My mother-in-law is trying to change the date of my sons party

Go with your plans and tell your husband to be a man and put his foot down to his mommy

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Nope, you aren’t wrong at all! The party isn’t about anyone but your baby and everyone else can F off!


Sounds like a win to me! What an airhead.
Keep the party at your house and have the best day with your son and family :slight_smile: :partying_face:


Honestly I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do you need to protect your family I cut of my whole family because they are just toxic and I didn’t want my son growing up the way I did sometimes you need to do what’s best for you and yours

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No you are not in the wrong. Keep your plans and tell them you are the mother and this is the way it is… Point blank


Your and your husband’s child so go with the date YOU guys decided it’s not her decision if she wants to do something afterwards with her grandchild that’s fine but not up to her on when his party can be


What a meddling old bittie!!!


:two_hearts:been there… I would appreciate the fact she is willing to pay for it all but she has no right to choose the date. The only way I would have my child’s birthday party on a weeknight would be if their birthday was actually that day. You just know the sister threw a stink and that’s why all this happened, right? She’s probably jealous of you and your son :0/ Your mother inlaw will probably still come and make it aquard just to prove a point… just make it the best party and enjoy your family and guest and act like it’s no big deal. If she wants to be that way it’s her problem, not yours. It’s not like you knew they were going out of town and purposely planned it for that day. I wouldn’t blame you if you did if she plays favorites with other grand kids I wouldn’t want them there either, this way she can focus her attention on the birthday child… Good luck and please try not to put your husband in the middle, you don’t need waves in your marriage because of her! :two_hearts::pleading_face:


It’s your child you do what you want they can be there or they wont they are the ones missing out :woman_shrugging:t4:


You are definitely not over reacting,
Stick to the date you chose and tell your MIL to mind her own business and stop being a control freak


Do it your way and on the date you want!!!


Have the party… they’ll get over it! Don’t change anything to accommodate others… If they can’t come oh well, there will be other birthdays they can attend


Have 2 party’s. That’s what I would do. So everyone can go.

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It’s your son you do what you want


Omg that’s my daughter’s birthday!

Its your party for your son. You choose the date to accommodate your schedule and not any one elses


Stand your ground,Your kid,Your party


…would they accommodate your family if the situation was reversed


NTA it’s not her choice it’s yours, you can’t please everyone. If they can come great. If not oh well. I’m glad you kept it as is.


I did best thing to do

Stuff her. Go with the date you chose, and give your son a nice birthday. And have an awesome birthday yourself on Tuesday


No you’re not wrong at all.
Of course I don’t know the history with your in laws but it sounds like this could be a recurring problem - I would honestly go ahead with your sons party to suit you & your family and then I would definitely be sitting down with hubby and discussing a way to put your feelings across to his family and going from there.


I would say keep that date for you son, its not about them its his day.

Don’t have toxic family or friends around your family.

It’s your kid not hers. Not everybody can always be there at parties. She needs to just suck it

It’s your family so do what you want.

Have 2 parties. The one she pays for with her people, and the one you have when you want with all your son’s friends.


Grandma is so out of line. She cares so much that she isn’t gonna attend her grandkid birthday smh damn shame

Wow. At first I wanted to say it was nice that she offered to pay and tried to make it work for her daughter too. But if you the mother needs a specific date then she just needs to deal with it. It’s up to other people to change their schedule for a party. In my opinion but wow at how she acted about it. Ridiculous. Good luck in the future

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Girl you ain’t wrong AT ALL . That’s yalls son not hers and like u said the people who wanna be there and can be there will be there . Toxic family members need to be put in their place sometimes.

Do both? So everyone can be involved …

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Nope, if you let her do it once, she’ll continue. My monster in law did that way too many times and when I finally put my foot down she threw a hissy, I’m now not welcome in her home. Good riddance.


It’s YOUR son’s party. Your MiL is wrong here.


id do the day and time you want. who cares if they come

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Have it at the park as you planned. It is for your son day not your mother-in-laws. Those that can make it and want to came will. Those who can’t that is ok to.

Go ahead with your plans and let her host a second party for the ones she wants to come. No child EVER said no to 2 parties :slight_smile: Problem solved with no hurt feelings


I agree with you! As far as anyone, family or friends, if they can’t t make it (with enough notice of course) then ok or if already had plans ok. If they want to be drama like her or blow off cause not her way, then your right; time to cut off or distance :v:

As far as im concerned its your child so stick with the the plans you and your husband have made. Your MIL chooses not to attend because its not the right day for her, too bad, after all its YOUR daughter birthday not hers. Tell her the day is firm.

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You and your husband do what you think is right for your son, does not matter about anyone else being accommodated to.

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You’re absolutely right to do it your way. Giving now will make her assume she can get her way whenever she pleases. It’s not like you’re doing it out of spite, you’re just deciding to follow your original plan.

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its your sons birthday tell gran to have her own birthday for grandad

Do it the way you planned. And tell your MIL that you will agree to a 2nd party since she’s paying for it. It’s not unusual in our family to have more than 1 celebration to be able to accommodate as many family members as possible.


It is not your mother in laws choice and your husband needs to stand up to her about it

Nope you are not wrong!!! Its your sons birthday its not on the 10th !!! what is she thinking of . Stick to your guns

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I had a m.i.l. just like that ! Stand your ground or she will get worse!

Let the party begin its your son ,have it your way!

Tell MIL to keep her nose in her own damn yard, you got this!!! I have no mercy for bully’s!

Coming from someone who has had to ‘accommodate’ certain members of my ‘family’ my entire life… this is TOXIC. You do what is best for you because I’m sure she’ll find a way to complain about it anyway. :woman_shrugging:t2:


No mam,u did exactly what u should have done,i am a mother of grown kids whom have their own kids,and i would never,so you did the right thing,congratulations on standing up to your toxic mother in law,hopefully she will know now that she cant manipulate you


I agree, if you don’t stand up now she will manipulate everything for the rest of your life. The guilt trip of we will stop by and drop the gift off but not attend? I would of told her to not worry about it to give it to her daughters kids and that because of her behavior she is no longer invited. Sometimes you have to open up a can of Act Right to people like this so they don’t attempt to cross your boundaries again. Kudos to you for standing your ground!!

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Have your party, if it’s such a big deal to her she can pay for the party on Tuesday and have it just be the greandkids.


Stand your ground. It is you and your man’s kid. Not hers!

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Have the party on the 3rd. People can put sweaters on. Let the kids enjoy themselves outside.

Your decision and your child.Do it your way.

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Rule #1: Invite who you want. It’s their choice to attend OR. NOT. You have been gracious to invite them. ( in my opinion… you’re better off without them) Keep your plans. It’s not up to you to schedule around other people.

He is your son and it’s up to you when and where you have his party. For my sons first birthday, my MIL wouldn’t come to his party because I wouldn’t let her bring her flavor of the month.

He’s two Small party. This has become your party and an argument over nothing. Don’t deprive your children of the grandparents over your differences

Don’t cut them out but don’t bow to their schedule or place changes either. Just announce whatever event you intend to host and leave it at that. Doing it on the weekend to accomodate working peoples schedules is very nice of you but about the extent of what you should do.

If she decides to cut you out just keep announcing events and don’t worry about it, then it’s all on her shoulders.

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Your kid. Their bday. Everything else is irrelevant. Just be delicate to your husband about it by not compounding it and gossiping about them. Have your party and move on.

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No I don’t see a problem at all. That is so inconsiderate of her and selfish. I wouldn’t change my plans if it were my situation. You did the right thing for your family

Just do it at the park the day yall picked


Nope you aren’t wrong she is the date is urs n ur husband’s choice not hers

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If your mother in law has to make everything about her and her side of the family that is not fair to you. Stand your ground. If she chooses not to come because she is throwing a fit then that is her problem. You could always tell her that you simply won’t invite her again if she has to make everything so dang stressful.


You did the right thing!!! I’m honestly so happy for you because most people do bend to their family’s toxic behavior and then feel bad afterwards!

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Nope your not wrong ! It’s your kids birthday! You and your husband get to pick where and when you want it

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You do as you want for your child and it’s weird to do kids parties in weekdays as it is cause most have to work like you have pointed out. Grandma is out of line and you may be better off without her there.

Nope. The party at the park would be just fine don’t take money from people so they can try to control you! Or she can pay for the party on the day you chose!