My mother in law keeps posting photos of my husband and his ex: Advice?

Ignore, ignore, ignore, she can’t hurt anything without an audience!!!

She doesn’t respect you.

tell hubby to tell mom to stop doing this crap or he will syop seeing her and disown her

Just ignore ignorance. If it dont apply let it fly.

Sounds like she is a little strange.

I find it peaceful to turn on the ignore button to stuff like that

Ignore it, or block it, you don’t have to put up with it.

Take recent photos of you and your husband and send them to her

You can simply call her out on her stupidity or you can block her.

If I were you I would either block her posts or just unfriend her.

Unfollow her social media so you don’t see her posts as she posts them. You can’t control what she does. Maybe she’s just reminiscing her son’s life experiences that were emotional times for her and it’s her page :woman_shrugging:t5:. I say don’t worry about photos with exes from ions ago. That shows insecurity. He been and is your husband and isn’t even really taking to his own mom which says much about her and their relationship. If anything is said to her it needs to come from him that he thinks it’s disrespectful to you and him. Not that you think it’s disrespectful because she won’t receive it the same. Don’t give this any more energy. Unfold unfollow and keep it rocking.

She sounds rude and like TROUBLE

I say block her and you wont see her posts

Not necessary to keep

Both of you block her,she doesnt want anything to do with him in person or answers the door so why in social media. Cut ties with her in social media too.

YOU shouldn’t do or say anything…HE should!!!

I’d follow up on her posts with a pic of you and he with a comment then and now…lol

Try to find pictures of her old boyfriends

So block her on social media that way you won’t see.

Ur husband should deal with this

Both of u disconnect from mommy’s social media. Before u do, post a old pic of hubby and his mom and caption it “hubby and his mom at the time”. Then post a pic of ur hubby and ur mom with a caption “Hubby and Mom”. Keep it up for a few days. If she says something, comment it is what it is and block her ass! Sorry I’m petty! :person_shrugging:

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Your husband said it best. Next time your MIL post a picture of her. Just comment that he had to kiss alot of toads to find me, his princess!

Block your MIL so you won’t see them.

Has she got Dementia

There’s a button that says DELETE!!!

Block the mother in law

You won! Wipe it off!

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Your mother-in-law is evil

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I would be ticked off too

You should comment on each pic the toad comment

Ignore it. Confronting her isn’t going to do a thing except cause upset.

Block her…not that hard.

Maybe if you don’t react, she will stop

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Another town would be nice.

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She sounds like a trouble maker

Toxic waste! Block her, then go enjoy your husband

Post a picture of you two together under her post. Say now he’s happier than he’s EVER been. :joy: if that fails unfriend the jerk

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Every time she posts a pic of him with an ex, hit “share” and put a pic of the two of you SUPER happy and tag her with a caption saying something like “wow, he was so young, so glad he’s with me now” or something to that effect. Bonus points if the pic you post has the same pose or whatever hers has.
But I’m just petty like that.

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block her on all your media… and if things get worse… have the hubby send a cease and desist letter legally…

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I find it extremely disrespectful to her daughter in law. No one cares about your son’s ex girlfriend & what she is doing. I think the son should step up & tell his mom to stop it. I think the mother in law is just a conniving b**ch.

I think blocking her on social media is a simple and efficient way to stop seeing her post’s. Two of my SIL are BLOCKED and one has been blocked for over 5 years and we were neighbors,I saw her almost everyday and we got along, but her behavior on FB was ridiculous and I gave her warnings. Then the other one got blocked recently after I left my ex of 17 years. They both over stepped their places and only on social media. So blocked

Kill her with kindness make comments on the pictures how lucky u are to have him now

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Block her and don’t let her stress you. Out of sight out of mind.

Block her and go on with your lives!! She is being very immature!!

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Ignore her! Cut her out of your lives! So

Do yourself a favor, and block her.
She’s not going to stop being childish.

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Lol I would post a picture of you two and say…we can see who won

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Ignore her completely…Blow her OFF…and get on with YOUR life.

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Block her- don’t look at her posts

I’d just unfriend her so I didn’t have to see it. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I would post pictures if her naked

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Block her. She’s trouble

So sad!! Life is short…

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It sounds like she is one that”if she isn’t stirring shit, she is holding the spoon.

My advice, let it go and be happy with your hubby. Ignore her crap. She is the one who looks like a fool. Also, unfriend her, then you don’t have to see her posting.

You’re not overreacting. She’s a passive aggressive asshole.

Just block her. Life is short and parents(in law) aren’t gods. Live your best life together and the other shit can go fuck itself.

She’s a thoughtless bitch, yes your husband does need to talk to her, it’s his mother

Tell her how you feel!

Just block her. Unfriend her!

Block her and and ignore it.

Quit reading her posts

Unfriend her live in bliss

It’s his mother’s loss God blrss

Delete her in fB or hide her posting

Your MIL is a Bitch! Ignore her.

Block her or ignore it

Mil should just stop

Pray about it the Lord will lead you

So unfriend her. Problem solved. Who cares what she does. Cut her off. Live your life.

What a hypocrite the mother-in-law is posting pictures of her son like she is such a loving mother and yet not answering the door for him? I wouldn’t let it bother you she seems like she’s trying to be very passive aggressive and I wouldn’t give her any attention about it in fact I would probably just unfriend her on Social Media

Let it go and move on…

Tell her to cut the shit and unfriend her if she doesnt stop she’s being mean

I find this quite easy to solve, imo of course. Bomb media with photos of you and your husband, at the same time mommy dearest does. And with comments about how gloriously happy they are NOW, after dark times, and how much in love they are NOW, also after dark times. Maybe, just maybe, she would get the inkling. If not, she’s doing that out of malice and that is for hubby to face her and tell mommy to stop being a BITCH…or else. Also, has anybody asked the ex if she is comfortable with this? Maybe she has something to say about this.

I would just ignore M

Block her. Problem solved.

I’m petty af. I’d be putting shit like, “Damn he’s a hottie! But her? Ew.” On all the pics. And I’d just keep doing it until she blocked me. And if she messages you and says some shit like “Stop posting those comments on my pictures!” I’d be like stop posting pics of his exs…cuz your son don’t like you posting pics of him and his former demons (or you could say problems or life ruiners or whatevs) she’ll eventually block you (which solves that problem and you won’t have to feel like an asshole had you had to block her) or she’ll quit posting them. #impettyyeayeaimpettyallthetime

Block her unfriend her.

Ignore her, let hubby handle her.

You control your phone.

If it bugs you enough to bother FB with it, maybe he should say something.
Or you could be happy he found you and married you, and block Ma In Law from your social media so you dont see it.
Sounds like twat anyway.

The MIL is jealous of her sons’ new (8 years) wife. Block her and post pictures of you and her son smiling and happy.

I get the impression that your husband isn’t too concerned about it because it’s HIS ex that your MIL is posting pix of. However, your hubby is the one who should really be sorting this out with Mom, not you. It also sounds as if your MIL is getting her jollies by getting under your skin, and the more you react, the more she will likely post. It’s a childish game she’s playing, but a game nonetheless. Don’t give her the satisfaction. I’d completely ignore her game as well as her.