My mother in law and her "buddy" are LOUD when they have adult time, what can I do?

it’s her house she can do whatever she wants

Have s** same time as her and be louder…

U talk about he comes over once a week. Not a big price to pay. Surely u can give her that one day in the week

move out. Her home.

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Get some ear plugs, mind your business and let mama get her freak on!!!

I think you secretly enjoy listening to them having sex bc you can easily move out of her house if you don’t like it.:woman_shrugging:t3: Simple.

You live with her if it bothers you that much move out IMO

Your in her house what advice do you need exactly when u can simple move out

It’s her house, move out. Let her liiivveeeee :rofl:

Put the music up and mind yo business… her home, she grown…

blast musix or turn the tv up really really loud.

Grow up :sneezing_face: it’s her house :face_with_monocle:

Move out of your mother-in-law’s house

This was never going to go in your favour I’m afraid.

:rofl: girl get some earplugs and let her do her.

Well you are in her house sooo…

It’s her house WTH grow up and move out or deal with it for real :roll_eyes:

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Move! Period its her house

My momma told me to leave it was her house so I mean :joy:
Sorry hun but her house. If you don’t like it so much find a new place. I wouldn’t like it either but that’s why I choose to live alone.

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She’s probably ready for y’all to leave if you ask me.

Move out and mind your business

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Go somewhere while they are busy… or move…

Leave the house. Call the cops and ask them to do a welfare check on her. :joy:

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When he comes over, leave.

Get out of her house?!? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Her house … the end.

The joy of having your own place is that you can pretty much do what you want- within legal limits. If she was running drugs and had people in and out constantly, I might understand- but what she is doing is well within her right :woman_shrugging:t2: get some sound canceling head phones

Imagine being a grown adult living with another grown adult and then complaining about that other grown adult being too loud doing something that’s her business in her house :woozy_face::joy:

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Find your own place :joy:

Idk I would just see how loud my husband and I can be :crazy_face:

It’s her house but maybe reciprocate with her son and be very loud. :rofl: that’s a move I’d pull…


Well…if you’re unhappy, move out.
It’s her house and she can do whatever the h3LL she wants.
You feel disrespected? Move out.

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  1. It’s her house.
  2. The end.

Moms getting it let it go
If you don’t like it move out

Go staple egg crates on her walls in her room or put them on yours. Perfect sound proofing!

Get your own place :woman_shrugging:

Move out, she’s happy, it’s your problem.

Maybe it’s her way of telling you to move…

Her house, leave if you do t like it I suppose

Her house! She’s not disrespecting you. You need to take a walk!

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Maybe just leave while he’s there

You have two options.
¹. Respect her home and what she does in it.
².Leave so you’re not bothered.

Sorry to say but that’s her house her rules. Run an errand while he’s there and who cares if you nor anyone likes him she does and again that’s her house.

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Her house so I would agree headphones or go somewhere

If you live in her house then I’m not sure what you want. You could move out to fix the problem.

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Why TF are you living with your mother??? You should be on your own by now.


Key words I read were you live with her. So get over it or leave :woman_shrugging:t2: I understand it being weird but she may not be able to help being loud and she’s allowed to be intimate in her own house

Move in your own place

Move out or match her intensity

Or headphònès and ĺoud music

Move out and get ur own place. It’s her home she lets you stay there so either deal with it or move out.

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Maybe make plans to leave the house when he comes over :woman_shrugging:t5: you say its only once per week. She shares her home with you already, I’m sure out the kindness of her hearth give her that time to herself :woman_shrugging:t5:

Play loud music !!!

With all due respect…its her house.
If he only comes for sex, then you should probably just leave when he gets there because you know you’re about to become very uncomfortable.

I dont mean any disrespect but I dont think you have any right to tell her what she cant and cant do in her own home. You’re free to leave if you dont like how shes behaving.

Let her live …. Who wants to have quiet sex anyway! Yolo

It’s her house?.. move!.. simple

Get out of her house possibly

Her house. Her choice

You live with her in her home

Beings you’ve voiced your opinion to her maybe that’s her way of telling u that you’ve worn out your welcome and that u and her son need to stand on yalls on 2 feet

That’s her house & her choices. You don’t have to like it. If it’s that bothersome, move out.

Might be time to get your own house! There’s no way I could deal :joy:

Move out then, it’s her house

Move out of her house…bam

It’s her house. You live with her. Leave when her friend comes over. Or better yet, get your own place!

Ain’t your house to say anything mind your business or find your own place

She’s probably trying to get you to move out :rofl:

It’s. Her. House. Her house, her rules, wants, choices, so on and so on. If you don’t like anything under that roof, get your own house.:person_tipping_hand:

Its her house… Get some headphones lmao

Since everyone is adults and you are living in her home, move out if you have an issue with it. Don’t expect people to change and be who they are not. If she is a screamer, she is a screamer. And your complaining isn’t going to change it. Time to go live on your own.

Hmmmmm, you live with her and don’t like what she does. Then grow up and move the hell out. Then you don’t have to listen to her have sex.

Leave the house when she has company.


It’s her house, she’s grown so if you don’t like what she does in her own house maybe you should move the hell out of HER house

It’s her house. If you don’t like it then leave. :woman_shrugging:t3:

You live with her you have no say lmao

Move or deal with it it’s her home after all

I’m sorry you are mad that she is having sex in her home? Lmfao grow up and get over yourself. If she wants to have “loud sex” in HER OWN HOME then she can. If you don’t like it you can always start looking at other places to live.

Poor woman only gets the goods once a week?

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Get the stick out of your ass is my suggestion. It’s her house. Deal or leave

Then be a grown up amd move out of HER home. You don’t know what he is telling her is lies. You don’t like the guy so you can’t see what he is telling her is the truth

It’s her house. Don’t like it? Move.

If someone told me I needed to be quiet during the one time a week I had sex in MY house…there’d be a very big problem. Ear buds and/or noise canceling headphones are a game changer :woman_shrugging:t2:

Leave the house when he comes over

Are you living under her roof or vice versa?

You live in her house, buy AirPods or move…if you can control your volume when you’re getting…there…you’re ill “informed”

Could always be loud with your hubby ? Lmao

Leave the house? Your not a child or prisoner. Grow a pair

Do it back… but louder :joy:

move on or move out its that simple

Move out? It’s her house.

Thats her problem not yours!!@ stay out of it

Is it her house? Maybe move out?

You choose to be there.

Move out. It’s her house

Get your own place and you won’t have this problem :woman_shrugging:t2:

Get out of her house?

LET THAT WOMAN GET THE D!! If you don’t like it go for a walk get some noise canceling head phones… whatever you gotta do but let that woman live her life… you ain’t her mama… damn… what is it with yall and wanting to police everyone who dont walk the same path you do… its just sex! Sex is amazing!!! Everyone has sex and we all love it lmfao

move out, her house, she can screw as loud as she pleases💯

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You have two options… Get your own place or STFU. Good luck and God Bless.


She may be doing that on purpose to make you want to get your own place. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Hold on sis, you are in her house??? I don’t give a fuck if you like her bed buddy or naw, sit tf down and mind your business because YOU ARE LIVING IN THAT WOMANS HOUSE , I swear to God this generation of entitled mother fuckers kills me