First: your husband’s mother is his problem to deal with, not yours. There are plenty of older people whose family isn’t close by or no children. Adopt one. Family isn’t always blood. Stop obsessing about your mil, it isn’t productive and will make your kids feel bad. Just ignore her.
Shes toxic. My kids dad’s family act like my kids don’t exist. They blame me for their lack of attention. Kids know who’s there for them and who isn’t. Cut her out.
Her loss, carry on and show your kids love and forget her. I might even tag her and your sister in laws in the post. Let it out, and leave her toxic butt behind you
I would write her off and go about having a life with my husband and children. Why would you want her to be around your kids if she treats them so different from the others? Children know these things and it would hurt them so much. This woman is supposed to be an adult, but instead she is a very petty immature person. She doesn’t even deserve the live of your children. Have fun, live your lived, make fun and happy times with your children. This woman is the one who is losing,.
My in laws are the same way, and we’ve had no contact for a year. Been the most peaceful and relaxing year yet.
Cut her off. Focus on your family and the family members that do take you all into consideration (your parents)
dont let that toxic person anywhere near your kids also i would inform your sil how she speaks about them you and your kids need a peaceful life
Do not punish her OR YOUR KIDS!!!
She is possibly not even aware of what she is doing or WHY …
Yea no, quit worrying about your mother in law and focus on you. Don’t even put energy into her. Show up to what ever you must. But that doesn’t mean you have to engage
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Stick up for your kids. I was treated badly by my grandmother and I didn’t like her much either (of course). I would suggest staying away from her, do your own thing.
The minute you confront her you will be painted the aggressor. Put her in the “Pay No Mind List” Don’t include her in anything, Don’t call her, When you are invited to something, you already have plans “But thank you for the invite” I believe she is the way she is to your kids because of the relationship she has/had with her son. It’s ok, because it is her loss. Live your life, enjoy your kids and husband and leave her be in her simmering pot of negativity.
I’m not trying to be a smart ass , but he is not your husband if your not married. You’ve been with him 7 years and have 3 kids. Why are all you people having kids and not married ? Another woman was with her man 6 yrs. and has 3 kids. But I don’t think that’s his mother’s problem with you. Some people just rub each other the wrong way. She’s missing out on more of her grandkids and that’s her loss.
Cut her off completely
Any chance of moving near your parents? That might help …
Some kids DO NOT NEED their grandparents or any family members in their lives if they do not feel LOVED remember that!!
I have a mother in law like that, needless to say she has never treated her grandchildren equally. It hurt me to see , and my kids noticed it too. Now that my kids are adults, they don’t bother with her. I would shut her out of your life , much easier . Remove the toxic people from your life, life’s to short to include people like that.
My MIL did the same still does yet my kids are grown and out of the grandkids mine treat her with more respect then the ones she was all
About. Don’t stress about it . Just when you become a MIL be an awesome one