My mother-in-law is trying to control my husbands every move: Advice?

Pull ALL $ n go open a new account where she doesn’t have access
Tell him to man the fuck up or move the fuck out

I see a shit storm coming from a 100 miles away lol. This needs to stop now or it won’t ever.

I’d take my money and put it in my own account


Get your own bank account and put your own money in it. This all should have been addressed and handled before you guys got married honestly. Unfortunately this won’t stop until he respects you enough to listen and take how you feel about it into consideration.


oh no no no no…

you open your own account and make sure ALL of your money is in it.

also, not to be that bitch, but also, to be that bitch…How did you not address any of this before the “I Do” part?

An intervention needs to happen.
You can remove her name from the acct. start there. Change online bank password.


My lord. A mother should not be on a married couple’s joint bank account. He needs to grow up.


Open up a new account and he can xfer money in there. Set a clear set of ground Rules about YOUR baby and if he doesn’t want to back you up, explain you will be leaving so he can continue to be a little boy. :woman_shrugging:


Put an end to it now. Go withdrawal all the money open a new account without her name. He needs to grow a back bone.

Get yourself a bank account…

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Just to piss her off buy a woman’s “toy” that says what it is so she will look it up what you bought. Start a new bank account.

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Please show him this comment: you are a grown man, if you dont leave the relationship with your mom, eventually your wife will leave the relationship with you. Take control of the situation yourself. If you have too, confront her yourself as respectful as possible. Make sure he sees this part too…this is not normal.


What made you think signing a marriage license would change THEIR behavior?
Should’ve handled this way before you got married


You definitely are not overreacting. I told my husband (before we were even married) he needed to get rid of his accounts with his mothers name & add me to it. Luckily with being pregnant you have much more power than you do with your husband because it’s your child. Don’t be afraid to put your foot down.


If it was me and I had already talked to him about it and he wont listen, here’s how this would go. Open my own bank account. If she’s close drive over if not make a phone call. Tell her exactly how it makes you feel and tell her he is a grown man. You are a grown woman and about to bring your own child into the world and if she wants to keep doing it she doesnt have to be a part of it and if he has an issue neither does he. I dont play that shit. I’ve had issues with my mother in law and cut her completely outta my life.

You didn’t see all these :triangular_flag_on_post: before you said I do :woozy_face:


Lol i wouldnt have married him



Sit down with your husband.

You are married.

We are a couple.

You NEED to talk to your mother.

If you don’t I will.

I loved my mother in law for a couple of years.
Didn’t understand mother in law problems.

Now I do.

I no longer have any relationship w her.
Dont see her.

I told my husband.
That’s your mother.

You go see her.
You talk to her

But don’t expect me to ever have anything to do her ever again.

5 years ago…


You married him knowing he is a big mama’s boy. Not smart! It could drive you two apart before you even make it to your one year mark. He needs to get her off your bank accounts and rely on you over her now, and that better happen quickly otherwise get a divorce.


Yikes. I don’t think you’re wrong to be bothered.

Tell Your husband to grow a pair! If he isn’t willing to take control of his life you are going to be in trouble for the rest of your life!


you’re not overreacting but you should’ve had a sit down talk the 3 of you before you got married

but you’re definitely going to need to do one now especially since there is a baby on the way


If your husband won’t do anything, you need to. Time to set boundaries with this woman.


I mean sweets probably should have addressed this before the wedding


Tell him it me or her and walk away there other fish on the sea

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put your foot down now or it will only get worse and let her have her own account it’s u and your husband now don’t ignore her but it’s about u and your husband pretty soon a baby too your little family good luck and def don’t share an account

Wow…did you know about any of this before you got married?


Theres a monster in law support group that is a good place to vent about awful inlaws

Life is too short-let them both know how you feel. The worse that could happen is she stop talking to you…which might not be so bad for a while.


Shes in love with her son. Get a separate bank account. My god its sick

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I’d would seriously go draw all that money out. Open a new account with him and you only! Let him know he is a grown ass man and doesn’t need his mom to watch his every move. And let her know too! I would seriously tell her to back off! Your his wife! That is your duties! You are having a child and she is not going to control it either! I’m just so glad my mil is 1500 miles away and only unblocked 1 week out of a year.

Ur husband needs to grow a back bone. U also need to tell her to back off a bit. How long ate you gonna live like that? If they don’t listen or take into consideration how it makes u feel is he really the right person to.spend ur life with.

Should have taken care of this before getting married


No cut the apron strings. I know of somebody that had to cut the strings for him

First step get your own bank account you are letting her interfere having one that she manages


For starters get your own bank account.
Secondly, marriage never solves problems.
Third, until he decides to grow a pair and let go, your feelings will never matter.
Fourth, he might not grow a pair and then you have to decide between now and dead if this is how you want to live. You married him so either deal with it or find another solution that you can live with.


You knew before you married him that he’s a mama’s boy, I wouldn’t let anyone control my marriage except my husband and me, if he’s not on your side you’re fighting battle, you married a little boy and not a man. You can try to talk to him but it sounds like it’s too late.


Ok bank account thing is ridiculous. I don’t even share one with my hubby. (Not that its wrong)we just both work full time.

Did she show signs of this before marriage because that would have told me not to marry a mommy’s boy lolom


Take all the money out and open up a new account. You would both have to sign saying she could be on the new one. Don’t agree. I know it doesn’t solve all your problems but at least it solves that one. You married a man and not a child. Ask her respectfully to give you guys your space.

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If some one tried to come between me and my son then I’m pretty sure they would need to go. Wether it be some one I am with or my sons with. Sorry… prob not what you wanted to hear. Have you tried to talk to her?

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There is zero chance in Hell I would allow my MIL or anyone to have access or control over my family finances. Good luck with this one. Doesn’t sound like he’s gonna so much to change it.


Mommas boy… It will never chang. Sry bout ur bad luck with that

Her name is on your bank account and you still married him. Kinda seems like you knew what was coming


Husband needs to speak up and be a man! This is not ok and you would absolutely have a meddling MIL telling you how to raise your kids. If you spend too much, lesson learned. You’ll never grow having someone control your every move. He needs a spine! 🤦🏼


Girl set up boundaries ASAP. Get rid of that bank account!


This is enmeshment. You need couple’s counseling, STAT. It might be the only way he will be able to clearly see what’s going on (with an impartial person).

She’s gonna micromanage you whole your pregnant and your child after ya born. Set boundaries now. Make sure she knows it’s your baby not hers and you will take care of yourself and the baby as you and your husband see fit. You didn’t marry her, don’t worry about her feelinfs


Lmao been there and it didn’t last. That is a man you need an anulment from because once you piss her off she will put shit in his head and he will choose her. Trust me

I think this should have been addressed before saying I do. But that being said maybe you guys can get counseling or something so he can learn how to not be so attached to his mother. It even says in the bible a man is to cleave to his wife and they are to become 1 flesh leaving their other family behind pretty much of course that isnt word for word but pretty much its sayin that you’re supposed to leave your mom and dad and be a family unit without them. Good luck with your mother-in-law and husband


You’re not over reacting. Everything You’re feeling is normal. Trust me. This happened with my daughters dad and I. No we didn’t get married but his mother was the SAME damn way and it NEVER changed. We ended up spliting because I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was in a relationship with him but also his mother. :unamused: Talk about annoying asf. He needs to grow tf up and tell his mom to back tf off. If he doesn’t, leave. It will not get better. Only worse.

You basically said I do to this situation. You marrying him before this was fixed was a huge mistake bcus now he has you and there is no reason to change. Mamas boys don’t change, it would require him to put his foot down to his mommy and any man who allows his mommy on his bank acct isn’t man who puts his foot down to her. Guaranteed he or she won’t change this is what u married into. Get your own bank acct and set up your own boundaries with her, your husband is likley a lost cause.


The whole bank account thing is absolutely ridiculous and I hope you are just kidding around!!! If this craziness is true separate your account. Y’all’s money is not her business and should have nothing to do with her.

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Sorry lady her name wouldn’t be on MY account, so go open your own Account

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Pack your shit and Leave while you can. I’m going 12 years with my hellish in-laws and it literally never gets better! Although I love my father in law, it’s honestly not enough to want to stuck around for the sister and mother in law’s bullshit. I mean these people are seriously mental. They would steal my private letters to my husband and get together and read them to his ex girlfriend! Yeah insane.

Sometimes parents have a hard time with boundaries when none of been established.
Managing your money (if you’re both working then she has no right to) If she is funding your life then I could see why she would do that.
Hopefully you can all sit down and talk it out, Maybe his Mom just thinks she’s being helpful?

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You should go on and look up the group DWIL Nation. They will give you great advice.

She can only do what HE sleeps her to do. He sounds like he needs to grow up. I don’t think you’re over reacting! That’s ridiculous

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Why would you think getting married would solve this? He didn’t change it when he met you. He didn’t change when he proposed to you. He won’t change now that your married and he won’t change for the baby. She is THE most important person in yalls marriage and honey you’re last. The only reason your there is for sex because his momma takes care of everything else.


You should put ultimatum on your husband… there is no other way


It’s ok to discuss things with relatives. Enjoy your pregnancy announcement. :hatching_chick:
However if something goes wrong all your $$$ its under her name.
Stop depositing $$$ and get your own bank account.
He’s a BIG BOY NOW. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Part of being married and all is figuring out how to do life together? Without anyone else! I wouldn’t have married him until he cut the cord from his momma. Same if it was his older sister trying to be bossy as well or something. Nope.


You have to be open and honest with your husband, even if you need to have a session with a therapist/counselor.

My husband and I had to have pre-marital counciling (requirement of our pastor) and it honestly helped so much with the expectations going into our marriage.

The bottom line is that he probably doesn’t know what your expectations are (unless you’ve told him) and he might have thought or expected you to be on board with his mother and the bank account situation.

She’s probably going to hover but he has to set clear boundaries with her and you and your husband need to come into agreement what those boundaries are.

If you don’t communicate with him you won’t be happy, and it won’t be easy but it will be worth it! And that’s on all things when it comes to doing life together

Congrats on your pregnancy!

Hope things turn around :heart:

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No your not overreacting she has gone to far.until you make an ultimatum to him he will continue to be attached to her.shes done it so long he thinks it’s normal. Good luck


Have him take her name off of the account or open one of your own for your paycheck.

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Did you get married to her and him? Or just him?(sarcasm). Marriage is between a husband and wife not between a husband, wife and mother. You need to sit him down and explain to him that just because he doesn’t see anything wrong with it dosent mean there isn’t. That is not normal and will end up tearing you apart. You are partners, he needs to take your feelings seriously. If he still can’t see the error maybe he never will or maybe you need to take some time apart for him to figure it out. I had to do that once and reality hit hard, we haven’t had a problem since. Good luck, stand your ground or she will run your life forever.

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Wow! I thought that I had the mother in law from HELL!

You’re not overreacting. Some mothers don’t know when to step back and let the spouse step up. You need to put your foot down. Open a new account, with drawl your money and put it ALL in the new account. Don’t tell her, don’t “run it by her”, it’s not her fucking business. It HAS to be a situation where you stop talking about it and just be about it. You can complain about her until you’re blue in the face, she’s going to keep challenging you until you demand respect. Your husband needs to get with it as well, he needs to be on your side when she comes crying to him about “how could she just do that and not tell me”
Trust me girl, you need to get it under control now because you’re about to be hormonal AF and you don’t need to be stressing over that kind of bullshit

No girl. That’s too far. She is over stepping I would be upset as well especially with a baby on the way. But since u are having a baby jst be as nice as u can. She prolly thinks she is doing what’s best even if it isn’t may be ur mother in law for a while so remember that as it takes a village. :blush::blush:

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Take your bank account and your sanity and your baby you are carrying and get out now he will always put her before you or your baby he will not change

You needed to set boundaries BEFORE the wedding. you’ve allowed it this long so now I’m sure it will be a problem to change for both of them. Its gonne be really tough and cause issues I’m sure but NEEDS to change… now. Good Luck!

  1. Don’t put your money in that bank account any more.
  2. Tell him. If he doesn’t listen then he’s as bad.
  3. Tell her straight up.
  4. Don’t ever allow anyone to micromanage your life or child… You have to be able to protect yourself and your child. Period.

Parents are always gonna be over your shoulder criticizing and dictating what you should/shouldn’t do. Same with any family member. Have to get use it hon I’m sorry. But the bank account thing is an issue. I personally won’t share an account with my s/o. Not a bad thing if you do but I will not for personal reasons. My s/o and I have our own accounts and neither one of us care what the other does with our personal money as long as our bills are paid and our family is taken care of.

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I can’t see how being diplomatic will help in this situation.Just point blank tell her and him that the bank account is private.Get a new one .And your lives are private.

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Oh, this is completely unacceptable!! I’m not sure if there are cultural differences or what country you live in, but that’s not normal in the US. This needs to be resolved immediately. Good luck to you and your spouse.

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I’d get it sorted out now with counseling first and if he doesn’t stand up like he needs to, I’d be out. It’s only going to get worse with a baby and Id be worried about her trying to take the baby if you didn’t end up staying with your husband. Sounds like she’s crazy

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have u tried talking to her??

Why is this just now an issue for you? You should have addressed this before you got married.


Seems like the theme of this page lately is:" I ignored all the red flags and still married this dude, and now I’m stuck and dont know what to do."


Not normal AT ALL!!! This women needs to realize her son is an adult now and cut the crap. He also needs to be the one to put his mother in her place, it’s no ones business what you spend your money on or what’s in your bank account, you two have to learn to be responsible and navigate this ship together as a married couple, that’s the only way people learn. There’s a thing called PRIVACY! You aren’t married to his mother and nor should you have to feel like it. This women is Overbearing and really crossing the line. She is setting her son up for a failed marriage but maybe that’s her goal! :roll_eyes:

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From my personal experience, you need to talk to him NOW about this. Let him know that he has a new family that comes first. She sounds just like my ex MIL


Nah close the account and get a new one.


First thing is close the account and open a new one so she can’t touch your money and second he needs to understand that this is not normal and that if he’s old enough to be married and starting a family then he doesn’t need mommy there for every move, he most likely will need to hear it from people other than you before he will believe it and yes she is going to try and control things with baby as well so you’re going to have to nicely at first put your foot down and if that doesn’t work then start cutting her off from things in your home. Yes she is his momma and there is a level of respect but mom needs to respect the fact that you are both grown and no longer need that kind of care.


Uh why is her name still on your bank account? Time to get a new bank account WITHOUT her the 2 of you and make that your main account. Unless he is under 18 mama shouldn’t know your finances.


If she was like this before y’all got married, what would make you think she would change?


You my dear have a monster in law I’m so sorry


Let her be on the bank account and go open one for yourself. If you’re working, direct deposit to your new account. If you are not, ‘pay’ yourself every week or 2, whatever you can afford from the main account. When she asks what’s going on, tell her to fuck off

You should put an end to that like a grown woman. Remind him who he married and who it is he sleeps next to. You married a man and expect him to act like one. Period.


Shouldn’t have married an over attached mom’s boy :woman_facepalming:

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Take yourself off that bank acct and open your own. Deposit bill money and that’s it.
At some point, you’ll have 2 choices, speak up to them both, at the same time…or leave.
There’s no living with that behavior.


Separate your accounts immediately. Talk to him or start marriage counseling. He’s a mama’s boy and she’s controlling asf. You don’t have to deal with financial abuse. Have a talk with them both because this is a disaster

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Red flags. Stop her now or it will get worse


She will try to micromanage your whole life, pregnancy, marriage, finances, every little thing about your life. DO NOT be afraid to put your foot down, she’s not going to like you after you do but oh well. You can’t grow as a couple and build a life together with her smothering both of you. You did not marry her, you married him. He needs to get a back bone and realize that this is NOT normal behavior, this is actually a very unhealthy relationship between him and his mother. It will eventually cost him his wife and child if he doesn’t change things now. If he won’t say anything first, you do it! Let the woman know that you are not a push over and she can’t just tell you what to do like she wants to, that only gives her more satisfaction. Don’t be afraid to hurt her feelings, they technically do not matter in your marriage.


Get a new account and move over a few states. Distance is good for you to focus only on each other.

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Tell him to cut the cord or he can leave and then you get a restraining order on the mother so she cant try and take over the babys life


Honey, I have no idea why you thought a piece of paper was going to change this situation, but it won’t! Not until your husband sees it as an issue and puts his momma in his place! I personally wouldnt have married in to that mess, but that’s just me. Many prayers and good vibes it gets better.


Yea close that account. There is no reason for her to be on your bank account. You need to have a talk with your husband and by talk I mean tell him that this isn’t going to happen anymore. You didn’t marry his mom.


Boundaries should’ve been set before the marriage. I would suggest counseling for you all. Tell your hubby to get off his mama’s old powder milk titties and latch on to yours…you got new fresh milk :joy::joy:

No you are not, but sometimes a mother and son are just too close. Know in your heart that maybe she just can’t let go, but be patient with her. Good luck and congratulations on your new beginning.

Of course he doesn’t see it as an issue, he’s a mommas boy. You need to nip this in the butt or it WILL ruin your marriage.


Those issues should have been handled before you got married too late to change it now because she already has gotten away with doing everything she is doing!