grandkids & don’t pressure my kids to reproduce. Good luck!

Stick to your convictions. You can only be you. Eventually they may understand or they may not, but you wanna be happy with your choices. Being the odd duck is hard, I was in my thirties before I had babies, actually was married, and had 2 degrees. Live your life for you so you can be a great mama to your baby when it’s time

You need to leave your family situation for a while. Go be you. Live. Decide who and what you want to be. Never let anyone pressure you into being what you don’t don’t feel.

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This sounds like is a cultural norm in your family & people around you. It is difficult because if you don’t conform, you will be pressured until you do.
The best way to deal with this, is difficult. You gave to step away from the cultural expectations & surround yourself with people who are like minded.
It may be as simple as moving to the next town over where the culture is different & minimize contact with your family. At least until you feel the pressure ease.
Good luck

Stand your ground. They’ll survive.

You have to have a come to Jesus meeting with her. Tell her how you feel. An tell her you are happy with your life now. Experience life it is too short live your dream no one elses.

Wow. Just wow!! I had a baby at 20 and was a single mom for awhile. It wasn’t easy. I have zero regrets tho.

Do not let anyone force into motherhood if you’re not ready!! I’ll gladly put your mom in her place if you’d like!!

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Your to young. Get your career done first then enjoy life. If you ever want kids start at 30 but really why bring kids into the world today.

Ask her does she have money for those children? Will she take care of them? If she wants them so bad she can have them. I would tell her politely. “I understand you want me to have children. But I don’t if you can’t respect that I will no longer entertain those comments. If they are said or asked I will blantenly ignore them until the subject is dropped. I deserve respect and when I am READY to have children I definitely will but that is NOT your choice to make or guilt me into”

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You’re young… wait until you’re ready I don’t have my first until 34 live your life to and have fun before you have kids.

Just tell her to stop, I’ll have a kid, when I’m ready

You do you girl! You are 20 and have plenty of time to find a man and have kids if you want that later. I told my family my goals (I wanted my college degree, good job with benefits package, and a home) before having kids. I’m 33 and I just had my first child. You have to take care of yourself before you can care for someone else.


Assuming she had you at 15-20, then tell that bitch if she wants kids, she can go have more, because your vagina ain’t open for business, and her factory’s still working.
Sounds like she got stuck at 15 and she just doesn’t want you to have a better life than her. Call her on being a petty jealous wench, and tell her to fuck off. Then be like Taytay and shake it off, because haters gon’ hate.

Tell her that you don’t want children at this time of ur life. I would like to find the perfect s/o.

Tell her that you dont want to be a real woman yet. You have enough on your shoulders and kids arent free.

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I’d tell her you appreciate her concern but you want to get a good job, your own house and have money behind you so that when and if you decide to have a baby you can give baby everything it needs and still be comfortable.

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Wow… that’s pretty crazy!

Sounds like some rather irrational thinking of what it is to be a woman. 1 your young enjoy your younger part of your life. 2 if it comes along with the right person you decide the outcome, not your family. I had mine at 30 and I dont regret it. If I did back then I would of been completely unprepared physical and emotionally. Dont give in hun, you do you and what makes ya happy. :slight_smile:

It’ll pass. Stand your ground. Smile it all out when they are pressuring you. If you don’t want it, don’t force it. It’s hard work having a child. I know you can do it but don’t force it.

Tell her to mind her own business, and if she keeps pushing the issue; she’ll never have grandbabies from you.

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Omg …what kind of backwoods shit do you live in…Really only 20 tell them to step off Your life…Girl Go out and live for the next 10 yrs before you ever think of getting tided down with family and the shit that it in teals.

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I had my now 9 year old when I was 30. Had I been 10 years younger things would have been a lot harder for both of us. I’m glad I waited.

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You live your own life tell them to back OFF


Stay true to yourself and your decision when to have children.
There’s a huge difference having children when you’re older. You know yourself better, hopefully will have a career and will be more patient.
I had twins when I was 20 and my third at 24. I took a 9 year break and had my fourth at 33 and my fifth at 34. Huge difference in parenting style and maturity with the youngest two.
Ultimately it’s your decision. Again, stay true to yourself. <3

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Its your choice youre not even old enough to drink! I got pregnant at 20 and couldnt go out on my 21st. Like yeah ultimately it was worth it, but not every one is on the same timeline. You do you and tell them that. Theyll get them sooner or later but tell them to hop off. They had kids when they did and you will have them at some point. Theyre being selfish imo

That’s just crazy! You generally want what is best for your child. Trying to force a 20 year old youth to breed isn’t gonna get you anywhere in life! I had my last born at 36, your body your choice, don’t let your crazy mother pressure she’ll probably just interfere and take over with baby even if you had one. Having children should be an adult decision made in the right circumstances only!!!


Tell them you will leave the room if the subject comes up, and DO it!

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What about your plans? Maybe you want to go to college or follow your dreams. You cant do that as easily with a child. Everyone knows when their time is ready. I went to school first and had my daughter at 27. Maybe you don’t want any ever and you choose a different path. They should be ok with that plan.

OMG! Don’t have a child if you don’t want one!! Live your life and when YOU want a family, do it!

Hell no. Go study get a degree and do something with your life. You can have kids when you’re ready. Stick to your gut


Just tell her in sha Allah which means if God Allows it! She will understand!

Omg you’re only 20! She lost her damn mind. WAIT. Make sure u take birth control and focus on school.

Say you had your tubes done :sweat_smile:

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Tell mom to have one for you.

Tell her you are not interested and to stop harassing you about it there has to be respect with each other maybe you need to move out and away from your family so the pressure will be less .so sad when this happens… my youngest daughter is the same she isn’t interested in having children at all at first I couldn’t understand it but afterwards she explained everything to me and I now just want her happiness that comes first …she is 37 next month and still not interested in having kids she travels and fulfills her ambitions . And is very happy where she is. All the best to you .

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Time is not always what others want getting thru school is a job in it self your young don’t rush having kids.


Of the 7 kids in my extended family 3 do not or can not have children. BUT they are the best aunt’s in the family. I have never asked for grandchildren. Explain you have your life to live. PERIOD.

Enjoy your life till you are ready to have kids. You basically just got out of high school life and want to explore.


In the end it’s your decision only ! You’re still soooo young too . Children are never a mistake and they are biggest blessing ever but if you have the option to get your life straight first … have a career find the right guy and get married first . I got lucky and was married when I had my first and I waited till I was 23 and I am glad I waited . Don’t let anybody rush you if you are not ready

Listen, I had a baby at 15, another 16 and my third at 20 . I had to let go of my Son cuz I just couldn’t feed tow babies. I lived a long hard road right until I turned 47 I had my 4th . Trust me when I tell you RUN. Don’t have one, they are all consuming…

Tell her you got your tubes tied.

Jeez! You’re 20! I have friends in their 30’s still not ready to have kids. What is she thinking?

Schooling first, let her know that and then you will think about it. Then don’t. Don’t rock the boat cause you live there. Later you can get a job and move out. Then will be easier to avoid the question. Take birth control to protect yourself just in case. I sure wouldn’t have wanted a baby at 20.

Enjoy your life now, children are a blessing,but don’t have a child because your mom wants you too, you are still very young , wait until you are ready​:innocent::upside_down_face:

Tell your mom you need to do things you want to do before you have a family. Your still so young and you need to be able to have freedom and go to college if that’s what you want to do. You need a pretty good job to be able to support a child. As it takes time to find Mr Right that will stick around for you and a child. Too many woman are having babies and get left on their own to raise them.

Tell her to back off ,it’s your life not her’s,and tell her when ur ready you will have kid’s it’s ur choice so when you feel ready to have kid’s you decide