My mother in law is mad that we aren't buying her a gift this year: Advice?

Write that beezy an Xmas card :sweat_smile::joy: that is frustrating af

Tell her her gift is the price of the cruise she said she had booked because she said wasn’t going. The cruise company said they would cancel it.

Wow it’s not about the present . So cold . Your mother and father if u love them u give them somthing personal. To say thank you for being there. If they were , He should be buying it no gf or wife or husband will ever be as important as ur mother . Appreciate them well there still here. U guys seem to be over sensitive


Let her buy your husband a gift if she wants. Let him buy for her if he wants to. I would void myself from that situation. Just tell her it is up to her son so you will have him call her. As far as booking trips, it would be a good way to know yours won’t be on the same days!! OR even the same location. Don’t tell her what you decided as far as a trip, cruise or whatever. I wouldn’t just cut her off just change how you were doing things. Don’t call her, she hung up on you.

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Sounds like you won the lottery when she stopped talking to you guys. You must’ve been good this year lmao. I wouldn’t sweat it. Sounds like it’ll be less of a hassle this year for Christmas. Enjoy it lol.


I love my daughter in law and I tell her every year I don’t need a Christmas gift. She can just focus on the kids. That is no mother if she has to have a gift to prove you love her. So sorry for the crazy mil because Christmas is for the kids. She needs to grow up. Good luck :four_leaf_clover::+1:

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Buy her nothing, she sounds like an ungrateful bitch!!!

1st off…dont overthink it. Dont count all the ways she has wronged you. If u make the choice to only buy grandkids and your little family gifts leave it at that. I know a lot of families do that. We choose too when the grandkid count got to 8 just on my husbands side. If she doesn’t calm down before Christmas make sure to send a card telling her how much she is loved and/ir include a homemade something from your children. Also, if her son decided this it is up to him to get a gift or not…dont get between mom and son. He needs to deal with this.

Sounds like she needs a kick in the butt for Christmas!

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Christmas is for loving the ppl you love. Encourage your husband to love his mother but let him deal with her in his way. Mothers don’t “give up” their sons easily! But you can afford to be generous … he got her by birth, but he got you by choice. Let her alone. She will complain to him, but if he’s not interested she will get over herself sooner.

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Do a re-gift on something u got last year that u dont want. That’s a selfish thing to do. Shes making Christmas be about money and gifts, when it should be about love and family/friends. Shame on her. Dont feel bad. I think it’s great to just buy for the children…its easier and saves money. I would also do a price cap…like 30 bucks a kid (not including your own of course)

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Sounds like no matter what you were gonna do, she wouldn’t have been happy. Seems like you’re the one she goes to because she knows you’ll try to please her and she can take advantage of your kindness and still treat you anyway she wants. I’d set strict, direct, personal boundaries with her. From what’s here, seems like you show her respect, I’d demand the same in return. She may be your MIL, but you’re a human being, and you deserve respect as well.
Enjoy the silence, get for the babies, and let her cry it out.

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Make your husband buy the gift and point out that he picked it out, I bet she doesn’t bother to complain
In all honesty I’m with you, and wouldn’t bother.


There’s this website you can send her a chocolate dick lol or just buy her nothing💁


What a crazy mil lol If she needs a gift from you guys to show how much you care about her then that says a lot in itself. I can’t believe her behaviour, it’s like a child lol She should be grateful she has children and grandchildren to celebrate Christmas with. It’s not about the gifts :heart:

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Remember you married her son, not her

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She sounds VERY immature! You & your husband stay strong. Concentrate on the kids! Be thankful that your hubby agrees w/ you! It prevents so many more problems. Good luck! :heart::pray:


Narcissistic but you have to ignore the antics. Stay on the plan with your husband. Have him deal with her and do not participate in her no talking stuff. Perpetual victim but have compassion. Speak to her minus the Christmas party and live life. She will never be pleased.


I think if she isnt talking to you, you win! I wouldn’t deal with her anymore.


I hate most mother in laws makes me happy I know how to tell them to shut the fuck up an not to try to get in our lives. But luckily for me I have never had a problem with mine

My xmas gift frm my son bwt 5yrs ago…Priceless…:heart_eyes::joy::woozy_face::roll_eyes:

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It’s kind of silly for her to blow it way out of proportion because she wants a christmas gift. She knows that she can give gifts to whomever she wants still right? Or did you tell her she was not allowed to give your husband a gift because you weren’t going to be gifting her? I’m just so confused cause it makes no sense, shes an adult and needs to act like it.


Misery loves company


If she continues being selfish & ungrateful she loses waaay sOo…much more thn you…a son & grandchildren…thea shud be no greater gift thn your loved ones cz GOD forbid, shud nething hpn to you, your husband or children (i pray tht nothing doz :pray:t4::relieved:)…it is faar too late for regrets…life & loved ones are PRICELESS…maybe she cud do wth sme divine intervention…a bible perhaps…???:thinking::thinking::thinking:

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We have gotten to the point that we only buy for children and ask family to do the same. Saves us the stress and money spent on unneeded things and puts focus on the kids. We will give grandparents pics or a memento ornament that is it.

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See id be bombarding her with gift vouchers for useless shit now but that’s just me I’m very petty and horrendous dollar store decorations lol

Ummm… The season isn’t about receiving. Its about giving. She expects it. Your mil sounds petty & unappreciated.

Maybe invite her to a religious service, holiday charity concert, or to work at a homeless shelter/nursing home/low income children’s care center/other place with people less fortunate to give her some perspective and remind her its the season of giving, not getting.

Or make a donation in her honor to a good cause (she will complain it’s not the “right” one; you shrug and say, “Oh well.”) Or maybe a card with the names of a few good therapists!

Apparently she enjoys being miserable and you’ve been almost spoiling all her fun. :smile: Just make yourself happy & ignore her as best you can.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas. Y’all sound like you have your heads screwed on straight and your hearts in the right place.

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Stick to it,its ok to make changes does the others involved good,learn a lesson of giving not receiving always!


TOXIC - sorry - she is …tell her to grow up AND STOP BEING SO FRIGGIN MANIPULATIVE. IF we give we give, we give homemade, or we just opt for spending time with people.


Id get her a stick…


The only people who got presents last year from my husband and I was my siblings-they are 8.

My son wasn’t old enough so we didn’t really get him anything. Same thing is going to happen this year but our son will have gifts.

Only kids get presents. Anyone else is lucky to get a picture or even a card. :woman_shrugging:t2: sorry not sorry.


We only do the kids for Christmas and for adults we do secret santa with a 20-25 dollar min/max it works out great and is super fun I think it’s sad she doesn’t understand stand where you are coming from no one needes extra stress around this time of year

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Your mil sounds like a petty bitch

Honestly, my mom is this way. We finally just gave up getting her stuff to surprise her and had her tell us what she wanted. Some people are plain ungrateful. It honestly doesn’t sound like she likes y’alls gifts anyways so idk why she would be upset.

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She’s giving you the silent treatment so just enjoy it.


Coal… Give her a sack of coal lol


Sorry she is so selfish she needs to grow up and build a bridge !

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Its beyond the gifts

It’s the fact that u married her son and have kids

Center of attention not on her
Shes so immature
And a dramatic

Keep with the same idea
Dont worry
You will never make her happy

It reflects much of her own truama although u guys shouldnt be having to satisfy

Every yr make it about the kids
Dont go on any trips with her anymore

She needs to know u r the women of the house that ur hubby caters to now

Her husband can do that for her


Fuck her dont get her nothing sounds like she ungrateful

Sounds like my man. Only
My husband is still stuck on his mommas you know what :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::joy:


Just give her a box of chocolates…its a gift…and its personal. The end!


Veggie Tales said it best “ a gift required is no gift at all”


It’s about being with your family not about gifts , seems she is forgetting what the holiday is really about. Let your husband deal with her and keep it at that because it’s not fair she’s taking it out on you . Thank god my mother in law would love anything I got her


don’t buy her anythign. As for the kids, yes get something for them, but not grownups


Seems like she cant be pleased,she will complain what ever you will do.

I think the wisest thing you can do is let your husband speak directly to his mom and not have you be stuck in the middle relaying messages from him. She’s his mother. He has a voice and a mind of his own. He’s an adult. Let him deal directly with her.
He can maybe ask her what she’d like for a gift. Then he can buy it and I bet she’ll appreciate it.


Any gift you get a person amd they have issues with it shouldn’t get a gift enough said the present itself shouldn’t be what Christmas is about in the first place. Why would you want to by a gift for some one that is so dam ungrateful any way. Amd if she favours her other grandchildren over yours that a grandmother should never do then it’s maybe better she doesn’t talk to you any way how dare she treat you and kids this way now she can’t upset you of she ain’t talking crap in you ear…

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Don’t stress about it, when she gets over being snippy, she’ll call you again. Enjoy the “peace and quiet” while you can :wink:


I don’t know how old you are but I say put your foot down and don’t put up with it. My kids are grown now but, I regret having to spend every Christmas at my mother in laws house, when I really wanted to stay home and let my kids play with their gifts. Instead we had to get all dressed up and spend the day at her house. It became an unpleasant stressful experience and now I actually hate the hassle of the holidays and the pressure it puts on me. One idea for you is if the mother in law likes decorations you could make it simple by doing an ornament exchange. Everyone gets an ornament and they aren’t hard to find. In any case have the guts to stick to your plan and only buy for kids. She will get over it and if not maybe you wont have to spend any more christmas’s with the unpleasant woman.

she sounds miserable and not appreciative of previous gifts. I say she is a grown lady who should understand Christmas is for the kids and adults should be happy with time spent together. If she is that greedy I say stick to the plan… gifts for kids only. If she doesn’t like that to bad. We all try and please everyone to much during these holidays. Do what’s best for your family!!

Stay with what you believe in especially for your kids

Take something from her house and wrap it up and give it to her for Christmas lol. Jk. She sounds amazing lol

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Ugh i wouldn’t even involve myself with someone like that. I wpuld Never buy her a thing anymore

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Hell no, if she can’t be greatful for the stuff you have done for her then she can go kiss a ass hole, selfish people like that will never be greatful, stand your ground, your not there to make her happy, focus on your kids and hubby and that’s all

Similar situation. Tried to appease MIL for years. Husband and I finally decided, “We chose to not have crazy in our lives”. Even as she was dying, she reached out to me by phone to try to manipulate. We were estranged from her till the end. Sad and painful, but for the sake of our sanity, and my husband’s sobriety, we could not have her in our lives.

Well she sounds like a lovely person :roll_eyes: both mine and my husbands family both need or want for nothing so for Christmas each year, I make a homemade treat cookies, fudge etc… give a framed current family picture of our individual family and card. I do this for each individual family within both our big family’s. It doesn’t have to be an expensive thing either. I just get my frames and pictures printed at Walmart and the treats I make are usually pretty simple. It definitely eases the stress of what to get everyone. For my mother in law and father in law I do a little extra and get them a personal gift. Usually something sentimental from our son. They always love it. If she is truly unhappy with everything you try to do I would tell my husband he needs to talk to her about it and I would tell him to find her the gift she wants.

This is a great opportunity to set new boundaries. Be firm and try not to take anything she says personally. Honestly, she sounds toxic and it may be a relief that she isn’t speaking to you lol

Stick to your guns and just buy for kids


We told our daughters to not buy us anything. .they make donations. .food baskets and toys for less fortunate…:christmas_tree::christmas_tree::christmas_tree:


Buy her some tampons and put in her card ‘is this personal enough?’


You need to put her in her place. Tell her what you just told us. :woman_shrugging:

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She sounds completely ungrateful and rude. You guys will have a better Xmas without her being a part of it.

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Get her a porno & tell her stfu :+1:t3:


First of all, she is on the naughty list for sure. What grown as person acts like any of that when recieving gifts? It’s literally crazy. Let her pout and throw a trantrum all she wants, but stick to your guns. You don’t owe her an explanation and frankly she should know better than to act the way she acts in the first place. She needs like a Hallmark Christmas movie reality check haha and to be reminded what Christmas is really all about. It’s not about gifts, it’s not about what you get, it’s the thought that counts and the real gift is family after all.

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You could always buy her some of those animal onsie sleeper things from walmart :joy::rofl: give the family some entertainment or watch her implode.
Good luck, im sorry you’re having to deal with this.

I think you should ur kid’s and buy ur hubby stuff ,and just buy her a gift card with money this way she can buy herself something she Like’s after all we can’t change people but you can change ur self don’t allow her to ruin ur holiday’s may be if you,ur hubby can sit her down and Let her know what ur feeling but with out getting up set with her,and yelling at her, and say mom what would you like for Christmas, so you would get an idea as to what to buy her

Yes, love it when you and Joel surprise me with buns, lasagna or cabbage rolls! So yummy, and gives me sweet relief from cooking! :kissing_heart:

She sounds so ridiculous and toxic. I wouldn’t let her foolishness bother me. Why would you want her in your life anyway? She sounds so negative. Just stick to your own life without her. You don’t need her.

She sounds like a spoiled… entitled…selfish… narcissistic… self centered brat like I had to deal with for 26 years… thank GOD my ex husbands current wife has to deal with her now… you will NEVER EVER please her so don’t take it personal & stop trying…

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Give her a lump of coal :wink: give her something to think about :wink:

Have you ever herd of the book called “Boundaries” order it and both of you read it!!! This isn’t about gifts or her wanting you to do stupid stuff! This is about who we are as people, the kind of people in our lives and how we attract them. what and why if things they do and want from us. You play a role and so dose she and any and everyone in your world. If your not exercising healthy boundaries people will take advantage of you.half the time They’re not really your friends and why they’re attracted to you. When you start identifying who you are and who the people are in your lives, when you start exercising healthy boundaries you will see who your friends really are. because those who are using you taking advantage of you will fall away when you start exercising healthy boundaries

She’s toxic. Sadly people like that only think about themselves. Don’t fret. Just focus on the kids.

I think you will never make her happy. She is actually jealous and resent you for marrying her son. She thinks of him as her little boy. She wants to keep him Hers!!!

If you want a relationship of communication with her.
You will have to get you husband to actually buy every gift for your MIL. ( he could discuss it with you of a limit of how much to spend)
Christmas is a celebration of Jesus birth. It is a time for family to enjoy other, the surprises, the food and love. It’s not a celebration of your MIL. she should be ashamed of her behavior.
In laws are very hard to accept a person in their child’s life. Marriage, having children still does not change the Nonacceptance !!
I hope your husband and children and yourself enjoy your holiday and I will pray that you have total peace. Merry Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy new year to all of you.


You know, i am the only survivor of a horrible house fire that took my family in 2000. I’m pretty much a loner now and the holidays are so lonely and depressing for me but I can say I would rather be alone than deal with all that you are going through over a gift. Life is a gift. I pray she can learn to appreciate the gift of time that you guys give her. It’s the little things that count the most at the end of the day.


I’ve read lot of comments… they are all such great advice… I got to say bigg ups to ur husband for seeing through her BS … nothing worse than the husbands being blind to their mothers BS. So you 2 enjoy your holidays be blessed and PLEASE DO NOT GIVE IN TO THAT WOMAN. HAPPY HOLIDAYS :moon_cake::turkey::christmas_tree::santa::clinking_glasses::champagne:

We have decided to go with birthday present for our 15 grandbabies and 2 great grand babies
It’s too much for us, I rather get the children and take them to the park or somewhere special through out the year

Sounds like my Mom! We do and do for her and she never says thank you or appreciates it then just expects more! And she manipulates everybody into giving her money or buying her things! I would just as soon she stop talking to me all together!

You gave her the best gift ever… grandkids! That’s enough!:wink:


She’s toxic child, no gift no explanation. No matter what you do it isn’t going to satisfy her. Be cordial towards her but your husband right putting foot down. You got let it go quit trying please her. You have a family enjoy your holidays. Send her a card, call. Don’t buy into her tantrums.


You hsve set your boundaries … Her choice not to speak to you. Her loss!

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Stick to your husband’s idea and just focus on your family. Christmas isn’t about the gifts anyhow! Looks like she has been using you so I would not feel bad about any other decision she is just throwing a tantrum. If she really cares and wants to be part of your lives this will pass if she stays mad then she is just worried about materialistic items. It’s about love and family!

It seems Mom wants a gift from her son, one he has picked out. If that doesn’t make mom happy then ask her directly what she would like for Christmas. Said son needs a smack for letting his wife do his dirty work. I would REFUSE to be in the middle of that mess.


Let her get mad. Just like your husband said only buy for kids and let it stay like that. If she don’t want to go on the cruise go without her. She should be grateful for what she gets. If my kids have me a canvas of all my kids and grandkids you bet I would put it right in the middle of my wall in my living room

Forget her!!! But I love scented candles, chocolate, movies, gift cards to Walmart, whatever you want to do!!!

Not exactly my situation but I can relate since I married my husband I was never invited to holidays with my mil. And my fil is a joke never invited us over for holidays. Except once and fil’s girlfriend blames me for my husband losing his job. Which was years ago .

We have cut back and cut back to the point that this year I am only buying for my grandchildren. It has been a rough year financially and we decided to take the pressure off everyone. Everyone has their own Christmas in the morning at their homes and then we get together and spend the day together by having a traditional breakfast around 11 am. Then kids can open gifts from us and we enjoy each others company and have a lovely dinner. The most important part of the day is being together. My mother passed away 1 month ago and it will be hard anyway. So a little change will maybe help. It’s not about the gifts anyway and the most important gift you can receive is spending time with family! Maybe it’s time to make a new tradition. Christmas is for the children. Sounds like your mil thinks it’s all about her.


I dont allow my children to give me gifts other than something homemade like oranaments…pictures…etc…wood working items…they dont have the extra money to buy things I dont need…your mother in law is selfish… maybe a couple of years of no gift will set her straight

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Buy her a tombstone this year. Next year don’t get her anything, when she asks why you didn’t get her anything, tell her she hadn’t used last years gift yet. :rofl:


Sounds pretty narcissistic and I wouldn’t want that around my kids. I personally cut my birth mother out of my life because I had enough of this behavior

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It’s your mil so nothing will ever be good enough for her. Don’t buy her anything from now on she doesn’t deserve it !! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Sounds to me like she won’t be happy unless she is causing drama. Don’t stress over her it’s what she wants.


Sounds like she has borderline personality disorder and no matter what you do, suggest, buy, or don’t do, it will always be wrong. Stand by your decision and do what brings you joy or less stress. Don’t go out of your way for her but do things you don’t mind. She is going to complain either way…


no gift is a good gift because you won’t get it wrong she’ll never be happy

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First off she’s your mother in law. Your husband’s mommy. Let him deal.with that kinda crazy. Girl squash all that crazy. She is his mother respect her as that but set some boundaries. You could piss glitter and shoot it out a rainbow with lavender gold and wouldn’t make that woman Happy. Good luck. And stick to buying for the kids only Do not give in!!


Walk away and let it go, don’t buy anything anymore

Her not talking to you sounds like the best give she could have given you!


I say both you and hubby need to sit down and have a chat with her.


Christmas is for kids.


Crucial conversation between her and her son. Case closed