My mother in law is an alcoholic and started drinking again: What can we do for her?

Very ridiculous? You very obviously do not understand alcoholism. Please educate yourself before you judge.

Can’t help them if they don’t want the help

Call her sponsor. Pray, for and with her.

Sadly there isn’t too much you can do for her,she must want to get better. I would tell her she can’t come to your house if she been drinking and I wouldn’t leave your daughter alone with her.

Person has to reach their own bottom !! Remember it’s not up to anyone else but them !! No blame game works !!


From my experience,hiding the alcohol is part and parcel of being an Alcoholic. Yes, it may seem ridiculous to you,but it is an illness ,like all addictions. Her G.P. is hopefully, the best place to start.

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There’s nothing wrong with going to AA when you are struggling, it’s not very ridiculous at all, it’s addiction, a relapse.
She’s still trying, and right now going to her, letting her know that everyone realizes she is struggling and is there for her would be the first step to changing the dynamic from the denial and secrecy. See if she wants to go to treatment. Don’t just be worried and angry, reach out. This is not something she is enjoying.

Give her another drink

You can’t make her stop she has to want to stop but you can encourage her to and don’t enable her to what ever triggered her drinking agin needs to be dealt with and remember recovery is everyday and try not to judge her and as someone else mentioned seek counseling for yourself to help deal …I’m apart of a recovery group i my self am not an addict and there are some who arent that are in it but if you like your more than welcome to join they are an amazing group and are great with advice the group is called recover2gether they have resources too depending on where your at

Stopping communication with family member does not help at all. I know this for a fact. I have family member in recovery. Tell there sponsor is there business. I don’t care what anyone has to say about the sponsor. Nothing will change my mind on the statements.

Cut off contact until she quits drinking.

May seem ridiculous to you but until those shoes have been on your feet it’s just an inexperienced opinion. All you can do is give her support and offer to go to meetings with her. Tell her over and over how badly this affects everyone. If you go into it annoyed or with the mind set of how ridiculous it is it won’t help!! And honestly your husband needs to maybe seek therapy/counsel as well. Seems like he has some childhood trauma. At the end of the day you can’t force anyone to get better.


Just remember relapse is part of the recovery…