My mom tries to make me feel guilty for not wanting any more kids: Advice?

Do not have kids if you dont want more.

This is your life not your mother’s. And if she’s going to continue to make you feel bad about your decisions maybe it’s best to limit contact with her.

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It is totally up to you and your husband and nobody else. I will tell you my husband insisted we have another, we ended up with 3. But his reason was he was an only child and grew up thinking he really would have preferred to have a sibling to share with in the good times and the bad. His biggest fear was when his mother passed, who would be by his side and understand his pain and be able to comfort him. He had a valid point. I am not say jump and have another, but that to me made me really reconsider my view. It was difficult starting over because our oldest was 5 when our second was born, but now I can’t see life with just one kid. It would have definently been different, but I dont regret making that decision. But I don’t think it is selfish of you to decide what is right for you.

It’s your life, you’re decision!! No one gets to tell you that you have to do anything, including your mom! All the matters is your child is happy & loved.

Girl. Love your child. And do you. Grandma will be just fine.

My son was an only child until he was 7. You do what you feel is right. But regardless your mother should not say those things to you. Your son doesn’t have to have a sibling to be normal. Hope you find comfort. Tbh if it was me and mother kept that up I would not have any contact with her. Just me though.

Do not feel guilty at all. It is your choice. I only had one son and wouldn’t have it any other way!

Your life your choices, not hers

Your uterus, your choice. Maybe spend a little time with your abusive mother so her advice will seem less important. Good luck.

get uemr mum a man lol might she needs company

Get another mom, keep the one kid.


It’s your life you do what’s best for you

Tell her to stop… not her life

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Tell that guilt where to get off!!!

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Your little one is only 4 there is nothing saying that you won’t want another child in the next couple years.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with raising an only child,he will benefit from the experiences he will have that can’t be afforded if you have 3-4 kids.
Enjoy him,see the world through his eyes,all to soon he will be grown.

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None of her business. Simple.


She needs to mind her own business and your giving him a better life than she apparently provided you good luck


If your mother was any good you wouldnt have been living a a car. So who is your mothrr to talk sorry id tell her mind her own buisnes

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Ask the kid would he rather a sibling or a puppy boom there you go puppies are potty trained in like 6 weeks. Your mom wasn’t there for you like she should have been. She can’t make up for it with grandkids. At the end of the day you are responsible for consistently feeding, cleaning, and keeping the tiny human alive. If you’re good with one don’t let anyone else make you feel some kind of way. You got this.


Sounds like grandma is a bitch I would stand up and tell here to shut up! And quit asking of her opinion!!!


OMG, only you and your husband should decide how, when, or if to grow your family. Your son sounds like a happy, healthy, well adjusted little boy. He will get plenty of interaction at school, church and sports. Don’t be bullied into anything you don’t want to do.

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I know so many kids that say the same thing is that they wish they had a sibling that they hated being an only child. I cannot grew up without my sister by my side and Iraq grew up alone and I hated every minute of it.

I will tell you when I got married I told my husband I don’t care what we have to do we are having 2 children… Well we actually ended up having 3.

But I feel sorry for every by themself child that has never had a sibling

Do you have brothers or sisters, she could ask them. Cousins are like having siblings. I have like 20

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I know how it feels. Only the one who suffer would know what goes through em.

That choice is up to you BUT I always think about after you and your husband pass, will he have any family? I always think of only kids being lonely, you know just in case they don’t have or make friends with their spouses family etc. I use no judgment at all. These thoughts just pop in my head :frowning:

Whose life is it yours or your mom?


No way! I only have 1 son and he is now 18 happy as can be… I couldn’t imagine having 2

It is okay to be selfish and enjoy your life the way you want to. It is also okay to let go of toxic relationships as you see fit. Nicely tell her to worry about her own life period


Tell her to have another kid if she wants one so bad


Our son is 13 and his older brother 17 doesnt live with us. Your doing what you feel is best for your son. Dont let your mom make you feel guilty about not wanting anymore children. It’s your life your choice!

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The mother sounds toxic. I would have minimal contact with her and when she hurts you, leave. Visit her on her turf or a neutral place that way you can remove yourself and your little immediately. No rules say you need to be disrespected.

Do what feels right to you.

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Never take and accept criticism from someone you will never go for advice anyway. Your mother is toxic so you dont need to take her poison anymore.


It’s YOUR choice how many children you have. It’s between you and your husband how big you wish to grow your family. It’s expensive to raise kids and to give them a good life is hard the more you have. Build your family YOUR way honey.


I’m sorry your childhood was not a positive experience. If you choose to have one child that is between you and your husband. I would tell your mom she will not be allowed so see her grandson if she keeps harassing you about another child because it hurts you. If you feel that you would not be able to love another child as much as your first one have no worries you will. I have four and am blessed. Good luck.

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It’s your life. Don’t have anymore children unless YOU want to. One of my daughters and one of my sons has one child each. They’re happy having only one child. I would never ever tell either of them to have another child. You do what’s right for YOU. Tell your mom to mind her business.

Have her have a Baby for YOU. :joy::joy:.:skull:


I’m the the mother of a only child. And that was on purpose. As you I felt that my life and family was complete with one child. I didn’t feel selfish in the least. And she never ask for a sibling. She saw life was different for her friends who has siblings. She is happy, productive mother of one herself. I make no apologies for nor have ever regretted my decision.

She don’t control your uterus, don’t let her control your mind! You don’t have to feel guilty when you say no! Just keep practicing, I hear what your saying, but the answer is no. Every time she starts, just keep throwing that at her, after while it may sink in, you heard what she is saying, your answer is no! Stay strong!


Whose life is it,yours or hers?


The only people who can know the right answer to this, or have an opinion on the matter are you and your SO. You are in no way obligated to have more children. Your mother is the one being selfish.

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Your mother than ask who did a piss-poor job of raising her children, buy your own admittance. Is it possible she’s looking for a do-over via her grandchildren? Sounds like you have it all together girl, so you do you and tell Granny to go fly a kite!


No way! You don’t want to end up resenting your second child. Don’t have another one if you don’t want to!


NOBODY should tell you how many kids you should have!! It’s YOUR choice, not hers!!


Hey, same thing happens to me. By most of my family and some friends. But im single with a 4 yr old. Her father passed away after she was born. Even if I was married, if I didn’t want another one, I’m not having another one. Your sanity is a huge factor with mulitpul kids (so I’ve heard lol) girl just live your life and be happy with the little human by your side. That’s what I do!

Keep more space between you and your mom. You don’t want her behavior affecting your child during his formative years. If she makes you feel bad she will do the same to your son. Congrats on your decision. I had one and gave my all. I’m glad I didn’t have to split my efforts between two or more. Tell your mom firmly you’ve made a decision and don’t want to talk about it anymore.

Dont let ur mom decide for ur life. Was she better than u to.judge a 4 yr kid looks like she herself is a toxic person u dont need apologise to live ur life

It would be worse to have a child that you don’t really want .

Tell her to mind her business.


No one can “make” you feel anything. Don’t give her that power.
Do what is right for you. :purple_heart:

Get a puppy! Wait a couple months and call her up and say “sorry I haven’t been in touch lately but I wanted to surprise you with… Another baby! Can I stop by to show you?!” And if she gets mad or starts to harass you even more, then just leave. That is toxic and you don’t need that. Your life has been hard enough. You do what makes YOU happy

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So your mom who let you live in your car at 19 and hardly have any food is now giving you advice on what type of parent you should be?? I can’t even… :woman_facepalming:t4:
You’re doing a great job with your boy, keep it up and enjoy every single minute of it.
Break the chain of toxicity and don’t make any room for negativity like that! :two_hearts:

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You’re the one raising the children you have…not your mother or anyone else. Only children and ones with siblings…it doesn’t matter. Maybe you will change your mind one day, but maybe you won’t. Having one is just as wonderful as having 10 lol. You’re not doing your son any injustice by not giving him siblings mama.

Sorry but your mom sounds toxic and crazy. She also sounds very jealous of you. She’s trying to make you as miserable as she is. And doesn’t like that you did better than her… You’ve got your life together… She never did. Your child is normal… She isn’t. She’s trying to make you feel like you failed… Stay away from her and her toxic self

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Was your mom the abuser of you??? If so, keep her negative abusive self away from him!!!

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Obviously your mother is the problem and not normal. Sounds like u would be more at peace if u kept her at a distance.

One baby is just fine

It’s your life. Not everyone wants more than 1 child. What if you couldn’t have anymore. Would she expect you to adopt?

Have only the children u want…your body.

Your life

Your choice you body and if all you want and know that your life is secure and happy with one child then that’s ok she is being selfish she needs a hobby or a man or something that’s just hateful for her to speak to you or make remarks tires your child that’s not good either toxic is toxic family or not if she can’t support you on thing in your adult life she should not be around I am glad your son don’t see who she really is that is a sad as grandmother to say I have several grandchildren and they are the only child in there home and doing fine as well

She sounds like a seriously toxic person. I know there’s two sides to a story but but she does not seem in any way supportive as a mother should be. I would worry about my child being exposed to such a narcissistic sounding person. She should be building you up, not tearing you down.

The best gift you can give your son is a partner in crime

Not selfish at all. If you are happy and so is your son, don’t mind other peoples opinions. If your son isn’t ask8ng for a sibling continue doing you. Also remember that you are the one in control of your situations. Good luck :heart:

Don’t feel guilty! He is being a very normal little boy. Don’t allow the mental/emotional abuse to continue in your life. Also don’t have a child just because someone tells you that you need to.

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If your son is the only child you want
Stand your ground
Remember the life your mom gave you do NOT allow her to demean YOUR decision.
Her chance of loving memories for a child apparently has passed.
Continue to strive to do your best.
Be happy
Make your son happy
Good memories are priceless

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I don’t feel that you are being selfish at all! I actually think that it is very unselfish for you to recognize that you do not want anymore kids and are putting yourself and your son first. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


You do what you want. You have as many children as you want. You have created a good life for you and your family. You said you didn’t have a very good childhood but you have overcome that with grace and wisdom. You don’t owe anyone anything or should feel guilty for your decisions. People I know that are only children loved their lives.

My daughter is an only child, and she grew up fine.
It’s nobody’s business how many children you choose to have; that’s your decision alone.
Raising kids is a challenge regardless of the presence or absence of siblings, and “giving your son” a brother or daughter is no guarantee that they will get along.

The next time your mother mentions a second baby, tell her you don’t need to have another kid because you did it the right time and your son is perfect.

(By the way, if your own mother was part of the reason you “grew up in abuse,” then she’s the last person who should ever be questioning your parenting decisions. Just saying.)

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Well your “mom” really isn’t a mother now is she.
She may be family but no one has the right to make you feel anything towards anything. Especially having kids. I’m 32. Have always said I never wanted children. I met by bf 6 yrs ago… one of the first things I told him was that I dn’t want kids.
Tried to say it’s not just up to me… yeah… excuse me?
No… just because you have “dreams” doesn’t mean they’re mine. You want kids then go be with someone that wants them.
You do what’s best for you and your son. Dn’t worry about what others think.


I am sorry to say it, but it seems like the abuse continues. My two best friends are only children and they are AMAZING people. Family isn’t always blood relations. Your son sounds awesome and you are nailing this mom thing! Great job! (((Hugs)))


Don’t let anyone pressure you into having more children if you feel uncomfortable with the idea. I’m sure you child will be fine. Having siblings is not required for a healthy happy childhood.

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No, not wrong. Doing what is in YOUR heart and mind is the the way. In my honest opinion.

Only child here… may be a little weird but life has been good. Never missed having a sibling that I know of. I was happy to be center of attention. It’s your choice. Stand by it.


Completely ur choice. LOTS of people are the only child and lead completely productive and happy, normal lives. Shame on her for speaking that way about ur child, her grandchild! Do u mama. Ur son will be fine :heart:


I have couple friends who are solo kids and they say the only time that they wanted a sibling was when taking care of aging parents ! A lot of responsibility for one!

Don’t take on that guilt, sister! Nobody, and I mean NOBODY has the right to tell you how many children you should have. If they do, they are way out of line! Be happy with your son and don’t cave under that kind of pressure.

Honey, if your family feels complete to you, as is… then it is complete… I’m sure your little fella is delightful and has a wonderful sense of humor, and is well-adjusted and fine the way things are. This is your family. That’s it…

Know your limits; after having my daughter (3rd child) I decided I was done; my husband wanted another. I put my foot down because I realized I had met my limit. If you are satisfied having one child then enjoy him to the fullest because they grow fast. Having another child because you feel pressured by your mom isn’t going to resolve her criticism of you or your choices, it will only give her more fuel to add to the fire. Do what you feel is right for you.

After 3 I tied my tubes absolutely no regrets it’s your life your body do what makes you happy.

You are the one who would be caring for another child, not her. My oldest son and his wife are catching grief from everyone because they don’t want kids. They feel very strongly about it and have good jobs and happy lives. I feel like if they did have kids, they would likely regret it and end up unhappy. There’s no reason to bring a child into an unhappy home. Be happy and love your son. He sounds like a normal happy little boy to me.

1 is good enough, you’ll be able to give him the best of everything

Tell her you would rather live with guilt than regret. If you don’t want more children than don’t. Its your life😊

Your life, not your mom’s. She made her choices, you make your choices. I had a in my child not by choice, but he grew up just find.

It’s normal now days to have 1 child. It’s tough raising multiple kids on minimal wage now days. So.etimes I wish I only had 1 kid but don’t get me wrong I love my 3 kids very much and do lots of things with them. If you only want 1 then stay with 1.

Dont listen to anyone else. I only had 1 child and she only had one child!

That is totally your decision! My husband was an only child and he is fine as long as he is loved and doing well don’t worry about everyone else. You can keep him busy to make up for not having siblings in extra curricular activities.

If you do not want another child then you have every right to chose not to do so. It is your life. Your body. Your family. Your choice. Maybe in time you might like another kid. Maybe not. It’s up to you. Don’t let anyone try to guilt trip or bully you into doing anything you don’t want to do.

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No it is not wrong that he is an olny child. My daughter is an only child. I sometimes struggle with that fact but i also remember that i am not that young and i had healt problems with her during pregnancy. So to me selfish would be having another child and things go wrong and they would have to grow up with out their mom. And i didnt see the video but i am sure that video of your making silly faces was so cute. Save that for when he gets married lol

I only had 2, a boy, 4yrs later I had a girl. I raised them by myself, went through hell at times. They are now 40 & 36, college educated, with degrees, they each have 3 kids. Follow your heart.

Why is your mother even in your life?

Let no one judge you. You know what is best for you & your family :blush::two_hearts:

Tell mom to shut up and mind her own business.

Don’t have a baby for anyone but yourself!

Nope if you dont want anymore dont let anyone push you into having more tell your mom to kick rocks

You are a grown woman. Do what you want,not what somebody else wants

Don’t feel guilty or listen to your family.

Tell Mom to take a hike do your thing love your son

That’s her guilt talking.


You are only supossed to have children because YOU want them. No because grand parents want you to and not because your child wants you to and not ti fix a marriage only because YOU want to.

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Tell your Mom to have a baby or STFU…signed Abby