My mother-in-law is trying to change the date of my sons party

Nope! Keep it at the park and don’t have her help! Lol


Go with your original plan

It’s your son’s birthday and your his parents. You get to decide, the nerve!!


I’d stick to my original plan and she can either show up or not :woman_shrugging:

This post makes me so angry. Not at you but I know people (family) who are the exact same way. I would just be straightforward with her and tell her she is a narcissist, selfish, entitled, mean, disgusting old lady and she can go straight to ****. That’s just me though. Sometimes enough is enough. I know my opinion probably isn’t going to fair well on this post but I’m speaking from an angry heart right now. Yes, I got triggered :woman_shrugging::unamused:


She needs to grow up. It is your sons birthday and her grandson. If she cannot be there for him she need to stay far away.


That’s your son you don’t have to bend for anyone you chose the 3rd keep it the 3 rd. And I’ll never understand how a grandparent can have favorites I have 4 3 blood and 1 that’s not but I love all 4 of them the same. I’d tell her if she can’t treat your kids like she does their cousins then stay out of their lives


God, lol. She sounds horrific. This is about your son. This is about what HE would enjoy, and that’s HIS birthday on this birthday party date. Why should he have to wait longer to celebrate HIS birthday? If this happened to me I’d tell them to get bent and find a way to be there, if not, that’s on them.

I would just have 2 parties :woman_shrugging:t2: have the one you planned then do something with the mil and the other grandkids

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I honestly would tell her there is no need for them to drop off a gift and no need for MIL to come if she has such a problem with it. It is YOUR child’s bday, not the sister in law nor MIL bdays nor their kids. And you can have a great time regardless.

As a grandmother myself, I think you should keep the date you chose and everyone else agreed to. This is YOUR son, cerebrating HIS birthday. Your mother in law really needs to get over herself. I’m a petty/catty woman and would let her know that if she wants to celebrate anything at all on your birthday, it will be your birthday celebration since your son recently celebrated his birthday at the park or at home or wherever else you choose to celebrate his birthday.

Your son your rules simple. Have his party when u want not anyone else. Who doesn’t come doesn’t but your boys will know who was there for them n who wasn’t. They won’t miss out she will so let her have her sulk and don’t waste your time worrying. It’s your son and you as his parents are who decides what is what no one else. I hope he has an amazing day with those who truly love n care for him :heart:

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My birthday is the 5th as well! No don’t feel bad, do what you’d like for your baby!!

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Nope nope nope. That is YOUR baby. She sounds extremely manipulative and not doing it out of love, just doing it to get her way and putting HER happiness first unfortunately. You do what you think is best mama!


No your not wrong at all and I’d definitely cut her ass out she’s ridiculous

Leave the date what you want it to be its your sons birthday so you just do you and your kids and let her be mad and supposedly hurt

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Nope your not wrong at all!!! Your Son, your choice!!


You and your husband should do what is best for you and your kids and just ignore any and everyone else. My family is toxic and we are not part of their lives and life is better that way.


If you given now it will never stop trust me


Do what’s right for you and your son.


Your son, your party, your day. Anyone that can’t come, can’t come. You can’t please everyone.


I would keep the party as is- the Sunday you and your hubby chose - and have it in the park. That’s all.


don’t let her take over…do your event just the way you have it planned :slightly_smiling_face:


Never in a million years would I allow that to happen. Stick to your guns it’s about YOUR son and if no one likes that then they aren’t worth the time to even worry about!


Have you BBQ just like planned because the kids will be running around and they won’t even know its a little chilly. Don’t change your plans!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You are not wrong, you child celebrate as you want for their party. I have had similar experiences and I stick form and others can’t make it their issue not yours. My kids it is Mother’s Day and Father’s Day falls right around their birthdays and I always try to do what I can on the Saturday instead of Sunday but have to deal with family members in sports as well as mine when they were younger. Enjoy the birthdays and make fun memories together.

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Now u know any payments she offers to make comes with T& C’s so dont take it. Secondly your home is just fine. The mess is what’s annoying. F them,they saw the event already so why didn’t they move there visit up. And hello all kids have birthdays on the weekends when parents are available so kids can come. And if there birthday fall on a weekend or close even better. Instead of 2 cakes u get one


You are not in the wrong. If you change the date to accommodate them they will make you do it every time. Stick to your plans. Tell MIL she can do CEC with your son & the other grandkids on another day. Maybe a group bday celebration for all the kids in that month or quarter? She can do both. She just wants to take yours away.

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It’s your call. Since when do you ask the host to cancel party plans they made? Even if she offered to pay it still should have been on your chosen day.


Good riddance to her I say ":tired_face:

Don’t change it. MIL doesn’t care about your child she is more worried about her other ones if she doesn’t like the date tell her to stay home…


I would do it the way you want and have it were you want. If some cannot come they just cannot come

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Took my grandson, daughter and son-in-law to Chucky cheese the other day for baby’s 1st birthday, All 3 of us ( not baby thank goodness) got food poisoning, it was the worst feeling Ever! So doing things your way is probably safest :laughing:

Hell no it’s your son. You do your family and let them do them. You MIL needs to get over it. If that was me I would let her keep her gift

You made the right call, she will get over it, don’t overthink it.


You are right‼️ If she wants to drop the gift off & not stay, it’s her choice‼️It will probably be a better time if she isn’t there‼️

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I would still keep the party at your house and do what you want since its your sons day. She will get over her drama. Its not about her its his day. Weekends are normally better. I get trying to include everyone in a large family party but even that is a challenge to get everyone to attend and everyone has there own separate agenda

Your son is 2 and wont even care if it’s at Chuck E Cheese🙄 keep the gathering how you originally planned it.


I would have adjusted to include everyone. Inclusion would only serve to benefit your son.

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Do it the way you want. You are not wrong, she is.

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You are not wrong ! He is your child and his birthday don’t change plans because she is having a tantrum!


Tell her she can do what she wants for the next baby she gives birth to but since you gave birth to this one you will do what you want for him!! That should shut her up…LOL

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You are not wrong if they want to go sooo badly they’ll change their schedule

I’m not reading the whole thing. I read the first part and if you want to keep it Sunday then keep it Sunday and do it at the park. You don’t have to do what she wants if she trying to change everything for the place she offered to do it at.

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Its your choice since its your son. She’ll get over it

Your kid, your rules

No… you do your sons party when you want.

Set the date and stick to it.
My husband is an otr trucker, we had an appointmrnt for our daughter he had to attend. His rig also needed work so he actually got home earlier then expected. We still had the party Sunday night all our friends attended but one. And thats only because her husband is also an OTR driver. Anyways none of my inlaws could make it for the first time ever. My mil, sil, fil all were scheduled to work and my other sil was on vacation in NY. The family nanny brought our nephew and let me just say it was really nice to see the littles playing. You family has to accept your choice it is about your child and what works best for your family. This worked for my family because after her appointment he was planning on rolling out, however truck wasn’t done and he had a knee injury.

Tell her thank you but no thank you the 3rd works for everyone and that’s it. He’s gonna be 2 he won’t remember a thing about it. No need to have it anywhere special especially if there’s a hidden agenda!


You’re. It in the wrong at all good job standing up for yourself and son and same to your husband for not caving

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It’s ur party ur date just leave it at that

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It’s her loss if she doesn’t go. You will have the ones you really want to be with.

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Sad that the one who suffers are the kids. Have it at your house. THE SECOND any drama starts, ask them to leave. That is not how you want to remember your sons birthday.


Just ignore the old bat…happy birthday party for Sunday at yours…beats me why these older women ( and I’m one) need to.poke their noses in…I wouldn’t…


Geez narcissist much. Tell her to go blow. I would. That’s bs


do NOT bend !!!


Don’t bend!!! If they really cared then they would be there


No you’re not wrong. I’m sorry you have a manipulative MIL. You have to put your foot down right away or she’ll do it forever and make your life miserable causing YOU to feel miserable. It’s ok to be assertive and you can do it nicely without feeling guilty. I know what I’m talking about bc my MIL was like that.


If the party is for her grandchild she’s not hurting you by not going , she’s hurting her grandchild. By the way that is one of the most childish things I have heard an adult do…Who cares, you shouldn’t and have the best time ! Happy early birthday to your little!


She can get hurt all she wants. Her feelings are not your responsibility. It sounds like she is used to manipulating her way around and when it doesn’t happen she uses guilt to manipulate. Put your foot down and continue to do so. Eventually she will either figure out it won’t work with you and back down or she will cut herself off.


Should of stuck with your original plans…do it on sunday!!!

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Honestly she is not wrong for wanting her other grandkids to be there but how she went about it was wrong. You picked your original date go accommodate family members that worked. And if the plans for your sister in law to go out of town was made before you set the date then she or more importantly the sister in law should have said have discuss it with you and see if a compromise could have been found. But the manipulation to get what she wanted without sharing the reason just took it to a whole new level. At this point I would just do what makes you and your husband feel the most comfortable with the situation.

You are not in the wrong at all. The fact that someone was hellbent on you doing the party on your birthday showed you no respect

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Do not bend for anyone. That is YOUR child. Do it how YOU want it. Your children will see for themselves.


Do not bend. Also if mil wants to drop off gifts and leave let her know that it’s the last straw and cut communication for a bit (talk to your husband first and make the decision together).


I would just let her be hurt. It’s your son and if the hubby goes alo g with your plans then tell her to butt out. Omg she is over bearing. Hugs. Gees monster in law wow!! Smh

Your son
Your rules
End off


Your daughter! Do it for her. You did right, and stick by it.

Do it. Your MiL soundslike a B. Who needs that manipulative person around? go with ^^^ Steph’s advice; talk to hubby first. you’re in thre right (Y)


I think I’ll handle that very well. You’re not in the wrong at all.


Turn it right around and use her own words against her. Tell her how you guys feel. Tell her that you’re extremely hurt by her obvious favoritism. Tell her that you’re extremely hurt that she wants to change your son’s birthday party bc her other adult child chose to go out of town that day. Tell her you will be spending your bday however you want bc it’s your day and that your son’s bday party will go on as planned. While you’re at it tell her that if she doesn’t want to attend that you, your husband and your son will all be extremely hurt and that you will no longer stand for her disrespect. Tell her this is the last time your family will invite her to anything if she doesn’t show up. Also tell her not to bother dropping off the gift, she can mail it or return it.


Yuck! What a narcissistic nightmare of a woman! You and your husband do what YOU want for YOUR sons birthday. You are definitely NOT in the wrong. In my opinion, the sister should change her plans as she just saw her husband’s family a week ago :woman_facepalming:t4: And now for the grandmother to chuck her toys out the cot and say she’s not coming is DISGUSTING and immature behaviour!

Keep it at your home and if she doesn’t come count your blessings, nasty woman sounds like she’d make the day very uncomfortable anyway!


I don’t understand how a Grandmother can favor a daughters kids over her son’s. You did the right thing.


You’re not wrong. She’s toxic. I’d never accept anything from her because it’s come with strings attached. You’d be wise to cut off contact.


I cut my husband’s side of the family off after many things, but one of them was being mean and playing favorites with my kids. No regrets either. I told my husband that I would never stand in the way of him having a relationship with them, but for me and our children would not be around that. He never talks to them for his own reasons to this day. So start cutting; you will not regret it.


Geeez that’s a nightmare… your not in the wrong.

I see her point but she can do something when they come back. Stick to your day you want and the park. If people show they show if not no biggie.

Your definitely not wrong!

Your not in the wrong

have the party, let her drop the gift, you can’t please everyone and if you worry about who is showing up and who isn’t then it will destroy your sanity. I hope your son has a good birthday!

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Good Luck, honey! This lady will continue to screw around with you until you and/or her son put your foot/feet down. Have the kind of party where, when and how you want. You’re adults, stand by your own wishes. If someone can attend, fine. If they can’t–oh well, better luck next year. From what you describe, sorry but I have to tell you that no matter what you would have done you would have caught some nastiness from her, so stand your ground now, hon. It will not get better, I know from experience.


I would have my party on Sunday and if she wants to take them to Chuck-E-Cheese on Tuesday then she can do that. ML can stop being so dramatic.

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Whose party is it anyway??? Gads….set the date and place and stick to it!!!

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Tell mil to keep her gift


Continue with your plans that’s her problem if she cannot attend its your child’s birthday not hers.


I just want to say I hope you keep the date that’s best for ya. You are not in the wrong, you can’t please everyone. Happy Birthday :tada: to your little man I hope he has a great day.

And if this not the first time she doing something against ya, grandma needs to be cut off :scissors: cause she ain’t right with her BS


First of all, your mother in law didn’t give birth to a grandson so you’re his mother you do what you want for your son. And your husband should stand by you and your son to straight up to his mom this is about your son not her daughter or her kids. Keep the date. For your birthday, you deserve to do something special for your own birthday with your husband and your children. Second, I wouldn’t let her pay for birthday events because who know one day she will make you pay it all back and she want to be the control to what she want. Also, when she have other grandkids there she will spoil them more than your son and your other kids it isn’t worth it if she can’t treat the same love as she does to other grandkids. If she don’t want to show up for his birthday I would tell her it is your choice no feeling hurt or no one isn’t stopping her or expect her. Just keep the gift or return it. As for me when a mother in law said she isn’t attending the birthday party for her grandson. I definitely will cut her out permanently for being immature childish grandmother and not being fair to love the grand children fairly. But the husband can see his mom but not the kids or me.


One thing you have to realize especially after having kids. You cannot please everyone, even if you tried. Your kids and your happiness takes priority.


Keep your date, and she can go get bent. Crazy lady!


Your not wrong stick to your guns lass it’s your sone Birthday do it as you wish it to be bless you :kissing_heart:


Do what makes you happy. It’s as simple as that!

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Try to make it for next weekend and see if that works? 4 year olds dont really know when their actual bday is. My girl turns 4 on June 10. Im a surrogate due on June 26th,so we are doing her bday party at the park on May 22nd. That way if it gets rained out ,we are able to push it back to the next weekend with no fear of me going into labor. You can’t please everyone…but i would try to compromise. If that isnt good enough,then just let it go and have it at your place. My husband’s bday cookout is tomorrow in our backyard. Lol.

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Keep your date don’t change it for her she’s going to keep doing this trying to change everything you plan forever, sounds like what my sister does in my family and it stinks my brother passed away in October 2021 and she didn’t do anything until December and had a celebration of life for him not one person said anything about missing him it was a disaster for me we were 18 months apart in age in December we said we will take his ashes and bury next to daddy & momma in March or April now she’s change it to may or June so I asked for half of the ashes an will just keep him close to me, she’s always been this way and isn’t going to change so she’s just getting cut out of my life and I’M much happier with her out.

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You should keep your original plan , if she can’t go that is completely on her
( she can still taking your kids to Chucky Cheese if she want )

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Why should you change you plans because of others choices
Stand your ground

Just stick with the 3rd in the park.

Tell her thanks but no thanks and have your wonderful party in the park

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Do the party when and where you want.The day is about your child no one else.Who cares how she feels about it or if she shows up.


How I see it grandparents have no say when it comes to my child’s party . She sounds like a control freak and only offer to pay to have full control of the situation. Do not give in it’s your child not hers. Cut them off you don’t need any toxicity and negativity from self centered people who only care about themselves. Just because they’re family doesn’t mean you have to tolerate them.

I am making these days easily more than $500 per day for doing work online. i got my 3rd payment last month of $16765. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $17463 per month but now i see how it works.