My mother in law and her "buddy" are LOUD when they have adult time, what can I do?

First off i'd like to say i appreciate her and everything she has done for my fiance and i (we live with her). However, she has been sleeping with this guy that no one likes, he leads her on to thinking they are in a relationship when he infact just wants a S#x buddy. He only comes over once a week to have it and then leaves. She has never gone on a date with him or seen his place, his "villa" he supposedly has or the house he is supposedly building. He is a straight up liar and is just hear for the s**. She is very gulable and desperate so she will believe anything he says. Anyways.. That is not the real issue, she is a grown women she can do what she wants but she is VERY disrespectful. I hear them having it very loud everytime!!! And she knows i am home. I have spoken to her on multiple occasions and she agrees with me everytime and then goes and does it again!!! I feel so disrespected and iv had enough of it!!! Any advice???

Just Wow! That takes an extreme amount nerve. The academy award for ungrateful goes toā€¦. YOUā€¦
Are you paying rent and half the bills?
Cause if not ā€¦ how dare you even be so disrespectful. Her house she can do what she likes. My advise is if you donā€™t like it, get an apartment or rent house. If you are paying half you can request but at the end of the day itā€™s her house. Maybe stay elsewhere when she has company.

My advice is grow up. Its her house donā€™t like it then leave and her love life is not your business and as for being disrespected are you for real your the 1 doing the respecting

Donā€™t like it??? MOVE! Itā€™s her house, not yours! Hahaha the nerve!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My mother in law and her "buddy" are LOUD when they have adult time, what can I do?

Move out and get your own space. Ultimately itā€™s her house. Or when dude comes by for his weekly visit you go for a walk til he leaves.


Ummm get your own space maybe?,

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Get your own place if you feel so disrespected.


Itā€™s her houseā€¦ā€¦ I get your point butā€¦. Your livingā€¦. With herā€¦ā€¦.

ā€œSheā€™s very disrespectfulā€ :rofl:
Tell her you feel disrespected and see how that works out for you. Smh


Thatā€™s sucks. No one wants to hear that. But you live in her house so she can be as loud as she wants. You could move or go out for a few hours while they go at it

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Not your house, so not much you can do. Loud tv or music , or leave until heā€™s gone ?

Mind your business. You live in her house.


Not the validation you were looking for :laughing::woman_shrugging:t4:


Ummm thatā€™s her house boo

Iā€™d say its time to move out and pay bills on your own. As a grown ass woman myself, if my baby came to me and said I was being too loud in my own house, Iā€™d tell her go on and find your own then :woman_shrugging: let her get it on how she wants. It isnā€™t your business what sheā€™s doing in the bedroom, and you have no place to say how she should. I understand it might bother you, as it would make some uncomfortable, but ultimately, you need to find your own space or deal with it.

Itā€™s her houseā€¦ if she wants to ride it LET HER


Only option is to move out imo. Its her house and she obviously enjoys her sex life exactly as it is ā€¦or if thats not an option
.when he comes over leave and give them privacy

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Get ear plugs and pandora!

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Get your own place :woman_shrugging:t3: itā€™s her house


Itā€™s mother in laws house, you just live there.

When her ā€œfriendā€ comes over, make plans to leave the house for awhile. Problem solved!!


Go somewhere when he comes over. Her house her bed

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Leave when he visits lol

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Lol move out and get your own place. In the mean time, utilize some head phones? Be resourceful.


Itā€™s HER house. How is she the one being disrespectful??? If youā€™ve ever been really into it youā€™d know sometimes you are unable to control how loud things get. Sheā€™s a grown womenā€¦ mind your business or move out.

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That maybe her being quite :joy: itā€™s her place soooooo she can do what she wants. Sheā€™s helping yā€™all out by letting you stay there. Move out or get some noise canceling headphones :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Itā€™s her house. So you either deal with it or move out.

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Her house. Her rules.

So the comment section isnā€™t going how you planned?


Ear plugsā€¦head phonesā€¦or move out


Uh I think Iā€™d be looking for my own place :joy: sheā€™s not being disrespectful, itā€™s her house. You have no say so in what she does in her own home. Even though sheā€™s bein a dirtie ol thang :joy:


She can do what she pleases in HER home. Donā€™t like it, yā€™all are welcome to find other accommodations :woman_shrugging:t2:

Her house right? Move out.

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Get your own place :upside_down_face:


I quit reading when I saw ā€œwe live with herā€ grow up and get out :woman_shrugging:


Buy yourself some headphones

Itā€™s her house. She can do what she wants. Move out if dont want to hear it.

My advice is you and your fiance grow up and move out. You canā€™t tell someone they canā€™t have loud sex IN THIER own home.

None of your business what she does in HER house

Itā€™s her house, if you donā€™t like how she lives her life you should obtain your own residence

Like I tell my kidsā€¦when my bedroom door is closed put on some head phones or go out if you donā€™t want to hear anything. Your all adults and all have needs so deal with it how you can


Ummmn yeahā€¦leave when he comes over!!! Lolā€¦duh

Sorry but itā€™s her house if you donā€™t like it then move out or get some earplugs and quit whining about it. Itā€™s her house and yā€™all are living in her house.


Move tf out , or mind your own business :joy: itā€™s really not that hard of an answer. Get real.


I canā€™t believe you actually thought this post would go your way. :rofl: YOU are the one being disrespectful by blasting her on the internet like youā€™re not living under her roof. Her love life is absolutely none of your business and Iā€™m sure if she wanted your help sheā€™d ask for it.


Do not let the door hit you where the good lord split you!


I mean it is her house. Leave when he comes over are just move out. Ur disrespectful by expecting her to be quiet in her own home

I just wanna make sure Iā€™m reading this right. Sheā€™s having sex in her own house? How dare she. :thinking::rofl::woman_facepalming::joy::woman_facepalming::rofl:I know a situation. If you move out you will not hear it.

Her house so you just have to put up with it, or just move outšŸ¤· it wouldnā€™t bother me what so ever sheā€™s a grown woman she can do as she pleases.

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If youā€™re so disrespected move out. Beggars canā€™t be choosers. It is her home to do what she wants.


You could be respectful and take a walk when he comes overā€¦itā€™s her house.


Take a walk when he comes over

Umm itā€™s her house. Get your own homeā€‹:joy::person_shrugging:


Guess she wants you guys out


Move out of your mother in laws houseā€¦she deserves to enjoy her sexā€¦

See who can be louder next time bet it wouldnā€™t happen again :rofl:


Take the hint maybeā€¦. MOVE OUT! lol

Ear plugs or go out for walk or meal when he comes over


Cock block. I hope im having screaming orgasms when im in my golden years.


You are in her house :rofl::rofl::rofl:


move out and let her deal with her own life


If it bothers you maybe find something to do while he is there. Go to the park, the library or maybe shopping or something to get you out of the house so you donā€™t have to listen to them.


Or just have loud sex at the same time to drown her out! Lmao

Itā€™s her house :joy: move out


Get your own place?!


Well, go get your own home.


Hurry up and get yo own girl so you donā€™t have that problem


I mean itā€™s her house you could move out or leave for a while you know why heā€™s there so make plans :woman_shrugging:


Like you said ā€œyou live in HER homeā€!


Of thereā€™s no kids in the house then she isnā€™t the one being disrespectful. Itā€™s her house and she can have sex as loud as she wants. You said he comes once a week. Find something else to do so she can have some alone time with her man friend. She deserves it

Time to move out Iā€™m afraid itā€™s her house .respect her not the other way rnd


The real question here is wth are you doing setting there while it goes downšŸ˜³ā€¦ if it was my mom and her fella pulled up once a week Iā€™d take the hint and leave the housešŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Its a no brainer!!!


Either move out or get loud yourself so she realizes how uncomfortable it is to have to listen to others. Besides when it feels that damn good it is hard to be quiet.

Get your own place :woman_shrugging:t4:


You live in HER house. She does not have to be quiet just because he grown child lives at home.


You get several people that are loud during sexual intercourse they literally canā€™t help it, you can talk to her about it all you want and she can say she will tone it down all she wants but when it comes to it actually canā€™t be quieter about it he must really do it for her, either get your own place or invest in some ear plugs or even go for a walk when heā€™s over so you donā€™t have to listen to it

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Turn the music up lol :joy: thatā€™s what my husbands uncle used to do when my husband and I lived in his house lol


All you people laughing and making fun because they live with her should be ashamed. Thank God you have never been homeless or down and out till you get back on your feet. God forbid!! My father lost his entire business when I was a. Hold and they took Everything. We were completely homeless. No clothes or food. We miss ved in with Grandma. It wasnā€™t easy but they really tried their best. It only lasted a year. But, still it happens to all of us at one time or another. Be careful or you will end up the same.


Umm, moving out sounds about right :woman_shrugging:t4::rofl: you are in her house!!

Have sex and be just as loud. See who gets more uncomfortable first.

Move out?
Itā€™s her house?

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Buy some ear plugs or go out every time he comes overšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø She shouldnā€™t have to change her habits in her house.


Get your own housingā€¦

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Iā€™d just go out when he arrives for a few hours

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Lol donā€™t like it? Move the hell out. Itā€™s her freekin house


MOVE IF IT BOTHERS YOU SO MUCH!! it is simple ā€¦ itā€™s HER house and she can be loud if she wantsā€¦ if it bothers you get your own house so you donā€™t have to deal with that.


Invest in some decent headphones and crank up the tunes when he visitsā€¦

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Itā€™s her home, she can be as loud as she wants. I think itā€™s time for you to move.

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Turn up the music or move

Do you have kids that live in her house too? If so she should be respectful to her grandkids, howeverā€¦I would just move or take the kid(s) to the park or something.


I dont like being rude but itā€™s her home only thing you can really do is plan not be there on their ā€œspecialā€ days then save up to move out

Girl bye :v:t5: That is her house. She can do whatever, whenever and with whomever she pleases. She doesnā€™t owe it to you to have quiet sex. And the fact that you even stepped to her about it is wild. Donā€™t like it? Move out!

Buy some headphones, go outside and play, she getting some good D and is trying to enjoy it, stop d blocking on the low


So move! Itā€™s HER house. You and your fiancĆ© should get your own place, and if you canā€™t then you should probably get some ear plugs and suck it up lol. Congrats on all that nerve though :joy::smirk:.

You feel disrespected that sheā€™s having sex in her own home? You can leave can you not?

I honestly would leave. I would also try to prove to her he is a liar. The sooner the better. Hire an investigator. Ask for a simple background check.

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Her homeā€¦she took you guys in so find something to do for that 3 minsā€¦dont ruin her goodtime even if hes a doucheā€¦


Get your own place and then you donā€™t have to hear it


Move out? Itā€™s her house.she can do whatever she wants in her own house.


You live in her house. She can do what she wants too, perk of having your own place.


Umm idk maybe mind your own business since itā€™s her sex life and sheā€™s grown :woman_shrugging:t3: as for the noise either put some headphones on or go outside for a walk. Iā€™m not gonna say move out like other people because clearly you canā€™t which is why your staying there in the first place or you probably already would have by now if you could afford to since this is clearly bothering you. :roll_eyes: just think it could be every night instead of once a week :joy:

The audacity of this one :woozy_face: If it ainā€™t your house you donā€™t make the rules. Get your own place and set your own rules. Until then either turn up the TV, go for a walk or better yet, MOVE OUT!